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2 years ago

shiny star / choi seungcheol

Shiny Star / Choi Seungcheol

➝ Seungcheol x Reader

➝ shiny star!au // university!au // non idol!au // strangers to lovers // fluff // hurt comfort // tiny bit angsty i guess

➝ word count: 6.9k~

➝ inspired by: Shiny Star (2020) - KyoungSeo

➝ Shiny Star masterlist (can be read as standalone)

Seungcheol // Jeonghan // Joshua // Junhui // Soonyoung // Wonwoo // Jihoon // Seokmin // Mingyu // Minghao // Seungkwan // Hansol // Chan

➝warning: curses, food, description of toxic parents i suppose, seungcheol being too unreal bc thats just him, that's about it? not proofread bc i finished this like 2 hrs ago sdjfhbdjhg

➝A/N: happy birthday, cheol!!! am glad i found you in this life time🧡🧡🧡

많고 많은 사람 중에 너를 만나서

Meeting you among thousands of people

행복하고 싶어 두 번 다시 울지 않을래

Makes me want to be happy, I wish I won’t cry again

Shiny Star / Choi Seungcheol

The first time Seungcheol sees you, you’re crying in front of Professor Jung’s office.

It’s not an unusual sight, if he’s being honest. Being Professor Han’s TA whose office is right beside Professor Jung’s, Seungcheol is used to seeing students crying after a session because Professor Jung is just unreasonably strict with his grade and assignment. He’d be surprised if anyone came out of his office with a grin on their face.

If he’s to be frank, he doesn’t understand how come no one has reported the professor to the higher ups. Isn’t this some kind of abuse? But, then again, maybe they simply don’t care because Professor Jung is one of the smartest people in the entire campus and he’s achieved a lot for the university.

Anyway, despite the usual occurrence, Seungcheol feels particularly bad that day seeing a student cry like that. You’re probably a junior, too. He thinks it’s the way you’re trying hard to swallow your sob as you cover your face in the otherwise empty hallway, like you can’t help crying even though you don’t want to. He’s usually the type of person to mind his own business, but your hiccups tug something in his consciousness (heart?) that he feels the need to reenter Professor Han’s office just to get some tissue for you.

You look up when you feel another presence in front of you, and you don’t even have it in you to feel embarrassed because it’s already too late at that point. You probably look like a mess, but the guy simply gives you a small smile and offers you some tissues.

“No problem, I was his student too,” he says when you thank him. “I know he can be a bit difficult–”

He chuckles at your pointed look, your red eyes unbelieving. “Okay, not a bit. He’s very difficult; but his class is worth it, I promise.”

“I know.” Your voice is very soft, Seungcheol decides, and he’s not talking about the volume of your voice. There’s just something comforting about it even though you’ve just finished crying. “It just… frustrates me because I thought I’d ace this particular assignment, but I got a B minus.”

Seungcheol blinks at your words, a B minus and you’re crying…? He passed with a C and he celebrated. Do you even know the average score of Professor Jung’s class? Did you… go to his office and ask about your score? At least you didn’t sound uptight.

But he holds back the judgement before he goes too far, maybe you’re one of those straight A’s students that holds academic scores above your head (which is cool, he’s always wondered how some people can take academics that seriously).

Whatever it is, it’s not his place to judge. You’re not saying it in a condescending way too. You sound genuinely upset and he’s here to comfort some poor student because it’s one of those impulsive days, not judge them.

“It’s pretty good for Professor Jung’s class. You know how strict he is with his grade,” he says anyway, hoping that his tone wouldn’t sound mocking. “And, hey, you can always ask for an extra assignment if you think you need it?”

You sigh, exhaling a deep breath and wiping the last of your tears before you offer him a small smile. “Yeah. This would sound annoying but… I just… I don’t actually know how to deal with bad grades. I’ve never gotten a B too, even for an assignment, and I know my GPA would still be pretty good as long as I ace the exams but…”

“Anyway,” you shake your head suddenly, your smile more genuine than earlier that Seungcheol catches himself staring. “I’m sorry for unloading on you. And… uh… thank you for listening.”

You’re already long gone when Seungcheol realizes he didn’t ask for your name.

