Sesskag - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Working on a SessKag au where Kagome goes back in time and meets (admittedly OOC) teenage Sesshomaru who is NERDY and REPRESSED and AWKWARD around WOMEN because it’s MY BRAIN and I do what I want

Plus flustered sess is amazing so

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5 years ago
Cleaned Up A Sketch From My Notebook Today Also

Cleaned up a sketch from my notebook today also

I always had a soft spot in my heart for the sesskag fanfictions where Sesshomaru is intrigued by the scents of Kagome’s bathing products. Here she is walking back from a bath only to be interrupted by Sesshomaru’s curiosity

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5 years ago


Defined as the light of the sun that is reflected back into space by the Earth, and which can illuminate other objects such as the Moon.


So I am not a writer and I have no clue what entity possessed me last night, but I began to write my first ever fanfiction? Who knows?? I’m just going with it. I’ll maybe continue to write small chapters, but really I have no clue and I’m just riding this weird-ass wave as far as it’ll take me. 

Sesskag, for reasons. Not to be taken seriously at any point. 

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧

She could do this. She was an independent, modern woman armed with the tenacity of a bone saw and a stubborn streak so long you could tie a cargo ship to harbor three times over. Just because she’d never done this before did not mean she could not do it. She would just have to rely on her many…charms to work in her favor.

…what were those again?

With an undignified harrumph, Kagome made a mental list. She was at least pretty. See, everyone was always saying how much she looked like Kikyo, and Kikyo was incredibly beautiful, so by that logic she should at least be in the passably attractive camp.

One point.

Secondly, she was adaptable. Being in uncomfortable situations was something she knew well, even thrived in. How many times had she been thrust into an unpredictable scenario only to come out on top in the end? Armed with only her wits, a few lucky shots, and hardy denial of her own embarrassment to aid her?

And luck! Definitely a third point. She was lucky. She may not be the most skilled archer, but she could hit the mark when it counted! Her powers, woefully untrained, would burst out of her when she needed them most. She’d meet just the right people at exactly the right time when their group was stuck on their quest, leading them to their next clue.

She also wasn’t dead yet, and by every metric she could come up with, the odds declared that she should be.

Fourthly. She was a powerful (though undisciplined) time traveling miko who helped save the world. That had to count for something.

She, Kagome Higurashi, was going to use everything she could draw upon to engage in a full out war. Not one of bloodshed and territories, but one of sensuality and power. A war of seduction.

Seduction. It sounded so…adult. And she was an adult, more-so in this era than in her own. Here, she could even be considered an old maid, though hopefully most people would think she looked mature instead of matronly.

After returning to the Sengoku Jidai, following the three year break when the well stopped working, Kagome had leapt to the past hoping to rekindle a romance with the dog-eared crush of her youth. But the rose colored goggles that her 15-year-old self viewed the world through were gone. The stakes of their quest and the drama surrounding their mission, had painted the young hanyou in a heroic, dreamy light. She remembered him as the dashing, triumphant man she believed to be everything she could ever want.

But then she grew up.

And when she saw him again, she really saw him. Without the girlish filter of infatuation she viewed him through in the past. Instead, Inuyasha was…flawed. How everyone was flawed, but also in ways Kagome found entirely unacceptable and really, really unsexy.

And he wasn’t really any different from how he was before, but now she noticed things.

Like how he would scratch himself in public. Or yell whatever came into that head of his, no matter how inappropriate it was. He was still a dreadful communicator, and didn’t seem to exhibit a lot of drive to better his interpersonal skills.

And he was pissy.

Kagome felt a lot of secondhand embarrassment when she was around Inuyasha these days, not because she was ashamed he was a half demon or anything like that, simply because he was totally and dreadfully immature.

This was not a partner she’d be able to grow with. Not someone who would challenge her in the ways she needed, because she knew she was pig-headed, and if she didn’t respect her partner there was no way he’d be able to sway her mind or get her to compromise. Plus, Inuyasha’s grooming habits and body language left her slightly repulsed by the idea of kissing him, let alone having sex with him.

