Silvermist - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

My sibling and I just watched Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy and we came up with a bunch of sexuality and dating headcannons based on it. The conversation was very funny so I thought I would share our final consensus on this.


Tinker Bell : Pansexual

Get it? Because of Peter Pan. Tink just doesn’t really care. She has always done her own thing and that also applies to who she likes.

Silvermist: Bisexual

I originally thought of her as a lesbian, but her outfit in the Pirate Fairy was the Bi flag colors so she has to be Bi. I think she is a huge disaster bisexual, but is also denser than a brick. You could scream that you are in love with her and she will not get it.

Iridessa: Queer

She definitely isn’t straight. But neither of us can figure out what her sexuality is. We like to think that Iridessa identifies as queer because trying to commit to a single label gives her too much anxiety.

Fawn: Lesbian Asexual Gender Non Conforming

Look at this girl and tell me she doesn’t like girls! I dare you! I just can’t see her dating men at all. As for asexual we decided to use it as an umbrella term. I’m not sure where she lands on the spectrum. She definitely isn’t sex repulsed though. Also I think Fawn identifies as a girl but that doesn’t really mean anything to her. She sometimes uses they/them but very rarely.

Vidia: Lesbian

This girl gives mean lesbian vibes and we all know it. Also she has definitely kissed everyone in the main friend group at least once.

Rosetta: Bi-curious and Trans mtf

To my sibling she gives off huge trans girl vibes and I can definitely see it. I feel like it didn’t take long for her to transition after being born in Pixie Hallow. Maybe a couple months. A year tops. When she did come out everyone was like “Finally! She transitioned!” As for her being Bi-curious we think that she genuinely didn’t realize that girls were an option. It took two of the girls in the friend group dating for Rosetta to realize that she could date girls, and that she her completely normal thoughts about her friends were not as platonic as she thought. I like to think Fawn helped her figure some stuff out. But she does still like men and probably prefers them, even if only slightly. She is still with her boyfriend Sled.


So we came to the conclusion that Tink and Vidia dated for a bit, but broke up. No one really knows this because they kept it quiet since they have the same friend group and didn’t want things to be awkward if it didn’t work out. In the end the two are just not compatible romantically. Their tempers were the main reason. They joke about it now though.

We came to the conclusion that Tinker and Terence eventually do date. They are both polyamorous and are looking for a third, but no one seems interested.

Silvermist and Fawn are two dumbasses in a pod. They get into so much shit together. They love each other and have no shame.

Finally when watching the Pirate Fairy we noticed that Vidia was usually the one calming down Iridessa when she was having an anxiety attack and it was cute. I actually think they were the first of the friend group to start dating, but were very low key about it. When everyone found out Silvermist and Fawn started dating everyone said that they were the first of the friend group to start dating each other and Vidia just looked at everyone and stated that she and Iridessa had been dating for over a year. Everyone freaked out.


Periwinkle: AroAce

Girl thinks she is Pansexual like her sister because she feels the same about everyone. But she doesn’t realize that the feeling is platonic and lack of romantic and sexual interest.

Bobble: Gay Trans ftm

According to my sibling this man is too much of a twink to not be trans. Also this man is totally married to Clank and you can’t tell me other wise.

Clank: Gay

Like I said he and Bobble are married and that’s that.

Queen Clarion: Bisexual

I don’t know. She gives off mom bisexual vibes. I actually think she might have a slight preference for girls. She is madly in love with her boyfriend though.

Fairy Mary: Lesbian

She totally had a huge crush on Queen Clarion, but never pursued it because she could tell that Queen Clarion was not mentally ready for a relationship even if she didn’t know why.

Zarina: Bisexual

This girl is definitely not straight. I feel like she might be interested in being the third that Tink and Terence are looking for idk.

Terence: Just Ken

He is either the straightest dude bro ally in history or he’s Bi. There is no in between.

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1 year ago
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober
Here Is My First Week Of Cute Girltober

☆Here is my first week of Cute Girltober☆


Sorry to post this late, but hey at least I got first week done yay!! Now I gotta work on second week (pray for me y'all)

Anyway I'm really proud of these drawing they're all cute in their own special way hehe!!


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9 months ago

Tinkerbell 🧚‍♂️✨

(I watched the movies and wished I could draw all the fairy friends if ever I got a chance.)

