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118 posts
Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 4 "Frank"
Mr. Turns' Servant. Part # 4 "Frank"
"The amount of your loan debt is 12 567 Dollars. We kindly ask you to repay your loan or we will have to demand money in court. Have a nice day." The robot on the other end of the wire hung up.
Frank put the phone on the nightstand and took a deep breath... He was ready to cry. About a year ago, he was fired from his job. In their opinion, he became too old, fat and his vision deteriorated, so he could no longer work in the factory. Frank had to sell the apartment and take a loan for a small house by the sea. It was on the porch of the house and went Frank. Before him was a beautiful landscape of the coast. Frank looked over at themselves. He was already 54 years old, he was gray, fat and wore huge glasses, without which he could not even see his fingers...

"How can I repay this loan?"Said Frank, raising his head to the sky, as if he was talking to someone...
At this moment, his room turned on the TV. Frank quickly went into the house to turn it off, but stopped with the remote control in hand. A nice girl was advertising.
"Do you need money to buy a new house, a car or just to pay the loan? Mr. Turns needs workers. Your age and work experience is not important. Just come to the country mansion. There's work for everyone. Write the address..." She dictated it, and Frank immediately wrote it down in my notebook. Not wasting a minute Frank mesmerized got into his old Ford and drove to the address. After a couple of hours Frank was on the spot. Rounding the perimeter of a huge mansion Frank went to the pool.

On one of the sun loungers lay the owner of the mansion in only swimming trunks and sunglasses. Next to him was a young blond guy and grilled sausages.
"Valentin. Don't forget to fry the vegetables too" Said a man.
"Bien sûr, maître. Je n'oublierai pas." The young man answered.
Frank looked at the man. He was kind of late in his 30s. Nice dark skin and big muscles. Dark hair and and a shiny smile.
"Ahem. Hi, I'm here to get a job."Said Frank, a bit nervous.
The owner lowered his glasses and looked at Frank from head to toe. The young man at the grill started, but did not even turn, like something afraid.
"Well. Very well. My name is Mr. Thurns. You're Mister...”
"Just Frank."
“Good, Frank. I have a job for you. Do you like cleaning the house?"
“I'm not doing it well. But when I have no choice, I have to clean the house."
"Wonderful. Then you'll be my new maid."
"Yes, Frank. Something embarrassing you? Don't worry, you will succeed. I'll pay you handsomely. How about $ 2,000 a week?"
“How much?! I agree. Where do I sign?" Frank's eyes lit up.
"Here" Mr. Thurns pulled out a paper and a pen as if from the air. As soon as the last drop of ink touched the paper, Frank felt he couldn't move.
"What the hell is going on?!"
“Dear Frank, you just signed a contract with me. Let me tell you that in my mansion, all the employees are models who speak different languages for safety reasons. Now join them."
Frank felt his weight and huge belly deflate like a balloon. All his fat melted in a minute. His t-shirt was now hanging on him like a hoodie, and his pants slept on the floor. His skin was firm and young. Years ago for Frank. Muscles were filled with strength and elasticity. Now they bulged under the skin with a beautiful relief. Frank now was in 2 times thinner, than until this.His muscles swelled, and his skin turned a beautiful pale color. His graying hair had once again turned dark. His bald head began to overgrow, and the wrinkles on his face were smoothed. With each breath, Frank could now see his chest muscles surging forward. His stomach became flat, and then 6 abs cubes peeked out from under the remaining subcutaneous fat. His cock became longer and thicker until it reached 7.5 inches. His hands felt the power of youth and clenched involuntarily. His face was rearranging. Took eyes are almond-shaped and dark steel. Los forehead and cheekbones became more distinct and beautiful. Frank became a different person... Frank could move again. He ran up to the pool and looked at his new look.
"私の主です! 私は若いです。 私ンや若きます。 ございます!" Frank shut his mouth in fright.
"Now you speak Japanese like a true Japanese" Put on these pants, shirt and shoes and start cleaning my bedroom." Mr. Post said. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Now I will address you by the name of Akio."
Akio bowed to his master and happily went to clean the house. He could not even dream of such a job, and in it is also well paid.

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More Posts from Guytransformedforever
I’d like to try the black leather jacket.
And here’s the first one who wants the leather jacket. Do you want to feel a cold touch on your skin? Take her away. Do not forget to take another set of her a few gold chains and black speedo. They’ll be perfect. Put it on. I can see your body changing. It becomes smooth and a bit thinner. Not quite what you expected, is it? But leather jackets are not only big bikers. Your skin turns pale and your hair disappears. Muscles become large, strong and relief. I think your body looks like a swimmer’s body now. Blonde hair falls into the perfect hairstyle. Face changes. Cheekbones become clearer. The chin becomes squared. The lips are inflated, and the nose takes on a perfect shape. Now you can show off the face of the model from the cover of a glossy magazine. Can you pose for me a little I want to make one photo. The perfect boy.