He was still a wonderful friend. One who’d shared countless hardships with her. One who’d supported her to the best of his abilities. But he wasn’t her romantic fixation any longer.

Two years had gone by since she’d come to that realization. She now split her time between her two eras, setting up a small home near the well for easy transport. She was 20 years old, a shrine maiden in the modern era, and a miko in the past who taught children and cured the sick with her “magical remedies.” She didn’t travel around the country much anymore, promising her mother she’d settle down and live a safe life.

That apparently meant she would live a painfully single life as well.

With a sigh she continued to weed the small patch of herbs by her home. She kept half an eye on a few of the village children who were playing nearby, making sure they hadn’t killed each other with sticks yet. Rin was amongst the youths, giving as good as she got.

The problem was there weren’t exactly droves of new potential romantic interests swarming shrines for the chance of scooping up a future bride. Most men in her era were boring and would consider her time travel stories enough to diagnose clinical insanity. Also she really only new a handful of men in the feud era. Miroku was happily married to Sango, with three lovely children. Inuyasha was never going to happen. Koga was handsome but needed a major attitude adjustment PLUS he had Ayame. Shippo was her baby. And she couldn’t help but feel like she’d be settling if she wound up with one of the local village men. And Kagome was tired of settling.

Kagome wanted more.

And maybe that was selfish. But she thought she deserved to be a little selfish after all the shit the universe had pulled on her.

She wanted someone mature, exciting. Someone who could show her something new. Someone with a brain. Someone who was a challenge. Someone who would make sure she didn’t remain a virgin for her entire life.

As she swept the sweat from her brow, a truth settled in her heart. She wouldn’t dally with boys any longer. She would find herself a man and she would take him.

“Miko.” A baritone voice addressed her. “I trust my ward has been kept safe in your care.”

Well, maybe not a ‘man’ per se.

“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama.” she replied with a half smile.

And with that she gazed up at the regal demon lord blocking her sun and set her course. Yes. Kagome wanted more.

So why not have the most.

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5 years ago

Earthshine, Chapter 2

Again, I don’t consider myself a writer whatsoever but I guess I’m following my compulsions. We’ll see how long I keep doing this, but yeah. Here’s more??? Sorry if it’s lame or anything is wrong, etc. Just doing this for fun~~~


First Chapter

Kagome had seen more battles than most decorated soldiers in her time. She’d waged a war against an unspeakable evil and lived to tell the tale. And from those experiences, she’d learned a thing or two about strategy. 

Information is everything. Namely; know your enemy. If you can think like them, you’ll be two steps ahead at all times and be able to guide them into your trap. 

Mostly Naraku had done this brand of bamboozling to their group, but that's besides the point because it worked. They’d all been tricked and lead like lambs to slaughter more than once by that creature. And while Kagome wouldn’t normally be molding her behaviors off a maniacally evil megalomaniac, desperate times called for desperate measures.

Not that she was desperate.

With her mind made up on seducing Sesshomaru, daiyoukai of the west, most powerful AND beautiful demon in the four territories, and veritable icicle, Kagome knew she had to think ahead. 

It was disconcerting to realize that if she were to list things she knew he liked, she wouldn’t even use up the fingers on one hand. 

1.) Fighting. She imagined he got bored defeating opponents so easily. He was a beautiful and deadly figure on the battlefield without match. The lack of worthy challenges probably explained all of the spontaneous “friendly” bouts with Inuyasha (which Kagome vehemently disapproved of, since it was her supplies she’d burn through patching up the battered half demon) over the past few years since Rin came to live in the village.  

2.) Knowledge. This one was subtler. When he’d seen some of her futuristic objects while visiting Rin, he’d ask her pointed questions, his intense stare giving no room for anything but a full and thorough answer. These were always followed by an almost inaudible hum of acknowledgement, and a swift departure. Kagome supposed dogs were often curious creatures, so why should dog demons be any exception? 

