Platonic Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

Golden Child

Golden Child

Just a short info dump about Melody Baros McDuck. Found a sketch wanted to do something with it, and realised I hadn’t done much on this side blog in awhile. Sooo…yeah.

Mellie is technically Scrooge’s god-granddaughter. Her father is his god-son.

She started living with Scrooge six years after Della’s disappearance.

Scrooge much like the triplets kind of brushes you aside, believing you’re nothing but trouble.

Going by Mellie or Mels

Even though Webby is two years older than her, she’s Melody’s best and only friend.

Both girls are terrible at social interactions, just socialising with others, however Mellie gets away with it more easily for being younger.

Melody is a naturally curious yet well-rounded child in spite of everything.

“Woah! Did you actually travel to Parrotgue? I’ve always wanted to go there.”

“Wonder what happens when I stick a fork in a socket.”

Over time she does grow on Scrooge bringing some much needed chaos to his monotonous life.

Mellie inherited her granddad’s curse. Memelaus’ Curse.

Being homeschooled by Beakley and nailing all the tea search and nature related projects.

Scrooge becoming a bit protective of you. Webby always being protective of you.

You’re amazing at finding gold, without any foreknowledge. Basically a gold detector. Except for two days of each year.

Wearing contacts outside the Manor.

After a year you just adopt the last name McDuck.

Always answering Featherys calls despite Scrooge telling you to ignore them.

Hating Glomgold almost as much as Scrooge. Dudes always trying to abduct you because of the curse.

Always feeling like part of the family.


Meeting the triplets!!

Tags :
1 year ago
Being Dante's Bestfriend

“Being Best-friends with Dante Sparda„

Being a son of Sparda doesn’t mean he doesn’t have time to fool around with you ! Gender neutral human reader

Teenage Years | DMC3

Being the massive flirt he is he’ll most likely try and flirt with you upon meeting

Seeing as his twin brother is currently trying to kill him and take his necklace he’ll keep your first conversation short and leave you with his number

After literal Hell on Earth he’ll remember to give you a call

Y’all click instantly…he’s also just a really easy person to get along with but we’ll just ignore that

Now we all know he STAYS broke so either you pay for a meal or y’all are taking a walk in the park somewhere

Getting him to actually talk about himself is pretty difficult

Give him space and he’ll open up about deeper things in his life eventually especially things that concern his demon half(brother, childhood, etc.)

He does enjoy throwing compliments everywhere so expect daily words of praise whether it be sarcastic, goofy, exaggerated, or sincere praise

If you like to compliment as well it’ll be like the most sickening bromance ever

If your still in school DO NOT go to him for homework help

He’ll hype you up for sure but if you need genuine academic help just get a tutor💀

Would be genuinely upset if you made a joke regarding his white hair bro would get hella moody and claim you aren’t friends anymore

If you have a part time job you can BET he’s gonna ask for some bread

Not exactly outright but he’ll allude to it like..

“You remember all the damage those demon guys did to my shop? Yeah…it’s gonna cost A TON to repair it by myself…”

“Are you hungry? Well I heard about this new pizza spot that WE should totally tryout 😁.”

If you like to make clothes/jewelry/accessories he’ll totally wear it

Refuses to let you mess with his hair until like two years into knowing each other

Takes pride in his looks and you should too! Self care! Ofc you’re paying for any and all expenses🫶

Glorified sugar daddy😭

If you live with your parents…so does he

Congratulations you have a new brother 🩰

If you don’t he’ll offer to be roommates so he can get a cheaper rent

You’ll definitely meet Lady she is absolutely appalled at how you tolerate him constantly sarcastically ofc she knows he’s a good guy

If you’re into video games he’ll play with you granted he doesn’t have the money to pay for a game console so it’ll be on whatever console you have

Once he’s in your life he’s never leaving literally.

A best-friend for a lifetime

Adult Years

He probably saved you from some demons

Like if you met him in his teenage year he’d def start flirting

What can I say he stays true to himself

His personality would never change regardless of his aging

Still the same wacky woohoo pizza man we know and love

Thinks you look hot and invites you on a date which quickly just turns into a hangout after the LACK of romance

Still finds hanging with you to be fun and keeps a friendship

Even after establishing a friendship he still flirts here and there—force of habit

Would definitely teach you how to ride a motorcycle if you didn’t already know

More willing to let you mess with his hair

Like put it in pigtails or tie it up/braid it

Introduced you to the whole DMC gang

Now depending on the time period he’ll tell you about Vergil and his upbringing

He would totally tell you all about it after the events of DMC5 after he returns ofc!

I feel like he’s an animal guy so if you have any pets they’re now his pets too

Co-parenting core🩰

If you’re an artist he’ll be your muse/reference material any day

Loves the attention

Drunk dance nights

Karaoke too he doesn’t have the best singing voice but it’s not the worst

Since he’s a devil hunter he goes on missions a lot and seeing as you don’t want to get your shit rocked you stay behind

Cherishes every moment spent together and will make sure you know that

You always take him with you on vacations

How could you not???

He appreciates if you chip in helping him pay off his MASSIVE FUCKING DEBT

He doesn’t expect you to though

Despite being broke he stays stylish and if you asked would help you with fashion

Ofc he isn’t like BIG on fashion but cmon have you seen his looks? He dabbles

Immediately sees you after missions and starts ranting about the entire thing

“Can you believe it?! So obviously I shot that nasty bitch and it had the nerve to explode all over my jacket! It died so I can’t even get it to pay for a new one!”

“Don’t worry about why I smell like this worry about the fact that Trish totally took MY commission!”

