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This is beautiful ;-;

Tinkerbell & Friends
Tinkerbell & Friends
Tinkerbell & Friends

tinkerbell & friends

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Oh my lord I love this!

Redesigned The Disney Fairies This Time ((: Gonna Do The Book Ones Next
Redesigned The Disney Fairies This Time ((: Gonna Do The Book Ones Next
Redesigned The Disney Fairies This Time ((: Gonna Do The Book Ones Next
Redesigned The Disney Fairies This Time ((: Gonna Do The Book Ones Next
Redesigned The Disney Fairies This Time ((: Gonna Do The Book Ones Next
Redesigned The Disney Fairies This Time ((: Gonna Do The Book Ones Next

Redesigned the Disney fairies this time ((: gonna do the book ones next <3

My commissions are open btw! If anyone is interested pls dm me on here, Instagram or email me

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Please please I would sell my soul to see this movie

Disneys Security Is Slaking Rn Please

Disneys security is slaking rn please

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This makes me cry, god honestly this movie sounds like an awful idea but I want to watch the scrapped animation so badly anyway

Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)
Tinker Bell Original Pitch Portfolio (part 1)

Tinker Bell original pitch portfolio (part 1)

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What Do We Do Now? They Nevertaughtus This Part. Do We Fly Right In? Do Weclose Our Eyes? Give A Password?
What Do We Do Now? They Nevertaughtus This Part. Do We Fly Right In? Do Weclose Our Eyes? Give A Password?
What Do We Do Now? They Nevertaughtus This Part. Do We Fly Right In? Do Weclose Our Eyes? Give A Password?
What Do We Do Now? They Nevertaughtus This Part. Do We Fly Right In? Do Weclose Our Eyes? Give A Password?
What Do We Do Now? They Nevertaughtus This Part. Do We Fly Right In? Do Weclose Our Eyes? Give A Password?
What Do We Do Now? They Nevertaughtus This Part. Do We Fly Right In? Do Weclose Our Eyes? Give A Password?
What Do We Do Now? They Nevertaughtus This Part. Do We Fly Right In? Do Weclose Our Eyes? Give A Password?

What do we do now? They never taught us this part. Do we fly right in? Do we close our eyes? Give a Password? *Gasp* What if there’s a password!?

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Silvermist and Rani💧

Silvermist And Rani

I have become obsessed with the Tinkerbell novels and films recently 😭🫶

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All Of My Disney Fairies Illustrations!
All Of My Disney Fairies Illustrations!
All Of My Disney Fairies Illustrations!
All Of My Disney Fairies Illustrations!
All Of My Disney Fairies Illustrations!
All Of My Disney Fairies Illustrations!

All of my disney fairies illustrations!

You can get prints of this series on my inprnt!

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Pixie Hollows Finest

Pixie Hollow’s Finest

Pixie Hollows Finest

(Plus Tink and Peri because I love them)

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Fairy names in different languages part 1: movie fairies

(Disclaimer: I’m not fluent in all of these languages (not even proficient in some), so a native speaker may be able to correct my translations. Also I did find the voice cast lists in Chinese, Japanese and Korean but sadly because I have pretty much zero experience with the characters I don’t feel confident enough to put that up here. Feel free to add on any language you’re missing/correct me on the ones you speak!)

I got this information from reading/watching/playing the books, movies, video games, magazines, colouring books etc. in different languages. For some languages I have more resources than others, which is why some languages may be featured more prominently here.


Brazilian Portuguese, English, Latin American Spanish, Turkish: Tinker Bell (I know in the movie logo her name is stylised as TinkerBell, which I personally prefer. But the official spelling from the books and J.M. Barrie is with a space in between, so I’ll keep that here.)

Czech: Zvonilka

Danish: Klokkeblomst

Dutch: Rinkelbel, Tinkelbel or Tinkerbel. Both mean something like jingly bell, so it’s not too far from the English name. In the Peter Pan-era Tink was called Rinkelbel, which was later changed to Tinkelbel when Disney Fairies became a thing and even later to Tinkerbel, likely to minimise the difference between her Dutch name and the original English one.

Finnish: Helinä-keiju

French: Clochette. Translates to little bell (cloche = bell; the suffix -ette makes it little).

German: Tinkerbell. Note the lack of space and capitalisation of the Bell.

Italian: Trilli

Hungarian: Csingeling

Norwegian, Swedish: Tingeling

Portuguese: Sininho

Romanian: Clopoțica

Slovakian: Cililing

Spanish: Campanilla



Brazilian Portuguese, English, Finnish, Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, Turkish: Fawn

Czech, Romanian: Fauna

Danish, Slovakian: Faunia

Dutch: Fauntje or sometimes Faun. Could be derived from either faun or fauna, both words meaning the same in Dutch as in English -- so the latter seems the most logical option. The suffix -tje means little (rather like -ette in French), and is not uncommon in names, especially in the North.

German: Emily, a name originally derived from the Latin Aemilius, meaning rival.

French: Noa, a name originally derived from the Hebrew נֹעָה (Noah), meaning motion.

Hungarian: Gida

Italian: Daina

Norwegian: Fie

Polish: Jelonka

Swedish: Vinka



Brazilian Portuguese, English, Latin American Spanish, Turkish: Silvermist

Czech: Mlženka

Danish: Silvia

Dutch: Zilverdauw, meaning Silver dew. I don’t really know why she couldn’t just have been named Zilvermist, as the word mist has basically the same meaning in Dutch as it has in English, but well. At least it’s close and makes sense.

German: Silberhauch, meaning something like Silver breath or Silver breeze. Still logical. At least here I understand why they couldn’t name her Silbermist: in German the word mist roughly translates to shit.

Finnish: Silver

French: Ondine, meaning wave.

Hungarian: Ezüstcsepp

Italian: Argentea

Norwegian: Sølvdugg

Polish: Mgielła

Portuguese: Neblina de Prata

Slovakian: Strieborná hmla

Swedish: Silverdagg



Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Finnish, Italian, Latin American Spanish, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovakian, Swedish, Turkish: Rosetta

Czech: Rozeta

French: Rosélia, a name which is derived from the Latin rosa (rose), just like her original name.

Hungarian: Rozetta

Polish: Różyckzka

Portuguese: Roseta



Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovakian, Latin American Spanish, Swedish, Turkish: Iridessa

Czech: Iris

German: Klara, a name derived from the Latin name Clarus, meaning bright.

Hungarian: Szivárványlány

Polish: Iskierka



Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Finnish, Italian, Latin American Spanish, Norwegian, Romanian, Slovakian, Swedish, Turkish: Vidia

Hungarian, Portuguese: Vídia

Polish: Widia. The standard 32-letter Polish alphabet does not have the V.

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Disney Channel Fairy Intros.
Disney Channel Fairy Intros.
Disney Channel Fairy Intros.
Disney Channel Fairy Intros.
Disney Channel Fairy Intros.
Disney Channel Fairy Intros.

Disney Channel Fairy intros.

Did somebody order a dork?

Disney Channel Fairy Intros.

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Art Trade For A Friend On IG

Art trade for a friend on IG

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Rewatched The First Pixie Hollow Movie The Other Day And I Was Compelled To Draw Them
Rewatched The First Pixie Hollow Movie The Other Day And I Was Compelled To Draw Them
Rewatched The First Pixie Hollow Movie The Other Day And I Was Compelled To Draw Them
Rewatched The First Pixie Hollow Movie The Other Day And I Was Compelled To Draw Them

rewatched the first pixie hollow movie the other day and i was compelled to draw them

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