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6 years ago

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 2 "Charlie"

Charlie was driving his car. It was dusk and Charlie was hoping to find somewhere to Park the car, to get some sleep in the car. He's been traveling around town for weeks looking for a side job. A couple of days he worked as a courier, then was a babysitter, and still loaded boxes in the port. Charlie was a normal cute kid who moved to America from England when he graduated from University. He thought he'd find a job in America fast. He had short blonde hair and green eyes. Charlie was regularly running and cooing, but his muscle was far from perfect. Now he drove up to the new city with new opportunities. Charlie switched the radio. 

"I believe I can fly" this song has already bored Charlie. He switched it.

 "Criminal news: Wanted by a Winston Buckett who disappeared a week ago. He left home and never came back. Distinguishing characteristics: blond hair, average height..."Charlie switched it.

"We have Hollywood stars in the Studio again..."Charlie switched again.

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 2 "Charlie"

"And now advertising. You looking for work? Are you diligent and enterprising? Are you persistent and know how to improve relations? Mr. Turns offers to work for him in his country house. He is looking for young people for the position of cook, poolboy, assistant gardener, waiter and others. A large salary, accommodation in the mansion and a good vacation are attached. If you are interested, write down the address"

Charlie remembered the address and decided to immediately send his car there. He drove up to the mansion. This house looked perfect. The spray of the fountain rose. The lawn was perfectly trimmed. From the hedge stood a man with shears and alone speedos. "It must be the gardener" Charlie thought. The man Looked at him with wide eyes and began to speak.

"Bana yardım et. Burada irademe karşı tutuluyorum. Git. Sen de başka birine dönüştün."

"Sorry, man, I don't understand Turkish."Charlie picked up the pace. The Turks still said something after him, until Charlie came to the door. He pressed the bell button and the bell rang throughout the mansion. Immediately same the door opened. On the threshold came a solid man in a suit and tie. Gray hair fought her way on his temples and he smiled snow-white smile. 

"Arik, stop talking. Take care of your duties.”The Turkish guy turned to the bushes and continued to cut them. 

“Hello, my name is Mr. Thurns. You must be here for the job."

"My name is Charlie. It's nice to meet you. You're right, I'm looking the job. I was hoping to work for you."

 "Wonderful. Go inside."

Charlie followed the owner of the mansion. They walked into the room, Charlie was able to call the office.

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 2 "Charlie"

"So you want to work for me? I have one position available. Pool-boy. What you think?"

“Hm, I have never tried such a work before" 

"Never mind. You'll learn quickly You know all the conditions, Charlie? Just sign the contract." Charlie went to the table and saw on it a sheet of paper with small handwriting and a pen. Charlie did not hesitate to put the signature. He turned to Mr. Turns and was horrified. The man's eyes burned bright blue. Charlie felt his body freeze in place and did not move. 

"Oh honey, you signed the contract and now you're all mine. Let me read you what you signed." Mr. Thurns took a leaf and began to read it. "The undersigned undertakes to undergo a cycle of transformation to change nationality, because only foreigners who know different languages work in Mr. Thurns' house.  Also, this man will live and work in Mr. Thorns ' house indefinitely. The right to terminate the contract is reserved to Mr. Thurns." Charlie was confused. What is the transformation of nationality?

It was at this moment that Charlie felt dizzy. The whole office was wrapped around him. Charlie was afraid he'd vomit on the expensive carpet. His skin started to get more tanned. His muscles swelled with great speed, his biceps ripped his sleeves, and his chest muscles lifted his shirt up. Tanned skin became smooth and hairless. Charlie could feel his cock starting to grow in his now tight pants. The eggs are swollen and the foreskin is gone. Charlie felt the changes affect his face and head. Blonde hair started to grow fast until it became long below the ears. They began to curl and darken until they were the color of resin. His cheekbones became sharper, his eyes turned into black coals, his eyebrows became thick, and his lips swelled. His whole face had changed.

"So, the new pool boy. Your name isn't Charlie anymore, it's Carlos. You're Mexican. Your dress code is just white speedo and the necklace around your neck.. Your job is to look after my pool in the backyard.” Charlie, now Kalos is sitting on the carpet, exhausted. He feels so excited. 

"¿Por qué habéis hecho esto? Yo podría, y sin esta transformación, a trabajar para usted" Carlos said in Spanish. He was surprised. He thought he would speak English, but his tongue transformed it into Spanish.

"So I have a guarantee that you will not escape, because you have nowhere to go and no one will understand. You don't understand what the Turkish guy told you, do you?" 