Very dramatic but laid back too if that makes sense

Calls you cheesy nicknames that I will not elaborate on use your imagination 🗣️🫶

Enjoys live music and will go with you to concerts if you like

Shows you his demon form if you’re interested

Whatever your hobby is he’ll be interested

Would make sure nothing ever bad happened to you regarding devils ofc

Best bros for life and in death🫡

Being Best-friends With Dante Sparda

Tags :
1 year ago
Being Charles Xaviers Sibling

“Being Charles Xavier’s Sibling„

Being the sibling of the world’s strongest psychic has perks! Gn reader


Would be a great brother honestly

Always cheated in hide and seek

“No way you found me that fast!”

“I’m simply a great player.”

“You totally cheated, Charles!”

He’s support you in any of your endeavours

Likes to go on weekly walks with you and just talk about life especially when you guys get older and have your own separated lives

Probably goes without saying but you would be an advocate for mutants

Raven is basically your sister as well

Def favours you more than Charles when it comes to talking about her problems

Honestly i don’t think he’d let you tag along in the events of X-MEN first class

He’s so fucking soft

Mfs walk all over him and it’s embarrassing

You def would have to defend him in verbal scenarios

Idk if it’s true but he prob plays pool

He beats you more than not

Before he got his fancy wheel chair you would roll him everywhere

Like a little kid with a shopping cart only it’s two grown adults💀

No offence but his fashion sense is horrendous.

You dress him just for the sake of aesthetics


Still a great brother

You’ll most likely have similar abilities to him or Emma Frost

Can’t/won’t read your mind

That’s a lie he probably did/tried to once to get you to clean his room💀

Just sibling things

Y’all were low-key menaces as children

Absolute devious duo

He’s so nice but y’know how siblings get when they’re together

Yin and yang Fr

You still dress him bc his fashion sense is STILL terrible whether ur a mutant or not💀

“Why the fuck did you even CONSIDER putting that on, Charles?”

“That’s rather rude…”

Would def want you to be an Xman but would respect if you didn’t want to be

Plays chess with you like the old man he is

Going back to your sister kinda, Raven!

You guys def would get along more

If you had similar ideologies she probably trusts you/confides in you more

If you decided to become an x-men your brother would be ecstatic

While he wants to keep you safe simultaneously he is happy that you’ll help with his vision to have mutants and non mutants living together in peace

If you’re a teacher at the school for the gifted he’ll ask for your input in certain things involving school policy/architectural ideas

You’d help him with any unstable students and it’d get exhausting but worth it to help someone

Despite not needing to be pushed around in his wheelchair anymore you still do it for fun

Cracks jokes about his new bald appearance

You’ve def bought him wigs but he would decline using them

You guys are still hella goofy even as adults

And no matter how old you get you guys will always fight for mutant kind

“A girl I met once told me, mutant and proud.”

“That’s corny as hell, Charles.”

Being Charles Xaviers Sibling

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1 year ago
Being A Member Of BLAST

“Being a Member of BLAST”

Life is short why not take a chance and join a band? Masc!reader intended

Minor spoilers for NANA

Joining | Nana

Actually joining the band wasn’t hard especially because when you met Nana there was no band💀

You guys met at the train station when she first moved to Tokyo

You already lived in Tokyo and were just returning from a trip when you saw her

It was like an instant click she caught your eye

“Hey, do you happen to sing by any chance?”

“Who are you?”

“Don’t worry about that just know I can play guitar pretty damn good if I do say so myself!”

She was tired from the long ass ride and didn’t know anyone in Tokyo aside from Ren

Went back to your place and played for her

“I’ll think about it.”

Nana isn’t a very emotional or open person so she tends to keep secrets but over time if you guys get that close she’ll vent to you

If you smoke she’ll always ask you for your lighter

Older sister younger brother energy

Opposites | Hachi

Nana paid you an abrupt visit to tell you about her new place and totally not just for you to fix the AC

Checking the place out you laid eyes on an inverted version of Nana

“Hi, I’m Nana Komatsu!”

“Just call her Hachi.”


“Nice to meet you, Hachi?”

She’s had a crush on just about every BLAST member , so, of course she has had a crush on you before

If you wear makeup or paint your nails she would love to do it for you

Amazing cook and if you ever wanted anything she’d happily make it for you

She rlly just wants to be needed

Definitely went to you for relationship advice with Nobu

You tend to just appear places so you were one of the first people to know about her pregnancy and went to the hospital with her

You stayed outside though to avoid ppl thinking you were the father 💀

You def don’t help with her shopping addiction

Shopping sprees constantly that’s why your broke as shit

“Should I get the soft blue or purple skirt?”


After the Takumi drama you guys would stay in contact and when Nobu wasn’t at your place she’d come to watch you practice alone

You’d support her decision because it’s her life in the end

Formation | Nobuō

The unforgiving aggression spewing from your ringing phone at the dead of night

Some random number was calling you and for whatever reason you answered, confident that it wasn’t a scam caller


“It’s Nana, come over.”

“I’m not into late night favours if you get what I mean.”

“That’s not what I’m calling for, just get over here!”

Reluctantly wandering the dark streets of Tokyo you made your way over to Nana’s apartment, you’d only been there once to help with the AC where you learned of the other Nana or Hachi

Opening the door to reveal the two residents and a blonde man standing with his guitar in hand

“Took you long enough. Anyways, like I said Nobuo I already have a guitarist so go home.”

“Well we could always play together I have nothing against dual guitars!”

“You aren’t helping.”