3.) Rin. This did not translate to humans as a whole whatsoever. Just Rin. He maybe tolerated some others, but he definitely didn’t like them. In all likelihood he held a quiet disdain, but Kagome figured she was at least in the ‘tolerated’ camp, considering he trusted her with his charge, so that was encouraging.

Thinking of Rin, caused Kagome to smile. Rin was a wonderful girl, even if she suffered from the effects of a serious case of hero worship for her Lord. Kagome remembered countless times where they’d spend time together, harvesting herbs and naming the blooms they came across. The now teenaged girl didn’t really have any female figures in her life, so Kagome filled in the roll by default. She genuinely adored Rin, and suspected Rin found a good friend in return. So really this point wouldn’t be an issue. 

As far as fighting went, Kagome was a decent shot, but sparring with the daiyoukai seemed like signing a death wish. 

Now. His curiosity. Kagome knew she was a novelty to him. Even if he wasn’t interested in her exactly but in the information she had about the future, it was at least a doorway in to some decent conversation. But what could tempt the stoic demon lord? He’d seen most of her futuristic belongings she kept in this era.

She really couldn’t, in good conscience, divulge information that could change the future, just in case this didn’t work out. So no politics, investment strategies, nor extreme advancements in engineering. 

Cultural tidbits would be safer. 


No. She imagined her tastes would appall him. Pop music with all of its thick instrumentation and driving rhythms didn’t exactly fit with her image of him and she’d rather appear dignified then explain why pop music was… well, popular in her era. 


She would be the first to admit she didn’t know shit about art.


Kagome struggled to imagine Sesshomaru eating. Maybe she was guilty of putting him on a pedestal, but such a normal, everyday act seemed out of place for him. She’d certainly never seen him eat, but that wasn’t really saying much given the longest time they’d been in each other’s company was when he was fighting with Inuyasha. Also what could she prepare him that would be both impressive and appealing to a dog demon?

She decided to consult Rin. 

A direct approach was always best. Searching out her young friend Kagome inquired 

“Rin-chan. I was curious. What does Sesshomaru-sama eat?”

Rin stilled her hands, which were busy tying up herbs to dry in Kagome’s storehouse. Turning to Kagome, she gave the universal shrug of ‘I have absolutely no clue’ 

“Huh. Rin never saw him eat, now that Rin thinks about it. Or Rin just wasn’t paying attention.” 

Kagome huffed in frustration, maybe a little louder than she should have, because Rin furrowed her brow at her. 

“Why do you ask, Kagome-oneesan?” 

It was imperative Rin not catch on to her plans. She needed a reasonable excuse. One would appear any moment. Seem calm, you crazy woman.

“Oh! Well you see… I just wanted to offer him something as thanks for taking such good care of you all these years. I feel very thankful to have Rin-chan in my life. It may be too forward though… just forget I said anything”

Nailed it. 

“Rin is also happy she knows Kagome-oneesan! And is grateful to Lord Sesshomaru for bringing her to your village!”

She was clutching the fresh cuttings closely to her chest, beaming up at the older woman. The picture of earnestness. 

“I’m sorry but Rin doesn’t know what Lord Sesshomaru would like to eat! Rin only knows Lord Sesshomaru doesn’t eat human food. He told me when we first met and I tried to give him some fish, and other things”

Huh. Well, that was…less than helpful. 

“Don’t worry Rin-chan! I’ll think of something to give him. Don’t fret about it” Kagome tossed her a reassuring smile while she set about finishing their work. Reaching to tie the next bundle up to dry, Kagome, ever the optimist, was sure she’d think of something.

That was two weeks ago. She’d gained no ground since. 

Her brainstorming had lead her down very uncomfortable roads. She shuddered as she recalled that Koga’s pack used to survive by eating humans. And when she asked Shippo, he just shrugged and said dogs were “weird that way” but couldn’t provide any specifics. Sango said there just wasn’t a lot of research her village had done on dog demons since they generally stayed away from messing with human settlements.