"Esto también transformado chico?" Carlos was amazed

"Yeah. It's the missing Winston a week ago. Good hot boy, like you.You can take a shower on the second floor and go clean the pool. Good luck with your new life. If you work for me well, I will return you to your old life and pay you handsomely. Until then, go work" 

Carlos took a shower, constantly stroking his new 9 inch cock. He cum right in the shower. It is now Mexican cum was sprayed all over the wall of the shower. Carlos went down to the pool and grabbed his hand. He really didn't know what to do now. He just had to obey and start cleaning the pool...

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 2 "Charlie"

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6 years ago

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 3 "Max"

"The library closes in 15 minutes, Please Leave the books on the shelves in the designated places..."

Max shuddered at the sound of the speaker. He fell asleep on their pupils and quietly snoring. He needed to sleep before tomorrow's lectures, but he really wanted to go to his Dorm. These dumb jocks-the neighbors will once again mock him.  They call him the nerd and the glasses. That's true. Max was always a scrawny nerd. Even at 19, he looked younger. He had big glasses and a shaggy MOP of brown hair. He was dressed only in shirt and trousers. He's never been very dressy. He was shy and timid. It was his weakness. 

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 3 "Max"

Max collected books and carried them to the shelf. And then I saw something on the floor. He picked it. It turned out to be a brochure about the work. 

"Are you tired of your life? Have you always wanted to earn a lot and live in a beautiful house? You have such a chance. Mr. Turns gaining a maid at his country mansion. An advantage for young people. Your age and appearance are not important. Payment is very generous. Accommodation and meals at the expense of the employer. Arrive"

Max was on edge. He's fed up with his life. I wanted a change of scenery. He decided to go and get the job. The very next day Max came to the address he had read in the brochure. A huge mansion with an excellent fountain and a well-groomed lawn. Apparently here has tried a good gardener. Max rang the doorbell. Nobody opened it. Max called and knocked for minutes, but there was no answer. Then he decided to come in the back. He rounded the mansion and went out to the backyard. There was a huge pool and a cute pool fight that cleaned the water with a big net.

"Excuse me, where can I find the owner?"Max Asked. The boy raised his head, looked at max and began to say something.

"Se vayan. No necesitas esa clase de trabajo. Él es un mentiroso. Se burla de ti, te convertirá en un pimpollo y obligará a trabajar!" Said the pool boy.

The guy turned around sharply, frightened. Before him stood a Man, much his higher. Dark hair was the color of resin, without a hint of gray. He looked like he was 40 years old. His beard was nicely trimmed. He was wearing a tracksuit and he had a towel around his neck. 

"I guess he just finished training," Max thought.

"You've come about the job? My name is Mr. Turns. I can offer you a job for me. Do you mind if we come into my kitchen? I have to drink a protein shake."

Max went into the kitchen followed by the host. 

"I read your brochure in the library. I'm bored with my life. It's the truth. I want a change of scenery and a place to live besides my Dorm..." 

"Nicely. I can offer you to be my cook. I'm tired of cooking for myself. You'll be working in this very kitchen. Sit down. I'll make myself a smoothie. " Mr. Thurns took the fruit out of the fridge and shoved in their mixer, added the powder and started mixing. Max looked around the kitchen in bewilderment. 

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 3 "Max"

"But I never could cook, sir. Maybe you can find another job for me?"

“Don't worry, handsome, you'll learn quickly, just sign the contract." Mr. Turns handed max a Sheet and a pen and started drinking a cocktail.

"Handsome? He called me handsome?" Max thought. But the surprise with which the owner of the mansion gave him a contract forced max to sign it, almost without thinking. Mr. Thurns took the contract. 

"And now the most interesting, handsome Max. You have to match your position." the Man clapped his hands and his eyes lit up blue. Max looked at it and couldn't move. He could feel his ass growing on the chair. His pants felt narrower as his hips and legs began to increase. Shoes were torn apart. 

"What's happening to me?"тMax screamed in horror, still not moving. 

"Only beautiful models work in my house, Max. And only foreigners. I need employees who will stay with me for a long time. Who can not go back to a past life, because no one recognizes them there."

The buttons on max's shirt started to fly off in all directions when his chest started to swell. His abs became clearly visible. The biceps swelled, tearing the sleeves. His back was expanding, pumping up his muscles. His clothes could not stand his onslaught anymore and fell on the floor with scraps. Max remained only in his underwear, which barely on it has rested. His humble 5 inch cock has grown to a powerful 9 inch. Now Max was like those bullies who humiliated him. His face began to change. Acne is gone and hair has taken the form of hairstyles. He became blond. His lips were slightly swollen and eyes changed color to dark brown. The nose, ears, chin and forehead were reconstructed, creating the face of the classic model of clothing. Max could move again. 

Mr. Thorns threw him a purple t-shirt and black sweatpants. "Don. It'll be your work uniform."Max was so shocked by his transformation that he silently obeyed the order. "And take this cap. We don't want your beautiful hair falling on the food you cook." Max put on his head cap. Immediately his head was filled with new memories of the recipes of delicious dishes and cooking. Max looked at himself in the reflection of the metal door of the refrigerator. His mouth opened in shock.

