Todoroki X Reader Fluff - Tumblr Posts

SUMMARY → todoroki tries his failed april fools joke again but this time with his classmate
PAIRING → todoroki shouto x gn!reader
GENRE → crack/humor, drabble
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine
A/N → feel like this could have been better but i loved the idea and just wanted to do a small scene

SITTING IN YOUR SEAT, just like everyone else you wait for Aizawa-sensei to start the lesson. Glancing at the seat next to you still being empty your brows furrow together; “Momo-chan have you seen Todoroki-kun?” you ask a little confused as he is always on time, if not early.
Making her look up from her book, nodding she points behind you, “Good morning, ( l/n ).” you hear, turning around to see the duo-haired boy making you subconsciously smile at the sight of him.
“Oh, hi, Todoroki-kun, was worried you wouldn’t be on time.” you tell him as he takes his seat next to you as you turn back to your book.
Your brows furrowing as you did so, looking back up your eyes trace over his face. As something felt off but you could not put your finger on it, “Is there something on my face?” he asks, in a different tone than his usual one.
Your eyes narrow as they fall on his hair, now having his red hair fall into his grey eye instead of in the blue one, making it click, “Did you change your hair?”
A smile appears on his face as he nods his head, “Yes.” he says happy, like he was waiting for someone to point it out. You couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the adorable expression on his face.
Turning back to your notes, humming amused, “Cute.” you whisper softly. Not nothing the sudden heat rushing to the boys cheeks as you continue to read.

MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae @falling4fandoms @suga-tofu @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @yammmers @tanakasprayer @honeykami

SUMMARY → moving to a foreign country where you don’t know the way, the people or the language was a lot harder then you expect. lucky for you, a handsome stranger is willing to land you a hand... without crushing it
PAIRING → todoroki shouto x fem!reader
GENRE → fluff, scenario
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine
A/N → encore une fois from @oikawakuns reminded me of the language barrier all of these readers and the characters would have & i wanted to do that with todoroki because i’m in my shouto feels — also it is an amazing story which you should def read

IT WILL BE EASY, they said. You can just use the translation app, they said. Look around maybe you will find things we didn’t have, cool trees or flowers. Maybe you will even find a location of a film you like, they said. To be fair the last ones were good things.
But then you start to realise how media makes it seem a whole lot easier to move to a different continent. Did you know that when you move to a foreign country people don’t talk slow, and you are unable to pause them or rewind to what they said? Makes no sense.
What makes even less sense is how you have officially lost your way. Even with the navigation on, all the small alleys and long streets makes everything look the same. Sighing you look around again, turning haphazardly multiple corners trying to hear out the busy streets, sighing relieved as you find it again.
Catching a glimpse of a group of teens standing together you guessed they were around your age as you move to them; deciding to ask them the general directions instead of trying to find it yourself, as that was obviously not working.
They turn to you, making you a lot more nervous now that you got their attention. Trying to remind yourself what your mothers has told you, ‘Do you know the stairs?’ you said; instead of asking for the particular one.
Making heads tilt at the weird wording and accent that came with it, “English?” you ask, answered with apologetic faces as they shake their heads.
Holding up your hand, you take your phone out. Typing away into the translation app your mum told you to download, and hoovered over you to do so. It was annoying then but you will thank her so much when you get home.
Typing in the stairs you wanted to go to, most likely being seen as a psycho as you ask strangers about a stairwell you want to see. Out of all the things it has to offer… But you let the app say its words, making the teens nod and oh simultaneously as they now understanding what you tried to say.
Having the one with the red-and-white split dyed hair takes his phone out, he types away at it. As the others just smile, the green-haired boy blushing heavily as he gives you a reassuring smile. The eye contact is broken as the boy shows you his phone screen; presenting the texts from google translate to you; ‘going that way, walk with you.’ it read, a cruel reminder that google translate is not as great as you had once thought it was, guess you lost that bet.
Nodding, a smile comes up to your face as you hold your thumbs up for him. As he holds his arm out for the direction you have to go, before wishing his friends goodbye. Something you were quite proud of that you understood.
But as soon as you were alone an awkward silence crept up. It was not for lack of trying but the translation works slow and it is not great for an actual conversation with how broken it sounded.
Too bad, going to hero school sounded pretty cool. It was not like you were unaware of them, but in your circle, no one really truly pursued heroism or any work relating to law-enforcement. It was generally frowned up on, to be honest. Which is a giving considering the controversies — which haven’t been confirmed or denied — of the top heroes in your country, made complete sense.
Besides, bringing that up sounded like a bummer, plus with the way the English sounded from his phone, there was no way it would even be explained the way you wanted it to if your words were to be translated to Japanese.
