Sihtric Kjartansson - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago


requested by @eretriahs [ 2 / 3 ]

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7 months ago


requested by @eretriahs [ 3 / 3 ]

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7 months ago
Sweetest Husband Ever: "I'm Going To Find My Wife."The Last Kingdom S3E8
Sweetest Husband Ever: "I'm Going To Find My Wife."The Last Kingdom S3E8
Sweetest Husband Ever: "I'm Going To Find My Wife."The Last Kingdom S3E8
Sweetest Husband Ever: "I'm Going To Find My Wife."The Last Kingdom S3E8

Sweetest husband ever: "I'm going to find my wife." The Last Kingdom S3E8

Comment or write to me if you want to be added to the tag list.

Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @thenameswinter99 @alexagirlie @synintheraven

@angelvoxx @gemini-mama @the-irish-girl @tinumiel @littlebitofwillow

@hb8301 @verenahx @fox-bright @elwegencyn @siimonesvensson

@sigtryggrswifey @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @zaldritzosrose @ladyinred2248 @legitalicat

@stupiddarkkside @sylasthegrim

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7 months ago
The Last Kingdom // S3E8
The Last Kingdom // S3E8
The Last Kingdom // S3E8

The Last Kingdom // S3E8

Comment or write to me if you want to be added to the tag list.

Tags: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @foxyanon @thenameswinter99 @alexagirlie @synintheraven

@angelvoxx @gemini-mama @the-irish-girl @tinumiel @littlebitofwillow

@hb8301 @verenahx @fox-bright @elwegencyn @siimonesvensson

@sigtryggrswifey @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @zaldritzosrose @ladyinred2248 @legitalicat

@stupiddarkkside @sylasthegrim

Tags :
6 months ago

Hot in The City

note: if there are any mistakes left, excuse me for that! Thank you to @sihtricsafin for cheering me on with this one, and a thank you to @neonhairspray and @foxyanon for unintentionally inspiring certain moments, you know exactly what you did.

warnings: 18+. fluff, smut.

pairing: Modern!Sihtric x fem!reader

summary: Your trip to Valencia came with a sudden romance.

word count: 4,5k


Reblogs & comments are immensely appreciated.

Hot In The City
Hot In The City

You woke up with your body still aching pleasantly from the night before. Spending a night in your hotel room with a stunning man you had only met the day before wasn't something you had expected to happen during your two week stay in Spain. But it had happened somehow, and you were greeted with the sight of the man's beautiful face as he was still asleep next to you the morning after. His previously braided hair was loose and messy, and neither of you had bothered to put some clothes back on after having experienced multiple orgasms before you had both fallen asleep in each other's embrace.

The name that belonged to the man who had pleased you for hours on end was Sihtric. A name you couldn't possibly forget as you had moaned it multiple times the night before.

You quietly giggled and blushed when you remembered the previous night. The pretty man with his slightly scarred face was undoubtedly the most passionate lover you'd ever been with, but he was also a light sleeper.

'What's so funny?' Sihtric suddenly murmured with sleepy eyes and a satisfied half smile on his face.

'Nothing,' you chuckled and turned to face him, 'surprised you're still here is all.'

Sihtric looked at you with one eye open and his other closed, then laughed softly.

'Well,' he said and cleared his throat, 'if you want me to leave…'

'I never said that,' you argued with a smile.

'Thought so,' Sihtric hummed and pulled your naked body against his under the thin sheets, 'and why would I possibly want to leave you?' he asked and planted his lips onto yours before you could even respond.

Hot In The City

2 Days earlier.

A girls trip to Spain was exactly what you needed. You and three of your best friends hopped on a plane last-minute after booking separate rooms in a modest hotel near the beach in Valencia. The weather was perfect when you arrived, and you all wasted no time in grabbing some dinner and going out to party. You were all single and, to be honest, not even looking for a man. You were all just looking for a good time. 

The night started calm with a few drinks at a couple of different bars, but as the night progressed the bars and clubs became more crowded and the alcohol went down even easier. For your friends at least. You were always a little wary when it came to getting drunk, especially being in a foreign country, so you kept your cool and ordered a couple glasses of water throughout the night while your friends were clearly as drunk as could be. But you didn't mind, because you still had the most fun you have had in ages. None of you could deny that the attention from several Spanish men was flattering, but no one seemed to excite you enough to get carried away, so you only accepted the drinks they bought for you and then avoided them for the rest of the evening.

That was until you locked eyes with a terribly handsome guy across the bar from you. He was tall and muscular, dressed in black cargo jeans and a white loose fitted shirt. He had a tattoo on his neck and wore a Mjölnir pendant, and his dark tied back hair matched his well kept facial hair. He didn't seem Spanish, but he was absolutely stunning and you couldn't keep your eyes off him the whole time you waited for the bartender to take your order. And it seemed that the handsome man felt the same, as his eyes were completely locked on you while he fidgeted with the rings he wore around his tattooed fingers. He flashed you a sly smile before the bartender blocked your view, handing you your drink, and when the bartender stepped away you sighed sadly as the handsome man had seemingly disappeared.

'Just my luck,' you muttered and grabbed your drink.

You turned to head back to your friends, who needed some air and sat at a table on the terrace where you could all enjoy the warm summer night, when suddenly the handsome stranger appeared in front of you as you made your way through the crowd. He greeted you with his warm voice and introduced himself as Sihtric, and after finding out your name he asked if he could buy you your next drink.

'Sure,' you said with a flirty grin and shrugged lightly.

'Are you alone?' Sihtric then asked.

You told him your friends were outside and you invited him to join you, which he gladly did, since his friends were drunk and he had no idea where exactly they were, which had landed him alone at the bar before he spotted you.

'Lucky me,' you said and gave him a flirty wink.

'And me,' Sihtric said and bit down on his lower lip as he took your hand, 'you lead the way, beautiful.'

You blushed heavily as you held his big and warm hand, leading him further through the crowded bar and onto the terrace. You stopped before you reached your friends as you saw the girls had gotten the company of a group of men, and you suddenly heard Sihtric laugh behind you.

