Sesskag Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

It Grinds My Gears...

You know what really bugs me?

People using Sengoku & Edo interchangeably.

Inuyasha actually takes place during the Sengoku era (1185-1603ce, taking place closer to the late 1500s). But due to a bad translation... in English speaking countries, it's commonly thought to take place in the Edo era... Problem is, Edo era was from 1615–1868. Inuyasha takes place a full fifty years PRIOR to the Edo period.

That's it, that's the rant.

It Grinds My Gears...

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7 months ago

Guess what...

My new phone will be here this weekend!!!

You know what that means right?


Curiosity Killed... The Dog will have several chapters posted on Monday night to make up for this whole months missing chapters.

I also received a msg on A03 that chapters 8-11 are uploaded weird. I'll work on getting those fixed & an extremely grateful for the person who brought it to my attention.

I'm super excited to get this story going again!

Guess What...

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7 months ago

I Can Fix It...

Coming Autumn 2024

This will be a short story (18-20 chapters) focusing on prompts from a Facebook group I was part of until recently.

Description: Sesshomaru makes it his mission to fix what is broken.

I Can Fix It...

Art edited by the amazing @ladydanitar

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7 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

After an unfun 2 weeks without a phone... I've got a new one!!! Figured I'd start y'all off with an extra long chapter for the wait. You can read it on...




I'll be updating all the chapters to dokuga on Monday.


As soon as Kagome had gone down the well, Sesshomaru began his assault. A quick turn to the left had Inuyasha dodging a swipe of claws and he realized he let his thoughts get away with him. He needed to focus.

"Why the Miko remains loyal to you, when you can't show the same courtsey is beyond this one." Sesshomaru had been waiting for this. His disgrace of a half-brother had built up quite the list of offenses toward the Miko, and while she wasn't inclined to put the whelp in his place... Sesshomaru had no problem with it. In fact, he reveled in it.

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7 months ago


I'm wanting to read a "traveling with Sesshomaru during the shard hunt" story. What are y'all's go-to's?


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7 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

Chapter 21 is up! Read it on Ao3, FFN, & WTTPD


"Your lack of discipline is astounding." Sesshomaru's voice snapped him out of his musings just to piss him off more. "This One wonders how you managed to keep your humans alive."

"You sayin I can't protect my pack?" Sure he could use some training, but it's not like he was a novice! He'd been fighting pretty much every day of his life just to survive. What the hell did Sesshomaru know?!

"You have proven in the past to be unable to keep alive those in your care. It is not completely out of the realm of possibility that the same fate should be fall your current humans."

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

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6 months ago

Oh no!

So, my phone is off for the first time in almost 11 years. I'm freaking out, this sucks!

Anyway, I'll only be able to update when I have wifi, so the next update will be...

Saturday, August 31st

Oh No!

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6 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

Update time!!! I don't even remember writing this tbh 😅, pretty sure it was one I wrote after a day or two of no sleep lol. Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy it. We're gonna call it a ramble chapter.

The next update after this will be a long chapter with some action in it!

Anyway check it out on Ao3 FFN and WTTPD

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?


She would never be as good as Kikyo. Inuyasha had made it VERY clear over the years that, in his eyes, she simply didn't compare. Kikyo was powerful, skilled, beautiful, poised...

Kagome was loud, untrained, brash, and too educated for the men of that time to appreciate. She was an oddity no matter where she was. In the past, she was the oddly dressed Miko that knew too much and spoke strangely. In the future she was a liar who had everyone convinced she was disease ridden and an awful student.

Once, when she was a naive fifteen year old child, she thought that she would make a life with Inuyasha by her side. But as the years went by she learned that she could never hold his heart. He has given it away fifty years before she ever showed up in his life.

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6 months ago
So I'm Sitting Here Minding My Own Business & Enjoying @sereia1313 Story Satisfied When Ao3 Decided Me.

So I'm sitting here minding my own business & enjoying @sereia1313 story Satisfied when Ao3 decided 🖕me.

I just wanna finish the story! Is anyone else having this issue???

So I'm Sitting Here Minding My Own Business & Enjoying @sereia1313 Story Satisfied When Ao3 Decided Me.