Deciding to look at the scenery instead you can feel his eyes on the side of your face from time to time, but he doesn’t say anything. A small smile plays on your lips as you watch the trees; cherry blossom season is a lot more beautiful in real life than pictures gave it credit for.
Feeling a tap to your shoulder, you pull your thoughts out of the scenery and back to the boy next to you. Holding up his phone for you, ‘Ever been to Japan?’ it read.
Making you shake your head, typing in yours, ‘First time. Moved here.’ you wrote back. Letting him nod, before typing in his again. Glancing at you from the corner of his eye, making you smile softly.
‘Moved why?’
‘Parents job.’
Nodding, he looks up from your screen as you point at him, “You?” you say, trying to ask if he ever moved anywhere other than Japan. Making him shake his head, “Never… left?” He asks, trying to ogle if he said it right.
Holding a thumbs up, you two make your way to your destinations… you think. It was unclear if he would bring you to a point and explain the way, or fully bring you there.
Thinking it is a safe bet to glance at him again, he has a soft smile as he catches you. Making you quickly look away, making a chuckle leave his lips — something that feels very special and intimate even tho he is a stranger.
Letting your eyes shift all over, not wanting to be caught staring. That is the only thing on your mind until you see it, making your eyes widen. Holding on to his arm, you gasp at the massive building.
Following your line of sight, he points it out. Making you nod eagerly, taking your phone again you tell him it is the national art centre which you had just found out about from the movie you watched on the plane.
‘Have you seen it?’ you ask through the app, referring to the film. Making him shake his head, as he points at it, “You want?” he asks, making it know he knows what you mean — most likely knowing the building too — but has not seen the film or understands the sudden intrigue.
Nodding, you drag him with you to the building. Feeling fingers slip down your arm before they intertwine with your as you take two steps at a time, vastly approaching the entrance.
Moving to walk in with him, you realise you missed a very vital part of information, especially when you are going to enter a big building with him where you could possibly lose each other.
Turning to him, pausing him in his steps too; “Uhm… name?” you ask, trying to make sense, “Todoroki.” he says, making a smile come to you as he understood, as he points at you in questions, “Todoroki-san…” you try out, telling him your name in return.
“(l/n).” he tries out. Making you hold a thumbs up with your free hand. Before pointing back at the door, nodding at what you mean. He lets his hand slip out, pushing the door open for you, letting you walk in before him.
Looking up, you try to figure out where he might want to go. Turning back to him, wanting to point where he might want to go; taking your hand back in his, intertwining them as he points at the first exhibition.
Following his lead, you can’t help glancing down at your joined hands, not being able to stop yourself from thinking that getting lost in Japan might not be the worst thing.

MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae @falling4fandoms @suga-tofu @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @yammmers @tanakasprayer @honeykami

SUMMARY → showers with your icy-hot boyfriend are pretty cold
PAIRING → todoroki shouto x gn!reader
GENRE → fluff, drabble
A/N → this headcanon came to me when i was drinking hot coco & it burned my tongue. which made me think about how shouto would probably hate the feeling of hot water on his skin — as we know — and the shower wouldn’t be exempt from that.
MASTERLIST → if you want to read other works of mine

AS THE WATER HITS your back, you let out a small yelp at the unexpected cold. Taking a step forward, you turn around reaching for the knob but before you could he holds your body closer to his, “Don’t.”
Turning around in his hold, you can’t see his eyes. Pushing the hair out of his face, your brows furrow at the panicked in his eyes, “Please…” he mumbles. Nodding you wrap your arms around his shoulders, leaning into him.
“Guess you will just have to hold me.” you say softly, your teeth unconsciously rattling, “Is it really cold?” he asks softly. Nodding, you wipe some water off your face, “It’s basically freezing.” you chuckle.
“I’m sorry—” he starts, “Don’t. It’s okay.” you say cutting him off. Standing fully back on your feet again, you place a small kiss on his chest before leaning your forehead against him, “I would do anything for you.”
Feeling the warmth run over your back, you relax into his touch. The kiss om the top of your head, making your heart flutter. Sighing, you trace a pattern into his skin, “Do you not want to know why?”
Looking up to his face, you tilt your head, “Do you want to tell me?” you ask instead of answer his question. Humming, he traces his finger up from your waist to your face. Before cupping your skin, “I want to tell you everything.”
Nodding, you lean into the touch of his hand. You know he would, he tells you everything and anything when you ask him why he does certain things. But telling you, and wanting to and being ready to are completely diffrent things.
When you started going out on dates he always ate cold soba. When asked he said it was his comfort food, something he had been eating forever but particularity in high school. Now, you didn’t know him then but what he did tell you is that hot water or food close to his face makes him uncomfortable.