'I found my friends,' he said and looked at the same table your friends were at.

'Looks like your friends joined my friends,' you laughed, 'what are the odds?'

You joined the party with your catch of the night and enjoyed some banter and small talk. You learned the guys were all from England too and you got along well, but soon you and Sihtric drifted off in your own bubble after he had taken a seat and pulled you in his lap.

'So you're only here for a few weeks I gather?'

'Yes,' you answered, 'two weeks before we head home again. What about you guys?'

'Believe it or not,' Sihtric chuckled and looked at his drunk friends, 'we're part of the national rugby team. We're in town for a championship that starts in a few days. So we are here for as long as we manage to stay in the competition.'

You looked at Sihtric and then at his friends, who couldn't possibly stand on their feet anymore, and you laughed.

'Rugby? Really?'

'Absolutely,' Sihtric smiled, 'we have training early in the morning, so I'm not sure why they thought it was a good idea to get drunk, but that's not my problem. I'm still sober enough to wake up without a headache,' he said and winked.

You laughed and shrugged the whole rugby thing off, but you were more than happy to be in the company of the handsome rugby player while his friends entertained your friends, and you got to know more about Sihtric as the night went on. 

But sadly enough, shortly after midnight, Sihtric told you he really had to head back to his hotel to get some sleep for tomorrow's day of hard work again. You were visibly saddened that he had to leave, so he suggested walking you to your hotel after he had convinced his friends to get some rest too. And so you all strolled over the busy boulevard, further into town, until your ways parted halfway in the city. Sihtric's friends said goodbye to your friends and went to their hotel, while Sihtric kept his promise and walked you, and your friends, to your hotel. And once your friends had stumbled into the hotel and you had some time alone with Sihtric, you could finally wish each other a proper good night.

'Will I see you again?' you asked as you playfully poked his shoulder.

'I sure hope so,' Sihtric smiled and took both your hands, swaying them lightly, 'I can come and see you tomorrow after my training.'

'I'd like that,' you smiled shyly.

'Me too,' he chuckled, 'I can text you when I'm done?'

'Such a smooth way to ask for my number,' you laughed and gave him your phone, and you texted him immediately so he could save your number too, 'I'll see you tomorrow then.'

'Tomorrow,' Sihtric smiled as he towered over you, and he gave you a long and firm hug before he kissed your cheek and took a step back, 'good night, beautiful,' he almost whispered.

'Good night, pretty boy,' you smiled and turned on your heels, after reluctantly letting go of his hands.

You dragged your feet up the stairs to the entrance, purposely slowly, being aware that Sihtric was still watching you while he slowly backed away too. He kicked at nothing in particular as he stopped walking and kept his eyes on you, fighting a smile and the urge to call you back over to him. But he didn't want to smother you on the first night, so he kept his distance and decided to not try his chances. But you were disappointed and a little surprised that he didn't try to spend a few more seconds with you, so you stopped walking before you reached the hotel doors and turned around. You sighed and rolled your eyes, then looked at Sihtric as he stood at the bottom of the beige stairs, looking up at you.

'You're not even going to try and kiss me?' you scoffed with a smile.

'Well, I mean…,' Sihtric cleared his throat as he hesitated, but he then quickly jogged up the stairs.

He circled one arm around your waist to pull you in as he cupped your cheek with his free hand, and he planted his lips firmly onto yours, capturing you in what had to be the best first kiss you had ever received. Sihtric gently caressed your cheek as he nuzzled your nose slowly, then smiled against your lips before he kissed you several times more. His facial hair felt surprisingly soft against your skin, and you couldn't help but let your hands roam his muscular chest while you leaned into him, savouring the feeling and taste of his lips as he kissed you firmly once more. You felt his rapid heartbeat through his shirt, his pace matching your own. And yours skipped a beat when Sihtric kissed your temple before he took a step back, telling you he really had to leave now.

'Text me?'

'I promise,' Sihtric said softly and brought your hands up to his face, pressing a soft kiss to both your hands and then finally letting go of you, 'sweet dreams, darling.'

'Sweet dreams,' you barely whispered, your breath still stolen by the man you had only met several hours ago.

Hot In The City

You never really expected Sihtric to text you. So when he suddenly sent you a voice memo only a few hours after you had kissed each other good night, you were surprised and almost shocked to say the least. Surprised that he texted you at three in the morning, and rather shocked at the message you heard once you clicked play.

'So,' Sihtric's voice sounded calm but with a hint of amusement, 'my friends just got arrested for being drunk in public. They got back to the hotel before I did, then decided to go for one more drink just as I came back. We met outside and I tried to talk them out of it, but they wouldn't hear it. So, they went out and apparently got into a brawl that got out of hand and, well,' he laughed, 'they will have to sober up before they will be released.'

You instantly melted into a puddle by hearing Sihtric's voice. A voice so calm, gentle and soothing that it warmed your whole body, and you suddenly longed to feel his strong arms around you again. You texted him back, asking him if he still wanted to meet up tomorrow, and luckily for you his plans for after his training had never changed.

You spend the next afternoon with your girlfriends after waking up late. Your friends were dealing with their hangover while you were dealing with your mind constantly wandering to the rugby player. You checked your phone compulsively every few minutes, desperately wanting to see Sihtric's name pop up on your screen with a text or a call, but it remained rather quiet until it was four in the afternoon. Sihtric then texted you he had showered and was ready to meet up whenever you were. You felt bad about ditching your friends to go and see some guy you had only met the night before, but they were supportive and told you to go meet him. And little did you know that your friends already had made plans to meet up with Sihtric's friends; Finan, Osferth and Uhtred, the group who was arrested the night before.

You met Sihtric as he waited outside your hotel, casually leaning back against the old apricot coloured building across the street. You smiled as you walked up to him, for he looked so ridiculously handsome with his hair braided while he wore grey shorts with a matching shirt, his bronze hammer pendant making for a pleasant contrast as it rested upon his clothed chest. 

He greeted you with a flirty smile and pulled you in his arms immediately. He lightly brushed his lips over yours as he held your face with one hand, his other settled on the small of your back, while your hands found their way to his waist.