Shiny Star / Choi Seungcheol

Seungcheol curses as he gets out of his class, starting to wonder if taking Masters is even worth it. (Of course it is, he’s just in a whiny mood today.) Being a postgraduate student can be very tiring at times; yes, he doesn’t have classes everyday and he’s mostly on campus because of his TA works.

But, with that in mind, it means his class would go for three hours when he does have a schedule. He should’ve listened to Jisoo and took a job in her dad’s company instead of doing post-grad, but Joshua Hong and Yoon Jeonghan just had to rile him up and now he’s here out of spite to prove them wrong.

So much for being an adult.

It’s fifteen minutes past lunch time already and he’s sure the cafetaria is way too crowded if he wants a quick lunch. Perhaps going to the convenience store just outside the campus gate would be better. Also, Hanbin, his fellow TA, isn’t on campus today and he’s much too annoyed to deal with rowdy freshmen without his friend.

Much to his luck, the convenience store is pretty empty today considering it’s lunch time. There’s still a line in front of the cashier, but nothing he can’t handle. The few tables outside are filled with who he assumed to be students too (He thinks he recognizes one of them; Boo Seungkwan, was it?), but it’s too hot outside and he’d rather sit inside with the air conditioner system blasted on.

Hmm. Maybe he should get some fruit soda too now that he’s here. He’s been craving for something sweet anyway.

“Oh, hi!” The cashier greets him with a wave before he starts scanning his items. “Long time no see. Is this all?”

“Hi Bam.” Seungcheol grins at the younger guy. He used to mentor Bambam a few semesters back, and he’s pretty sure he’s only seen the tall guy pass by the corridor from time to time since then. “Didn’t know you work here. And, yeah, that should be all.”

They talk for a bit after that because there’s no one else behind him on the line, and it’s only when another customer comes in five minutes later that Seungcheol excuses himself to find a seat. The table by the window is already full, so he figures he should walk to the back and see if there’s any free seat inside.

He presses his lips together when he notices one of the tables is broken, the other occupied by a couple, and the last one by a girl whose face he can’t even see because she’s slumped forward. He never minds sharing a table, but will the girl think he’s some kinda creepy flirt if he tries to take a seat?

He’s about to just leave when she sits up and takes a deep breath, realization colors his face. It’s you. Your eyes find his too, and it’s your small smile and your small nod of acknowledgement that encourage him to make his way to you.

“Mind if I sit here? Everywhere else is full,” he asks just in case, thanking you when you tell him he’s free to do so.

It’s silent for a bit after that; you with your own thoughts, and Seungcheol simply glad that he doesn’t have to walk back to uni to eat some kimbap and drink some soda. And it’s when you sigh again that he asks if you’re okay.

“I make a good listener, if you remember,” he jokes, which makes you laugh a little in return. 

“Just… one of those days.” You scrunch your nose before sipping on your lemonade, and it’s only then that he realizes you have a drink in front of you. Of course, you wouldn’t just be here chilling without buying anything. “You’re Professor Han’s TA, right? I’ve seen you around with Hanbin.”

He accepts the change of topic, perhaps you simply don’t want to talk about whatever it is bothering you. He is a stranger, after all.

“Yep,” he nods, munching some more before it dawns on him. “You know Hanbin?”

“He’s friends with Taehyung.” 

“You know Taehyung?” Seungcheol blinks, not expecting his usual groupmate to be friends with you. Is he ignorant or he simply never sees you with him? But, then again, he doesn’t really hang out with the guy outside class, either.

“He’s my neighbor. My mom is close with his mom so he’s like an older brother to me, to be honest,” you shrug. “I’m actually here waiting for him, my class got cancelled and his won't end until… an hour from now.”

He laughs when he sees you sigh after checking your watch, and then proceeds to talk about Taehyung because that’s the only mutual ground you have with him at that point.

“Why are you waiting for him though? Going somewhere?”

“Oh, he takes me home, usually,” you suddenly avert your eyes to avoid his, looking embarrassed when you continue, hesitation colors your tone before you say your next words. “Because our house is actually an hour away from uni and I’m… uh, not familiar with public transportation because my parents don’t allow me to go anywhere by myself.”