Now with that in mind you can connect the dots as to why he showers with cold water, “You can tell me when you’re ready.” you reassure. A small smile is present on his face as he sighs, his shoulders relaxing in the process as he rests his forehead against yours.
“Thank you.”

MASTERLIST | TAGLIST → @tsukkisbae @lovinnoya @tanakasimpcorner @lonelyweeb77 @suga-tofu @tanakasprayer @honeykami @intense-socks @bakugoubiddies @melodysakura @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @melodyofroses @softiehawks @hotgreenteea @bakujirou4562 @big-chungas @3-am-depression @yul2020 @asahisimpnation @f0leysgurl @yammmers @kloudyisdepressed @animeboysbitchthings @behind-my-hazeleyes27 @aofleur @itachislut
For The Night (my forever)
T. Shoto x Reader B. Katsuki x Reader
Warnings: Cheating -Maybe it was the hazy room, or maybe it was the fact that he was at home waiting for her to come crawling back to him. Anything could have caused her to make this decision, this lapse of judgment- but he, who had loved her since freshman year, has never been happier.

The room was filled with a haze of light and bodies moving together. The music bounced off the walls, but, to her, it all seemed muffled. Some would say she had too much to drink, but Y/n wasn’t pessimistic like that- she liked to think that she was just giving the bartender more opportunities for money.
Drink after drink and dance after dance, she grew more and more numb to the pain, and eventually, she forgot why she was there in the first place. She shook her head as if that erased the thought from her head, and hundreds of strangers welcomed Y/n back onto the dancefloor.
Their touch felt so foreign, it felt almost wrong, but that’s what she’s trying to fix- the whole point of her going out was to feel good by herself. She wanted people to see her, she wanted them to notice her- but then why did the hands that were on her waist feel more like sludge than fun?
They were rough with her, keeping her tightly in place while they danced. The man that had chosen her as his temporary dance partner was obviously used to taking the lead. That must be why it’s so different.
“Y/n? Babe?” Her blond boyfriend awkwardly stood next to the food table at the school dance. He didn’t dance, and he was obviously out of his comfort zone- but he did it for her.
“You look so cute, Katsu,” She teased him lightly, and a smile spread wide on her face.
“Sh-shut up!” He blushed lightly and looked away with a glare.
“Sorry Katsuki, here,” she reached her hand out to him, “dance with me.”
“I don’t dance,”
“You do tonight,”
Y/n grabbed a hold of his hand and led him slightly away from the ongoing party. She brought him outside the cafeteria doors, and she wrapped her hands around his neck. After about five seconds of him doing nothing, she huffed and put his hands on her waist.
He complied, but she had to be the one to start swaying back and forth. She hummed softly to the faint music, and her head rested on his shoulder. That was one of the highlights in their relationship, and little did she know someone was watching- completely heartbroken and falling apart.
“Y/n?” A deep voice had reached her ears, and her y/e/c eyes slammed open at her name with a new sense of fear taking over.
She looked around quickly before seeing Todoroki standing a little away from her. She walked away from the people surrounding her, and she smiled up at her hot-n-cold friend.
A smile had made its way to Todoroki’s face when he saw her visibly relax when she saw it was him calling out to her. Why does she make my heart feel so warm?
“What’re you doing here?” It was hard to imagine Y/n here, in this dirty and over-filled club known for the drugs that coursed through its veins.
“Well honestly,” She twiddled her thumbs and looked down, “I didn’t think anyone I cared about would find me here, and there are some people I’m trying to stay away from.”
Todoroki nodded and looked her up and down. Y/n’s once smooth eyeliner had smudged and her tight dress was slightly twisted at the waist. Her ponytail had gained bumps and her ankles were rubbed raw from the strap of her heels. She looked tired, but more importantly, she looked uncomfortable.
Her elbows had small scratches from her nails- a nervous habit she had even in their UA days. Her shoulders shifted as she moved her weight from side to side, and her eyes locked with his, as she tried to focus only on her friend that stood in front of her.
“Do you want me to take you home?”
She bit her lip, and the soft red lipstick was transferred to her teeth as concern washed over her. “He’s waiting for me, I can feel it,”
“Then...” Shoto looked at his feet before bashfully looking up, “How about you come home with me?”
The rain hit the top of his car, as they drove to Todoroki’s apartment. Music was playing, but to y/n it seemed as if it was muffled two rooms away from where she was, even though the radio was in front of her.
She felt electricity run up her arms as she looked over at the boy who had decided to take in the stray. Had he always been so cute?
Y/n blushed and looked away, though her hand had fallen on the console between their seats with her palm up. A small gasp escaped her lips once Todoroki linked their hands together.
A feeling was shared between those two heroes that night. As one looked at the other and quickly looked away, and as their touches were fleeting but longing, they had a shared thought.