'Hey,' he murmured against your lips with a smile.

His warm breath touched your skin and snuck between your slightly parted lips, making you feel lightheaded and desperate for his kiss, which he wouldn't give you just yet.

'Hi,' you breathed, and a nervous chuckle escaped you.

Sihtric was even more handsome than you had remembered, which seemed impossible, but you suddenly felt too shy to speak. Sihtric sensed that, and enjoyed it, but to make an end to your silent suffering he decided to finally kiss you and give you the sweet satisfaction you had longed for ever since the night before. And he kissed you just as perfectly as that very first time; firm and passionate.

It was another warm day in Valencia, and Sihtric made you feel so much warmer without even trying. When you finally found your ability to speak again you agreed to just stroll around the city together for a bit. And so you did, walking hand in hand past some of the famous spots in town. The scenery made your walk almost enchanting, the old buildings making for a romantic backdrop whenever Sihtric kissed you or just looked at you with his love intoxicated eyes. There was no doubt that you were head over heels for each other already, as you finally got to know each other better while you went for some ice cream.

You enjoyed the cool refreshments on the beach, where you sat down in the sand and Sihtric pulled you in his lap. You talked for hours, about everything and nothing, and whenever you weren't talking you were kissing each other or caught up in each other's embrace while whispering sweet nothings. And as much as you wanted to stay with him, you knew you had to check in with your friends too, as did Sihtric. So you both agreed to meet up later in the evening again.

And just like the night before, Sihtric walked you back to your hotel. And the departure was just as sweet again, kissing each other endlessly on the large beige stairs while the sun was slowly setting, until you were finally able to reluctantly let go of each other. Even if it was just for a couple of hours.

Hot In The City

While you were out with Sihtric, your friends had gotten even friendlier with his friends and finally told you they had been seeing them while you were out. You all laughed and joked how none of you had planned to even interact with a man on this trip, and yet here you were, all of you falling in love ridiculously fast with some rugby player from England. But with that knowledge came a new idea, and that's how you ended up having dinner with not just Sihtric a few hours later, but with all of yours and his friends too.

You all got along with each other, but it didn't take long before every couple would more or less retreat and go elsewhere to talk more privately. As did you and Sihtric, after saying goodbye to the few remaining friends and going for another nightly stroll over the pleasantly crowded boulevard.

'Wait,' Sihtric said after a moment and stopped walking, 'let me see you,' he smiled and spun you around while holding your hand.

You almost tripped over your heels while showing off your long red satin cocktail dress, but luckily Sihtric was quick to catch you in his arms, to which you both laughed.

'You look absolutely stunning,' he said softly and leaned in to kiss your lips.

'I thought I overdressed,' you chuckled.

'There's no such thing,' Sihtric reassured you.

'Well,' you laughed, 'you certainly didn't overdress.'

'What's wrong with my clothes?' he asked and threw up his hands as he looked down at his outfit, the same he wore earlier that day.

'Nothing, I'm just teasing,' you smiled.

'Teasing, huh?' Sihtric smiled as he took your hand and pulled you towards him.

'What? I'm not allowed to tease you?' you asked with a cheeky grin.

Sihtric scoffed with a smile and shook his head lightly, then looked down into your eyes as he towered over you, holding your face gently while he had one arm circled around you. He licked his lips slowly before biting down on his lower lip, and he hummed softly, the sound of it causing your knees to weaken.

'All you've been doing is tease me,' Sihtric whispered, his lips touching yours as he spoke, 'you think that's fair?' he asked playfully.

'Well, you never told me to stop,' you shrugged, your hands mindlessly caressing his sides.

'Yeah, well,' Sihtric murmured against your lips, 'maybe I don't want you to stop.'

'Well,' you giggled softly and gently nudged his nose with yours, 'then what's the problem?'

'I never said there was a problem,' he smiled and lightly flicked his tongue against your lips, 'did I?'

'I don't know,' you breathed, your hands sliding under his shirt, 'did you?'

'I didn't,' Sihtric whispered, then allowed his hand to slide down your buttocks, and he grabbed you firmly as he kissed you deeply and needy for a long moment.

He took a slight step back, not breaking the kiss but sliding his own hands up his shirt to grab your hands and pull you with him, towards the border where the beach began and the boulevard ended.

'Wait,' you gasped, 'I can't get on the beach with these shoes-'

Sihtric picked you up in his arms before you could even finish your sentence, and he carried you onto the darkened and rather deserted beach. He soon found a spot next to the beach's changing cabins, a place more or less sheltered from view, and he pulled you down next to him in the sand as he laid down. And you kissed there for hours, while the waves crashed lightly in the distance and the clear night sky above you grew even darker.

'What time do you have to leave tonight?' you asked after a while of just laying in his arms.

'Doesn't matter,' Sihtric said, 'we have a day off tomorrow, that means no training, so I have no plans of leaving yet,' he then turned so he could face you, 'unless you want me to leave?'

'No,' you whispered and caressed his scarred cheek as your nose almost touched his, 'I don't want you to leave.'

'Good,' Sihtric smiled and placed his hand on your neck, circling your lips with his thumb, 'because I don't want to leave either,' he whispered and kissed you softly.

'I never want this to end,' you said, a little saddened when the reality hit you again that neither of you lived permanently in the Spanish city.

'Neither do I,' he said, 'because I swear… you are the lady of my dreams.'

You couldn't help but smile at his words, forgetting about the harsh truth immediately.

'Darling,' Sihtric continued, 'you enamour me entirely. Trust me when I say I won't let this end easily.'

'I hope you won't.'

'I hope you won't either.'

'I won't,' you smiled, 'but… maybe we should go back to the hotel? It's late already.'

'Yours or mine?'

'Doesn't matter.'

'We'll go to yours,' Sihtric said, 'I've seen it from the outside several times, now I want to know what the inside looks like.'

'It's nothing spectacular,' you warned him as you got up.

'It's already spectacular because you'll be there,' he smiled and picked you up in his arms again, carrying you back to the boulevard.