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6 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

It's time for this week's update!!! Tried my hand at a little action scene. Let me know what you guys think of it! 💬 🤔

You can read it on Ao3 WTTPD or FFN


Without stopping to think of the consequences, Kagura let loose a flurry of wind attacks, hoping one would cut that smirk right off of her smug little face. "Stop this Kagura! I have no idea what you're even talking about!"

"LIAR!" Finally one of her attacks hit. Kagura relished in the painful scream that ripped through the Miko's throat. It was almost as satisfying as the scent of her blood in the air.

Soon, Kagura would eliminate her once and for all and once she was gone, nothing would stand in the way of her gaining that which she desired only less than her freedom itself.

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

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6 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

See end for preview...

So this week's update is almost done. Unfortunately, next week's update may be a little late. I'm in the process of switching jobs after being forced to deal with some... unacceptable & at times illegal things at my previous job.

I'm going from getting home at 4am to going into work at 4am. And since I'm still getting better job offers, there's a possibility I may not stay at my rebound job. It's not something I think I'll enjoy doing long term. So it'll possibly be yet another schedule change.

Needless to say, my brain is not braining.

On top of that, my roof is being redone, my attic being rebuilt, & insulation put in my house this week. The workers are awesome, but they were here 14 hours a day ahead of schedule so I'm exhausted. 🙃

That's not including the random stressers this week...

2 of my kids are in high school. Yesterday there was a 💣 threat. Today there was an active 🔫 threat. (Everyone is safe & no threat was found)

I had a double blow out the day before my youngest son's birthday, causing us to have to delay celebrating till idk when because I had to fix my car.

My husband's dog (who's already old and sick) got a REALLY nasty skin tear right on his spine that we think caused nerve damage. So we now have to get the money together to get him put down, per vet recommendations (we've seen 4).

BUT on a good note...

My son, who's never played baseball in his life, made the freshman varsity baseball team!! (I'm so happy for him but the price tag is worse than football was 🤦)

So ya... All in all, I've got a LOT going on. The goal is to get Choices pt 2 up on Saturday, then the other two chapters updated in two weeks. Here's a sneak peek at the next chapter!!!


While the children continued to discuss their growing worries, a sudden shift in the wind caught Sesshomaru's attention. It was an unnatural shift that made him narrow his eyes in contemplation. After a few minutes of focusing his senses he heard it.

The Mikos screams.

Without a word, Sesshomaru stood and rushed toward the bone eaters well. The scent of the Miko's blood began to waift through the air and Sesshomaru let out a growl of irritation.

He should've gone and waited at the well. He KNEW Inuyasha was unreliable and that once he took off, he probably wouldn't show back up on time. He KNEW the Miko had just as many enemies as she has friends. Enemies that would seize the chance to catch her alone and off guard. Not only was her life in danger, her secret could be exposed! Sesshomaru wasn't so naive to dismiss the possibility of devastating consequences should someone learn of her true origins. The chaos that would ensue should time travel be proven a reality was unimaginable.

He had to hurry. He needed to set things right. It was his fault she was in trouble because he stupidly depended on the half-breed to keep his word. After what felt like an eternity, but was more likely two or three minutes, he made it to the clearing. He knew he needed to be prepared for the Miko to be injured... But what he saw as he walked through the trees had him seeing red.

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

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6 months ago

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

I forgot to make a post about this week's update 🥴

It's an EXTRA long chapter because there will NOT be an update this coming Saturday. (My new job decided to schedule me 9 days straight 🤦 I will not be off until Sunday of NEXT week) So there's not going to be much time for writing this week.

But as you can see, the romance & action are about to pick up. We are still on schedule to get this story done by December, so I'm happy.

Anyway, please lmk what y'all think! Multiple POVs & fighting scenes aren't my strong suit, but I gave it my best effort!


On a random note ... Anyone have any recommendations for a book or series to read? Not FanFics, but actual books (or graphic novels). Subjects I'm interested in are: Feudal Japan, Witchcraft/Magic, Cryptids/Mythology, Viking Era, and/or Native Americans (pre colonization)

Genres I enjoy: Horror, Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Adventure, Drama (I prefer romance to be the sub plot unless the story is very well written)

Booktok keeps circling back to the same 6 series😑


Anyway... You can read the newest chapter on Ao3, FFN, or WTTPD



Icy cold splinters of fear worked their way down her spine and her instincts, as weak as they were, were screaming at her to run. A predator had just arrived.