You and Nobu got along great your guitars and personalities blending perfectly

He talks with you about everything especially when he and Hachi get together

If you’re shorter than/same height him he’d be happy to have another short guy in the band

If you’re taller he’d be happy if you didn’t make fun of his height though he does tend to light heartedly joke abt it

He likes to go to you for fashion inspiration and vice versa

Drunk karaoke

You would help him with song writing

You guys would be around the same age too so besties

You guys get along the best in the band

The bass | Shin

After the whole Nobu moving to Tokyo fiasco all you guys need is a bassist and drummer

Nobu sending you a picture of Hachi’s little drawing of the 3 of you on the band poster

You met up with them at the studio to practice with Shinichi on bass

For such a young kid he was pretty good player (granted your only like 6-7 years older)

Being confused right alongside him when everyone stopped playing

You, Shin, and Nobu are like the 3 musketeers

You- Oldest, Nobuo - Middle, Shin - Youngest

Shin snatched your clothes on a daily basis much like he does with Nobu

Unlike Nobu, you don’t care

He stays over at your place more than you’d like to admit

He basically lives there

He would definitely go to you about the Reira/Layla situation

Has mini fashion shows in your room with a fake runway and everything

You guys play games together on your console

He relaxes and is actually a kid when he hangs out with you

Has you paint his nails

He has moments when he storms off if you bring up a certain subject but he never stays mad for long and shows up at your door

Likes to go eat at new places with you especially if you’re paying for it

“I’m gonna get the chocolate croissants, one of those fancy hot chocolates, and..oh! You’re paying for this right?”


Bit a of spoiler kinda but later in the manga when he got arrested you’d be the only one to visit him

Completion | Yasu

You definitely shat yourself when you first met Yasu

He’s the responsible one in the band so he’s like a father figure to you especially if you didn’t have one

You two probably get to the studio first before anyone else

He’d always let you talk/rant to him if you ever needed to

Would be surprised if you remembered his birthday and got him a gift

If you smoke he’d go on smoke breaks with you

If you don’t smoke he’d make sure to hold his cigarette away from you/out of your face

Would teach you various card games

If you didn’t want to watch a movie alone he’d watch it with you

Any legal troubles go to him

Scratch that ANY troubles go to him

“Man you’re like a wise monk.”

“..because I’m bald?”

“No, because you’re wise..and because you’re bald.”

Being A Member Of BLAST

Tags :
1 year ago




DMC(Devil May Cry Series)

Dante Sparda As Your Best-friend

Gender Neutral Reader

Attempting to be Friends with Vergil Sparda

Gender Neutral Reader

Dante Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader


Dear Alice Series(Jason Todd)

Masc/Male Reader

Crushing on Starfire

Gender Neutral Reader


Being the Sibling of Charles Xavier

Gender Neutral Reader

SpiderVerse Triology

Being in a Relationship With Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider

Gender Neutral Reader


Being a Member of BLAST!

Masc/Male Reader

Hanging Out With Nana Komatsu

Masc/Male Reader

Quiet Times(Shinichi Okazaki)

Gender Neutral Reader

To Love and Like(Nana Komatsu)

Gender Neutral Reader

Hypnosis Microphone

Being Ichiro’s Brother

Masc/Male Reader

Oficie Series(Doppo Kannonzaka)

Gender Neutral Reader

Sk8 The Infinity

Being Apart of the Sk8 Crew

Gender Neutral Reader

SVTFOE(Star v. The Forces of Evil)

Being Apart of Tom’s Support System

Gender Neutral Reader

The King of Fighters(KOF)

Having Lunch With Leona Heidern

Gender Neutral Reader

Vice Affection HCs

Fem Reader

Iori as your Housewife

Gender Neutral Reader

Iori Living Headcanons

Fem reader

I miss my wife..(Leona Chizuru Shermie)

Gender Neutral Reader

Blue Exorcist

Twisted Wonderland

Mortal Kombat Saga

Being Mileena’s Girlfriend

Fem/Female Reader

Being Fujin’s Son

Masc/Male Reader

The Maze Runner Triology

Monster High

Mall HCs With Clawdeen

Fem Reader

School Bus Graveyard(SBG)

Teaching Logan the Piano

Gender Neutral Reader

Taylor Dating HCs

Gender Neutral Reader

Tyler Dating HCs

Masc/Male Reader

Cooking With Tyler

Masc/Male Reader

Being Aiden’s Sister

Fem Reader

Being Ashlyn’s Brother

Masc/Male Reader

Logan’s Date Night

Gender Neutral Reader

Convenient Catastrophe(Tyler)

Fem Reader

Thrift Shop(Aiden)

Genders Neutral Reader

Logan Dating HCs

Gender Neutral Reader

Taylor, the driver

Gender Neutral Reader

Memorable Moments(Aiden)

Gender Neutral Reader

Ben Dating HCs

Male Reader

2-Player Uno(Tyler)

Gender Neutral Reader

Tekken(mostly gonna be Leo tbh)

Leo Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Leo’s Conflicted Confession

Gender Neutral Reader

Leo Dating HCs

Gender Neutral Reader

Leo’s Affection

Gender Neutral Reader


Gender Neutral Reader

Lars Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Leo Drabble(2)

Gender Neutral Reader

Alisa Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Claudio Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Mobile Legends:Bang Bang(MLBB)

Ensemble Stars(ENSTARS)

Shu Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Lord of Heroes(LOH)


Gender neutral reader

Charles III Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Lucilicca Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Rashad Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Lumie Drabble

Gender Neutral Reader

Mystic Messenger

Wishes to Unknown(Saeran)

Male Reader



Male Reader

Please Model for Me!(Maxxie)

Male reader

Persona 2(Innocent Sin Timeline)

Small Talk(Tatsuya Suou)

Gender Neutral Reader

Percy Jackson Collection

Gossip(Octavian, whatever his surname is)

Gender Neutral Reader

Never one without two(Octavian again idk his surname)

Male reader

Tags :
1 year ago
Being Apart Of The Sk8 Crew

“Being Apart of The Sk8 Crew„

Just rewatched Sk8 the infinity and now I wish I had friends so ! Gn reader

Joe | “I wanna marry your abs!”