You’ve expected Seungcheol to snort or mock you with the mask of joking, but he simply hums as he nods, still focused on his food like your words don’t weird him out. You know people see you like you’re some kind of princess because of that, even more because it’s Taehyung, of all people; the guy has girls (and guys) lining up for confession, and he brushes them off because he needs to cater for you first.

You always wonder why they can’t see that Taehyung simply takes care of you because it’s already a habit for him at this point. You practically grew up together, and you always cringe at the thought that people mistake you both for a couple. He’s basically a sibling–you really don’t need that image in your head.

“Taehyung must’ve really treasured you then. He’s very impatient with us during group assignments.” He grins after you say Taehyung waits up for you a lot, and tells you about how your brother lashed out once during Philosophy class because they were fooling around instead of getting right into it.

“Sounds like him.” You chuckle despite the doubt in your heart. It’s way too good to be true that someone isn’t judging you from what you’ve just said. Did this guy really just accept that you have Taehyung taking care of you to that extent? He must’ve grimaced on the inside at the very least, you wince at the thought. “I usually just tell people he’s my brother because that’s how he introduces me to people too.”

Seungcheol hums, squinting his eyes as he rakes his brain. “Oh, I think I remember Taehyung mentioning a sister a few times. I don’t think he’s ever mentioned your name, though?”

“Oh!” you exclaim, smiling sheepishly as you introduce yourself to him at last. Seungcheol waves his hand at your apology, assuring you it’s fine and tells you his name. Something seems to click in your mind, your lips turning into an ‘O’. “Oh? I think Tae mentioned you a few times too.”

Your conversation flows from there, and Seungcheol is pleased to know you’re into the same movies you’re into. He doesn’t even realize that his food is finished and it’s only when Taehyung’s familiar voice greets you both that you realize it's been an hour since you've both started talking.

"Oh?" His voice is confused, but is laced with warmth and it welcomes you nevertheless. "You… know each other?"

Your eyes meet Seungcheol's, and Taehyung is more than surprised to see you both sharing a knowing look before Seungcheol grins and you press your lips together to hide one. Apparently you two have an inside joke already.


"I didn't know he was friends with you," you say instead, and then gets up from your seat without really saying anything the moment Taehyung makes himself comfortable at the small table. Seungcheol quirks an eyebrow at that, and Taehyung helpfully informs that you're probably getting him bread or something. 

"She's the sister you've mentioned before?" He makes sure, slurping the last of his drink.

"Yuppp." The younger guy nods, distracted, before taking a sip of your drink and grimaces at the taste. "Should've known she's drinking this again. That's basically sugar with water."

Seungcheol chuckles at that, but didn't get to comment on that because you've returned with some bread and some soda, placing them in front of Taehyung then proceeds to sit down next to him and just lays your head on his shoulder when he thanks you and pats your head.

He decides to keep his thoughts to himself as he watches you both; weirdly enough, you do look like a pair of siblings even though he's never seen siblings quite as affectionate as you two. Even if your cheek is pressed against Taehyung's shoulder and there's basically no space between your bodies, Seungcheol can tell that there's nothing romantic between the two of you. Whoever is accusing you of being romantically involved with his friend probably didn't even actually try to look or is too jealous to even care.


Does Taehyung know you're having those problems?

He feels like it's not something that Taehyung wouldn't know–what, with his popularity and all that–but he doubts you're completely transparent about it.

Not that he actually knows if it's that bad. But by the looks of it, Seungcheol can imagine you really have no one but Taehyung if you went as far as waiting for him by yourself here instead of with other friends even though you knew he'd take at least an hour to be done. 

Or maybe you enjoy your solitude.

Who knows? It's not his place to pry. He's spoken to you a total of two times anyway.

"Anyway. Did you finish that assignment? From Professor Jung?"

“Kinda. Just need to review it again and see if there’s anything I can revise.” You scrunch your nose in distaste. “I don’t even know why I took his class for electives.”

“I told you not to take it.” Taehyung snickers, and then turns to Seungcheol to make a point. “I told her the only person I know who’s passed his class with flying colors is Kim Jisoo, so she took the class to prove me wrong.”

Seungcheol blinks at that, not expecting you to be that kinda person though, really, he doesn’t have anything but groundless assumptions for now. He’s intrigued though, and he totally forgot Jisoo took that class because she did take it a semester early.

