Seto Kaiba Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Hey darling!!! <3, hope your day is good, well, i saw your Seto Kaiba dating hc's and i read the "He just gets even better when one day he comes home with a ring" snippet, AND I GET SO HYPED FOR WEDDING/HUSBAND SETO KAIBA HC'S, so can i request "married Seto Kaiba hc's"? if not its ok, but i will be so happy if you do it

Hey Darling!!!

just a moment to appreciate this handsome man's beaut-

Hello lovely! My day is going okay, I hope yours is as well <3

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Content: Seto Kaiba x GN!Reader

Warnings: Talk of children at the end (I made sure to separate that section from the rest of the headcanons incase people don't want to read that part)

Notes: I've started my second year of college and I already want to rip my hair out. I hope these headcanons are okay <3

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Hey Darling!!!

Seto doesn't want to trouble you with planning the wedding. He has professionals handling it.

However, obviously I feel you'd want a say in the color scheme and your own outfit at your wedding. Seto will absolutely let you make those decisions, he just figured you wouldn't want to bother yourself with the wedding plans. It would most likely be you doing all the work anyway, he has a company to run. (Wedding planning can take more than a year in some cases for those who don't know, and the more lavish and expensive it is, the longer the planning will be)

You two enjoy your engagement though. As much as Seto says he hates the press, he loves all the attention you two are getting from the Japanese media.

I think a lot of people thought Seto would never get married because of how snobby he is, and how focused he is on his company and a children's card game, so he can't wait to show up to every rich get-together with his arm around your shoulders, telling everyone you're his spouse.

Your wedding was in a lavish area off the coast of Japan. Mokuba was Seto's best man, while (Yugi friend/your own friend) was your best man/maid of honor. Your vows to each other were so sweet and loving, Jonouchi had to rub his eyes to make sure it was Kaiba you were marrying and not somebody else.

Because Seto is a famous man, your wedding was most likely televised.

The night was filled with laughter, congratulations to you and Seto, amazing food, jokes, and all around happiness. It was undoubtedly the best day of your life.

Your honeymoon was overseas though. Seto finally pried himself away from his work, and was looking forward to spending two uninterrupted weeks with you in Italy (or wherever else you choose)

Your honeymoon is filled with romantic gestures, long nights (hehe), and a whole lot of lovin'

When you come back home, Seto goes to work and you give Mokuba all the PG-13 details. How Seto treated you to nice dinners, how amazing the view was both in the day and night, and showed him pictures of you and Seto and your honeymoon

Surprisingly, Seto is the first one of you two to post your honeymoon pictures. They become flooded with supportive and loving comments, Jonouchi's comments never failing to make you laugh

Some days you'll let off Seto's staff early and make dinner for you two and Mokuba, or get takeout. Depends on how you're feeling that night

Seto appreciates it either way, and is just glad to get some time to spend with you and Mokuba at the end of his tiring work day

Sometimes you and Seto will have the same idea though, and you'll both get takeout by accident. The funniest is when you both show up to the same place and are like "What're you doing here??" "I could ask you that too"

Rarely does Seto cook, but damn is it fucking good. If he has a day off and decides to let his staff go home early, he'll cook for you and Mokuba

Seto lives to make your life easier. Need someone to manage your public account because the press can be too much to handle? He's going on a search for a suitable manager. Feel lonely by yourself at the mansion? He's asking Mokuba to surprise you with Yugi and co. (begrudgingly).

He's still going to be busy with work, but he'll make it up to you by bringing you on work trips whenever he can. He'll book nice hotels for the two of you, and always makes sure that he's all yours after five o'clock.

He confides all of his work troubles to you now, and if you thought he was stressing before when you were dating, it's now a whole new level. You're locked in with him for life, and Seto is about to spill all of his secrets to you. You suggest a therapist to help him regulate the stress, and he scoffs at the idea.

"Do you know how many people would put a price on the information I'm telling you? Yeah, no thanks."