Dog Demons. You’d think they’d be as easy to please as their mortal counterparts. 

Kagome was contemplating chucking a box of milk bones at the demon lord and taking her chances.

Maybe a change of scenery would shake an idea loose in her brain. It had been a while since she’d visited her family, and her childhood home always helped to clear her mind.

Sliding the door open to her family’s house, she was greeted by the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods. 

“Tadaima, Mama! Souta! Ojii-chan!”

“In here, dear!” 

Following her mother’s voice to their kitchen, she arrived in time to see her pull a fresh sheet of cookies from the oven. 

“Kagome! It’s so good to have you home! And with such good timing! I just made some peanut butter cookies. Would you like-“

Peanut butter. Lightning ricocheted through Kagome’s mind. Her breath hitched, and her eyes grew wide.

An epiphany held her in place. A eureka moment erupted across her consciousness.  

It couldn’t be that simple!

Glancing around, she spied the half-empty jar of peanut butter still out on the counter, a spoon jutting from the top. Kagome fumbled with the container, her hip bumping the table in her haste to get back through the well.

“-some to take to your friends?” 

And with that, the matron of the Higurashi family was left alone with a full tray and an empty room. Hearing the front door slam, she exhaled and began to wonder. Would her daughter ever settle down long enough to lay down some real roots? 

‘Peanut butter! Dogs loved peanut butter!’

Kagome swallowed a triumphant shout. It was the best idea she’d had yet. Even if it was the only idea she’d had. 

It had been 10 days since Sesshomaru had last checked on his ward, and since you could predict the tides based on the precision of his schedule, Kagome knew he’d be checking on Rin today at dusk. 

That gave her…maybe 20 minutes to catch her breath and set her trap.

Kagome clambered up the rope ladder they’d installed in the well, jar in hand, and made her way down the path towards her home. Upon rounding the corner to the field it was settled in, she noticed Rin, who often watched her home when Kagome was away, was siting by the entrance with a flower crown gently held in her hands.

The young girl perked up as she caught sight of her sisterly figure. 

“Kagome-oneesan! Welcome home! Rin thought you wouldn’t be back until tomorrow!”

“Ah - I uh, hello Rin-chan! Well you see I forgot to bring my mother - uh” glancing around she eyed the circlet of blooms in her young friend’s hands “Flowers! I was going to pick her some flowers!”

“Oh! That’s wonderful Kagome-oneesan!” 

She felt awful fibbing to Rin. But these were dire times. 

Kagome slumped on the stump near the entrance of her home where she would split wood for the hearth, trying to catch her breath. Rin sidled closer to her, then noticed the strange container Kagome had in her possession.

“What are you holding, Kagome-oneesan?” gesturing with her eyes towards the young miko’s grasp.

With an exhale, she lifted the container towards Rin. 

“It’s a snack from my home. It’s called Peanut butter. It’s kind of sticky, and nutty, but it’s not really made of nuts, it’s made from legumes I think? - I don’t know if we have peanuts here - and I’m rambling, It’s kind of sweet and salty. ” Noticing the spark in Rin’s eyes, she also added “Would you like to try it?”

“Oh! Could Rin?!” She leaned forward clutching the wreath to her chest. She was too infectious. Kagome entertained the passing thought that in the future, Rin would be able to wrap any man she wanted around her finger. 

“Of course! You might not like it however… I think it’s kind of an acquired taste.” Kagome retrieved the spoon from the jar, wiping any excess along the rim before handing it to the eager girl.

She popped the spoonful in her mouth. 

“It might be a little sticky, so don’t choke on the stuff.” Rin tried to pry open her mouth to respond but all that came out was a jumble of muffled syllables that had Kagome giggling brightly. Rin tried to talk between swallows of the sticky treat, but more stifled sounds escaped instead, which caused both women to erupt in peels of laughter. 

Neither of them noticed the third presence suddenly appear in front of them.

Sesshomaru arrived at the miko’s dwelling to discover the two human women in a puddle of frenzy, to such an extent that they both failed to mark his entrance. 