“Which reminds me, aren’t you close with her?” Taehyung continues, nudging his shoulder upwards to annoy you, to which you simply pinch his waist that gets Taehyung yelping before he stops real quick. “This nerd here would probably be kissing the ground you walk on if you get Jisoo to tutor her–or at least review her assignments.”

“Kim Taehyung!”

“What? It’s true–ouch, stop pinching me, woman! You’re so violent.”

“Then stop saying nonsense!”

“But you said–Ow! Stop!”

“Actually.” Seungcheol cuts the bickering even though it’s entertaining him to no end; as much as he knows Taehyung is friendly, he’s sure he’s never seen the guy this carefree before. Plus, there’s just something about you that pulls him in though he can’t exactly pinpoint what it exactly is. “Jisoo is looking for something to do. I think she mentioned her schedule is too empty because her internship wouldn’t start until next month. I know she’d be happy to tutor you for free if you want? She’s always liked tutoring. She doesn’t need the credits anymore.”

You gape at him, which Seungcheol doesn’t quite know how to translate; are you in disbelief or what? But he doesn’t really need to do that because Taehyung does it for him, shaking his head as he informs the guy that you’re malfunctioning.

“She has a crush on Jisoo, I think.”

“I told you to stop saying nonsense!” You snap out of it and smacks his shoulder so hard that Taehyung actually groans because it hurts. “I just admire her. She graduated undergrad as a valedictorian, no? And she’s so pretty and friendly. I’m sure she’ll graduate post grad with the highest GPA too.”

Seungcheol shares a look with his friend and nods. “Yeah. That’s a crush.”

You pout at him, not yet close enough to be able to smack him in the head like you would’ve with Taehyung. Seungcheol presses his lips together to mask a fond smile; what kind of person are you, really? He initially thought you’re just some straight A student who does nothing but study and doesn’t know how to have fun (yes, he was judgemental. But, come on, you were crying in front of Professor Jung’s office crying over a B minus on an assignment. At least you sounded nice enough, though), but after an hour with you and looking at you and Taehyung, he’s not so sure anymore.

“Okay, okay. I’ll stop.” He hears Taehyung say affectionately, catching the sight of the older guy messing with your hair before poking your cheek playfully. “But, will you ask her, Cheol?”


Seungcheol shrugs with a smile, telling you once again that Jisoo would love tutoring you because that friend of his has always liked teaching other people (“Helps me with my patience,” she once told him.) and if you really want it, he’d even call her right this moment.

You don’t answer immediately, though the way you’re looking at him with wide eyes that seem to gleam with giddiness is enough answer for him already. How can a university student look like a kid in front of a toy store’s window?

He shakes his head with a laugh–how cuter can you be?–before taking out his phone and putting it on the table, dialing Jisoo’s number. The girl picks up at the second ring, a sassy ‘What?’ ringing through your little table.

“Jeez, you in a bad mood?” he retorts at her tone, and you hear Jisoo grumble before she asks once again what he’s calling her for. “Taehyung’s sister is taking Professor Jung’s class and needs a tutor. Do you think you can help?”

“Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?”

“Hi!” The guy in question chimes in, and Jisoo greets him back before saying she doesn’t know his sister attends their university. “Will tell you sometime. But yeah, she’s a nerd and I was talking to Cheol earlier and thought, why not?”

“Professor Jung, huh? Introduction to Philosophy?” you hear her faint voice from the phone, gripping Taehyung’s arm for some reason. Perhaps you do have a crush on her. “Who’s her name again?”

Seungcheol holds back a laugh when you bite down a squeal the moment Jisoo says ‘aha! I’ve heard of her! I think Professor Choi praised her a few times when I was her TA last year. She wasn’t my student though–Jongin’s I think?’. Taehyung looks at you pointedly when you bury your face into his shoulder, shaking his head as Jisoo starts talking instead about her last year as Professor Choi’s TA.

“Anyway! Yes, I’d love to tutor her. Just give me her number? Or give her mine, either way’s fine,” she closes the discussion before telling them she needs to hang up because someone else is calling. You’re practically hogging Taehyung’s arm the moment the call ends, both men looking at each other with amused grins.

“So you want her number, or…?” Seungcheol teases you, weirdly already comfortable enough to do so, laughing when you simply stare at him with eyes even wider than before. “Alright let me send it to you.”