So instead, you make ways to help him relax. You tell him about taking a bath with the whole nine - a relaxing bath bomb, candles, soft music...and he scoffs at the idea. So instead, you decide to trick him.

"Seto, there's something called an epsom salt bath that you can soak in, it helps you relax."

"Isn't that for sore muscles?"

"And weren't you complaining about how sore your shoulders are?"

You manage to get your husband in the warm bath, poured epsom salt in there, then sat carefully on the edge of the tub and massaged his shoulders. He relaxed enough to where began to close his eyes, and you slipped a blue bath bomb into the water. He was none the wiser about what you were doing until the bomb completely dissolved, you managed to light a candle or two, and he only opened his eyes when you began to play some soft music.


"Is this relaxing, Seto?"

"..." He won't admit it, but it really is.

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The next section talks about children, but no actual pregnancy! So if you don't like the topic, no worries! You can skip it <3

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Of course, with (some) marriages, comes the topic of children. In the Japanese dub of the anime, Seto tells Mokuba that he'll be his dad and look after them once they're in the orphanage (in the English its just big brother), which means you are now technically Mokuba's "adopted mother."

In the original manga, Mokuba was also in public school and had a lot of friends there, so I like to think that he sometimes goes between homeschooling and public school. If things become dangerous and Seto thinks Mokuba will be kidnapped again, he'll pull him out of school. But once things calm down, he'll allow Mokuba to go back to school. Which means, you and Seto are the best parents at the PTA meetings and after school events.

Of course, if Seto can't make it then you'll go for the both of you. Anything Mokuba has after school where he performs, you record it for Seto (and future memories).

Doing this for so long will make Seto think about what it would be like to actually have a child with you. I think he would want two, so they could have the same sibling bond that he and Mokuba have. And with how dangerous the world is, what if something happened to him or you or Mokuba?

He thinks about it for a while before finally bringing it up to you to see how you feel. If you're up for having a child with him, then he'll be ecstatic and jump right on it. If you biologically cannot be pregnant, then thats okay, adoption is absolutely on the table. Mokuba is excited to know that he's going to be an uncle.

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1 year ago

Hello I am here with Seto Kaiba brainrot

Can we get some angst head canons 👀

Oooo okay

Content: Seto Kaiba x reader

Warnings: Angst, possessive behavior

Notes: Taking a small break from writiing AOT stuff to write this (I'm writing like 3 things behind the scenes) this also turned into more of a cons list for Seto lol but we still love him anyway

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Hello I Am Here With Seto Kaiba Brainrot

When you guys get into arguments (it's not a question of if, it's a when) he becomes the pettiest bitch on Earth

Constantly does things to spite you when he's angry with you

For example, if you have some sort of pet peeve he knows of, he'll be sure to trigger it at least once

He loves you, but he values his pride more at times. That's something you'll have to come to accept if you want to be with him

He's also quick to shut you out at the slightest sign of negativity

Has a hard time telling you when he's upset

Is ultimately terrified of letting you in, even if he loves you

Thinks you'll become another abuser if he lets you in

He's got a lot of problems with trust, which leads to him getting...not jealous, but possessive very easily

He's not jealous, he's Seto Kaiba

He doesn't like you hanging around Yugi and the others, especially Joey/Jonouchi

Will do everything in his power to take you away from Joey, even if its insulting him heavily and physically pulling you away

Thats another thing you two might get in fights over

Don't think he's above the silent treatment, cause he's not

Also a huge hypocrite, he can tease you about things but if you tease him? It's dueling time so he can regain his pride

If you win the duel, he's going to give you the silent treatment for a week and actively avoid you

If you two ever got to the point of screaming in each others faces, he would throw you out of the house for the night. He doesn't care where you stay (as long as its not with Joey), but expects you to come back to him the morning after

Probably values Mokuba more than you, and will consider his ideas way more than yours

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Here is my Masterlist in case you want to request, or look for more of your favorite character!

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