Y’all would meet your first time at S

Obviously you’d be amazed by his skating and even if u don’t like men he’s hot as hell bro don’t lie

One of two things happens

You A. Run up to him and ask abt his skating techniques and such

Or B. He actually walks up to you to talk about your skating(only if ur good ofc💀)

He’s such a dad

If you’re younger than him he’s constantly trying to sound smart/give you wisdom

Sometimes it’s solid advice the other times it’s pure nonsense

If you like to cook/want to learn he’ll happily teach you

If not he’ll settle for a new taste tester

He would def make jokes all the time

Some genuinely funny

He expects you to laugh at all of them even if it wasn’t funny

He’d appreciate it if you didn’t cock block him like everyone else

Despite being quick to take off his shirt he’s very fashionable and takes pride in his looks obviously

If you ever needed fashion advice best go to him!

He’s a pretty laid back guy so you wouldn’t get into arguments often

Would love to skate everywhere but he’s like…got a job and responsibilities so..

Still a great dad friend to have

Honestly would care and worry over you if you got into some dumb shit so don’t do anything stupid and he won’t worry

Joe for the win🗣️‼️

Cherry/Kaoru | A.I. Advancement

You’d meet when he paid a visit to Joe’s restaurant

Ofc you knew of him bc he’s popular but you never MET Kaoru

You def walked in on their date arguing

It was so awkward u were jus like:🧍‍♂️

“Is this a bad time time to visit you?”

“Hey! Kaoru this is [ ], the kid I was talking about.”

“What a peculiar child to willingly hang around you.”

“Whatever you say, Pinky.”

He’s kinda weird with his whole AI stuff but other than that a great friend

Makes snarky comments with you

Unless ur too nice to make snide remarks

Constantly complains abt the angle of your turns

Unironically would show up at your parent teacher conferences(if you’re still in the lower schooling ofc)

Would never admit it but he loves each of his friends and would be genuinely concerned if anything happened

Shadow | Petty Clown

Oh when y’all met you wanted to throw hands

I imagine something similar to his introduction with Reki

Bro straight up threw an explosive in your face???(smoke bomb maybe but still)

He may be petty but you’re pettier(is that even a word?💀)

You found out he worked at a flower shop bc lets be FR he doesn’t look much different outside of S

Lil arguments here lil threats there and you leave with a nice assortment of flowers

Bro side eyes you EVERYTIME y’all cross paths at S😭

After the whole gang is assembled y’all no longer act this way towards one another

Bros the only responsible adult of this group

He def did your makeup once and you broke out the next day💀

“Are you sure you know what you’re doin’?”

“Trust me, kid.”

“I don’t know why but I don’t.”

You try and help him with his relationship endeavors but it never works out😭

He’ll go to the gym with you if you don’t wanna go alone

Gym bros‼️🗣️

Miya | Catty Child

This fucker

Y’all are quite the duo

Annoying ass mfs whenever and wherever you go

If you have any sort of pet it’s his pet now

Bros the animal whisperer

He’d have to be interested in your skating for y’all to become friends

So pretend ur decent or even amazing; however big ur delusion allows itself to be🫡

He’s smart but would invite you somewhere under the premise of studying just to goof around

If he needs a second player for his game bro is gonna drag your ass so y’all can play

Goes shopping with you just to complain about how everything is ugly in the stores

“That’s not cute, who thought selling this was a good idea?”

“Bitch—if you’re going to be negative the whole time go home‼️”

Reki | Redheaded Menace

If you thought you + Miya was a devious duo just imagine you and Reki

Y’all would prob meet second after you and Joe met

Bc he works at a skate shop

And you need skating stuff(you can tell I’m not a skater💀)

If you’re just a good skater and don’t know actual science and shit behind it he’s constantly telling you about it like you care

You guys cruise around together for fun

He made your current board and you’ll never get another one that’s not from him

You teach him any and all tricks/skills you know

Probably took you to his house to give you your current board bc he was working on it in his house and you met all of his family

His mom is just happy he’s got some friends

You become besties with his mom

She gossips abt news and celebrities with you

Claims ur like her other child(forget the rest of them👺)

Makes you lunch bc she’s nice like that

You let him ramble abt stuff he’s interested in even if you aren’t listening fully

Would silently beg you to stay back with him during the hot spring scavenge bc he’s scared

Forces you to watch horror movies with him bc he gets scared and needs someone else with him

Bro would be elated the whole day if you called him cool

Snow/Langa | Canadian Curiosity

Omg he’s Canadian?😦 Seize him!

Obviously being involved with S you would’ve heard of Snow but Reki would’ve introduced y’all before the big news

Bro would shove him in your face as if he’s a shiny trophy(at the beginning ofc)

“This is Langa! New guy from my class apparently he’s interested in skating.”

“Sick—he’s so pale.”

“He’s from Canada.”


Bro is so oblivious it’s crazy

You gotta like SPELL IT OUT for him if you’re ever alluding to smth

Langa stays hungry and would go out to eat with you anytime

You and Reki would def help him decorate his room bc it’s…bland

It’s not bad but there’s no personality

He tells you abt his favourite dishes back in Canada and y’all try and locate any places in Japan that might sell smth similar

If not you guys attempt to make it yourselves at his house

His mom walks in on y’all ruining the kitchen💀

“Langa I’m…home.”

“Hey, Mom.”

“Hey Langa’s Mom!”