It’s a second later that he realizes.

“Oh. I don’t have your number.”

So you quickly recite your number and Seungcheol texted you immediately, sending Jisoo’s contact to you with the name “Jichuuu👑”. You ask him about it, and he scrunches his nose before telling you that the girl has changed it herself and he’s too bothered to change it up until now even though he keeps on looking up “Jisoo” when he needs to call her and finding her contact nonexistent.

It’s later that night that you find yourself texting with Seungcheol. You meant to text Taehyung to ask about the new dessert shop near campus, but accidentally texted him because his text was on the very top after the exchange earlier–though Seungcheol happily supplied you with the information you needed nevertheless.

The conversation spiraled from there; because, apparently, even if your interests pretty much clash with each other’s, Seungcheol is happy to instead ask about those differences instead of questioning your taste. 

Taehyung asks why you seem so sleepy when he picks you up the next morning, but you shake your head and simply tell him that you found something interesting last night that you ended up sleeping at 2 in the morning.

He does not need to know you spent all night talking to a certain Choi Seungcheol, heart giddy because you’ve found a new friend after so long.

Shiny Star / Choi Seungcheol

It’s been about two months since you started talking to Seungcheol and your relationship has upgraded to sending each other random memes at just about anytime. Taehyung doesn’t even ask why you’re giggling at your phone anymore, simply shakes his head when he sees you laughing because he’s accepted that his humor code differs from yours and Seungcheol’s. 

He’s glad though, because it’s been so long since you’re this open to someone new. The last time was already about a year ago and he’s since been wary of people trying to befriend you because the last one simply did it thinking they could leech off your study.

It’s a fact that he considers you a sister, and he’s probably more protective of you than of his own siblings–but it’s because he knows they’re able to fend for themselves and they don’t need him to be that protective.

But you… You’re an only child, grown up in a protective bubble because your parents are weirdly strict except when it comes to him. Perhaps it helps that your parents and his have always been close; but there’s a reason why you’ve grown to be the person that you are: much too careful and much too afraid.

You’ve been told your whole life to be careful, to not make mistakes, and to always be mindful of what you show to people. It’s not something that Taehyung agrees on, and perhaps he’s at fault too because he, too, becomes too protective of you and that leaves you almost no place to do things on your own.

But he doesn’t have it in him to let you be.

Because he’s seen how cruel people can be to those they consider kind, and you’re easily the kindest person Taehyung has ever laid his eyes on. He doesn’t want you to be taken advantage of. He’s given the benefit of doubts to too many people throughout school, and you always end up feeling betrayed because they either get close to you because they want to be close to him, or they want you to help them with assignments.

He’s had enough.

But Seungcheol obviously doesn’t have those agendas and it's only now that he’s started to realize that, perhaps, he should’ve brought you to his circle instead. His friends would have no business asking for your academic assistance, and it’s pretty clear that he knows which ones are good enough to be close to you.

Then again, you’re often burdened by a group interaction.

“Kay, I need to go to the library now,” you tell him after getting out of the cafeteria, having just finished your late lunch. “Jisoo can’t tutor me this Friday so she asked to reschedule.”

“Oh?” He stops in his track and blinks, as if he’s just heard an information he deems questionable. “Did you tell me about this already?”

“Nope. I just okay-ed her this morning. Why?”

“I… have a date.”

It’s your turn to blink, a little confused. “And?”

“I won’t be able to take you home, kid.”

Your mouth turns into a small ‘o’ as his words sink in. It’s embarrassing, to be honest, that you’re someone in your 20s and have only ridden the bus by yourself for a total of three times. You find fun in riding them, and perhaps you do so simply because you don’t ride it often enough to think of it as a part of your daily life. That said, while you’re a little concerned that you’d need to suddenly go home by yourself, you’re also excited to finally be riding the bus on your own after so long.

“I can take the bus!” You shrug almost nonchalantly, but Taehyung knows you and you pout when he gives you a pointed look. “I’ll make sure of the route and not get lost again, I promise.”

“Alright,” He huffs and continues walking towards the library with you beside him. He can’t possibly cancel this date, because he has already done it two times already and he’s sure Hanbin would kill him if he asked to postpone once more. This is his cousin, after all, and Taehyung wouldn’t have gone to this date if he didn’t owe Hanbin for covering his closing shift twice in the cafe last month.