It was rare indeed for any being not to take immediate notice of the towering dog demon, so much so Sesshomaru wasn’t sure how else to gain the silly mortals’ attention. 

He set about employing the strategy he used in most of his dealings, thinking formidable thoughts and staring, sure his presence would speak for itself soon enough. 

He was wrong.

 The females were in hysterics. 

Wondering if, despite all reason, his imposing bearing had run thin Sesshomaru decided a more direct approach was necessary.

“Miko. Rin.” he intoned smoothly. Sesshomaru applauded himself when the females ceased at once.

The pair, now still, they turned to face the intimidating demon lord, fighting the urge to erupt into laughter once more. Of course Sesshomaru showed up right at this moment. 

“Lord Sesshomaru!” somewhat out of breath, Rin stood to greet her guardian. 

“Hn. This Sesshomaru trusts you’ve been well, Rin” He flicked his gaze over his charge, appraising her well-being.

“Oh yes, Lord Sesshomaru! We’ve just finished drying the spring herbs, and Kagome-oneesan has just shared a most interesting treat with Rin!” 

Gazing over the miko, he unabashedly sized her up, maybe for the first time, considering her fully. How long had Run bestowed the miko with that sisterly honorific? 

“Hn.” He swept his gaze over the woman, seeing as she fumbled with the strange container in her hands. 

“It’s nothing really, just a little something from my home” She waved her hand in mock bashfulness. Though flustered, Kagome hadn’t forgotten her self-appointed mission. She knew Sesshomaru was a curious creature by nature. She refused to give up more information than necessary. He’d have to come to her for answers. 

To Sesshomaru, the substance did not appear to be having any long lasting ill effects on his ward. Was it some sort of drug? Was this responsible for the fit of hysterics that descended upon the two? The miko stirred the thick mass in the strange pot she carried. Scenting the air, its aroma wafted towards him. It smelled unlike anything he’d encountered before. 

It smelled delicious. 


This was it. She had trained her attention on the demon lord and saw the moment the spark of curiosity flitted across his gaze. 

“Hai, Sesshomaru-sama?’ She continued to stir the peanut butter around in the jar, hoping the smell would be released more strongly into the air. 

“What is this substance you have given my ward?” He was the picture of disinterest, eyes gazing at some distant point on the horizon, busying himself by running his hand once across his mokomoko. 

Knowing the demon lord was painfully direct in all his dealings, Kagome realized he must be really tempted to put on this kind of show.

His actions confirmed her theory. She had him. 

“Would you like to try it?” Kagome offered him the handle of the heaping spoonful.

He would deny the small flare of his nostrils, and the twitch at the bottom of his mokomoko if anyone questioned him. 

“I do not eat human food, priestess” 

Kagome internally congratulated his commitment to his image. He even mustered a small sneer on his face. 

“Of course Sesshomaru-sama. How silly of me” Kagome smiled knowingly at the stubborn dog in front of her. Making a small show of it, she swiped a finger across the spoon and plopped it her mouth, humming in satisfaction, before setting the jar beside her on the stump. She could feel his eyes follow her movements.

“Well I’m sure you have more important things to do with your time, Sesshomaru-sama. I have a few things to take care of myself before nightfall, so I’ll take my leave. Safe travels. Rin, have a good night. I’ll see you tomorrow” 

“Yes! Thank you again Kagome-oneesan, Rin will see you soon!” 

Sesshomaru didn’t respond, instead turning on his heel,he departed towards the village, no doubt escorting Rin who trailed after him talking animatedly about something or other. 

Kagome didn’t call after them when she saw the jar of peanut butter was mysteriously gone. 

Elsewhere, with legendary control, Lord Sesshomaru, Ruler of the West and powerful Daiyoukai, resisted the urge to smack his lips when the miko’s strange and addictive morsel stuck to the roof of his mouth. 

The proud dog demon dissolved the empty plastic container with acid. 