Veni, vidi, vici

"Smile!"- Caesar heard the click of the camera. "God, I hope I'm good in the photo." he thought. A classmate asked Caesar to be photographed for the school newspaper.
He was just a regular high school guy. He was the oldest in the graduating class but not the most large. Quite the opposite. He was average height, skinny build and shy nerd. It does not correspond to its Royal name.He was always envious of high athletes who studied with him in the same class. They were always so muscular and confident. Caesar always wanted to be like them.
He again thought and did not even notice how the photographer left. Caesar Packed up his things and headed down the school corridor toward the exit.All the students had left the school by that time. His way lay past the school sports hall changing rooms, the door that was now open.
Caesar was about to pass by, I heard something strange. Whispers could be heard from the locker room. It couldn't be disassembled, but it was clearly audible. The young man became curious. He slowly, trying not to make noise, went into the locker room. He looked around, but saw no one. The whisper disappeared. The only thing that was in the locker room is forgotten by someone in the briefs. They lay on the bench with absolutely no owner. Caesar already wanted to turn around and go further, but here in his head came the sudden thought. "What if I try them on?"The thought was absurd, but at the same time so exciting. Caesar felt the cock in his pants bounce a lot.
He closed the door to the locker room, took off his clothes and walked closer to the briefings. They exuded warmth as if they had just been taken off. Smell other people's sweat and sperm filled the nose of Caesar, when he raised them to the face. The young man without hesitation put them on. Then he put on his trousers, a striped Polo, and left the dressing room.
The briefs felt so warm the whole time Caesar was walking home. But there was something strange. With each step, Caesar felt heavier and more massive and, as it seemed to him, he became a little taller. He ran home and immediately locked himself in his room. He felt so Horny. He took off all his clothes except his new briefs. He started massaging himself through them. Every second his biceps swelled and his deltas grew bigger. Caesar ran his hand through his hair. Immediately they darkened and took the form of fashionable hairstyles. His abs took the form of 6 convex cubes. The back widened, and the legs were like two huge logs. Then Caesar felt his cock getting bigger in his hand. It stretched and expanded as its balls swelled to the size of a chicken egg. Then Caesar cum. His briefs were now filled with a huge load of his sperm.
The last transformation of Caesar would have been unable to understand. His brain was re-tuned to Jock's life. All unnecessary now for him school knowledge was replaced by knowledge about football and training programs. His IQ Dropped to an average of 80. Now he's just a stupid Jock.
The next day, the updated Caesar passed by the locker room. "Why am I still not in training? We have a competition coming up, and my bro team can't do without the quarterback."
Now Caesar is a born athlete and a winner. It matches his name completely.

This is my first story on the request of another blogger. musclegrowthmaker123.tumblr.com thanks for a great idea.
Hey I am a small Mexican nerd and have always wanted to become a dumb jock with big muscles and only wears jock straps to show off my big dick and while I am rich and gay and have a boyfriend
Dumb Jock, you say? I think I can do something for you... I recently visited the Outland. There I came across a magic shaman well in the most dangerous forest. Water from it, according to local beliefs, is magical and fulfills desires. I dipped into this water stuff that I had on hand: several amulets, sheets of parchment, a ring, a cap and (I couldn't resist) a couple of my jockstraps. And now I want to give them to you. You can wear them right now. Oh, bro, are you okay? You lost your balance. Sit down until your transformation is over. I can already see your muscles starting to swell. More and more. Your mind is gradually erased... You're smelling your new scent: a mixture of sweat, unwashed hair and sperm. You smell awful. What are you waiting for? You just got off practice. You wanted to be a DUMB Jock. So now you're really stupid. Your Mexican roots are slowly fading away. Now you look like a standard American football player: blonde hair, powerful body, huge cock.

All the girls are yours. Oh sorry how could I forget! Now you don't care about girls... Ahhh, I don't think your current boyfriend would approve. You want to know who he is?

You know him. You've been playing Midfielders on your lacrosse team for 3 years. Here he is. I think you guys need a good chat in the locker room.
The Great Shift: Across State Lines
It’s funny. In retrospect people were really focusing on the wrong aspects when of oddities when it came to the great shift. I mean people all over the world were switching bodies with one another! You’d think a couple of abnormalities wouldn’t be too surprising. Yet here we are. Me discussing the first reported “odd” case of body swapping during the great shift.

Meet Abram. A nice young man! He grew up in Russia, had nice blond hair, and even had a nice slim body, unlike a lot of the other athletes he knew who were very muscular. Well… he was all of those things. After the Great Shift he found himself in Spanish underwear model Antonio Albolia. This 6′2 densely muscled body of his was everything he’d ever dream of having! He spent a solid few minutes just flexing in his bathroom mirror, when he made the discovery. However, the following days would be a little more stressful. You see most people swapped bodies with a person and that was it. Abram received a little more than Antonio’s body. The first word uttered from his new form was in Spanish… and so was the second and third. Abram had never spoken a word of that language before, so you could imagine his confusion when he began to speak it so fluently. He was sad to see that he could no longer speak Russian, but honestly he was too engrossed with his new body to mind too much. After all he was one guy in the supposedly long line of abnormal swaps.
Hey guys. Story Teller here. I’ll be back with more writings soon! Hope you can enjoy this brief cap before I go back into more frequent posting!