Sims 3 Los Aniegos - Tumblr Posts
The Los Aniegos Vamps Part 1
Los Aniegos Vamps Part 2
It was about time I did something with my Sims 3 screenshots :) Here we have Charlotte Von Crimson, Viktor Caleb, and Omar Khalil.

Charlotte is the oldest vampire, having already lived over a century, she often hibernates and doesn't get a lot done, immortality has worn her thin and everyone she used to care about has long died, but she is starting to get inspired to follow her lost dreams of becoming an Author, the reason she originally moved to Los Aniegos from Austria in the first place, now that some younger vampires have shown her that immortality doesn't necessarily mean there is no purpose towards things.

Viktor, originally from Germany has been a vampire for around 40 years, frozen in his age he misses the 70's era when he aspired to become a rock musician in Los Aniegos before being attacked and turned one night out at (what he didn't know at the time was) a vampire bar. Viktor is grateful to Charlotte for showing him home in her secluded home in the middle of the lake, where they can safely be themselves. He contributes by making plenty of Plasma Fruit Nectar, which he learned about when he first got turned.

Finally we have our youngest vampire Omar Khalil, a man who moved to Los Aniegos from Egypt, Al Simhara to be exact, where he hoped to achieve his dreams of becoming a Celebrity Psychic (don't worry, it's definitely legit and not a scam...). It's only been about 18 years for him, but becoming a vampire from his perspective has been fantastic, he is loving the lifestyle and the security of knowing his time won't be running out anytime soon, though perhaps he should listen to Charlotte's warnings about making yourself too visible and bringing attention towards yourself as an immortal, soon someone is bound to notice you never age... It's probably better to keep on the down low. Viktor often wishes he could pursue his music, but knows it's risky to get recognised, so sticks to simply composing music anonymously for other musicians.

Los Aniegos is a fantastic FREE custom world for the Sims 3 which I highly recommend (DOWNLOAD HERE), inspired by Los Angeles. It is probably the most unlikely place I could have decided to make vampires due to its arid sub-desert climate but I liked the idea of vampires in Hollywood. Plus Charlotte over the many decades of her life has become quite good at Alchemy and has figured out a way to make Vampiric Sunscreen, allowing them to enjoy the Los Aniegos sun, only side effect is weird sparkles.
I'd love to give a cc list but quite frankly aside from NRAAS mods, Smooth Patch (Lazy Duchess), Sliders to get rid of Potato Sims, a few hairs CC and some conversions I honestly don't use that many, at least not that I feel are essential or that I really remember. Sims 3 is extremely customisable compared to all other sims games. Nearly all the effects and textures seen here are just from the game's create a style itself.
I definitely recommend all of Club Crimsyn Sims 3 content (here) especially for grungy, creepy or punky sims.
The Los Aniegos Vamps Part 2 (Sims 3)
Los Aniegos Vamps PART 1

Charlotte Von Crimson learned how to make vampiric suncream with her Alchemy skill, a necessity in a hot arid sub-desert location like Los Aniegos, even though in the middle of the lake it's a bit mistier and cooler, it's still quite harsh for them.

Even though Viktor makes them plenty of Plasma Fruit Nectar, they still occasionally go out at night to... you know... but they're trying to limit this behaviour as they know it's getting easier and easier to get noticed. Viktor also likes to play his music at the Dive bar, which normally he does anonymously though he still dreams of being a famous musician.

While technically all these vamps are single, they occasionally ease their loneliness with each other. Charlotte is a true hopeless romantic and hopes to find her true love one day, she knows Viktor cannot give her this as hes a bit of a playboy and they don't have much in common, and she is aware he is also messing around with Omar. Omar is not really interested in anyone at the moment either, he's more focused on his Celebrity Psychic goals.

While life as a vamp in Los Aniegos can get a little lonely and stagnant sometimes, these three have found a little safe haven in this old abandoned crib in the middle of a lake. They don't know much but apparently it belonged to someone who in the 60's was arrested for drug dealing and murder, and due to what happened, it's poor condition from its abandonment and the lakes humidity and it's lack of accessibility (you need to get there by boat) wasn't able to get sold on to anyone, until Charlotte found it and made it her home. Particularly the greenhouses on the roof came in super handy for plasma fruit crops.