Hot In The City

There was barely any time for talking once you arrived in your modest hotel room. As soon as the door closed, you and Sihtric began to pull each other's clothes off while you kissed and stumbled through the room until you both landed on the bed, completely naked.

Sihtric knew how to please you as if he had known you forever, finding all the right spots with his fingers while he kissed you deeply to silence your moans and gasps. One look around the place was enough to tell anyone that those walls were thin, but you couldn't have cared less about who heard you while you were at the mercy of a man like Sihtric.

He made you reach your high twice with just his hands alone as he kissed you and left marks in your neck with his teeth and lips. And you returned the favour by pleasing him with your mouth, enjoying how you could easily make him obey you like that if you wanted to, but you weren't going to dominate him. Not tonight, at least. And so you allowed him to cum, for the first time that night, in your mouth and you swallowed it like a 'Good girl,' as he called you with ragged breaths afterwards. And shortly after that you find yourself laying back on the bed. With his beautiful face between your thighs, marking up your delicate skin as he kissed and gently bit his way up to your most precious parts. Only to look up at you as he kissed your sweet spot so tenderly before going delving into you and making you climax for a third time, while your hands had untangled his previously braided hair in the process.

And he kissed you deeply as he held you tightly in his arms, under the thin sheets of your hotel bed, granting you the time to recover before he would finally allow himself the pleasure of making love to you. Which he did, until you both finished while moaning and desperately calling out numerous obscenities. You clawed at the sheets, your legs on Sihtric's broad shoulders as he leaned in, while fucking through both your highs, so he could capture you in the most passionate and sloppy kiss you ever had. And after you both collapsed on the bed, exhausted and overstimulated but satisfied beyond words, you fell asleep in each other's embrace and slept until late the next morning.

And that's when you woke up with your body still aching pleasantly from the night before, and were surprised to see your passionate lover was still sleeping peacefully next to you.

Hot In The City

And the next morning, after you both showered and managed to cover up all the love bites you had left each other, Sihtric took you out for brunch and invited you to come to the rugby match he would be playing a few days later.

You continued to meet up whenever you could as the days continued to pass, and only at the rugby match you understood that Sihtric was a professional rugby player, and didn't just do it as a hobby. He earned his money with it, as did his friends, and from what your friends told you about the dates they had with them, it seemed that they all earned quite a nice amount to live more than comfortably with. But you had already fallen in love with Sihtric, so you didn't care about his profession or the money he made, you were just there to show your support. And Sihtric appreciated that more than he could explain, and you felt proud as you watched his team win that day.

In the days that followed you also continued to stay in close contact with Sihtric, and you found yourself in either of your hotel rooms almost every night. Each night was as passionate as the first time you were intimate, and it went without saying that this wasn't just a quick holiday fling anymore. But the truth was that your holiday was coming to an end, with your flight back to England departing tomorrow early afternoon. Which meant you had to say goodbye to Sihtric and not know if you'd ever see him again, despite the fact that he lived in England too. And as fate would have it, he had to go to training tomorrow morning, so he couldn't stay the night with you no matter how much he wanted to.

'Ironic how it rains tonight,' you said gloomily as you stood on the familiar beige stairs of your hotel, which were darker than usual tonight, 'the whole time we've been here it was always warm and sunny. And now it's chilly and rainy.'

Sihtric pushed his loose wet hair out of his face as he looked down at you, holding you in his arms for what he feared could be the last time.

'The gods feel my sadness,' Sihtric said with a soft sigh, and he took your face in his hands, 'let me look at you, darling,' he smiled sadly, 'I want to remember you.'

'Please,' you said and choked up, 'don't forget about me.'

'I won't, trust me I won't,' he said as the rain continued to pour down, 'you captured my heart and soul, darling. I won't forget about you. And I already told you I wasn't going to let this end easily.'

'Promise you will call me? Or text me?' you asked, a glimmer of hope visible in your eyes.

'I promise,' Sihtric smiled and lightly pinched your cheek before he kissed your forehead, 'I promise, love, I will call you and text you until you get sick of me and block my number.'

You both laughed for a moment, but your sadness took over again once you looked back up in his big mismatched eyes.

'Here,' Sihtric said and took off his Mjölnir necklace, 'hold onto this for me,' he placed the black cord with the bronze pendant around your neck, 'I'll come and pick it up as soon as I can, okay?'

You sniffled and clutched the warm pendant in your cold hands, then looked up at him again and nodded with a faint smile.

'Don't cry,' Sihtric whispered and kissed your lips, 'please don't cry,' he cupped your cheeks, 'I promise, darling, I promise this is only the beginning for us.'

Hot In The City

taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama

@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a

@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777

@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50

@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305

@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99

@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie

@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @stupiddarkkside @sleepjam @ewanmitchellfanatic @itbmojojoejo @lady-targaryens-world @errruvande @legitalicat

if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤

Tags :
5 months ago

Apples & Blood

note: Surprise fic! Happy spooky season, I have returned from the grave. Dedicating this fic to @sihtricsafin 🖤🔪

warnings: 18+!! Minors DNI. fluff/smut/light angst. Mention of blood, death, murder, alcohol and knife play. It's a slasher fic, okay?

pairing: Ghostface!Sihtric x fem!reader

summary: A Halloween party showed you that Sihtric would kill for you, literally.

word count: 4.6k


Reblogs & comments are immensely appreciated.

Apples & Blood

You had known your friends and their friends for years, and you would never deny that you always had a thing for Sihtric. Sihtric was an indirect friend as he was friends with Uhtred, your best friend Gisela's boyfriend. You knew Sihtric was single but you had just never found the courage to really try your chances with him on the occasions you got to see him, mainly because of the mixed signals he always gave you. You usually met Sihtric during parties throughout the year and the occasional festival. He was always flirty and quite handsy with you, but apparently never interested enough to take you home or ask you out on a date. You had kissed him a few times, but you figured he was always too drunk to remember those moments you considered sacred, so all you could do was admire him while you occasionally stalked his social media, just to see his pretty face.