There could be no evidence of his lapse of control.

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5 years ago
I Always Loved Those Maternal Moments In Sesskag Fanfiction/headcanons.

I always loved those maternal moments in Sesskag fanfiction/headcanons. 

Don’t tell me Sesshomaru wasn’t dying of cute. 

Don’t tell me. 

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5 years ago
Sketchy Sketch Sesskag AU Fluff Whil I Procrastinate On Other Work.

Sketchy sketch sesskag AU fluff whil I procrastinate on other work. 

Dancing with the stars?

Gala event?

Ballroom scene?

As far as I’m concerned, they’re all good options. 

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5 years ago

Sesskag Idea!

New SessKag story Idea loosely inspired by Steven King’s Rose Red tv movie adaptation I was stuck watching over the Holiday:

Kagome Higurashi is a TA to Kaede Takamura, an esteemed senior professor at the University where she teaches a scientific approach to paranormal phenomenon. She’s in pursuit to deepen respect and understanding of her chosen (and controversial) field.

Kaede has selected a small group of students, self-proclaimed psychics, and scientists to accompany her on a field trip to study a rumored haunted house for a week, and gather empirical evidence of paranormal happenings on the property.

Kagome is along for the trip, and starts experiencing some unexplainable things. She’s apparently a large conduit of psychic energy that allows other entities to feed off of her, and gain form, communicate, and sometimes interact with the physical world.

But who is the small girl heard running down the halls? Who is the mysterious pale figure in her dreams? And why can’t anyone else see them too?

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5 years ago

I’m back at it, writing 5,000 words of fic and not posting it.

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5 years ago
Heres The Lineup For The Inuyasha AU Ive Been Working On. This Is The Parapsychology Research Team Investigating

Here’s the lineup for the Inuyasha AU I’ve been working on. This is the parapsychology research team investigating mysterious activity at an old mansion where a gruesome occult murder occurred over 80 years ago.

Professor Kaede Takemura has assembled this team to help gather evidence to prove her theories on psychic energies and the paranormal.

This is going to be a sesskag fix but I don’t want to give too much away. I’ll start posting chapters soon and probably will post doodles to go along with them!

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5 years ago
Playing With Scenes For My Supernatural Investigation/haunted House SessKag AU

Playing with scenes for my Supernatural investigation/haunted house SessKag AU

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5 years ago
Give Me My Sesskag Fanfic Grooming Moments Or GIVE ME DEATH

Give me my sesskag fanfic grooming moments or GIVE ME DEATH

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5 years ago
Not Dead, Just Busy.
Not Dead, Just Busy.
Not Dead, Just Busy.
Not Dead, Just Busy.
Not Dead, Just Busy.
Not Dead, Just Busy.

not dead, just busy.

have some sesskag.

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5 years ago

Sesskag nonsense pls enjoy


His ears were burning

And not because someone was talking about him.

They were decidedly not talking about him. They were prattling onabout themselves and a patently what human women wasted breath in discussing and it really shouldn’t have even garnered his attention but he was a being gifted - though in this instance it felt more like a curse - with superior senses, and the glade was quiet, and peaceful - or it WAS - and there was nothing to distract from the, from the Discussion the two female humans were having on the opposite side of the clearing.

He exhaled.

He was not someone who usually experienced overheating but, well this must be an incredibly sweltering summer day for even one such as himself to be affected.

Record breaking, even.

The human women must be… delirious from the oppressive temperature. It was the only thing to explain...this topic of conversation. His brother’s wench was barely wearing anything to shield her creamy- to shield her mortal flesh - from the harsh rays.

“I mean I’ve never gone that far, but I heard from my friend Eri that if you REALLY want to surprise your man you take the tip and -“

Hn. Had the flowers in that corner of the field always been white? No, not pure white, but more an eggshell or a fresh cream white -

”Oh! I never would have thought of that! It’s hard to even imagine these things, I must be red as Inuyasha’s fire rat. I mean there’s talk amongst the village girls but your era has so much more information! But anyways...What if it’s too ...big wouldnt you then -“

Really they were almost porcelain in their coloring. Most wouldn’t notice such a subtlety in hue, but this one is particularly observant of any such minute difference..