You wave your hand and tell him ‘bye’ once you arrive in the library, but Taehyung grasps your wrist and looks at you worriedly. “Call me when you’re going home? Maybe my date would be finished by then.”

“Tae, your movie starts in two hours and my session usually lasts that long too,” you remind him. He can be a little overbearing sometimes, but you understand that it’s out of the goodness of his heart and you’re honestly glad you have him as a friend. “I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ll share you my live location.”

It’s obvious that he’s not convinced, but he also knows you’ve always liked taking the bus by yourself, so he simply nods and tells you once again to at least text him once you’re done.

You greet Jisoo once you see her on your usual table, finding a couple on the other end of the table. You don’t mind them though, and apologize that you keep her waiting because Taehyung wouldn’t shut up.

“It’s fine. Sorry for the sudden notice,” she smiles kindly and you almost swoon at the sight of it. Gosh, Seungcheol would’ve teased you if he knew. He’s been teasing you about it for some time now, sending you memes  of lovestruck high school girls looking at ‘senpais’, as he likes to call it, captioning it ‘you @ jisoo’. 

You bite down your lip at the sudden memory, a smile threatening to bloom on your face.

“Good day?” Jisoo asks, noticing your smile no matter how much you try to hide it. “You seem giddier these days.”

“Really?” You tilt your head in question. You? Giddy?

“Yup. It’s good to see though. You were so shy the first time we met,” she grins teasingly, and you can feel your ears getting warm because Seungcheol actually told you what Jisoo said about that first meeting.

She found you very cute, he’s said, and apparently she told him you’re adorable which he also successfully delivered to you a few weeks ago during lunch when Taehyung went to the restroom. You can still hear his laughter clear in your ears because you immediately went red after that.

The both of you start your study session after that, and Jisoo has kindly brought her old essay for you to use as a reference. You hold on to it like a holy grail, and the older girl simply laughs when you tell her you won’t let it wrinkle even the slightest bit. 

You’re reading over a passage about Renaissance when your phone buzzes, Seungcheol’s name popping up in your notification. Jisoo looks at your phone placed between the two of you out of reflex, raising an eyebrow when she sees her friend’s name though she doesn’t comment on it.

Somehow, you don’t seem to realize Jisoo is watching you, and you also don’t realize the way she smirks openly when you bite your lip to hold back a grin as you type back a reply to her friend. Now that she thinks about it, hasn’t Seungcheol also been more attentive to his phone these days?

She doesn’t really see him a lot, but the few times she does meet him with the guys, it’s pretty clear that Seungcheol has been looking at his phone considerably more often than he used to. She didn’t think much of it, because she’s never been the kinda friend to confront little things like that. But this? She might be wrong, but it seems that he’s been getting comfortable with you and vice versa.

“Boyfriend?” She pretends to ask, almost laughing at the way you jump in your seat nervously. “I told you you seem very giddy these days.”

You tilt your head in question.

What? You? Giddy because of his texts?

You’re unsure why you’re not keen on disclosing that it’s Seungcheol you’re texting, so you shake your head and say instead, “Just a friend.”

“For now?” She teases just to see if you’d relent. But you simply smile and deny her with a wave of your hand, telling her it’s nothing like that. Jisoo is surprised to find your tone nothing sort of denial–almost like you actually believe that there’s nothing going on between you and her friend. Did she assume wrong? “Well, just know that you seem to… glow these days.”

Sending a shy grin towards her, you thank her in a whisper before going back to your study. As usual, you share small talk from time to time, because Jisoo deems just working for two hours straight can’t be effective if you don’t have small breaks in between (and, no, she doesn’t mean a few 10 minutes breaks. Just 2 or 3 minutes every now and then at most); and that’s how she found out you’d be going home alone today because Taehyung has a date.

She knows of your situation from Seungcheol, something that Taehyung has asked him to forward the gist of to Jisoo just in case. She doesn’t really get it, if she’s being completely honest, but she’s never one to judge others and has simply stored the information in mind for when it’s necessary. She considers offering to go home with you, but your places are in different directions and she’s promised her mom they’d have movie night later.