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2 years ago

Too True

Me: *watching Tinkerbell (do not own/sponcered by) reviews*

Review: "Did you have a crush on Silvermist as a child or were you straight?"

Me: .......How did you know??

Link: Tinker Bell Movie Reviews 🧚‍♀️ (Pixie Hollow) - YouTube

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Disney Fairies celebrating Sinterklaas

Because I always see a lot of posts about holidays like Hallowe’en and Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to explore the Disney Fairies celebrating one of my country’s national holidays that’s happening tonight: Sinterklaas (shortly: a kind of Secret Santa where creative ‘surprise’ packaging and a witty accompanying poem are more important than the gift itself).


Tink makes the craziest surprises, with all kinds of functionalities, levers that open secret compartments, etc. As she puts so much effort into these, she completely forgets that she’s also supposed to write poems until the celebration is already underway, but everyone is okay with that, as her surprises make up for it.


Sil still secretly believes in Sinterklaas (they all know, but no one has the heart to tell her), and as such is deeply honoured to be his helper and fix presents for her friends. Her poems are short and sweet, mostly commemorating the good times they’ve had; her surprises are a mess of tape and glue only vaguely resembling something, but it’s really the thought that counts.


Dess does everything by the book. Neatly put together surprises, rhythmically sound poems that are careful not to insult anyone. As a result, her presents are a bit boring compared to the others’. She sees this, but resolves to fix it the next year by making everything even more perfect, failing to grasp that that’s not the point. She did once prank Fawn with a blitz package – once Fawn had regained her sight, she was very impressed.


Fawn absolutely loves to yank everyone’s wings with surprises that double as practical jokes and witty poems that poke fun at the recipient. She has put Rosetta’s present in some kind of filthy substance (mud, squirrel poo, crushed insect skins, a literal can of worms) on more than one occasion, to the latter’s intense displeasure. On one memorable instance she managed to sent Clank on a wild goose chase throughout Pixie Hollow for half the evening until eventually the others took pity on him and got him back.


Ro kind of forgets about the whole having to make surprises and poems thing until just before the celebration, so her presents are usually rather quickly assembled. She does always try to get back at Fawn, but mostly fails; once, she wrapped Fawn’s gift in layers and layers of beautiful petal and dandelion fluff dresses (if she wouldn’t wear them, at least she would have to take them off one by one), but Fawn, not grasping what Ro was trying to do, enthusiastically ripped through the entire bulk at once, leaving Ro horrified.


Vidia is surprisingly good at writing poems (“I spend all year thinking up insults for you, darlings, at some point you put them to rhyme just to shake things up a little”) and everyone can already tell by the first strophe when a poem comes from her. Her surprises are efficient – she doesn’t want to put too much effort in them, but she’ll be damned if they wouldn’t at least be considered ‘good’.


Terence really only joins the group’s celebration because it gives him an excuse to write a twenty page thinly veiled love poem to Tink (who remains completely oblivious, as he never has the guts to tell her it came from him and she just takes it as another of Fawn’s pranks). The rest of the group (save for Silvermist, who thinks it’s sweet) gets increasingly frustrated with this, especially since he only spares about eight lines for the rest of them.


Clank and Bobble do everything together: they tinker their surprises for the others together, they get their gifts together, they write their poems together. The only thing they do apart is their presents for each other, for which they actively have to schedule a time if they don’t want the other walking in on it. During their work, Bobble always hints heavily at what kinds of things he would like. These hints go completely over Clank’s head, but he knows his best friend and lover well enough to come up with something even better every time. Bobble in turn frets over getting something as great for Clank, but ends up with a simple gift, surprise and a poem describing how he had tried his hardest but Clank deserves so much more. It’s really the best present Clank could ever receive.