Tonight, just for one night of their lives, they would fall in love. An entire love-story in three hours, just so they could know what could have been, what they had chosen another course over.
“Y/n?” Todoroki led her into his living room, his hair hung loosely by his eyes as he looked up at her.
“If tomorrow,” he grabbed one of her hands, “you leave my arms to go back to him, if I never get to see you again and live knowing you’re getting these things from someone else, then I need you to be mine for the night,” he was illuminated by the fire he had burning behind him, making him appear devilishly handsome and all too alluring.
“For the night,” Y/n looked at his eyes, down to his lips, and back up again.
“Just for the night,” he stepped closer and grabbed her by the waist, “all mine.”
Y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, melting into his kiss and returning his fiery passion. It wasn’t the kind of kiss you see in movies, it was the bruised-lips wanted-for-years kinda kiss that hurt your teeth, but the ache felt so good.
And for the night, Todoroki had what he always wanted. But morning came, and Y/n went.
Just Fine
Pairing: Reader x N. Monoma, Reader x S. Todoroki Rating: G Words: 4k279 Warnings: Angst, mentions of panic attacks, emotional affair, kiss, Todoroki’s a little ooc-- but does that really matter in the long run? Requested by: No one, but feel free to request! Request/ Prompt: Monoma has to cope with his loss. Sure Y/n had been upgraded in class level, but that doesn’t mean she’ll upgrade out of him, right?

UA’s annual sports festival was monumental every year, but it seemed like everything shifted after the declaration of winners. Sure the competition itself had been a little weird, the students were exposed to each other and the world-- for better or worse, but it was what came after which would change the future of everyone involved.
For Y/n, it was for the best. The entrance exam had worked against her in many ways. For one, it was against robots, rendering her quirk practically useless. Secondly, she was placed with all of the heavy-hitters. This left her ranking very far down on the scale. She placed twenty third out of all first years in the exams, securing her a spot in class 1-B.
During her time there, she grew extraordinarily close to the students in the class. Tetsutetsu had become like an older brother to her, he trained her tirelessly in hand-to-hand combat until she was one of the best in the class. She knew that he was there for her, and he had earned her respect very quickly.
Pony had also grown close to Y/n. They got on like a house on fire, mostly to them both having not an ill-willed bone in their bodies. They were often seen as ‘the sweethearts of 1-b’ and were protected by their class, even though they were both arguably the strongest people in the class. They’re some of the only people who hang out activities outside of school (i.e. movies, parties, sleep-overs).
And then there was Neito. They hadn’t started out on the best of terms- Y/n had told him to never copy her quirk, “It’s too dangerous”. Sadly, Monoma took this as a challenge. During their first group fight, he copied off of her without knowing what she could do.
Y/n’s quirk is known as “Blinding,” a quirk that allows her, when someone makes eye-contact with her left eye, to blind them or gives them a ‘blinding’ headache. While this is dependent on how long they stare, it automatically stuns her opponent.
Monoma had no clue that, because of this, her left eye can never be used as an actual eye, so he was blind out of his eye for two days, and he blinded Kendo. Lesson learned, he never copied her again. For the two days, he was half-sighted.
From then on, before she trained with Tetsutetsu, Y/n would spend an hour helping Monoma use her quirk, so if he ever had to he wouldn’t be hurt too much by it. Needless to say, they ended up spending a good chunk of time together.
Oh, sweet Neito, who was able to charm and hair-sweep his way into Y/n’s heart. In a month the two were dating, and everything was warm cuddles and hand-holding. Locked pinkies in the halls and ‘I love you’ notes left on their desks filled their lives, and they’ve never been happier.
Y/n had comforted him after 1-A fought the villains, she was the only one able to help him with the inferiority complex that ate away at his head and chained him to his bed every morning. She glared at the other class for reasons they had no control over, and even though everyone held her much higher than that, she loathed them for it.
This class had hurt her wonderful boyfriend who was ashamed of his own quirk, who wanted him and his classmates to have a chance to prove themselves. This class had unknowingly ruined him for days, the class that thought they were famous because of their misfortune- they knew nothing of misfortune.
And then the sports festival came along, and class 1-B made a group pact not to be spiteful towards their partner class, and even though he was very reluctant, Y/n made sure Neito did it as well. They would be humble winners or gracious losers, they would be better than everyone thought they would be.
The first round started all too suddenly. The crowds seemed to suffocate Y/n, her quirk-driven social anxiety was at a high peak, and her only current comfort was the eye-patch that laid over her left would-be eye.
Hyperveteling and shaking, a hand grabbed her waist and pulled her forward, swooping of the wall and sliding to the front. With her eye shut (thank god it was) she hadn’t seen herself glid along the ice that her savior was pulling her on.