While it’s true that she’s not that close to you, she already sees why Taehyung (and Seungcheol) takes such good care of you. There’s just something about you that makes her want to coddle you, blanket you in layers and layers of bubblewrap to make sure you’re safe and sound. 

Perhaps it’s you innocence, the way you dangerously trust people because you believe the good in them. Even though she doesn’t agree with the way Taehyung is protective over you because, considerably, it can be a little too much; she also understands why he does it.

But looking at you talk about how it’s been a long time since you go on a bus by yourself and you’re kinda excited for it, she softens at your childlike excitement, also glad that you seem to be comfortable enough to talk about this with her. She asks if you’re sure about the lines you’re supposed to take, and she feels the weight easening a little when you show her a screenshot of your bus route you’ve found off the internet.

Your phone buzzes again, and Jisoo doesn’t miss the way your eyes widen at the notification and how you take a deep breath before clicking something on your phone. She frowns in worry when she sees your face falls, and she can tell that you’re gritting your teeth in an attempt to calm down whatever’s bubbling up in your chest.

The question gets stuck in her throat, not wanting to seem like she’s prying and she feels like it’s not her comfort that you need. It turns out she doesn’t need to ask though, because you do it first by asking if you can cut the session short for the day because something came up and you need to go. You send her a forced smile when she asks if you’re okay, and you quickly tidy up your stuff before apologizing once again for the sudden turn of event.

Jisoo doesn’t even get to bid you goodbye because you’re already gone in a blink of an eye, her worried eyes following you out of the library until you go out of her vision.

Shiny Star / Choi Seungcheol

The second time Seungcheol sees you crying, you’re by yourself in a random bench behind the engineering building.

It’s a place people usually go to find peace, because, for some reason, the park behind the engineering building has been the designated place for students to just cry or zone out without anyone questioning anything.

He’s almost panting when he gets there, and you don’t even look up at the presence of another person–simply buries your face more into your palms as you try to contain your sob.

“Cheol, are you at the university? I’m a little worried…” Jisoo has said over the phone, telling him she was tutoring you when that happened, not forgetting to tell him you’d be going home by yourself today and that worries her even more after what she’s witnessed earlier. “I’m not sure where she went though. She didn’t tell me anything. But I don’t think she’s gone out of the university.”

This park wasn’t his first choice, quite obviously, hence his heavy breath after running here and there. But that’s not important, what’s important is you; crying by yourself like some kinda tragedy has befallen you.

It hurts, to be honest. The first time he hears you cry, it was just impulse that made him comfort you. But now, after knowing you and spending time with you, he really just wishes he can comfort you somehow no matter how.

Seungcheol decides he doesn’t like nor hear seeing you cry.

“Hey.” Seungcheol feels bad at the way you jump because of his voice, and his heart clenches at how sad you look right now when you look up at him. He’s not even thinking when he moves forward to wipe your tears that still continue falling anyway.

You don’t even question why he’s here or what he’s doing, simply accept the way his fingers are gently wiping your tears from your face. His presence helps though, for whatever reason, because you find your sob dying down into hiccups though your eyes are still blurry from tears.

“Want to talk about it?” He asks after you seem to calm down a bit, watches the way you dig your fingers into the tissue you’re holding in your palm. He doesn’t expect you to lay your head on his shoulder, but the feeling is pleasant despite the worry in his heart.

You don’t answer him for a bit, seemingly to be deep in your thoughts; wondering if you should tell him or not. He’s about to tell you it’s okay if you don’t want to, but you beat him to it and start talking albeit hesitantly.

“I applied for this scholarship for a summer course. It’s abroad and my mom has always wanted me to go so I studied hard for the test.” Your voice is small, and he wouldn’t have heard it if not because you’re literally pressed against him. “I… I was so sure I would get in. That I aced the qualifications. But I didn’t and–”

“Hey, it’s okay,” he reassures you, wondering if it’s okay to put his arm around you–if you’d appreciate the physical comfort he wants to give you. “It’s not the end of the world and there are other courses–”

“No, Cheol. You don’t understand.” You shake your head, voice resigned. You sound like you’re about to cry again, and it’s reflex when Seungcheol wraps his arm around you. Fortunately, you either don’t realize or you don’t really mind it, so he keeps it there because you even bury yourself further into him, your forehead meeting his collarbone. “My mom… It’s her dream to go into that school. But… my dad doesn’t allow me to study abroad so she thought… it’d be okay if I can go even only for a short time?”