When Gisela invited you to go apple picking with a couple of others, Sihtric included, you didn't even have to think twice to say yes, because that meant you would finally meet your crush in a completely sober state. And naturally your friends were aware that you were hopelessly in love with him, so they made sure to pair you with Sihtric before you all disappeared between the apple trees, to fill your baskets for the Halloween party that Gisela and Uhtred were throwing later that night.

'It's good to see you again, beautiful,' Sihtric smiled as he went in for a hug upon meeting you, 'how long has it been? At least half a year?'

'Something like that,' you blushed as if you didn't know it had been exactly 22 weeks, 'the last time was at Osferth's birthday party,' you reminded him.

'That was a good night,' Finan grinned and nudged Osferth, who smiled shyly.

'Osferth's party, right,' Sihtric nodded, 'I can't remember much of that to be honest.'

'What a surprise,' Gisela mumbled as she shoved an empty basket in his hands.

Gisela knew Sihtric had kissed you that night, but he clearly couldn't remember it while she knew you remembered it all too well. Gisela had been the one to console you when you were in tears the next day, because you didn't understand what the problem was between you and him; always making out and yet never taking it any further, it was killing you.

You gave Gisela a pained smile, acknowledging her bitterness towards Sihtric which you more or less shared with her. Because as much as you liked him, it did sting that he always made it seem that he felt something for you, but then acted as if nothing had occurred when he met you again.

However, you were not going to let that ruin your day. You were more than happy to be in Sihtric's presence, but you were also nervous and you could barely hide it. Sihtric looked so handsome with his short dark hair and his all black clothing, it was hard not to stare at him with flushed cheeks as you made your way through the apple orchard, looking for that perfect tree to pick from. 

Sihtric always had something of a mysterious vibe around him, and his high dose of charm made it easy to be liked and admired by many. You knew he could be clumsy too, you had seen him trip over his own feet and spill his drink at festivals and parties plenty of times, but that never took away any of the pleasant danger you felt around him though. There was something about him that was thrilling and exciting, something dark perhaps, but you weren't one to shy away from that.

'How many apples do we need to pick?' Sihtric suddenly questioned as you both strolled past the trees.

'Enough,' you shrugged, 'Gisela wanted to bake a few apple pies for the party tonight. Oh, and I believe she also needs apples for the apple bobbing.'

Sihtric hummed at your response and reached for his ankle, pulling out a knife from under his jeans which he always wore strapped to his ankle underneath his clothes, and he began to slice some apples off a tree while you held the basket for him.

'I guess if we all have a full basket of apples it should be more than enough.'

Sihtric laughed, 'Oh, I wouldn't count on Uhtred and Gisela having a full basket.'

'What do you mean? Why wouldn't they?'

'Because,' Sihtric chuckled and leaned with his shoulder against the tree while he used his knife to peel an apple, 'they're most likely fucking in the grass somewhere by now,' he said and took a bite of the fruit.

'You're probably right,' you laughed, 'and you know what, good for them.'

'Good for them,' Sihtric agreed with a smile as he looked at you in silence for a moment. 'You know,' he said and smacked his lips, 'I do remember Osferth's party. Well, not all of it, but I remember we kissed,' he said nonchalantly and ate another slice of apple, 'actually, I remember all the times we kissed.'

'What?' you said as your cheeks reddened and you dropped the basket, 'I… I always thought you… you were drunk-'

'Tipsy, sure,' Sihtric said and offered you a slice of apple, which you politely declined, 'but I was not drunk whenever we kissed. Look,' he sighed and stepped closer, 'I like you and I know you like me. And I could tell by Gisela's sneer earlier that everyone knows we like each other.'

'No,' you scoffed lightly, 'everyone knows I like you, but no one knows you like me. Hell, I didn't even know you liked me, you asshole!' you smiled and punched his chest.

'Yeah, love you too,' Sihtric replied with a grin and took your hand, 'but now you know. So, will you be my date to the party tonight then?'

'I don't know,' you hesitated, 'will you pretend tonight that we never had this conversation?'

'I promise I won't,' he said and pulled you closer to wrap his arms around you, 'I didn't want to make things awkward if maybe we didn't work out. And I guess I was also just afraid to hurt you, that's why I never acted further on my feelings. And then there's Aethelred who is always interrupting at parties.'

'Aethelred is a sick fuck who just won't leave me alone,' you sighed.

'He stalks you?'

'Not exactly, he just always tries to flirt but he gives me the creeps. But this is not about him, why do you think you would hurt me?'

'There's a lot you don't know about me, darling,' Sihtric whispered as you placed your hands on his chest, 'and the last thing I want is to scare you off.'

'I'm not scared easily,' you scowled.

'Oh yeah?' Sihtric smiled and bit down on his lip, 'then tell me, pretty, what's your favourite scary movie?'

'Okay, Mister Ghostface,' you laughed, 'sorry to disappoint you, but Scream is not my favourite scary movie. In fact, Scream isn't scary at all. My favourite horror is Hereditary.'

'Heredi-,' Sihtric paused, sighed and then looked at you disapprovingly, 'oh sweetheart, you got a lot to learn about scary movies.'

'What?! It's a classic too! It makes you think, it's greatly done.'

'It's greatly boring,' Sihtric snorted, 'but fine, I won't tell you it was an awful movie. However,' he murmured and leaned in closer until your noses almost touched, 'how about you come over to my place sometime, and then I'll show you some good scary movies?'

'I'll think about it,' you teased, 'but it'll entirely depend on how you will behave tonight. Because if you pretend we never had this conversation you can forget about your stupid scary movies too.'

'Ouch,' Sihtric pouted and grabbed his chest, 'I promise I won't do that shit again. I already told you I liked you, there's no coming back from that, is there?'

'Yeah, well, we'll see.'

'You'll see,' Sihtric smiled and took your chin, 'you'll see I'm serious about you, darling,' he whispered and then kissed your lips.

You leaned into him and moved your hands up into his hair, gently pulling his short locks while he kissed you deeply and let his hands roam freely over your body. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you both ran out of breath quicker than either of you liked, and therefore Sihtric was the one who broke the kiss before all self control would be lost.