“Sorry for grabbing you like that, I just recognized some signs and didn’t want to risk a possible anxiety-attack,”
Finding her grounding, Y/n finally saw the heterochromatic boy who saved her. “Thank you,” she breathed out, before looking forward with the few other people.
At the end of the day, she had finished fifth in the race. Her quirk didn’t help, but her training sessions with Tetsutetsu did. The observers hadn’t said much about her, but they all noticed her appearance and the lack of quirk usage in that match.
The second stage started, and most of Class 1-B flocked to Y/n or Ibara. She had ended up hand-picking her team. Sadly, Monoma had already been a part of a team, so she recruited Shinso, her friend from General Studies, Shoda, and Tetsutetsu to be her teammates.
They faired very well with little drama, and Shinso had been kept in line and only brainwashed Shoda and Tetsutesu, leaving Y/n well aware and able to front the team with Shinso on top. Y/n hadn’t used her quirk during the Cavalry Battle, as she supported her team with strategy and strength.
They ended up in second place, much to three of their’s delight. Shoda had excused himself from the festival, leaving Y/n with one less friendly face going into the next round.
And finally, the one-on-one fighting, and the drama it brought with it. Neito hadn’t passed the calvary battle, but he supported her through her battles. He cheered loudly for her, and he waited for her after her match.
Her first opponent was Ashido, a pink-haired girl from 1-A that always seemed to be yelling about one thing or another. Y/n had removed her eye-patch for the match, and she was prepared to use her quirk if she had to.
It ended quickly, a nice warm up her boyfriend would have called it. The other girl had put up a good fight, but her curiosity got the best of her during the very beginning. The blindness made her easy to maneuver, and her fear only helped Y/n win, but it weighed heavily on her conscience.
Y/n sat with her class during the other battles. She watched the match between her savior and another student in awe. Her eye sparkled brightly and she sat on the edge of her seat. It was the kind of match that left both members and the audience satisfied, but Monoma was less than pleased at her fawning.
Y/n rolled her eyes at his remark, slightly annoyed but unwilling to make more of it than it was. She made her way to her second match- the nerves had eaten at her, and she had hoped her boyfriend would give her words of comfort. That didn’t work out.
The match had gone on for longer. Tokoyami’s quirk was terrifying to her, but he had looked her in the eyes when calling upon it. Her fear may have pushed her to go further with her quirk than she thought she was going to.
He fought with the pain, and he tried to stand after falling to the ground. Tears had started to fall from his eyes, and Y/n started to plead with him to forfeit. She had planned on giving him enough of a headache for him not to be able to tell Dark Shadow where to go, but she had pushed too hard.
He fought, but the pain wore him down to surrender. She was quick to release her hold on him, but she was afraid to look up from the floor after that. Y/n had rushed away from the peering eyes, and tears began to fall to the floor.
She collided with a chest in her rush, a hand stabilized her before she could fall back.
“Sorry about that, I don’t mean to be grabbing your waist so often,” a quiet voice resonated above her. She took a step back to see a new familiar face.
“It’s not a problem,” she rushed out before looking back to the floor.
“Hey, I wanted to congratulate you on your win, your quirk is very powerful,”
“Yeah,” she whispered, “I know.”
“Is everything okay?” He placed a hand on her shoulder, but she refused to look at him.
“Your friend, the one I was fighting, I hurt him more than I meant to,”
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” he soothed her shoulder, “his ego’s bruised more than anything else. It’s not your fault, you were doing what you were supposed to do- as was he. This is the one time we, as students, are allowed to use our powers like we’re being threatened. And you had medical on call, it was the safest place for it to have happened. You were just in the festival spirit.”
“I was careless,” she argued.
“You were frightened,” he hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her face up to meet his eyes, “and you have nothing to be ashamed of.”
A blush had betrayed her, and she was quick to put some distance between the two of them.
“I- I’m sorry,” Todoroki was the one blushing now. “I just thought that you- I didn’t mean-”
“No! It’s okay, I’m just in a relationship and-”
“Y/n!” A voice echoed down the hall. Both parties looked to the dark, and they saw Monoma run up to them. “You did such a good job up there! I’m so proud of you,” Neito pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.
“Thank’s babe,” she said back, awkwardly patting his back. “Hey, babe? Meet uhh...” she scratched the back of her neck.
“Todoroki Shoto, It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he stuck his hand out towards the blond.
“Monoma Neito, and I’m sure it is,” he shook his hand.
“Babe!” Y/n slapped his chest. “Remember the deal?”
“Right, right,” he sighed at her, “The pleasure is mine.”
“Thank’s again Todoroki, it meant a lot! I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Yeah,” he waved at her as the pair walked away. “I’ll see yah,” he whispered to an empty hall with only their bickering echoing back at him.