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One of my biggest ANGRIES with the Disney factory has been and always will be the ELIMINATION of my favorite fairy BECK (if you saw my drawings you will notice that she stands out a lot), which does not appear in any of the movies; I feel the same disappointment regarding PRILLA, DULCIE and MOTHER DOVE (oh my God)!!!, also of my favorite characters...Yes, I love Silvermist, but I was very disappointed that they didn't include my other favorite fairies (Yes, I really love BECK sooo much)

I mean SAME

I love the movie fairies but would it have been too much to ask for the book fairies to even so much as make a cameo or something

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👀👀👀 these are gorgeous!

love Fawn in a jumpsuit hnnnggg

Prom Series Fairies!
Prom Series Fairies!
Prom Series Fairies!
Prom Series Fairies!
Prom Series Fairies!
Prom Series Fairies!
Prom Series Fairies!
Prom Series Fairies!

prom series fairies!

follow the artist: marissabellesart on instagram

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ohymgosh I LOVE THESE

Artist: Somethingclairee On Instagram
Artist: Somethingclairee On Instagram
Artist: Somethingclairee On Instagram
Artist: Somethingclairee On Instagram
Artist: Somethingclairee On Instagram
Artist: Somethingclairee On Instagram

artist: somethingclairee on instagram

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Joule: Fire Talent, Or If You Don't Want To Follow Never Girls Canon, Light Talent. Character Match:
Joule: Fire Talent, Or If You Don't Want To Follow Never Girls Canon, Light Talent. Character Match:
Joule: Fire Talent, Or If You Don't Want To Follow Never Girls Canon, Light Talent. Character Match:

Joule: Fire talent, or if you don't want to follow Never Girls canon, Light talent. Character match: Necia or Fira.

Joule: Fire Talent, Or If You Don't Want To Follow Never Girls Canon, Light Talent. Character Match:
Joule: Fire Talent, Or If You Don't Want To Follow Never Girls Canon, Light Talent. Character Match:

Volta: Frost talent, obviously. I think she matches best with Spike.

Okay fuck it: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU

Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU
Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU
Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU

Electra: Storm talent, obviously. They're actually a pretty good combination of Glimmer and Rumble, personality-wise.

Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU
Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU
Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU

Greaseball: Fast-flying talent. As for a specific person... perhaps a mixture between Vidia and Rumble?

Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU
Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU
Okay Fuck It: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU

Rusty: Dust-keeping talent. Reliable, an important part of society, but not very flashy. I think Terence is a pretty good fit, and otherwise Chloe (especially in later productions).

lmao I can't put more images in one post so I'm gonna continue this in the reblogs oop

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O.K, LILLY OR ROSETTA? The books present Lilly as the "master" in gardening and as the greatest reference to the art of garden fairies; in the movies this role is played by Rosetta; Will it be a clear "SUBSTITUTION" of one character for another? also for Fira, the fairy of light, which is "replaced" by Iridessa and Rani, who is "replaced" by Silvermist... Is it because the people of Disney did not have rights to use the original books characters?

The theory I've seen a lot and that seems right to me is that the books and the movies were kind of developed separately: the book writers had the freedom to develop the characters they wanted, but they were never necessarily meant to become the main characters of the movies (I believe Gail Carson Levine had only been given (In)Vidia as a character that had to occur). So I don't really think it's a substitution, also because then the characters would have to be a lot more alike (Lily and Rosetta have very different characters, and so do Fira and Iridessa, and Rani and Silvermist), and because the books kept existing next to the movies in their own continuity (albeit giving a little more attention to the movie fairies because they were of course marketed more extensively).

That being said, though I understand why the movies developed that way, I would have loved for the book fairies to appear in the movies, even just as non-speaking background cameos. Like at least Dulcie, Elixa and Beck got to be included in the Pixie Hollow online game, but it would have been great to see the others, perhaps even in the place of newly developed side characters (like Fira could have Iridessa's partner in the Pixie Hollow Games instead of Lumina, Bess could have been used instead of Blair in the DS game, etc.)

O.K, LILLY OR ROSETTA? The Books Present Lilly As The "master" In Gardening And As The Greatest Reference

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May I ask who your favourite Disney Fairy is Jenny? :o (recently replayed the DS games so it's delightful seeing you post them XD) - Mutie

You absolutely may 👀👀 It’s Storm fairies Rumble and Glimmer, who don’t appear in any of the games sadly (except for one obscure Flash game — they need more screen time ;-;)

If we’re talking main fairies though it’s Silvermist and Iridessa, they just get me. For book fairies it’s probably Vidia, cause she intrigues me, and if we’re talking game-specific fairies Hydrangea holds my heart, I love her design 🖤

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Her and her only ;-;

Miss Mist

miss mist

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