'Listen, sweetheart,' he murmured against your lips, 'there's nothing I'd rather do than kiss you for hours here, but if we continue this I'm pretty sure we'll end up in the grass too.'

'Is there a problem with that?' you smirked.

'I never said that,' Sihtric chuckled, 'but I'd rather have you somewhere a little more private,' he winked and pecked your lips again, 'now, let's go pick some apples so we can get out of here.'

Apples & Blood

Sadly enough you and Sihtric didn't see each other anymore after picking apples together. He was tasked to decorate the house with Uhtred while you and Gisela made apple pies, and Osferth and Finan were prepping the booze and making sure there would be music at the party. You were all too busy to take a break, and before you knew it you had to go home to change into your party outfit. You kept it simple and dressed as a vampire, wearing a sexy black dress while fake blood dripped down your chin. You wore black make-up around your eyes and your lips were an alluring dark red colour, and you hoped Sihtric would think you'd look to die for.

You were happy to see that the party was a success and everyone enjoyed the apple pies you helped bake, and there was also a line to bob some apples from a large bowl. You enjoyed a drink and the music while you waited for Sihtric to show up, but when you still hadn't seen him after about an hour you began to feel a little hopeless. And to make that feeling worse, Aethelred suddenly came up to you, dressed like a medieval king with a gaping wound on the back of his head. You rolled your eyes and sighed numerous times while being stuck listening to him talk like he owned the world, and you had to slap his hands off you several times before he offered to get you a drink from the shed, which was located in the far back of Gisela and Uhtred's backyard.

You were glad to be rid of that poor excuse of a man for a few minutes, but when he still hadn't returned with a drink after fifteen minutes you decided to go and get a drink yourself.

'Typical,' you muttered as you made your way through the dark backyard, 'I have to hear him yap for an hour and then he doesn't even bring me the drink he promised.'

The music sounded muffled as you tried your best to follow the path. The backyard was dark and big, the long pathway to the shed was barely visible and there was no one else around. Despite all the cold drinks being in the shed, most people stocked up on their booze in one go so they didn't have to keep walking back and forth, and you wished you had been that smart too as you began to feel cold the further you walked. When you finally reached the shed you searched for the lightswitch, your hands going through multiple cobwebs before you found the switch, which made you shiver, and when you eventually flipped the switch you found out that the light was broken.

'Of course,' you groaned.

You grabbed your phone out of your small shoulder bag, using its flashlight to find the refrigerator so you could grab yourself a drink and get back as fast as possible, because that shed always freaked you out. It was so dark and deserted, you always thought it was a perfect place to murder someone for some reason. And beside that, you also knew the shed was a breeding place for spiders, so you refused to shine your light any further than you had to, not wanting to know what kind of demonic eight legged creatures were living in the far back of that damned shed. A sigh of relief left you when you finally grabbed yourself a cold bottle of booze, but then just as you slammed the door shut a voice behind you sounded and startled you.

'Surprise, darling.'

'What the fuck!' you shouted and dropped the bottle on the floor as you turned to point your flashlight towards someone dressed as the Ghostface killer from the Scream movies.

'What's the matter, baby?' Sihtric chuckled and took off his blood splattered mask, 'you look like you've seen a ghost.'

'Oh my god, you asshole!' you shouted and punched his chest with shaking hands.

'Did I scare you?' he smiled.

'I hate you!' you said with a trembling voice and a nervous chuckle.

Sihtric's smile disappeared when he realised he had truly scared you, and he immediately pulled you in his arms.

'Hey, come here,' he said softly, 'I'm sorry, doll, it was just a joke. I didn't think you'd actually get scared.'

'I know,' you said as you calmed down, 'I'm sorry too. I just… the light doesn't work and this shed freaks me out in general.'

'Yeah I'm not sure what's up with the light either,' Sihtric said, his face half lit as you pointed the flash on your phone downwards to not blind either of you, 'I just arrived and went to get a drink myself when I had the same problem. I then went back to the house to find Uhtred, but before I could reach the backdoor I saw you come out. You didn't see me at all because it's so dark there, so I decided to joke around.'

'Very funny,' you said and rolled your eyes, 'looks like all men are being funny today.'

'What do you mean?'

'Aethelred was bothering me again and after a while said he was going to grab me a drink, but he never returned. That's why I had to go here myself. Have you seen him?'

'Aethelred?' Sihtric asked, 'hm, no, I don't think I've seen him. I really only just arrived a few minutes ago.'

'He probably went to touch up some other girl then,' you said and shook your head, 'what an idiot.'

'Well, wherever he is,' Sihtric said and cupped your cheeks, 'I could care less, because at least I got you all to myself now,' he smiled and kissed your lips, 'I'll grab you a new drink, darling, then we can head back to the house.'

Apples & Blood

Back at the party you enjoyed your drink as you danced with Sihtric, who looked ever hotter than usual whenever he took off his mask to kiss you.

'Isn't the character you are dressed up as supposed to wear… Well, not cargo pants with a tight fitting shirt?' you laughed while he pecked your lips multiple times.

'Yeah,' Sihtric confessed, 'I was wearing the whole outfit over my clothes, but I tripped and fell earlier in the shed because it was so dark, and I fell into some kind of liquid so I threw the whole thing out right away. Besides,' he shrugged, 'it's all about the mask anyway.'

'You are so clumsy,' you laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck, 'it makes you even more attractive.'

'Glad you think so,' Sihtric smiled and leaned in to kiss you again.

He was relieved you fell for his lie. Because the truth was that he had seen Aethelred heading into the backyard after he had tried to touch you up, and he had followed him and killed him in the shed. And Sihtric was the one who had broken the light on accident during his wild stabbing, by getting his knife caught on the exposed electricity cable mid-murder and causing a power outage. And after that he slipped and fell in Aethelred's blood as he couldn't see a thing in the pitch black shed anymore after his murder, and it was then that he took off the outfit that belonged with the mask, leaving him in just his regular black outfit. And when he was on his way back to the house, he saw you and decided to follow you, making sure you wouldn't find the body of the guy who kept touching you up without your permission, something Sihtric thought he deserved to die for.