Bro is a skating addict and will skate whenever and wherever

Wants to race you like at least twice every week

Loser pays for dinner

You help him with his reading and writing and if you didn’t already know he’d teach you English

Being Apart Of The Sk8 Crew

Tags :
1 year ago
Being Apart Of Toms Support System

“Being Apart of Tom’s Support System„

Everyone gets angry sometimes but it’s good to accept and manage it and that’s what you’re here for! No gender specified demon reader

Teamwork | Troubles

Well it’s a good thing that Tom decided to work on his anger management skills

But actually working on them would be harder than he would like to admit

His mom probably contacted you bc she has anger issues too💀

Y’all are best friends bc she’s amazing??(I love tall women)

Despite being a whole Prince bro has NO friends it’s actually rlly sad

At the start bro gets pissed at literally everything

Good thing ur a demon too bc bro would’ve burnt u to a crisp TRUST

Almost exploded bc his buttons weren’t going through the holes on his shirt

“Can you help me.”

“With what?”

“ me button my shirt.”

After that anytime he needed to dress up formally he’d just ask you to help with his shirt so he didn’t blow up

You helped unfreeze him at the blood moon ball

He’d expect you to help him get back with Star(you don’t)

Constantly venting abt his relationship troubles

You’re now like an uncomfortable third party💀

Bc best believe Star also vents to you

Even though in the later seasons he no longer needs his support system he still keeps in touch with everyone—and his pet Bunny

Like monthly life evaluations

Like I said earlier abt him not having friends he sorta has friends in the later seasons but they’re mostly Star’s friends so that’s weird when they breakup💀

He’s gonna constantly ask if you wanna hangout and why would you say no?

“Hey, I was gonna go shopping for some clothes today if you wanted to y’know-come along.”

A job well done and newly acquired friend!


Being Apart Of Toms Support System

Tags :
1 year ago
Attempting To Be Friends With Vergil Sparda

“Attempting to be Friends with Vergil Sparda„

Honestly he’d never outright call you his friend💀 ! Gn Demon Reader

Origins | DMC3

Let’s be FR he wouldn’t care abt your gender or lack there of he still sees you as lesser than

You’d have to be a Devil or half Devil to even linger around him

Im seeing you just come from Hell to be friends with him🦀

Naturally like any of the devils in DMC3 u were originally gonna attack Vergil bc NPC does what NPC is supposed to do

But you have common sense a pretty mf with a sword is bad news so let’s be friends dear beautiful one

Bear with me right—all ur demon gang gets slaughtered by this mf and you’re just standing there watching fascinated absolutely entranced by this mf

Seeing as you’re the last obstacle he points that big ass katana at you

“Sorry I just can’t fight someone so beautiful man.”

Gives you the MEANEST side eye

Still tries to HARM you and succeeds—but like you regenerate 💀

Mf would let out the BIGGEST sigh and just walk away🪦

You follow ofc bc who wouldn’t (a mf who wants to live 💀)


Me when might controls everything 🫦

Despite being a demon yourself you def would try to convince him to NOT open the portal

Bc lets be FR them other devils ain’t shit for nothin‼️

He constantly looks annoyed and has a mean case of resting bitch face

He’s very stand-offish and depending on how long/well you know each other he’ll listen to what you’re sayin

Especially if ur a person that likes to go on rants

DMC3 he’d be more open to a mf who has no attachments as seen during the scene where he stabbed Arkham

New to friendship and sees everything as a transaction

You give me this and I give you that typa thing

Would take FOREVER to tell you abt his childhood and by the time he does u pretty much already know bc of Dante

Would get along better if ur also half demon rather than full demon as he has a complex where he continuously tries to rid himself of his humanity

Bros on a MISSION so u gotta be able to keep up

Obviously being demon/half demon you got some power but if you’re weak he’s gonna drop you I’m sorry 💀(no I’m not)


Doesn’t celebrate his birthday

Just in general regardless of his childhood I just don’t think he’d like to

So no surprise parties please🫶

Now don’t get me wrong he IS smart but like also a dumbass💀

Constantly makes you think bc he’ll say smth so stupid but make it sound so smart

A very dramatic mf

Always makes dramatic entrances no matter where he goes

Walks into McDonalds with his blue coat flowing, snowlike hair, glistening eyes, arched eyebrows, and a judgmental look

Baby let ur hair down🫦

Bro is effortlessly breathtaking and if u ask for tips or question what he does for his routine he looks you up and down, scoffs, and leaves💀


Spars with you bc luckily you can regenerate

Infinite punching bag

Love a reader with no shame(me acting like I didn’t write this)

Idk why but I feel like he can play the piano as just like a pastime thing

When trapped in Hell u just roam around y’know bc you’ve lived there for as long as you can remember 😭

Vergil is in a constant search for more power and ur just chillin watching him

Like those mfs who still calmly sip on their drinks when there is a bar fight

“Woohoo! Go Vergil you’re doin’ great!”

“Shut up!”

He loves you, I promise.

Talks shit abt Dante, lovingly ofc

After the events of DMC5 if he were to come back with Dante(ambiguous ending)

Y’all would prob live together

And they were roommates 😨

FR tho it’s like weird especially with Nero being recognized as his son

“Nero is my son?”

“You have a son?”

“I didn’t know..”

“How did you not know?”

Becomes more vocal during the friendship during/after the events of DMC5

He doesn’t see the need for an abundance of clothes so if ur into fashion your ideas fill 98% of his wardrobe

Honestly I think he can cook

More of a baker methinks

He probably wouldn’t like sweets but he’ll certainly make them himself

No I’m not going to make a berries delight joke.

