Shinichi X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago



16:27, Tuesday

The scratches of your pencil flooded your mind as your eyebrows scrunched in deep thought. The current assignment for school had been more grueling than anticipated.

Frustration hit as you took a small break to clear your mind.

Mid-exhale a loud knock at your door alerted you. Your parents had gone out for their anniversary leaving the house to you.

Cautiously approaching the front door you peaked out the hole to see none other than Shinichi Okazaki.

「Why are you here, Shin?」

「To see you, of course!」 He flashed his most innocent smile and shook the door knob.

With an exasperated sigh, you reluctantly opened the door for the boy, 「Thanks!」

Throwing yourself on the couch you stare over at your new guest. 「Why are you actually here?」 You ask once again.

Turning to you with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes he parts his lips, 「Help me dye my hair.」

Scoffing softly you smirk, 「That’s all? I thought it’d be more drastic.」 He threw his head back dramatically, 「So are you gonna help or not?」


Giddily pulling out two boxes of hair dye from his pocket he strutted towards the bathroom. 「Well? What’re we waiting for?」

16:45, Tuesday

The snap of the protective gloves alerted Shin whom had just taken an—unpleasant—seat on the bathroom tile. 「Alright you’re hair is pretty light already so we probably shouldn’t let the bleach sit in it too long.」

Sighing deeply, 「Just make sure my hair doesn’t turn brassy.」, he leaned backwards onto your legs.

Fully mixing the color concoction together you set it aside in exchange for bleach. Unwillingly sniffing it as you applied it along Shin’s hair.

「Tingly.」 He snipped as the bleach settled. His comments died down as the time went on and his hair lightened. The timer softly ticking away.

Sitting in blissful silence his eyes wandered to your unfinished homework. 「Yikes, so glad I don’t have to do that.」 He snickered as you glared at his unhelpful comment. 「Don’t look at me like that, take it as a compliment, you’re smart!」 Dropping your glare as the timer for his bleach went off.

Shinichi instinctually following behind you, the both of you made your return to the bathroom. 「I think one round of bleach is fine, but, are you sure you want this blue color?」

「Yeah, it’s gonna look nice, if you don’t mess it up of course.」

Grabbing the sky stained bowl you cut your eyes at him, 「You’re hilarious.」

Lathering his hair in blue the slouching of the dye rang through your ears.

The peace ensued as you both let the dye sit. A comforting silence rather than awkward.

Having the timer go off a final time you began to wash the excess dye out of Shin’s hair.

「Sick bowl cut, Shin.」 You slyly snickered at his wet hair. 「I look good regardless.」 He immediately retorted simultaneously spiking up his hair.

「Anyways—thanks for the help! The ladies will love this.」

「Anytime! Now go on, the women are getting impatient can’t you hear it?」 His brows quirked in confusion.

Taking on a higher pitch you whined, 「Oh Shin get over here with that Sonic hair of yours! My money is waiting!」

「Shut up.」 He playfully pushed you away.


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