'You know,' you said, after Sihtric had found an empty seat and pulled you in his lap, 'for a moment I thought you weren't going to show up tonight.'

'Why did you think that?' he spoke in your ear while mindlessly caressing your bare legs with his tattooed fingers.

'Because I was here for a while already and I didn't see you anywhere,' you spoke against his lips.

You raked your fingers through his hair as he rested his head back on the couch, and you looked down into his love-filled mismatched eyes.

'I've let you slip out of my hands for too long already,' Sihtric said and moved his hand up your thigh, 'I was a fucking idiot for not chasing after you all this time while I should have.'

'Would you chase after me now?' you asked with a smirk and held up his mask.

'Like right now?' Sihtric frowned, then laughed, 'sure, if you want me to chase you.'

'Well,' you said and got up, then leaned in to kiss his cheek and whispered in his ear, 'then catch me if you can.'

You threw the Ghostface mask in his lap and quickly disappeared in the crowded living room, but Sihtric saw you running up the stairs as he got up and put on his mask. He then calmly pushed through the dancing people while pulling his knife from his ankle strap, and he sprinted up the stairs to follow you. You ran into one of the empty bedrooms and closed the door, hiding just next to it so Sihtric wouldn't see you upon opening the door. You held your breath while a feeling of arousal took over when you saw a shadow slowly walking past the door as the music was blasting downstairs, and a soft giggle escaped you when you noticed the shadow walked past the room you were in. It was a small and cosy room, with only a white vanity and a single person bed across from it. You shook your head as you noticed how the mirror was directly in front of the bed, because you knew mirrors are said to drain a person's energy when asleep, and therefore you should never point a mirror directly at your bed. 

And you let your mind wander for a second while Sihtric crept past the closed doors on the second floor, not entirely sure which one to open first. But he stopped when he heard a faint giggle after he had just passed the second door. He took a step back, his face hidden behind his mask while he had his previously cleaned knife in hand, and he gently placed his ear on the door to try and listen for any more sounds.

You were pulled from your thoughts when you saw the shadow step back in front of your door, seemingly standing still and doing nothing, to which you gasped softly and accidentally let your shoulder bag slip down your arm, its chain making a rattling noise and betraying your presence. You kept quiet while the shadow at the door also kept quiet, until you suddenly heard three taps on the door when Sihtric used his knife to knock threateningly. 

'W-who's there?' you asked, knowing it had to be Sihtric, but a rush of nerves and excitement made you unable to think for a second.

Sihtric sighed and opened the door, which made you jump and expose yourself. You stared at his masked face as you backed yourself against the bed, trapping yourself by accident while Sihtric closed the door and slowly stepped closer. His bare muscular arms flexed lightly while he closed in on you as he fidgeted with the knife he held.

'You should never say 'who's there?'. Don't you watch scary movies? It's a death wish,' he chuckled.

'Oh, please,' you laughed, 'as if you're going to kill me.'

'You're right,' Sihtric said and took off his mask, throwing it on the bed before he circled one arm around you to pull you close, 'I'm not going to kill you. Instead', he whispered, slowly tracing your lips with his thumb, 'I'm finally going to fuck you.'

'About time,' you smiled and crawled on the bed.

You seductively pulled up your skirt to expose your panties as you laid back, taunting Sihtric while he threw the knife on the bed as he joined you on top of the sheets. The dark room was lit up just enough by the full Moon outside, casting silver rays across your faces and bodies, highlighting your figures in the most perfect way. You slowly ran your hand up Sihtric's muscular clothed torso, and you then pulled him in by his neck to kiss him deeply and passionately. You both breathed heavily into each other's mouth while you began to undress one another. You made out with such a hunger and deep desire until you were both naked on the bed, touching and teasing each other while moaning against each other's lips until you both couldn't resist the temptation anymore.

'Fuck me,' you half begged.

Sihtric hummed and chuckled at your eagerness, a feeling he shared and was tired of fighting too, so he picked you up with ease and positioned you on your hands and knees with your back turned to him. He then took his knife and leaned in over you, gently pressing the cool blade against your throat without piercing your skin.

'Say that again,' he whispered, his lips touching your ear while he looked at you in the mirror in front of the bed.

'Fuck me,' you smiled with dazed eyes as you looked back at him in the reflecting surface, 'you crazy son of a bitch.'

'I'll fuck you,' Sihtric smiled darkly as he teased you with the tip of his hard, leaking cock, 'who's your daddy?'

'You're my daddy,' you giggled and gasped as he then pushed his length inside you smoothly, yet still stretching you, 'fuck,' you breathed as you grabbed onto the sheets while you adjusted to him, the blade still pressed against your throat.

'Fuck indeed,' Sihtric groaned behind you, then lowered the knife and threw it on the floor, 'fuck, you feel so tight,' he said with a moan, 'I really was fucking stupid for not chasing you sooner,' he laughed while he placed his hands on your hips.

'Wait,' you said before he could thrust into you, 'mask,' you said almost shyly, 'I want you to wear the mask if you're taking me like this, so I can see it in the mirror.'

Sihtric gladly listened to your wish and covered his pretty face with the blooded mask, he then grabbed your hips again and began to fuck you, slowly at first but harder as soon as you had welcomed his entire length and were able to take it. He gave you a firm slap across your ass several times, causing you to moan louder each time while he ravaged you. He had his fingers tangled in your hair, keeping your head up so you could see his muscular body behind you as he fucked you in front of the mirror until all you could do was murmur incoherently while your eyes were heavy and your mind completely fucked empty. Your moans and ragged breaths were in sync with the ridiculously loud creaking of the bed, and it all came to a halt when you both came with near screams of pleasure before you both collapsed on the bed.

And Sihtric's gentle side took you by surprise afterwards, when he took off his mask and laid back, holding you in his arms while murmuring praises and sweet nothings in your ear as you both recovered before you got dressed again. But before you could leave the room, Sihtric finally asked you to be his girlfriend, a question you couldn't possibly say no to. And so you held hands as you made your way down the stairs again, joining the party where seemingly no one had missed the two of you for about an hour. 