Attempting To Be Friends With Vergil Sparda

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1 year ago

can you do more headcanons than it would be if reader was in nana? i loved it :]

Can You Do More Headcanons Than It Would Be If Reader Was In Nana? I Loved It :]

“Hanging Out With Nana Komatsu„

Tbh I threw all my general band headcanons out there already so here’s a short Drabble instead ! Masc intended reader

09:25 — Friday


An unfortunate snow day ruined your pre planned outfit for the day as it was now too cold to wear such a thing

Throwing on one of the only heavy coats you owned you headed out to widen your winter clothes selection

Crisp cold air filled your nostrils as your nose turned a light shade of pink/a deep red while you stiffly strutted through the streets of Tokyo

Now there were a LOT of people who lived in the city so when you saw a person whom happened to resemble your bandmate’s roommate you thought nothing of it

Or initially did until—

“Hey! What are you doing out here?”

“Oh Hachi nice to see you! I’m just buying some new clothes to match the weather.”

Walking together to various clothing stores to buy what you deemed fashionably weather appropriate

“How about this one?”

“It’s a thick sweater but that’s definitely not my colour.”

“For a guy you’re really picky about clothes..”

“Gender will never get in the way of my style, dear Nana!”

A good 3 hours went by looking for clothes before you both decided to just finish another day

Walking out of the general shopping district with both clothes for yourself and Hachi in hand you sighed as most of your money ended up going towards her as she claimed she was broke

“I never asked before but why aren’t you with Nana today?”

“Originally I came out to get breakfast at this really nice cafe around our apartment, but, Nana said I should save my money.”

You end up in front of said cafe as soon as her rant explanation is over

Not bad for you though since you had some extra cash to spare seeing as you already paid rent this month

Muffins, breads, and hot beverages of course

Truly embodying the winter spirit with your food choices

Her squeals of excitement never ceased as you once again paid for her expenses

“I feel like a glorified sugar daddy.”

“These muffins are so good, try one!”

Struggling up the big ass staircase to her shared apartment Hachi ran to open to the door for you to fall in

“Nana I’m back! Oh and look who I brought with me!”

Can You Do More Headcanons Than It Would Be If Reader Was In Nana? I Loved It :]

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1 year ago
Being Fujins Son

“Being Fujin’s Son„

He’s so father and I love him for that ! Masc/Male Reader

Wind Deity | MK

Bro was like sealed away for majority of the prime events for MK11 💀

So you guys would obviously meet earlier

In one of his lines for MK11 when talking of children he said ‘it’s a joy I will never know’ so you’re gonna be adopted🫶

It’s mortal kombat so ur gonna have some sort of power

I’m seeing you as a strong ass kid who can’t control his powers cuz of sick of seeing weak mfs🤞

He’d meet you on one of his many trips/adventures through the realms

Seeing you absolutely lose ur shit he’d stop you ofc

Y’know bc it’s kinda his job to keep the peace😭

He doesn’t want you thrown in jail for destroying shit so he takes on the responsibility of your new father

“Do not worry, I am Fujin, I will take care of you.”

Daily Scenarios | MK

Have you seen his hair?

Trust me your hair will improve in condition when under his care

Dw he’s pretty experienced so he would know what to do for all hair types

You’d prob end up growing your hair out like him but if your insecure abt having long hair he would understand

A lot of meditation.

He would often train/spar with you to keep your power in check

Can’t have you destroyin shit all the time 🫶

You guys would often travel different places

Seeing different cultures, trying new foods, dressing in different styles, etc.

It would honestly be rlly fun

He’d def take you on wind turbine rides if you aren’t afraid of heights ofc

He’s makes sure you live a healthy lifestyle and get enough exercise daily even if ur lazy like me and hate exercising

He would never want to put you in danger


In the events of MKX when the sky temple is attacked he wouldn’t stop you from helping defend it

Along with this he might seek you out for MK11 AfterMath if you don’t take part in the major battle

I think he’d be a good cook with all his knowledge of different kinds of food he can def make smth good

Would make you cook with him so you can learn to cook for yourself

Despite being a good cook you guys would def go out and eat most of the time

Night markets too!

He probably wouldn’t have any pets

You’d probably meet Raiden during the attack on the Sky Temple

“Brother, this is my son.”

“Your what.”

He wouldn’t have much of an opinion on you rather than the fact that you’re kinda dangerous and a distraction from Fujin’s duties

Not like he already didn’t get distracted even without you 💀

Raiden wouldn’t HATE you though he’s just cautious

You guys wouldn’t have a set home aside from the Sky Temple as you’re constantly on the move

He doesn’t necessarily age so he has no reason to slow down and why would you!

Being Fujins Son

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1 year ago
Dear Alice

“Dear Alice„

Parte 04 (short)

Jason Todd + Masc/Male Reader, Damien Al-Ghul Wayne + Twin Reader

Masc/Male Reader

First Person POV

“You’ve never tried…lemonade?”

His blank stare burnt figurative holes through my soul as I attempted to cover my tracks. “Of course I have!”—a terrible lie.

Immediately dragging me from my once comfortable position on the couch to an awkward stance in the kitchen.

“It’s so easy to make I can’t believe you haven’t had it before.” He sneered tamely opening the refrigerator doors.

Placing several lemons on the countertop he hastily closed the fridge.

“Y’know in Latin America when talking about lemons they actually mean limes.” He spewed out information as he walked towards a silverware rack. “All you need is some water, sugar, and lemons obviously.”

Motioning for me to come closer, I went to stand next to him. “You can cut them however you want but I do halves because it’s too much work.” His nonchalant tone as he bought the knife cleanly through the citrus eased my concern if I could properly make the drink.

Midway through cutting the other lemons his phone aggressively buzzed, alerting us both.

“Here you cut the rest kid. I gotta take this.”

Stepping out of the kitchen and into a more private spot I ignored the shady behaviour and worked on cutting the rest of the lemons.

