Shared Spouse - Tumblr Posts

She could hear us as we filed into her defiled bedroom, but she didn’t know how many I had invited

Are you going to come in with me, or do you want me to just hunt on my own, tonight?

You would let yourself in as soon as you watched my husband drive away. I would slide my nightshirt up over my face, exposing my breasts, my sex, but hiding my face because that was the way you liked to take me..I applied lube since you were too big to be remotely enjoyable. With lube I could just manage

Around midnight I received this pic from a number I didn't recognize. I recognized my wife, though, mostly nude on someone else's bed

So are you following me to my place or are we going back to your hotel?

The boss likes to mark me-bruise me-so that you know he has already had me. He needs the little yelps of pain I make as he slaps and spanks, needs me to squirm under his pain-filled embrace, before he can splatter and spray across my naked skin. He insists on watching me get dressed afterward, his final offering drying between the fabric and my skin...

We had just met-moments before at his club-and here I was exposed, groped, fondled in the parking lot minutes later...

I had just popped round to see Karen-who was out-and the next thing I knew her partner was making spicy margaritas and I was modeling swimwear...

he insisted-before even looking under the hood-that he "look under MY hood " as he put it...

You leave me tied and stretched for the others to find
Exquisitely aware that my husband was just in the next room, darren made me his

When she selected the red heels to meet her"friend from work," suddenly Dave knew: She's meeting someone she intends to fuck. His wife was truly on the brink of becoming a hotwife

"You know what to do," I grunted, reveling in the knowledge that her husband had offered her up and volunteered-eagerly-to film the encounter...

Sorry I missed your call…

He always would whisper :" the early bird gets the worm," as he crawled into my bed each morning
I couldn’t believe he was doing this, and it took all my will to remain silent.My husband and his wife returned with the drinks just as he retreated and stood…giving me a split second to compose myself