With dread creeping into the place her heart should have been, Kagura slowly turned her head just enough to visually verify what she already knew. She recognized that aura the moment it brushed against hers. She also recognized the fury and possessiveness laced within it.

Curiosity Killed... The Dog?

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5 months ago


Hey guys I know it's been a little bit longer than I anticipated to get my chapters up and going again. I am dealing with some not so fun stuff in real life right now that I don't really want to get into. I did want to let everybody know my story is not abandoned, I did not forget about it, and I fully plan on completing it. Unfortunately right now I am just not in the right mental state to focus on anything other than waking up everyday. I am however enjoying everyone else's updates! I will hopefully be back to posting before the end of the year.


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3 years ago

Unorthodox: a Sesskag oneshot


Summary: Kagome is pleasantly surprised to receive a present from Sesshoumaru for White Day… until she glimpses the contents inside her gift box.

AN: Written for the Sesskag 2021 Big Bang event on tumblr! @chierafied​ 

I was paired with milomai for it, so I’ll provide a link to their accompanying artwork once it’s posted ^^

Rated K+

Words: 3,000

You can read it on Ao3, Dokuga or 

Seguir leyendo

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3 years ago
Masterful Deceit (A03, Dokuga, FFnet)

Masterful Deceit (A03, Dokuga, FFnet)

Sesshomaru has journeyed across the turbulent continent alone for centuries, battling beasts and collecting coin. A chance encounter with a mysterious woman forces him to realize that he cannot ignore his destiny. (A SessKag Witcher AU)

Artwork by the talented @meldrymoon

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3 years ago
I Forgot To Make Aesthetic Posts For My Sesskag Fics - Night Terrors And Something Blue, So Here They
I Forgot To Make Aesthetic Posts For My Sesskag Fics - Night Terrors And Something Blue, So Here They

I forgot to make aesthetic posts for my sesskag fics - Night Terrors and Something Blue, so here they are!

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3 years ago

Hiya! Troll here; happy to see this archive thriving! I'd love a collection for pirate fics for SessKag! :D Pirates are the best.


Here are the pirate-themed fics that we found. There were more than I expected. I hope you enjoy reading them!

- Admin Sage


A Dokuga Pirate Tale by Tal

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: Crack!fic, in honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day. The fearsome Cap'n Fluffy and his First Mate, Skye battle against Black R0o and the Dread Plunneh Horde! Warning: Not to be taken seriously. At all. Arr. Status: One Shot


A Pirate I Am by Cowgirl 101

Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Secrets,destruction,romance and ultimate treasure. Kags joins the life of piracy finding true love. What happens when someone finds out her deepest secrets? Her hidden powers threaten to take over the world as the search for the ultimate treasure begins. Status: Abandoned


A Pirates Honor by Hallowqueen19

Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: 1674 Port Royal, Jamaica – When a former Captain of the Royal Navy vows revenge on the pirate who disgraced him, he's forced to turn to a strong-willed tavern maid to help navigate the dangerous world he's fought so hard to destroy. Status: Abandoned


A Pirate’s Life for Me by Vespertine

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: It was all because of a class assignment. If it hadn't been for homework, she would never have seen them for who they truly were. Status: Abandoned


A Princess’s Lost Memmories and a Pirate by deAth to Ko0Kie

Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: **hiatus** Kagome's father disappeared during a war when she was six, and she only remember's bits and pieces of her past through dreams, but she wants to forget...Sesshomaru's a deadly pirate, feared by all... what happens when these two meet..first fic Status: Abandoned


Aboard a Captain's Embrace by x.Amaterasu

Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: Sesshoumaru is the captain of a pirate ship and he has just abducted the bride of his half-brother. What mysteries lie in their past and what future will they decide for themselves? Status: One Shot


Adrift in the Ether by MontiK

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: A series of drabbles started on Pirate Drabble/drawble night. Totosai,   Kagome, and a child-Sesshoumaru struggle to learn how to live with one another while trying to restore the rest of their misfit band to the land of the living.