It had been about five minutes so I decided to go through and complete the drink. Adding the sliced lemons and sugar to the jug of water I gently stirred it.

“You’re doin’ great kid. I gotta go for a bit alright? I’ll be back fast, just gotta take care of something.” Jason said finally emerging back into the kitchen light.

With a simple nod for reassurance he slipped out the door. In a peculiar outfit I’ll admit. It was none of my business though so I sat at the kitchen counter watching the lemons peacefully float in the clear water.

“Sorry for cutting you guys in half.” I apologized to the lemons; quietly wondering where Jason had went.

Dear Alice

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1 year ago
Teaching Logan Piano

“Teaching Logan Piano„

There is absolutely NOTHING for school bus graveyard and I’m SICK + I’m learning piano so ! Gn Reader

Convincing | SBG

This would obviously have to be before their trip to Savannah

No lie your probably his only close friend as he was bullied majority of his time at school

So it wasn’t rlly that hard to get him to become your student

“‘Yo Logan wanna learn piano?”

“You want to hang out with me?”

“I mean—sure.”


Now he’s really smart so he’ll quickly memorize any notes

Actually playing though is another story

“Just pick any C key.”

“That’s a D.”

“I know, sorry. I don’t know why I pressed that one.”

He’s so shaky😭 (Ignore his pristine aim)

“Try arching your fingers! Kinda’ like a spider.”

“My hands hurt.”

He’s more of a slow player

He would start to mess up his hand placement if he tried to play any faster

He’s a very hard worker though and with some more time he can learn to play faster

Has even made some personal pieces of his own

Now that you’ve taught him the basic understanding of piano he’ll drown you in astrology facts

Teaching Logan Piano

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1 year ago



2:23 A.M.

Leo would RARELY awake you at such an early time, as they would never want to disturb your peaceful rest.

Yet there they stood stalking your sleeping form with shaken eyes.

“There’s a bug.” Leo spilled as your eyes adjusted to their stiff form.

Despite Leo’s great strength the one thing that rivaled them was bugs. In reality anything with ‘abnormal’ features had terrified them.

Planting your feet on the icy cold tiles of the bathroom floor you pursued onwards. Armored with dual sandals and Leo following close behind with a small can of RAID.

Their anxious voice shooting out. “IT’S ON THE CEILING!” Bringing your sights to the roof of the room you saw it.

An average sized insect, brown in colour with two sets of wings. “What the fuck is that, Leo?”

“I don’t know! Just kill it, please!” The shaking of the spray can in their hands did little as Leo had been too afraid to use it.

After a moment of planning you shifted to them. “Okay, so, you’re going to spray it and when it falls I’ll whack it.” Hesitantly nodding their head, Leo gained the courage and aimed the can towards the invader.


With the newly present gas floating about the air the bug fell from the ceiling.

“GET IT, QUICKLY!” Leo shrieked jumping to your side instinctively.

With a swift swing, the o’ so terrifying insect became no more. It’s twitching legs signifying your triumph.

A sigh of relief escaped Leo’s lips as the bug spray fell to the floor with a ping.

“Thank you.” They curtly let out as you stumbled back to sleep.

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1 year ago



Fem Reader

Good fucking luck, bro.

Having Aiden as a FRIEND is chaotic in and of itself so imagine being his sister and dealing with him 24/7

As stated in the comic he and his family travel quite often

So you would rlly just be each other’s long term friends

He screams iPad kid

He has definitely forced you to play any and all games with him

Constantly making you watch him speedrun FNAF3 for the fifteenth time

Aiden and his bum-ass fashion sense is APPALLING

Despite if you try to get him to dress differently he REFUSES

Eventually when Ben joins your traveling circus Aiden’s behaviour mellows out ever so slightly

It’s nice having someone in your presence who isn’t constantly on 10

When the trip to Savannah happens you bet your ass he’s telling you all about it

His dumbass gossiping got u dragged into the dreamworld too💀

Having to witness his awkward crush on Ashlyn

“Go talk to her. Y’know you want to.”

Scoffing at your teasing comments, “I talk to Ash everyday. Can’t I just watch for today?”

“One, that’s weird. Two you’re never quiet, it’s weird.”

He definitely blamed you when you were younger for him microwaving plastic

Horrified eyes pierced the two of you as your mother parted her lips, “Who thought it was a good idea to put plastic in the microwave?”

“It was her.”

“You fucking liar!”

“No cursing!”

Will hoard the TV remote all the time especially when you guys were younger

If you experience a period he’ll tune down a bit especially if you get moody during but is still a menace

Forced you to watch the Barbie movie with him(he cried)

Every time his roots start showing y’all immediately take care of it

Bleach bros (gals? Pals?)

When he sees Taylor and Tyler matching outfits he suggests you guys do the same

He was immediately shot down with that request.


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1 year ago



Gender Neutral Reader


Life time movies are their favorite

Always has the best snacks (ruler privilege)

They never talk much during the movie bc they’re too busy enjoying it

Will always let you pick the movie unless you explicitly ask them to pick a movie

But no matter what the movie genre is you can bet they’re gonna cry at least once just because

Definitely the best person to watch the movie with overall 10/10


Falls asleep during the movie

Literally like a dad 💀 snoring n shi

He’ll let you pick the movie though!

THE designated food person

He will always get up to refill the popcorn so you don’t miss anything

Never fully engaged in the film unless it’s a dramatic romance movie

You can’t tell me he doesn’t constantly rewatch the Twilight Saga

Decent person to watch films with but he’s mad stale 7/10


Doesn’t let you pick the movie💀

Anything Disney/Marvel is her go-to pick

Constantly talking and asking questions that you OBVIOUSLY don’t know the answer to😭

“Wait who’s that?”

