She Writes So Good Skjdkdk - Tumblr Posts
Wahhh , how do you write so good😻 gimme your brain bae
You nailed it 😩🖐️
Yandere!ENHYPEN's reaction to: Another member liking their S/O

❁ Genre ⇛Angst, Yandere
❁ Pairing ⇛Yandere!ENHYPEN × GN!Reader
❁ Warning ⇛Jealousy, violence, cursing
❁ Requested ⇛Yes (I did a request combo because they were similar)
❁ A/N ⇛Request are closed, tag list is open! Sorry for not posting frequently, I can't manage my time correctly lol. This is getting too long I'm cutting this in two sorry. I hope you have a good day/evening/night ~

˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Lee Heeseung ¦ 이 희승 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Heeseung already suspected Jay from the beginning, the way he was always looking at you and was always engaging in conversations with you and always found an excuse to spend more time with you. Bit he was his fellow member and he tried to trust him as much as possible. But it was always getting on his nerves whenever he always complimented you shamelessly even when he was there too.
“Y/N you look really pretty/handsome today” He'd say, and Heeseung could've swore that he could have beaten the living thing out of him.
Jay was often buying you gifts and was always ultra kind and patient with you. Which bothered Heeseung.
But he'd always try his best to let it go, because it was true you were pretty/handsome, but it still irked him and rubbed him the wrong way.
Everything was going somewhat finely until Jay actually tried to kiss you even though he knew you were Heeseung's. He was infuriated and if you didn't stop him he might have killed Jay on the spot.
“The fuck did you think you were doing, asshole?!” He told Jay, grabbing him by the collar.
“Isn't it a known fact that their my partner?” He growled as he tightened his grip.
“I-I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, I justー”
“Shut up. I know how much you like them. But you gotta stop right now if you don't want to get hit.” His grip tightened even more and Jay now had trouble breathing correctly.
“Got it?” Jay nodded eagerly.
“Good.” Heeseung released him. As he walked away grabbing you by the arm.
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Park Jay ¦ 박 제이 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He was always weary of everyone ever approaching you in general, so it did not take long for him to notice how softly Jake was looking at you at all time. How much he tried to make plans with you, how much thought he put in his gifts or words to you. He immediately suspected that Jake liked you. And he wanted to put a stop to it as soon as he noticed. But he was still nice to Jake as he was still his best friend. And Jake acted like he understood, and that he'd tone down with you to make him more comfortable, and while Jay was still a bit weary he trusted him.
But he was more firm and strict when he saw Jake being a bit too close to you.
“Hey Y/N, did I tell you that you looked beautiful today?” He smirked. You laughed and thanked him out of politeness, but you knew how Jay was and how if he found out Jake was going to be regretting ever approaching you.
Jake leaned in, and now your faces were very close. As soon as Jake started to get closer to you, Jay somehow appeared and threw him on the ground harshly.
“I thought I warned you to not approach them huh?” He brought his fist close to his face.
“I fucking knew you liked them. You bastard.” He gave a punch to his face.
“I'm so sorry! I won't do it again! I just- I knew it was wrongー” Jay started to choke Jake.
“Don't ever approach them, ever again. Better yet don't even think about about approaching them.” He squeezed Jake's neck even tighter.
“I like to think that you understood your lesson now, hm?” Jake tried to nod as Jay smirked.
“I'll let you go, but don't say a single word about what happened and remember, don't try to do any of this shit again”
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Sim Jake ¦ 심 제이크 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Jake absolutely despised the closeness that you shared with Sunghoon. But he absolutely never tried to put an actual stop to it, he just thought that being jealous of his best friend wasn't right, especially because you were amazing and it made sense that people liked you and wanted to become close to you.
And with that mindset he bottled inside all of his feelings about you and Sunghoon's relationship. It was especially hard for him when he saw Sunghoon consistently complimenting you and you always accepting them and most of the time returning them too. To be fair, Jake never gave you a reason not to, he was always nice and kind, and getting punished wasn't something that happened in your relationship. And he always wanted to tell Sunghoon to tone it down, but he didn't want to come across as mean or whatever.
But he started to feel even worse when Heeseung started to tell him how weird it was for you and Sunghoon to be this close, how Sunghoon always gave you tons of gifts, how he always complimented you, how he always went out of his way to spend alone time with you and such.
“Yeah man, it seems like Sunghoon's definitely fancying them” Heeseung told to Jake as he was sulking at the thought of it.
“You think so too?” He sighed as his head sunk low. He went to look out for you in the room that Sunghoon shared with the younger members. And when he opened the door he saw the worst thing in his whole life.
“Looking like a snack as always huh?” He “jokingly” said, you laughed being used to his flirty jokes that he often used with you.
Sunghoon was so mesmerised by your smile and laughter he couldn't help but lean in and try to kiss you, as he did in dreams. You didn't even notice as your eyes were closed by your laughter.
“What the actual fuck” Jake interrupted Sunghoon. He immediately stepped back, he felt his stomach sink. He knew how wrong what he tried to do was, and he immediately regretted it.
“I-I'm so sorryー Fuck, I mean it's all my fault okay? They didn't do anything I should have thought about the consequencesー”
“Shut up. Why the fuck did I even trust you in the first place? You know what I can't stand your face right now, if Y/N wasn't there right now, you would have at least ended in the hospital.” His face was now emotionless, which scared both you and Sunghoon.
“Now you better keep whatever you have to yourself and don't try that shit anymore or you're fuckin' dead okay?” He took a deep breath. And he brought you to your house.
˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*Park Sunghoon ¦ 박 성훈 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He already didn't want to present you to vuis members. He wanted to keep you to himself, and he knew that his members were handsome and that they might steal you from him. But you kept insisting to meet them, and he couldn't resist you and your cuteness. And he regretted his decision very early.
It didn't take you long to get pretty close to all of them, but you got particularly close to Heeseung, he was funny and you two's personalities matched perfectly. You knew how jealous Sunghoon could be, but you thought that he wouldn't mind it when it was was his own members, but you were wrong. In fact, it bothered him even more. In his head, his members were like family to him and they knew that you were his so why would they do this to him? This idea angered and saddened him. He despised the idea of both losing and his second family.
He was very quick to realise how Heeseung was fancying you, and he wanted to put an immediate stop to it as soon as he noticed, but Heeseung's older than him so he kept his frustrations and anger to himself.
It all bottled up very quickly in him, and it wasn't long before he snapped or cracked.
He constantly rolling his eyes whenever you and Heeseung were together and he was more than ready to break someone's arm whenever he complimented you shamelessly.
“Ah Y/N, looking good today huh? Heeseung would often say to you. And he did try to tell Heeseung about it, but Heeseung kept reassuring him that nothing was going on and that nothing would ever be going on either. It didn't reassure him at all, his behaviour whenever he was near you never changed, it even got worse. But the vase that broke the camel's back was when he found you and Heeseung talking and joking. It seemed somewhat fine, he was used to it. But when Heeseung suddenly grabbed your cheek and brought his face closer to yours he lost it.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He shouted.
“I fucking knew it anyways” He mumbled. He then threw the nearest object to Heeseung making fall to the ground. He didn't waste any time before grabbing his throat and squeezing it.
“I fucking tried to be nice and let you do whatever and that's what you try to do?” He squeezed his throat even harder.
Heeseung was almost about to pass out, but he stopped just in time. Tears were falling out of your eyes without you knowing. Sunghoon got up and looked down on Heeseung.
“Now you know what you shouldn't do.” He hurriedly brought you to your house and calmed you down.

Tag list! : @stacey-stonem