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ADHD and Screws Theory:
Some of you may have heard of the spoon concept, where one's mental capability is represented by how many spoons they have. Use up all your spoons, and your brain decides it's done for the day. Number of spoons may vary, but that's the short explanation of that.
I saw a video recently explaining the difference between fucks and spoons. Fucks being the emotional capability you have to put into any given situation.
While the video made good points, I'd like to add my own abstract concept of screws, which is representative of how well I can get my ADHD to understand the task from a normal world point of view.
Basically all situations the world puts you in require screws to be deemed 'acceptable' by society, but where everyone else has both a phillips head and a flat head screwdriver, I only have a phillips head. So if society only gives me flat head screws for a task, I might be able to improvise, but it's a toss up of how society reacts.
Spoons+fucks+phillips head screws? Shit will not only get done, it will be done so amazingly well that I will be called a genius!
Spoons+fucks+flat head screws? Shit will get done, but it'll turn into one of those scenarios at school where my teacher acknowledges that I did wonderful and creative work, however, it didn't match the rubric I was given in the slightest. I'll probably get a good enough grade that it doesn't matter, but there will be a side of lecture to go with it.
Spoons+phillips head screws, but no fucks? Shit will probably get done well, but I'm gonna complain about it the whole time.
Spoons+flat head screws and no fucks? Shit might get done, but I don't really care if it does. At best you will get a "fuck it, good enough" scenario.
Fucks+philips head, but no spoons? Shit will get done out of spite, and I will likely need excessive mental recovery afterwards.
Fucks+flat head screws, but not spoons? This will likely result in some level of ADHD paralysis. If the shit gets done, it will be in a stress induced panic at the last minute. The quality of the work is really hit or miss.
If there are no spoons AND no fucks, it doesn't really matter what kind of screws you give me. We're done, we're closed, try again tomorrow.
And that's how my brain works, hope that clears some things up! Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.