Simblr Positivity - Tumblr Posts
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Thanks, you made my day! Right back at you too - I love your blog so much, actually I’m kind of addicted to your stories! :)

☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Aww, thanks for sending one back to me - you’re the best!
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
Thanks hon, it means a lot that you sent it back my way!
✿Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!✿
Thanks, this did put a smile on my face. Right back at you!!

💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 Hey There! Know that you are appreciated in the Community and Loved. Now share the love and send this on anon to your most active followers. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 (this is for you but I refuse to do it anon!:D)
Thanks so much for the lovely message, ilysm! I’m not surprised I’m one of your most active followers since I’m totally addicted to your stories.
Thanks, it really means a lot to me to be included on this list. I enjoy simblrs that feature diverse sims and I try to be conscious of representing diversity on my blog.
Hi I love you & your blog. While on the subject, I was wondering if you could link some of your fave non white simblrs. I love maxis match and the lack of color on my home page is sad af. Thank you!
My Diverse Faves ✨
@raspberi | @lovearound5am | @piexls | @poolbrop | @oatspice | @landgraab | @habsims | @simblob | @meisiu | @alexandergoth | @vicarious-sims | @hsilmis | @stargirl-sims | @literallywhothe | @calebvatore | @nervoussimblr | @femmeonamissionsims | @johnnyzest | @simreaper | @early-grape | @laenyrie | @grammcorrsims | @mamalovesnuts | @pixielated | @pixelated-max | @neopixiesims
Thanks, you’re the best!

ohmygosh i love your creations!!! def looking forward in seeing more content form you
Aww, thanks so much! I love your edits - they’re all very creative! I hope you have a great day.
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, then send it to the last 10 people you have notes from in your activity ♥♥

Thanks for tagging me! I’ve done a few of thesebefore so I thought this time I’d list some simblr stories that makeme happy to read.
1. Every single story by @tinwhistletoo - I have no idea how shemanages to crank out one amazing story after another & makes mecare so much about the characters.
2. Allen Family Values &Who’s yo Daddy by @thosefuckingsims - Everything he does is incredibly witty – Cory should really consider becoming a comedy writer.
3. Secrets Revealed & TheBest of Summer by @josiesimblr - Her stories are filled with complicated characters andengrossing plots & are so damn addictive.
4. Too Human by @sixamsims -It’s visually stunning, really immerses the reader in the setting & thecharacters feel very unique.
5. All of @budgie2budgie’sstories (right now it’s Haino’s & Warren’s life). Her stories were the first I started readingon simblr and continue to be so entertaining, the characters are charming, andthe sets (builds, interiors, cc, etc.) are great.
This is just a small selection of amazing simblr storytellers; it’s amazing how many creative & talented people are in this community!
Congrats on the milestone - you deserve it! Thanks for including me in your follow forever list, you’re on mine too.

TYSM GUYS FOR 5OO FOLLOWERS!! (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)!!
idk wtf to say?!?!?! i literally just started this simblr & bAm 5OO of u guys decided to care & follow?!??! regardless tYSM YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST & I PROMISE TO CREATE BETTER STUFF !! idk how to celebrate so y not a follow forever (@wlndenburg’s idea tysm bb) ! i promise to do something more spectacular for y’all soon
S/O TO THESE BUTTHOLES WHO R WAY TOO KOOL 4 ME @wlndenburg | @simmerjade | @midnightmoodlet
THANK YOU FOR THESE BEAUTS THAT INSPIRE ME - KEEP DOING WHAT UR DOING @bonehlda | @boocreek | @bratsims | @catplnt | @catsblob | @chiefwhiskers | @cinemasims | @citrontart | @comfysim | @grimcookies | @inspiredmoodlet | @itsgohliad | @liltofu | @littlecrisps | @lukesplumbs | @lotussims | @meisiu | @mooon-sims | @mysteriousdane | @pink-tea | @pixelunivairse | @riice | @ridgeport | @sebastianvictorian | @simkath | @simsluname | @simreaper | @smubuh | @staywithsims | @tophlair | @traproot | @treefish | @vibrantpixels | @woohoodlums | @wrenpity
SPECIAL THANKS TO THESE BEAUTIFUL PPL WHO GIVE ME SUPPORT EVERYDAY @alternacorn-sims | @boopfinds | @breaddotexe | @douxberrysims | @fretishets | @panda-plumbobs | @pourcupine | @simamara | @simovee | @sleepyplumbob | @safs-sims-library | @starbrightsims | @tranquilitysims | @vicarious-sims | @witchescherry | @wxnter-sims | @yuyulie
Thanks, I love receiving nice messages like these. Right back at you!
your blog is absolute perfection ✨
Thanks SO much, you just made my day!! I was actually just thinking the same thing about your blog too!
Your edits are so freakin cute!!!😍
Thanks sooo much, it makes me really happy to know people like my content. I’m enjoying your I Don’t Know Yet Either story - I look forward to seeing more!
Your avatar is super cute
Thanks so much, that’s sweet of you to say!
🌺Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going.🌺
Thanks for this sweet message! Obviously right back at you too!
🌺Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going.🌺
Thanks hon, you’re pretty wonderful too!
🌺Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going.🌺
Thanks for always being so sweet and wonderful yourself!
🌺Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going.🌺
Thanks for sending one back to me! :)
I feel so honored to be included on your list, thanks!
what are some legacys you enjoy? I love your legacy and really want to find some like yours. Thank you, hope you're having a fabulous day love
hi! I don’t follow a lot of historical simblrs (so if that’s what you’re looking for, sorry!!) I wish I did ahh!! regardless! here’s a list of some of my fave blogs! some of them are legacy/story-based, and some of them aren’t…bc…I unfortunately don’t follow a lot of story blogs rip
@kudzusimblr is doing the decades challenge and I love it!
@katsimsthings her nsb challenge is GOLD! all her characters are so lovable and her editing is so gorgeous and distinctive
@itssimplesimblr is doing the ‘through the ages’ challenge which is super cute!
@crybxbysims cute sims? lovely edits? yep
@hugo-villareal I love!!! everything about this blog!! margot? mahima? rez? all icons
@pillowcreek the scythe’s are the best
@mdebunny her rainbowcy is absolutely adorable and so is her disney princess legacy!
@thecactus brightens up my dash every day!
@hesitantpixels has a wonderful blog + beautiful sims…just sayin’
@plumbobtrash has such a unique editing style + her sims are stunning!
@vicarious-sims I’m in love with their editing and posts
Send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going!
Thanks, I love receiving nice messages like these! Right back at you too!