“I don’t know they didn’t say yet.”

“Why are they doing that!?”

“I don’t know I haven’t seen this movie before.”

“Who’s that next to him?”


Expert at sneaking snacks into the theatre

Definitely has theatre hopped before

Great person but has a little TOO much fun at the movies 4.5/10


Does he look like he willingly watches movies?😭

Not really but you forced him anyways

You’re obviously going to have to pick the movie in his place

Sits hella stiff in the seats

Doesn’t really pay attention to what’s going on in the movie so don’t ask him if you went to the bathroom and missed anything

Will volunteer to refill anything or go get more snacks

Bro does NOT want to be here especially if someone brought a crying child with them

Best errand boy🤝

I give him a 1/10 bro does NOT want to be here😭



Simply amazing.

She doesn’t actually go to the theatre she just puts on NETFLIX in her room

AVID Clueless watcher

Will stay up watching movies with you if you’re trying to pull an all nighter

Has the best snacks and a comfy blanket

Chats a bit during the movie but not on Fram’s level

She’ll sometimes get agitated at annoying protagonists and start ranting but who doesn’t 9/10



He’ll put on a horror movie to impress you

—and fail miserably.

Perfectly fine with ANY OTHER movie category but he wanted to show you how unfazed he was

He has those color-changing lights in his room that he’ll spend some time on getting the right color to fit the movie theme

Claims it better immerses you into the movie

He doesn’t eat much during movies

He’s completely IMMERSED

Please pick the movie bc if it’s up to him you’ll be sitting there for hours watching every Harry Potter movie in chronological order

Always prepared snacks before hand and will go out with you to purchase everything in advance

Makes snarky comments about the movie here and there but nothing truly annoying

Stole a bunch of those 3D glasses from the theatre once💀

Overall pretty fun person to watch movies with 9.5/10


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1 year ago



Gender Neutral Reader 

You cannot tell me he doesn’t thrift daily

Cause ur not gonna find that smiley face set piece in a mall

Wakes you up early as hell to get there before anyone else

Depending on ur position in his life depends on how he’ll wake you up to go

Family member he’ll burst into ur room and drag your ass to the nearest thrift store

If you’re just friends or S/O tho he’ll appear out your window

Once you guys eventually get there though!

He’s scouting for shit

All kinds of shit

Weird antiques that he knows he’ll never use/need



Has a hello Kitty disc player he found at a GoodWill

Finds a random skeleton and scares the hell outta u with it

The staff knows him BY NAME he’s there so often

A little shit but if there’s no cart available he’ll hold ur stuff while you check out other things

He’s a JORTS supporter and WILL try and put u on

Has a fond memory of getting his two year old sonic the hedgehog watch


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1 year ago



16:27, Tuesday

The scratches of your pencil flooded your mind as your eyebrows scrunched in deep thought. The current assignment for school had been more grueling than anticipated.

Frustration hit as you took a small break to clear your mind.

Mid-exhale a loud knock at your door alerted you. Your parents had gone out for their anniversary leaving the house to you.

Cautiously approaching the front door you peaked out the hole to see none other than Shinichi Okazaki.

「Why are you here, Shin?」

「To see you, of course!」 He flashed his most innocent smile and shook the door knob.

With an exasperated sigh, you reluctantly opened the door for the boy, 「Thanks!」

Throwing yourself on the couch you stare over at your new guest. 「Why are you actually here?」 You ask once again.

Turning to you with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes he parts his lips, 「Help me dye my hair.」

Scoffing softly you smirk, 「That’s all? I thought it’d be more drastic.」 He threw his head back dramatically, 「So are you gonna help or not?」


Giddily pulling out two boxes of hair dye from his pocket he strutted towards the bathroom. 「Well? What’re we waiting for?」

16:45, Tuesday

The snap of the protective gloves alerted Shin whom had just taken an—unpleasant—seat on the bathroom tile. 「Alright you’re hair is pretty light already so we probably shouldn’t let the bleach sit in it too long.」

Sighing deeply, 「Just make sure my hair doesn’t turn brassy.」, he leaned backwards onto your legs.

Fully mixing the color concoction together you set it aside in exchange for bleach. Unwillingly sniffing it as you applied it along Shin’s hair.

「Tingly.」 He snipped as the bleach settled. His comments died down as the time went on and his hair lightened. The timer softly ticking away.

Sitting in blissful silence his eyes wandered to your unfinished homework. 「Yikes, so glad I don’t have to do that.」 He snickered as you glared at his unhelpful comment. 「Don’t look at me like that, take it as a compliment, you’re smart!」 Dropping your glare as the timer for his bleach went off.

Shinichi instinctually following behind you, the both of you made your return to the bathroom. 「I think one round of bleach is fine, but, are you sure you want this blue color?」

「Yeah, it’s gonna look nice, if you don’t mess it up of course.」

Grabbing the sky stained bowl you cut your eyes at him, 「You’re hilarious.」

Lathering his hair in blue the slouching of the dye rang through your ears.

The peace ensued as you both let the dye sit. A comforting silence rather than awkward.

Having the timer go off a final time you began to wash the excess dye out of Shin’s hair.

「Sick bowl cut, Shin.」 You slyly snickered at his wet hair. 「I look good regardless.」 He immediately retorted simultaneously spiking up his hair.

「Anyways—thanks for the help! The ladies will love this.」

「Anytime! Now go on, the women are getting impatient can’t you hear it?」 His brows quirked in confusion.

Taking on a higher pitch you whined, 「Oh Shin get over here with that Sonic hair of yours! My money is waiting!」

「Shut up.」 He playfully pushed you away.


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