Alabaster by J3ss1313

Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: After one of the 5 pirate lords attacks the small island of Hairshami. The town is left burning, Kagome an unlikely subject is brought into this world of pirates and death, while saved by a more than unlikly savior sesshomeru, but is it a blessing though. Status: Abandoned


An Eternity of Youth by BlueMonkey89

Posted on: FFnet Rating: K+ Summary: Sesshomaru and his band of pirates has found the Fountain of youth. Right after drinking from it he looses the person he loved. Never allowing himself to get close to anyone again, he lives a cold and distant life...that is, until he met her Status: Abandoned


Cannon's Fire by Yatenmiokami

Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Kagome, A highborn lady, is kiddnaped from her soon-too be husband by pirates and she doesn't seem to want to go back. [sesskag] Status: Abandoned


Demon’s Love  by fckdawrld

Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: While visiting a museum, Kagome was captivated by a sword called the 'Tenseiga'. After an incident involving the weapon, she's thrown in the 1800's, and met a pirate captain named Demon. Status: Abandoned


Demons of the Caribbean  by stargazer528 

Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Kagome is traveling from Japan to the Caribbean Islands when her ship is taken over by a band of vicious pirates. Kagome is captured and starts to form an escape plan but, what happens when the captain begins in take a certain interest in her. Status: Abandoned


Jewel of the Seven Seas by see03

Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: MA Summary: WON FIRST PLACE 1st QUARTER 2012 BEST ACTION/ADVENTURE Rating: MA (Explicit Maturity) Kagome gets more than she expected by snooping in her cousin's room. Kidnapped by pirates and then kidnapped by other pirates, she discovers the secret to the Shikon Jewel of the Seven Seas - and learns what it means to love a pirate.


My Little Treasure by OhGodTheHorror 

Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Kagome only wanted a normal life, but that's about to change when she finds herself on a pirate ship with a certain ice prince. Now she must find her place in this human VS demon world and find romance along the way... rated T for swearing Status: Abandoned


Of Gold And Silver by Nemofishy

Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: He was the Pirate Lord from the Western Lands. She was the future Queen of the Northern Lands. She wants to melt his heart of ice; he wants to claim the treasure of the Northern Lands. Soon, he learns that not all treasure is of gold and silver. Status: Abandoned


Of Ships and Pirates by NicoRavenPen  

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: An adventure where Kagome is a stowaway on the feared pirate Sesshomaru's ship, in an effort to rescue her brother. Will he allow a female aboard his ship of men? And will she be able to resist all of the male's wily ways? Status: Abandoned


On Glassy Water by DamagedDreamer 

Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Taken aboard a pirate ship to save the life of a little girl? Falling in love with captain sesshomaru? How much more diffuclt could kagome's life get? O wait here's how the inu group is here along with koga! Bring on the flames i'll make smores! Status: Abandoned


Pirates by Nagumi Strife 

Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: Pirates feared through all the sevan seas. kagome is a feared pirate and a force to recon with. There is a better summery in side the story. Status: Abandoned


Pirates of the Western Seas by tenchi no mai   

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Pirates make an unexpected appearance on the seas around the lands of the Lord of the West.  Join the crew and sail along as our favorite tachi gains their sea legs. Warnings: Innuendoes and Language (so far) Status: Abandoned


Pirates; meet Ruthless Taiyoukai by Walter205  

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: "It's funny how we're never attacked by pirates. I would almost crave the adventure as much as I crave you darling," came the singsong voice of Kagome. Sesshomaru let a smile slide across his face. '[i]If only she knew...'[/i] Status: One Shot


Salty Sea Dog by Lady Delilah 

Posted on: FFnet Rating: M Summary: By saving the infamous pirate, Sesshomaru, Kagome was just trying to save her kingdom. But in order to prevent war, Kagome must venture on land to help Sesshomaru stop Naraku and find the Shikon jewel! What's a Siren to do? Falling love wasn't on the list Status: Abandoned


Sunlight and Shadow by Lyra  

Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: For Dokuga_Contest's Seven Treasure's Challenge: He is the Pirate King, buried in boredom and wealth.  On the prompting of a dream, he will journey across the sea - seeking a woman, who may be the rarest treasure of all.