Nor had anyone ever noticed Aethelred's disappearance either…

Apples & Blood

While Sihtric had to go use the bathroom you decided to grab a drink for the both of you, and so you made your way through the dark backyard again and into the shed. You once again used your phone's flashlight to see where you were going inside the shed, and it was then that you gasped at the discovery of Aethelred's dead body in the far corner, after accidentally shining your light that way. You stared at the body that was shoved in the corner, gutted like a fish, and as much as you wanted to scream at the sight of it, you felt a strange calmness taking over. You weren't mortified, as one should be, you were at ease and almost in awe. You then noticed the dark cloth at his feet and reached for it without thinking, discovering that it was exactly the dark attire the killer in those Scream movies wears, and you suddenly connected it to your new boyfriend.

'Oh my god,' you said as you saw the blood dripping off the dark clothing you held in your hands, and you then laughed, 'oh my god, what an idiot.'

You returned to the party without any drinks, but instead held the folded outfit that Sihtric had worn during the murder of Aethelred, and you found your boyfriend just outside the backdoor as he smoked a cigarette.

'Hey, darling,' he smiled as he saw you, 'where'd you go?'

You closed the distance and took his hand, pulling him with you inside the house and to the front door. You both left the party without a word to anyone else and got into Sihtric's car, where you finally showed him your find.

'If you're going to kill someone for me, babe,' you chuckled, 'you should get rid of the evidence too.'

Sihtric stared at the blood stained fabric and was at a loss for words. Not just because you had discovered he had killed someone, but because you had figured out he had killed someone for you and it didn't even scare you.

'Did you learn nothing from those scary movies you watch?' you asked with a grin.

'I guess I didn't,' Sihtric chuckled and then looked at you, 'you're not… afraid?'

'Not really,' you shrugged, 'I mean, you won't hurt me, right?'

'What? No, no,' he said and cupped your cheeks to kiss your lips, 'no, never, darling. I'd never hurt you.'

'Good,' you smiled, 'then the only thing we have to do is to burn this thing,' you said and held up the outfit. 

'We will,' Sihtric agreed and pulled you closer, 'first thing tomorrow, I promise, love.'

'Good. Well… How about we go to your place, babe?' you smiled as you spoke against his lips.

'Sure, I'll take you to my place, sweetheart.'

'Maybe you can show me some of those scary movies you talked about earlier?'

'Ah, who gives a fuck about movies?' Sihtric smiled and kissed you, 'I'd rather watch you all night, baby girl.'

Apples & Blood

taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama

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1 year ago

The Last Kingdom - Dame Hyacinth.

The Last Kingdom - Dame Hyacinth.

~ Dame Hyacinth est la jeune soeur de Finan l'Agile. Après un long voyage pour fuir la famille de son défunt mari, elle retrouve enfin son frère et lui demande protection. Seulement depuis son arrivée, Sihtric n'a d'yeux que pour elle. ~

~ ~ ~

-Comment va-t-elle ? Demande Uhtred. 

Finan laisse son cheval à Osferth, les lèvres pincées alors qu’il se lave les mains dans un seau d’eau froide. Il hausse simplement des épaules alors que Sihtric et Uhtred échangent un regard inquiet. 


-Elle ne dort pas. Et je ne peux pas l’aider. Elle refuse de me parler, je ne sais pas ce qu’il se passe dans sa tête. Qu’est-ce que je peux faire ? 

-Peut-être puis-je l’emmener dehors ? Propose Sihtric.

-Elle ne sortira pas d’ici, c’est trop dangereux. S’agace-t-il.

-Sauf que ta dame souhaite se balader depuis des jours. Le contre le danois.

-Ce n’est pas ma dame, Sihtric. Et je vois très bien ton petit jeu autour d’elle, si tu la touches je te coupe les bourses. 

-Seigneur, calmez-le ou c’est moi qui m’en charge…

Sihtric lance un regard de tueur à Finan avant de rentrer dans l’auberge dans laquelle ils logent depuis des jours à présent.

–Il ne pense pas à mal.

-Il veut la baiser.

-Non, il s’est épris d’elle. 

-Comme il s’éprend de toutes les putains qu’il croise. 

-Finan, tu es rude. Autant avec elle qu’avec lui, laisse-les passer du temps ensemble. Cela pourrait faire du bien à Hyacinth.

-Pas sans chaperon. 

-Alors je serais leur chaperon. 

Finan lève les yeux au ciel, soupirant rageusement alors qu’il lance un regard à son frère d’arme l’air de dire “Tu es vraiment sérieux ?”. Uhtred lui sourit, fier de son idée. Il n’attend plus la réponse de l’irlandais et pars à la poursuite de Sihtric. Il le trouve rapidement attablé avec une bière à la main alors qu’il observe sans vergogne la jeune Hyacinth lire un livre dans un coin reculé. 

-Je pense sincèrement que tu devrais tenter ta chance avec elle.

-Finan me ferait la peau.

-Je ne pense pas que tu aies peur de Finan. Ricane le seigneur. 

Sihtric baisse instinctivement les yeux sur la table en bois, jouant avec son poignard sur la table en bois. 

-C’est une dame de rang supérieur au mien. Murmure-t-il alors qu’il s’enfonce dans la frustration que lui fait éprouver cette fille. 

-Je me suis marié à des femmes avec un rang supérieur au mien. Répond Uhtred, maintenant concerné par la situation de son jeune frère d’arme.

-Ce n’est pas pareil, tu es Uhtred, un seigneur, le tueur de danois. Tu as une réputation et la confiance de tout le monde. Je ne suis rien de tout ça, juste un homme de main du seigneur Uhtred. 

-Eh, tu es plus que ça. Tu sais quoi ? Sortons, emmenons la dame en balade. 

-Finan refuse. 

-Finan n’a pas son mot à dire, j’ai décidé de sortir la dame alors je sors la dame. 

Sihtric le regarde à présent avant qu’un sourire effronté s’installe sur ses lèvres. 

-Va la chercher, je vous attends dehors avec les chevaux. 

Le jeune Danois se lève de sa place, finit sa bière cul sec et s’approche de la jeune dame.

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