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Small detail in Shadow house manga that I can't believe I missed
Anyone who's read the Manga of Shadow's house knows that Anthony (AKA Christopher) killed off Maggie and Margaret and we all saw how he did it specifically with Maggie he slit her throat
Well in order to make it clear that Louise and Lou's unification failed, he used a fake body in order to make it look like they lost control and died however there's a small detail on the body that should have pointed me to the fact that this body was someone we've seen before

Despite the fact that the hair was curly just like Lou's hair it looked very similar to Lou, pay close attention to the zoom in shot of the living doll and you'll notice this doll has a cut on her neck
(Here's where the spoilers come in):
Anyone who's read the most recent chapters knows that Anthony has already admitted to using Maggie's body as the fake Lou's body in order to make it look like their unification was a failure, however that cut on the body was the smoking gun that should have made me realize that sooner after all he slit Maggie's throat and where else what he had gotten a fake body from even if he had made it why would they bring so much attention to that small detail
Because as the manga reveals it's not crafted body but rather a body of an actual child who died meaning that we all should have noticed this but it was such a small detail that we all overlooked it until it's revealed
I say the creator of shadows house is incredibly sneaky I like that
Tell me did any of you guys notice this before the reveal