The Mad Miko by Kirai

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: T Summary: just a quick pirate themed oneshot... yeah that is all. Status: One Shot


The Meaning of Honour by ShadowMelly

Posted on: FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Kagome had her whole lifetime planned out for her. She would have a good marriage, be a respectful wife and tender mother. She would live a normal and mostly uneventful life. That is...until she crosses paths with a dangerous and wanted pirate that turns her world upside down. AU Feudal Era Rated M for language, violence and sexual content Status: Abandoned


The Pirate Priestess by Knight of Disorder

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: MA Summary: AU-Post Canon. Her one good eye watched him, watched the only part of her past that didn't cause her pain. He'd tried to kill her, and that look in his eyes made her wonder if that's what he was going to do now. Twisting her fingers around the grip of her pistol, "are you going to try and kill me too?" Status: Abandoned


The Pirate With a Parrot by Vonne

Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: “Pirate attire… quite amusing, miko." She shrugged. “Hey, it kept me peaceful for the first twenty years and it hid his ears.” “Really, the first twenty? I could have sworn that outfit could only last ten.” …and Sesshoumaru couldn’t help but be startled by another one of Kagome’s sneaky grins. “Kouga came along too after the first five.” “Ah…” he nodded understandingly. The ookami in pirate gear would be a sight to see. WARNING: Mild Inuyasha & Kouga bashing; CRACK; insanity; non-logic making sense. Inspired By The Song: The Pirates Who Never Do Anything by Silly Songs in Veggie Tales


The Pirates Destiny by Mary

Posted on: Dokuga, FFnet Rating: M Summary: a younge girl burned with an unforgivable sin, meets with old time friend that is her worst enemy. Will the two be able to look beyond there titles to fall in love with each other or will they destroy each other for power. Status: Abandoned


To be or not to be a pirate by The peach fluff

Posted on: Dokuga Rating: M Summary: Kagome is to marry a rich guy named Naraku. But when her ship is attacked by pirates and she becomes a hostage, the future becomes blurred. What will happen to Kagome? And who is this beautiful but cold man who seems to rules her life now?


Unperfect Love is Fine with Me by Meroko 

Posted on: FFnet Rating: T Summary: Based on 'Pirates of the Carribbean,' Kagome is a dreamer, who wishes to live a life of freedom. But when her whole world is turned upside down by the appearance of the famous sea Captain Sesshoumaru, how will she survive this new adventure? Discontinued. Status: Abandoned


Unsavory Business by silenttcb

Posted on: FFnet Rating: MA Summary: Sesshomaru is a dangerous pirate fighting for the freedom of demon kind. Kagome is an undiscovered Miko who is kidnapped onto his ship. Thrown together by mistake, the two must journey to discover the secrets of the Shikon No Tama and unravel the secrets of her history. A/U. Sess/Kago Inu/Kik. No character bashing. Violence/Lime Away Younglings! Status: Abandoned

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3 years ago

Just had a wonderful commission done by @sayuri-watanabe for my fic, A New Leash on Life! I am so happy with this piece and it's everything I hoped it would be..

You can find my fic on AO3, FFN, and DOK! Gotta love some true form Sess! Only 3 ch left until it's complete!

Just Had A Wonderful Commission Done By @sayuri-watanabe For My Fic, A New Leash On Life! I Am So Happy


Sesshomaru, an Inugami, has lived for over five hundred years protecting his master’s shrine and sacred mountain. When the final descendent of the shrine passes away – he finds himself suddenly unfettered and free to wander the earth. How does a creature once bound by so much loneliness find the will to continue to live?

An accident involving a young woman changes his life forever.

A Sess/Kag AU that takes place in modern day.

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3 years ago

Winners Announced TODAY!!!

Get ready, the very first results of the annual SessKag Awards will be revealed shortly!

At 12pm EST, two posts will go live that contain the winners of the Fanart and Fanfiction categories, respectively.

I’m excited to share them with you all!  Stay tuned!

<3The SKA

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3 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

     Prism (for SessKag Week 2021)  by EchoHuntress

Chapter 4: White    

Day 4 - White:  Sacred / Death & Mourning / Purity & Truth 

Rated: M, Chapter Story

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