That was her first actual conversation with her savior, and to their words they did meet again. Y/n had fought one Iida Tenya in the semi-finals. He was quick and learned to not look her in the eyes, but after spending months training more than anything else, Y/n had gained enough muscle mass to prove herself worthy.
She had managed to trick him out of the match- he was too distracted at not looking at her eyes to look where he was running. She felt a little dirty, but she won the match. He was gracious and shook her hand after it. He was a little embarrassed, but he wasn’t hurt.
The other semi-final match had started by the time she made it back to her seat. She was rushing, but it was futile. She didn’t miss much, however, as the first punch was thrown but nothing else.
Going back to her awe-struck position, she watched the match like it was the only other thing in the world. Class 1-B showered her with praise, but some of them had started to grow weary of their friends' popularity. They saw where this was going.
Class 1-A watched the match with eager eyes, and they commented on Todoroki returning to only using his ice-side. They also seemed to notice that he fought much harder than he usually did. He was thought out- calculated. The complete opposite of Bakugo. And for this, he ended up scrapping his way to the winning position.
And then the finals. The last fight in the tournament and Y/n wasn’t sure if she was able to face him. Todoroki had started to consume every thought she had, and clearing her mind was too difficult of a task for her.
In a blink of an eye she was standing across from him. “Hey, Todoroki!” She called across the small arena.
“Promise me you won’t hold back, okay?” She smiled at him, and Monoma glared from the stands.
“Only if you do the same,” he agreed before getting into his fighting stance.
The match had ended with ice scattered around the stadium, and charred marks up and down the walls. The fight felt like it wasn’t going to come to a close, but they promised each other not to hold back. So, of course, Y/n would stay true to her word.
The first was his sight that she took away. He responded with an ice dome surrounding himself- blocking her from any way to get to him. She knew that they didn’t look him in the eyes long enough for her to use a special ability- well at least not the one she was planning on using.
Instead of Mealt-Down, she settled on using Nausea- by rapidly changing the severity of his blindness, she would cause server fatigue and pain, not to mention the distortion he would feel.
He still fought back, slowly pushing his ice out trying to force her from the arena. She had made her way on top of the ice, slipping the entire way up. She continued to re-adjust her position, trying to wear down on him until he couldn’t do anything.
After what felt like all too long, he had passed out from the vertigo that she inflicted on him. She was anything but proud of herself, as she made her way through his ice to carry his sleeping figure out of the arena.
Crowds cheered for her, even though she never actually fought fought someone during the games- she had won, but it didn’t feel right. It felt dirty to take the win, but she knew that if someone had let her win after she passed out it would feel the same.
The migraine that hit Y/n stayed for the rest of the day. Even on the podium getting the medal she didn’t deserve, she squinted at the sun. Her eye-patch in its place and her pride on the ground, she accepted what All-Might presented her with, but she never looked up.
Y/n never had a formal chance to say goodbye to class 1-B. She had been called into the principal's office before school two days later. She knocked on the door, anxiously waiting.
“Come on in Y/L/N,” Principal Nezu’s high-pitched voice called her in.
“Senai Sekijiro?” Y/n questioned, before sitting across from her teacher at the long desk.
“Y/L/N, you fought extraordinarily well during the sports festival. Your control over your quirk has improved greatly over your time with me, and you have become physically stronger as well. Sadly, my time as your homeroom teacher has come to an end,” he sighed and looked down. The pain in his eyes was too visible for him to look at his prize pupil.
“Sensai? I don’t understand, am I being expelled?” She looked rapidly between the three men sitting across from her.
“No, Y/l/n, you’ve misunderstood us,” Nezu voiced out.
“Quite the opposite, after much deliberation, you have been transferred into class 1-A,” a man who she hadn’t met before spoke for the first time.
“Y/l/n,” Sensai Sekijiro said, “I would like you to meet your new homeroom teacher, Sensai Aizawa. He is very skilled and I have the utmost faith in his ability to help you grow,”
Y/n had decided that if she were to say much she would begin to cry. She had grown attached to her teacher, he had supported her through a lot. Sure it hasn’t been more than a year, but he had helped her when her quirk became too much, when she couldn’t look from the floor, and when she couldn’t open her eyes.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir, and it’s an honor to be taught under you,” Y/n’s y/e/c eye didn’t look up from the dark-oak desk that held her full attention.
Yes it was rude, and yes Aizawa sent her previous teacher a look for it, but with the stress that the situation Y/n couldn’t guarantee that her quirk wouldn’t activate by itself. There were many precautions, but the eyepatch didn’t always work during extraordinarily emotionally taxing times.
