Terence - Tumblr Posts

A picnic in the fields

Sketchy Inktober 2020 #14) You grew too? with Peter Pan and Terence from Disney’s Peter Pan and Disney Fairies
Don’t grow up, grow bigger! It makes surprising pirates much more fun when they have to look up, even if your not flying.
Making the boys into big boys. That’s pretty much it. But with a lot more faith, trust, and pixie dust. I’m sure they’ll have a lot more adventures now.
Disney Fairies celebrating Sinterklaas
Because I always see a lot of posts about holidays like Hallowe’en and Thanksgiving, I thought it would be fun to explore the Disney Fairies celebrating one of my country’s national holidays that’s happening tonight: Sinterklaas (shortly: a kind of Secret Santa where creative ‘surprise’ packaging and a witty accompanying poem are more important than the gift itself).

Tink makes the craziest surprises, with all kinds of functionalities, levers that open secret compartments, etc. As she puts so much effort into these, she completely forgets that she’s also supposed to write poems until the celebration is already underway, but everyone is okay with that, as her surprises make up for it.

Sil still secretly believes in Sinterklaas (they all know, but no one has the heart to tell her), and as such is deeply honoured to be his helper and fix presents for her friends. Her poems are short and sweet, mostly commemorating the good times they’ve had; her surprises are a mess of tape and glue only vaguely resembling something, but it’s really the thought that counts.

Dess does everything by the book. Neatly put together surprises, rhythmically sound poems that are careful not to insult anyone. As a result, her presents are a bit boring compared to the others’. She sees this, but resolves to fix it the next year by making everything even more perfect, failing to grasp that that’s not the point. She did once prank Fawn with a blitz package – once Fawn had regained her sight, she was very impressed.

Fawn absolutely loves to yank everyone’s wings with surprises that double as practical jokes and witty poems that poke fun at the recipient. She has put Rosetta’s present in some kind of filthy substance (mud, squirrel poo, crushed insect skins, a literal can of worms) on more than one occasion, to the latter’s intense displeasure. On one memorable instance she managed to sent Clank on a wild goose chase throughout Pixie Hollow for half the evening until eventually the others took pity on him and got him back.

Ro kind of forgets about the whole having to make surprises and poems thing until just before the celebration, so her presents are usually rather quickly assembled. She does always try to get back at Fawn, but mostly fails; once, she wrapped Fawn’s gift in layers and layers of beautiful petal and dandelion fluff dresses (if she wouldn’t wear them, at least she would have to take them off one by one), but Fawn, not grasping what Ro was trying to do, enthusiastically ripped through the entire bulk at once, leaving Ro horrified.

Vidia is surprisingly good at writing poems (“I spend all year thinking up insults for you, darlings, at some point you put them to rhyme just to shake things up a little”) and everyone can already tell by the first strophe when a poem comes from her. Her surprises are efficient – she doesn’t want to put too much effort in them, but she’ll be damned if they wouldn’t at least be considered ‘good’.

Terence really only joins the group’s celebration because it gives him an excuse to write a twenty page thinly veiled love poem to Tink (who remains completely oblivious, as he never has the guts to tell her it came from him and she just takes it as another of Fawn’s pranks). The rest of the group (save for Silvermist, who thinks it’s sweet) gets increasingly frustrated with this, especially since he only spares about eight lines for the rest of them.

Clank and Bobble do everything together: they tinker their surprises for the others together, they get their gifts together, they write their poems together. The only thing they do apart is their presents for each other, for which they actively have to schedule a time if they don’t want the other walking in on it. During their work, Bobble always hints heavily at what kinds of things he would like. These hints go completely over Clank’s head, but he knows his best friend and lover well enough to come up with something even better every time. Bobble in turn frets over getting something as great for Clank, but ends up with a simple gift, surprise and a poem describing how he had tried his hardest but Clank deserves so much more. It’s really the best present Clank could ever receive.

artist: marissabellesart
I have the conflict that I did not like that Terence was only given importance in the second film; from the third, it came to less; in the fourth he only makes a small cameo and in the fifth he is only seen in a group image!!! For me, a magnificent LOVE STORY could be developed between Terence and Tink, of how they get to know each other and their feelings are maturing; there was great potential for a great argument about the two of them!! But NO, he had NO IMPORTANCE!!
SO MUCH AGREE, I love Terence! I always had the feeling that his role was reduced because Jesse McCartney (who I also love btw) would leave, but yeah, that was a shame. Why establish him as Tink's best friend in Lost Treasure only to significantly reduce his role from then on?
While I would love for a Tinkerence romance to be canon (it kind of is in the comics though lmao) I would be fine with the movieverse being just completely platonic because platonic relationships deserve to be the centre of attention as much as romantic ones. In that sense they actually did pretty well except for Secret of the Wings, which just randomly dropped a sad love story for Queen Clarion (and also that thing with Rosetta and Sled). I mean, if you are going to tell a romance, why not Tinkerence? We all know it was way better prepared in the previous movies and the books

Joule: Fire talent, or if you don't want to follow Never Girls canon, Light talent. Character match: Necia or Fira.

Volta: Frost talent, obviously. I think she matches best with Spike.
Okay fuck it: Starlight Express Disney Fairies AU

Electra: Storm talent, obviously. They're actually a pretty good combination of Glimmer and Rumble, personality-wise.

Greaseball: Fast-flying talent. As for a specific person... perhaps a mixture between Vidia and Rumble?

Rusty: Dust-keeping talent. Reliable, an important part of society, but not very flashy. I think Terence is a pretty good fit, and otherwise Chloe (especially in later productions).
lmao I can't put more images in one post so I'm gonna continue this in the reblogs oop

happy pride month everyone! Of course, I had to draw my favorite fairies 😭💗 I hope you all have a good day!!
#tinkerbell #terence #tinkerence #pridemonth

ultimate ships challenge: the first otp / tinkerbell & terence.
Thanks, Terence. You… know my name? Well, sure. Why wouldn’t I?
Omggggggg so jealous!

tinker bell and the great fairy rescue

Disney Channel Fairy intros.
Did somebody order a dork?

Here are the individual frames from my lil video :>

Lover’s rest
No, I’m not dead I just go missing for 2 months and come back with a new hyperfixation in the form of a new AU for my bois :D
ANYWAY ever think about like Selkies and Forest “selkies” like kind of “were” people, but instead of their pelt helping them transform it’s their hair and in order to bind them to a human you don’t steal the pelt but cut their hair so they can’t transform?? No? Just me?
It’s definitely not just because I want to draw my boys with long hair, there’s lore :D

welcome home, my prince
This is really cute tho

Finally here it is!
Yes I "Lionkinged" Dion and Terence.
Just imagine a moment in their later teen years on an excursion in the Greatwoods.
It's corny, yes, but seriously after everything they went through in the game? They -deserve to be silly normal dudes in love.