Shouto X Reader Fluff - Tumblr Posts

SUMMARY → todoroki tries his failed april fools joke again but this time with his classmate
PAIRING → todoroki shouto x gn!reader
GENRE → crack/humor, drabble
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine
A/N → feel like this could have been better but i loved the idea and just wanted to do a small scene

SITTING IN YOUR SEAT, just like everyone else you wait for Aizawa-sensei to start the lesson. Glancing at the seat next to you still being empty your brows furrow together; “Momo-chan have you seen Todoroki-kun?” you ask a little confused as he is always on time, if not early.
Making her look up from her book, nodding she points behind you, “Good morning, ( l/n ).” you hear, turning around to see the duo-haired boy making you subconsciously smile at the sight of him.
“Oh, hi, Todoroki-kun, was worried you wouldn’t be on time.” you tell him as he takes his seat next to you as you turn back to your book.
Your brows furrowing as you did so, looking back up your eyes trace over his face. As something felt off but you could not put your finger on it, “Is there something on my face?” he asks, in a different tone than his usual one.
Your eyes narrow as they fall on his hair, now having his red hair fall into his grey eye instead of in the blue one, making it click, “Did you change your hair?”
A smile appears on his face as he nods his head, “Yes.” he says happy, like he was waiting for someone to point it out. You couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the adorable expression on his face.
Turning back to your notes, humming amused, “Cute.” you whisper softly. Not nothing the sudden heat rushing to the boys cheeks as you continue to read.

MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae @falling4fandoms @suga-tofu @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @yammmers @tanakasprayer @honeykami

SUMMARY → moving to a foreign country where you don’t know the way, the people or the language was a lot harder then you expect. lucky for you, a handsome stranger is willing to land you a hand... without crushing it
PAIRING → todoroki shouto x fem!reader
GENRE → fluff, scenario
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine
A/N → encore une fois from @oikawakuns reminded me of the language barrier all of these readers and the characters would have & i wanted to do that with todoroki because i’m in my shouto feels — also it is an amazing story which you should def read

IT WILL BE EASY, they said. You can just use the translation app, they said. Look around maybe you will find things we didn’t have, cool trees or flowers. Maybe you will even find a location of a film you like, they said. To be fair the last ones were good things.
But then you start to realise how media makes it seem a whole lot easier to move to a different continent. Did you know that when you move to a foreign country people don’t talk slow, and you are unable to pause them or rewind to what they said? Makes no sense.
What makes even less sense is how you have officially lost your way. Even with the navigation on, all the small alleys and long streets makes everything look the same. Sighing you look around again, turning haphazardly multiple corners trying to hear out the busy streets, sighing relieved as you find it again.
Catching a glimpse of a group of teens standing together you guessed they were around your age as you move to them; deciding to ask them the general directions instead of trying to find it yourself, as that was obviously not working.
They turn to you, making you a lot more nervous now that you got their attention. Trying to remind yourself what your mothers has told you, ‘Do you know the stairs?’ you said; instead of asking for the particular one.
Making heads tilt at the weird wording and accent that came with it, “English?” you ask, answered with apologetic faces as they shake their heads.
Holding up your hand, you take your phone out. Typing away into the translation app your mum told you to download, and hoovered over you to do so. It was annoying then but you will thank her so much when you get home.
Typing in the stairs you wanted to go to, most likely being seen as a psycho as you ask strangers about a stairwell you want to see. Out of all the things it has to offer… But you let the app say its words, making the teens nod and oh simultaneously as they now understanding what you tried to say.
Having the one with the red-and-white split dyed hair takes his phone out, he types away at it. As the others just smile, the green-haired boy blushing heavily as he gives you a reassuring smile. The eye contact is broken as the boy shows you his phone screen; presenting the texts from google translate to you; ‘going that way, walk with you.’ it read, a cruel reminder that google translate is not as great as you had once thought it was, guess you lost that bet.
Nodding, a smile comes up to your face as you hold your thumbs up for him. As he holds his arm out for the direction you have to go, before wishing his friends goodbye. Something you were quite proud of that you understood.
But as soon as you were alone an awkward silence crept up. It was not for lack of trying but the translation works slow and it is not great for an actual conversation with how broken it sounded.
Too bad, going to hero school sounded pretty cool. It was not like you were unaware of them, but in your circle, no one really truly pursued heroism or any work relating to law-enforcement. It was generally frowned up on, to be honest. Which is a giving considering the controversies — which haven’t been confirmed or denied — of the top heroes in your country, made complete sense.
Besides, bringing that up sounded like a bummer, plus with the way the English sounded from his phone, there was no way it would even be explained the way you wanted it to if your words were to be translated to Japanese.
Deciding to look at the scenery instead you can feel his eyes on the side of your face from time to time, but he doesn’t say anything. A small smile plays on your lips as you watch the trees; cherry blossom season is a lot more beautiful in real life than pictures gave it credit for.
Feeling a tap to your shoulder, you pull your thoughts out of the scenery and back to the boy next to you. Holding up his phone for you, ‘Ever been to Japan?’ it read.
Making you shake your head, typing in yours, ‘First time. Moved here.’ you wrote back. Letting him nod, before typing in his again. Glancing at you from the corner of his eye, making you smile softly.
‘Moved why?’
‘Parents job.’
Nodding, he looks up from your screen as you point at him, “You?” you say, trying to ask if he ever moved anywhere other than Japan. Making him shake his head, “Never… left?” He asks, trying to ogle if he said it right.
Holding a thumbs up, you two make your way to your destinations… you think. It was unclear if he would bring you to a point and explain the way, or fully bring you there.
Thinking it is a safe bet to glance at him again, he has a soft smile as he catches you. Making you quickly look away, making a chuckle leave his lips — something that feels very special and intimate even tho he is a stranger.
Letting your eyes shift all over, not wanting to be caught staring. That is the only thing on your mind until you see it, making your eyes widen. Holding on to his arm, you gasp at the massive building.
Following your line of sight, he points it out. Making you nod eagerly, taking your phone again you tell him it is the national art centre which you had just found out about from the movie you watched on the plane.
‘Have you seen it?’ you ask through the app, referring to the film. Making him shake his head, as he points at it, “You want?” he asks, making it know he knows what you mean — most likely knowing the building too — but has not seen the film or understands the sudden intrigue.
Nodding, you drag him with you to the building. Feeling fingers slip down your arm before they intertwine with your as you take two steps at a time, vastly approaching the entrance.
Moving to walk in with him, you realise you missed a very vital part of information, especially when you are going to enter a big building with him where you could possibly lose each other.
Turning to him, pausing him in his steps too; “Uhm… name?” you ask, trying to make sense, “Todoroki.” he says, making a smile come to you as he understood, as he points at you in questions, “Todoroki-san…” you try out, telling him your name in return.
“(l/n).” he tries out. Making you hold a thumbs up with your free hand. Before pointing back at the door, nodding at what you mean. He lets his hand slip out, pushing the door open for you, letting you walk in before him.
Looking up, you try to figure out where he might want to go. Turning back to him, wanting to point where he might want to go; taking your hand back in his, intertwining them as he points at the first exhibition.
Following his lead, you can’t help glancing down at your joined hands, not being able to stop yourself from thinking that getting lost in Japan might not be the worst thing.

MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae @falling4fandoms @suga-tofu @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @yammmers @tanakasprayer @honeykami