He bites his lips as you continue to talk about your parents; how you don’t want to disappoint them and you hate to imagine how your mom would feel when you tell her the news. You’ve told him a glimpse of your parents before, what they expect of you and how you always wish to meet those expectations.

But he’s never thought it was to this extent.

His soft voice whispers your name, and you pull away to look at him because he urges you to do so.

“I know your academics matter to you, I really do,” he starts carefully, not wanting you to get the wrong idea. “But… it’s not everything, okay? I promise it’s not. And this is just one door closed for you. Who knows how many more are open?”

“No, Cheol…” you repeat, biting your trembling lip so hard that Seungcheol almost puts his thumb there so you’ll let go. “I… I’m nothing without them.”



“It’s the only thing I’m good at; studying and doing assignments. I can’t offer anything but. And if I screw up those things…”

“Wait. No–Stop.” Seungcheol immediately stops you, his voice firm though he’s shaking his head like he’s confused beyond measure. Because he is. Did you really think you have nothing to offer but your scores? Your academic accomplishment? “Are you being real right now?”

He might sound harsh, he admits, but it seems to go past you because you simply repeat your words. And it hurts so fucking much because you sound so convinced, like it’s something you’ve believed your whole life and there’s no room to amend that.

“Y/N, I promise you’re more than that,” he grasps your hands and says firmly, his eyes piercing into yours so you’ll see that he means it. “You’re not made of your academic score. You’re your own person and you're worth more than your accomplishments–whatever they are.”

Your vision gets blurry again as Seungcheol starts listing down why he thinks you’re such a wonderful person, how he’s grateful that you let him into your life and he’s glad that he gets to know you as you.

He’s hugging you by the time he’s finished, because you burst into tears once more, overwhelmed by how sincere Seungcheol sounds. Truth is, Taehyung has told you all those things Seungcheol did just now–though you’ve always thought he’s just doing his brother duty and you choose to not trust him because it’s his job to make you feel better.

But Seungcheol sounds so sure, so firm, and so true that you actually believe him. Maybe not wholefully, but it's already more than you can ever imagine. You’re so used to having only Taehyung with you, but Seungcheol comes in and he’s changing things in your life that you don’t think possible. He makes you comfortable with yourself, makes you think that it’s okay to be rebellious once in a while even if it’s just skipping a class for the first time in your life and though you promise you’d never do it again because it made you too anxious, makes you think that… yeah, maybe you should be selfish sometimes and put yourself first even though those always appear as fleeting thoughts up until now.

Still, it’s only after meeting him that those thoughts appear.

“You’re okay,” he whispers to your hair, and you can vividly feel his plump lips on top of your head. “I promise you’re okay.”

Shiny Star / Choi Seungcheol

The third time Seungcheol sees you cry (not counting the times you cry watching movies), it’s four years later as you clutch his fingers and try your best to hold back the tears even if you’ve failed already.

“They look so happy, don’t they?” He whispers against your ears, the way his lips grazed your ear still bring shivers down your spine despite the familiarity of it.

You nod as you sniffle, watching Taehyung dance with his bride on the dance floor. You’ve never thought your dumb best friend slash brother will be settling down this early, but you can’t help the happiness that blooms in your heart as you see how much love is reflected in his eyes as he looks at the love of his life.

“They do. I’m glad they found each other,” you whisper as you gently wipe your tears. Perhaps you should be more thankful Taehyung’s wife has forced you to use her makeup artist even though you refused at first, you’d hate to imagine how you’d look with mascara and cheap eyeliner rolling down your face with your tears otherwise. “He deserves it, you know? He’s always the happiest when he’s with her.”

You look up to your boyfriend when he brings up your joined hand and kisses the back of your palm, a soft, happy smile gracing your face when you feel the warmth of his lips despite the tears still running down your face.

And that’s when he promises he’d do anything he could to never let you cry again unless it’s paired with that smile.

Shiny Star / Choi Seungcheol

©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.

A/N 2: your feedback will always be appreciated mwah

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