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 3 "Max"

"Qu'est-ce que vous m'avez fait?! Quoi ?! Pourquoi je parle français?" Max said.

"I think French cuisine is considered to be the best. You can get to work. Dinner's coming. Make it superb. By the way, your name isn't Max anymore. You're Valentine. The excellent Maestro of French cuisine.” 

Mr. Turns went to the pool to swim before eating, and Valentine began to wash the vegetables and cook dinner. That's his job now...

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6 years ago

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 4 "Frank"

"The amount of your loan debt is 12 567 Dollars. We kindly ask you to repay your loan or we will have to demand money in court. Have a nice day." The robot on the other end of the wire hung up.

 Frank put the phone on the nightstand and took a deep breath... He was ready to cry. About a year ago, he was fired from his job. In their opinion, he became too old, fat and his vision deteriorated, so he could no longer work in the factory. Frank had to sell the apartment and take a loan for a small house by the sea. It was on the porch of the house and went Frank. Before him was a beautiful landscape of the coast. Frank looked over at themselves. He was already 54 years old, he was gray, fat and wore huge glasses, without which he could not even see his fingers...

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 4 "Frank"

"How can I repay this loan?"Said Frank, raising his head to the sky, as if he was talking to someone...

 At this moment, his room turned on the TV. Frank quickly went into the house to turn it off, but stopped with the remote control in hand. A nice girl was advertising. 

"Do you need money to buy a new house, a car or just to pay the loan? Mr. Turns needs workers. Your age and work experience is not important. Just come to the country mansion. There's work for everyone. Write the address..." She dictated it, and Frank immediately wrote it down in my notebook. Not wasting a minute Frank mesmerized got into his old Ford and drove to the address. After a couple of hours Frank was on the spot. Rounding the perimeter of a huge mansion Frank went to the pool.

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 4 "Frank"

On one of the sun loungers lay the owner of the mansion in only swimming trunks and sunglasses. Next to him was a young blond guy and grilled sausages.

"Valentin. Don't forget to fry the vegetables too" Said a man.

"Bien sûr, maître. Je n'oublierai pas." The young man answered.

Frank looked at the man. He was kind of late in his 30s. Nice dark skin and big muscles. Dark hair and and a shiny smile.

"Ahem. Hi, I'm here to get a job."Said Frank, a bit nervous. 

The owner lowered his glasses and looked at Frank from head to toe. The young man at the grill started, but did not even turn, like something afraid. 

"Well. Very well. My name is Mr. Thurns. You're Mister...”

"Just Frank." 

“Good, Frank. I have a job for you. Do you like cleaning the house?"

“I'm not doing it well. But when I have no choice, I have to clean the house." 

"Wonderful. Then you'll be my new maid."


"Yes, Frank. Something embarrassing you? Don't worry, you will succeed. I'll pay you handsomely. How about $ 2,000 a week?"

“How much?! I agree. Where do I sign?" Frank's eyes lit up. 

"Here" Mr. Thurns pulled out a paper and a pen as if from the air. As soon as the last drop of ink touched the paper, Frank felt he couldn't move. 

"What the hell is going on?!"

“Dear Frank, you just signed a contract with me. Let me tell you that in my mansion, all the employees are models who speak different languages for safety reasons. Now join them."

Frank felt his weight and huge belly deflate like a balloon. All his fat melted in a minute. His t-shirt was now hanging on him like a hoodie, and his pants slept on the floor. His skin was firm and young. Years ago for Frank. Muscles were filled with strength and elasticity. Now they bulged under the skin with a beautiful relief. Frank now was in 2 times thinner, than until this.His muscles swelled, and his skin turned a beautiful pale color. His graying hair had once again turned dark. His bald head began to overgrow, and the wrinkles on his face were smoothed. With each breath, Frank could now see his chest muscles surging forward. His stomach became flat, and then 6 abs cubes peeked out from under the remaining subcutaneous fat. His cock became longer and thicker until it reached 7.5 inches. His hands felt the power of youth and clenched involuntarily. His face was rearranging. Took eyes are almond-shaped and dark steel. Los forehead and cheekbones became more distinct and beautiful. Frank became a different person... Frank could move again. He ran up to the pool and looked at his new look.

"私の主です! 私は若いです。 私ンや若きます。 ございます!" Frank shut his mouth in fright.

 "Now you speak Japanese like a true Japanese" Put on these pants, shirt and shoes and start cleaning my bedroom." Mr. Post said. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Now I will address you by the name of Akio."

Akio bowed to his master and happily went to clean the house. He could not even dream of such a job, and in it is also well paid.

Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 4 "Frank"

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