It took weeks before Y/n could look Sensai Sekijiro in the eye after she accidentally triggered her quirk during a science lab and gave him a slight headache.
“Y/l/n,” Sensai Aizawa voiced out. “You can look in my eyes, I promise that you won’t hurt me. If t would make you more comfortable, I will erase your quirk when you do. Just for a handshake,” he nudged her.
The two teachers had talked before the meeting. Kan was very attached to his best student, so he wanted to make the transition as easy for her as possible. So, he gave Aizawa a few pointers. Like for one, seat her at the back of the room. Y/n likes to control who she looks at and when, and if she’s in the back she can easily advert her eyes if she has to.
For another, she is very ashamed of her quirk. He told him that she has hurt many people by accident, and her insecurities are plentiful. For her to grow, she needs to be reassured that there is nothing wrong with her ability.
A third, the easiest way to establish a trusting relationship with her, is to have her look him in the eyes early on. If she’s looked into his eyes early on, she will feel more comfortable doing so in the future.
And his last tip when handling her is to sit her near the students who aren’t too loud. She takes time to trust, and she’ll need a quick friend, and those with loud personalities can easily trigger her into a flight or fight response.
At the time Aizawa thought his pointers were stupid. This is a person who is going to be a hero, not a toddler. But now, as he sits so much higher up than she is, he understands. It’s not about how old she is. This is a girl who clearly has seen things that no one should, let alone a child. He knew nothing of her world outside of school, but he had his doubts on how kid-friendly those around her were.
So here he was, coaxing a girl afraid of her power to look him in the eyes. Once she lifted her head, he activated his quirk.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I have heard incredible things from Sensai Sekijiro, and I witnessed your abilities and the tournament. I look forward to teaching you,”
And then she was thrown into a new class. Sensai Aizawa had been very kind to her so far. He told her that she could introduce herself if she would like, and she will be sat in the middle of the back row, with his best students on her sides to help her if she ever needs it.
Y/n stood outside as class began until she got the signal to come in. Introductions had gone seamlessly, and she had started to answer questions.
Her first one was from one of the runner-ups in the festival, the one with green hair. “I was wondering what your quirk was, I mean we saw it at the festival, but it would be nice to know a bit more,”
“Of course, My quirk is called Blinding. I can give an opponent anything from a minor headache to taking away their ability to see or process sound.
“What did you do to Todoroki?” A girl with long hair in a ponytail asked from the back, next to her empty seat.
“I used one of my ultimate moves, Nausea. I worked on it for a very long time, but it’s kinda hard to explain,” Y/n scratched her neck embarrassed.
“I have a question,” Todoroki raised his hand.
“Do you still have a boyfriend?”
Transitioning went over very well. After a few weeks, it was like Y/n had always been a part of 1-A. Sure it was a little weird for the rest of the class when a few random members of 1-B would join them at lunch is Y/n sat at their table, or when they walk into homeroom to see a group of them at her desk, but they couldn’t expect her to just abandon all of her friends from her old class, right?
Slowly the crowds wore down, and only three or four people would be at her desk until the warning bell. Pony was always there, smiling and sweet and talking about everything that crossed her mind.
Testsutestu was always there as well, he held constant arm-wrestles with Y/n every morning, and he always waited for her after class so they could continue to train together.
A few others would rotate through in the morning, but not once did Neito walk into classroom 1-A. He would almost, every morning he would almost walk in to say hello, but he never could. Just like he could never sit with her at lunch if she sat with them. It was petty, but that was just how it had to be.
After a while, class 1A won over Y/n. She spent a lot of her time with them. Whether it be with Mina, who always wanted to brush through her hair, or Tokoyami (who she never stopped apologizing to). She hung out with Midoriya and Yaoyarozu, and soon they all understood exactly why class 1-B was spending their free time with her.
Even later though, Todoroki always seemed to be the one to catch her when she was falling. He told her on her second day that he still wanted a chance with her, and if anything ever changed with her and Monoma to tell him.
He wasn’t a bad guy, Y/n was well-aware that Todoroki was smart, strong, dedicate, very hot, and a guy that most girls dream about. But she already had her prince (maybe-not-so-charming), and she couldn’t cheat on him.
But with every ‘almost’ Y/n grew closer and closer to Todoroki, and she drifted further and further away from him. It was only a matter of time, he knew. He could feel it.
“Monoma,” Y/n smiled at her boyfriend before sitting across from him in their booth at the cafeteria. It was after school and empty, the perfect time.
“Y/n... I missed you,” he whispered, looking in her eye.
“Yeah,” she sighed, “I missed you too.”
“I’ve been wanting to see you- I’ve been meaning to ask-”
“Monoma, I’m so sorry,” tears had gathered in her eyes before she even had the chance to say what she was apologizing for.