“That’s a good question! Of course I don’t have any experience but I’d imaging if you just grab the bottom half-“

ALABASTER. Of course. They were alabaster. How silly to mistake them for anything else. The flowers were alabaster. Much like his own haori, or the skin on the upper thigh of his brother’s miko - HE WOULD ASSUME, if for whatever reason he was forced to look upon her human flesh for longer than necessary-

“Hah! If only the monk could hear us now. I think he’d be shocked!”

“Maybe he’d learn a thing or two! Or at least be stupefied enough to keep his hands to himself.”

Maybe he should… move to the shade. If only to set an example for his brother’s weak traveling companions, who were too dim to realize how terribly warm it was outside today. The heat he was currently experiencing would surely render them useless if a foe were to appear.

“Well, I saw Inuyasha’s once... on accident of course! I thought he died in the onsen! But I'm not sure what I could compare it to…”

“Well… I’m sure it wouldn’t compare to Lord Perfect!”


“What? I’m not blind. He’s got to have some impressive… equipment if the rest of him is anything to go on”

He blacked out. Just for a fraction of a moment.

“Ah! It’s hard to even imagine him as ...having one you know? Like it just doesn’t compute!”


“Make sense! He’s so...pretty and immaculate my brain just fries when I try to picture him with a…. well! You know!”

Wait a moment now.

“I see what you mean. Maybe he’s overcompensating for something!”

“Maybe that’s why he was so interested in the Tetsusaiga all those years ago!”

This was. Unacceptable.

The tittering females had crossed a line.

To question…! Of all things!

“It could be the one thing Inuyasha has him beat at!.....Sango? What’s with that face?”

“Er- Kagome-Chan….”

“It would explain so much!”

“You might really want to stop talking right now.”

“Huh? What are you looking at?”



“Please. Do continue. I find your observations… fascinating, if not terribly unfounded.”

“Oh my god. I mean, no you must be mistaken! I mean I… or we were just”

“This one values truth, and thoroughness. So I find myself desiring to correct your… misunderstanding.”

“Wait. What?”

And with a flourish, Kagome was gone and the demon lord with her, which is how Sango found herself alone in the field.

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5 years ago
Im Gonna Make A Sesskag Comic To Practice Drawing, And Have A Project I Can Continuously Work On Thats
Im Gonna Make A Sesskag Comic To Practice Drawing, And Have A Project I Can Continuously Work On Thats
Im Gonna Make A Sesskag Comic To Practice Drawing, And Have A Project I Can Continuously Work On Thats

I’m gonna make a sesskag comic to practice drawing, and have a project I can continuously work on that’s just for fun.

Hope ppl end up liking it!hope to update soon.

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5 years ago
Part 2

Part 2


This is too fun to do and is making me not do my actual work but whateverrr

( Part 1 )

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5 years ago
shoalfoodblog - Shoal Food




I don’t know what I’m doing

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4 years ago
 I Mean You Could Have Told Me We Killed Those Pests For ... Your Mother!

“ I mean you could have told me we killed those pests for ... your mother!”

“I recall commenting on the...apt nature of your attire”

“I just thought you’d finally gotten a decent sense of humor!”


I dunno more sesskag nonsense where jags has to meet his mother looking all grubby

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4 years ago

Some shit I never posted for all u fellow sesskag sluts out there

Some Shit I Never Posted For All U Fellow Sesskag Sluts Out There
Some Shit I Never Posted For All U Fellow Sesskag Sluts Out There

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4 years ago
But Like... Kagome Going Back In Time Fic Where She Meets Young Age-appropriate Sess Before He Has Long

But like... Kagome going back in time fic where she meets young age-appropriate sess before he has long hair, because it is a symbol of one earning their stripes as a warrior or whatever...

Also I will never draw these two buffoons consistently

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