“Sorry? I don’t-” he stopped talking when he understood. “You’re leaving me.”
“I’m so sorry love,” she sniffled, “I love you so much,” her tears became sobs as she looked down. Her hand reached out to grab the back of his. “I never meant fo this to-”
“Who was it?” His cold voice was leveled, and it almost hid his sadness with anger.
“I don’t think that ma-”
“Who took you from me damn it!” He flung his hand away from hers.
“Monoma, I-”
“FIrst that awful class steals you away from me, and now one of those students took your heart, and I need to know who to blame,” he’s yelling, but he knows it won’t fool Y/n. She always saw right through it, right through him.
Y/n stood up from her seat to face Monoma. He had stood during his yelling, but now he was shaking. Whether from his anger or sadness, he didn’t know, but Y/n did.
She pulled him into a hug, and he collapsed against her. Tears soaked her shoulder and his full weight slumped against her. “It’s okay, love. It’ll be okay,”
All he could do was ask himself what he did wrong, where he messed up. He finally scored the love of his life, and now she was gone- slipping through his fingers- into the arms of another.
Her phone rang from its place on the table, pulling their hug apart.
“Yes?” She answered. “Yeah, I remembered. Don’t worry about it! Alright, I’ll be right there, see you soon,” she ended the call and slipped it into her bag.
“I have to go,” she put her arm through her bag and stood up straight. “Will you be okay?” She walked right up to him, putting a hand on his cheek.
He closed his eyes on instinct and leaned into her touch. She smiled softly at him, this would be the last time they saw each other like this. He opened his eyes and lifted her head up. Slowly, he leaned in, his eyes flickering up to hers once their lips are almost touching.
With a broken breath, she leaned in, kissing him harder than she ever has before. She traced her name into his lip with this kiss, and he poured all of his emotions into it, pulling her close with his left hand while his right tugged lightly at the base of her hair. Her lips felt a loss when they pulled away for air- their world had ended.
“I’ll be just fine.”

pairing: todoroki shouto x reader
genre: fluff, title is self-explanatory, you can’t fall asleep at night so shouto decides to do something about it
an: first bnha piece on this blog I guess? fingers crossed and hoping my writing doesn’t get rusty after a while lol
In the serene ambience of Todoroki’s bedroom, the night is soundless — save for the cadenced thrumming of your boyfriend’s heart and ticking clock hands that send you slowly drifting off into a deep slumber.
Yet your eyelids still fail to droop, having tried everything from counting sheep to playing relaxing music on your phone. A shallow breath of exasperation slips through the gaps in your teeth as you snuggle into Todoroki’s left side, curling your body into a ball while huddling close to the male for warmth. Just as the drowsiness hits, a strained groan echoes; staring at your boyfriend’s fluttering eyelashes, guilt strikes you the moment you realise how you’ve waken him up in the middle of two o’clock in the morning when both of you still need to attend hero training courses later during the day.
“Wha’s wron’ y/n? Can’t sleep?” Nodding, you stifle a yawn. Groggily reaching out his hand, your boyfriend‘s fingers dance delicately across the expanse of your frigid skin, conjuring goosebumps here and there under the pale rays of moonlight which cast waltzing shadows on the wall. As he nuzzles you closer to the left side of his chest, comfort seeps through your veins, and you relax into his touch.
Todoroki has always been averse to touch, given his brutal upbringing — but not when you are the one in his arms. A surge of relief (and perhaps a tinge of pride) gives him reassurance when the hero in training observes how you react to his minuscule touches from time to time, realising how much you actually enjoy being in his presence — and vice versa.
With mismatched eyes glancing over your relaxed features, a toothless grin ghosts across Todoroki’s face; under the faint lustre of dwindling moonlight, you look otherworldly: beautiful and intricate — an instant that he would do whatever it takes to relish forever. Slowly, the male reaches out his hand, running the tips of his fingers through your bedraggled hair with ultimate delicacy while a lullaby slips from his pursed lips.
“I didn’ know you can sing Shou ...” Todoroki stops, frozen as you peer at him groggily through impenetrable tenebrosity. Instinctively he averts his gaze away; and even though darkness blankets the room, you still manage to discern the obvious blush dusting the male’s cheeks.
“N-not like I’m laughing at you or anything! Keep ... keep singing, I quite like it.”
“You ... you sure?”
“Mm. Let’s stay like this ... for a while.”
Knowing that he can never say no to your wishes, the two of you lay amongst the tangled sheets, dozing off into each other’s arms. It is the most peaceful moment you’ve ever felt in your entire life. No more worries about tomorrow, no more concerns about the future; just you and him holding one another in close proximity, sharing such intimate moments of tranquility — with the two of you wishing to hold onto it for a lifetime.