Los Aniegos peeps
Apart from my Vamps, I have also made a few other sims for this world. I love the run down aspect of this world so tried to get some grunge and hippie vibes in their homes.

The arms glitched out cause I moved the foosball while she was using it x) I absolutely love the bike photo with the windmills and the dinosaur 💜
And yes, that is Doc Emmet Brown she is sketching, he comes with Los Aniegos as a townie!! I think I may have given him a makeover though. I also made a Marty Mcfly for this world x)
Custom world download: LOS ANIEGOS
Most of the CC I use is from Club Crimsyn for these kinds of grungy builds in sims 3, but a lot of it is just from the game itself.
Into the Future Part 2 (TS3)

Part 1 HERE In the first post I explained a little about the plumbots. After the first one got upgraded into a music bot she made a new "worker" bot for house chores called H0U53K3393R and it isn't sentient nor does it have simulated emotions or any needs besides recharging and maintenance. I preferred it this way. (apparently it likes ghosts stories though?) Then Teri made an "Evil" plumbot (the red one) and I called it 6L4D05 inspired by Portal. Tbh i thought she'd be more destructive but she mostly just is mean to other bots and sims. She also has a sense of humour, simulated emotions and is capable of working, and she has a job in the criminal career. D4FTPUNK joined the music career once she gave him the trait and a learning chip also. I upgraded the appearance of 1NK0M3 and then she created the last bot called 4R7157 which funnily enough is the most lucrative thing all the bots have actually done. She went from being broke to suddenly having 20 grand in a few days. The bot basically paints non stop because I use the plumbot master controller mod. I used it hoping my plumbots would STOP USING THE SWIMMING POOL BECAUSE THEY'RE OBSESSED but no. It does make it so bots just do their function and get less distracted though.
I also found the house was getting too cramped so I added on a top floor with the extra money and made more space for the painting and a pool table, and anything else they might wanna add in the... future :D Also I usually hate hate hate when my sims get singed and their hair goes like that but for some reason on Teri it's a whole vibe. I did sadly experience randomly the entire save corrupting for absolutely no reason other than my own stupidity (i had an error and attempted to saved the game on top of all my backup saves which corrupted them all so i had to use an older backup and re do everything so maybe some things are different on the house or whatever...)
The world I'm playing in is a custom world called Los Aniegos.
See some of my older Los Aniegos pics here
Into the Future Part 1 (TS3)

PART 2 HERE Not exactly cyberpunk but went for that look. I played the dystopian future and basically it's just smog, meteorites, dirty buildings and trash everywhere but I preferred to mainly have a futuristic sim in present day.
Her name is Teri Wilkie and she does actually have real sim friends despite how it looks, it's just that every time she goes to their parties the game crashes and she got so sick of it she decided to make robot friends instead :D
Well first she made the pink plumbot as just a general maid gardener cook and handyman, but then slowly began making more bots (more in part 2). The pink one got promoted at some point into a musician/dj bot and she named it D4FTPUNK. Made a romance bot called L0V3807 and a friend bot called 8UDDY. The silverish one is slightly different now but originally she made it so it could get a job so she wouldn't have to as bot/chip building wasn't very lucrative at first and took a long time. She named that one 1NK0M3 and it works in business but I might change it to the science career. None of the bots are sentient and here they all just had simple trait chips for exactly their simple function. But they slowly grow more complex, having simulated emotions, social needs and able to build skills.
I also at some point placed spawners for nanites in her garden once she had planted crystals. Technically its a cheaty way to get them but going to the future was too unstable for my game which often crashes and to get nanites and processors you need to go to the bot emporium. So my headcanon is that after planting the crystal plants and releasing some nanites into the garden they populated it. She can also just build them but i combine this with collecting them. I also love all the future objects, the food synthesizer is amazing and the hoverboard and the laser instrument are fun too.
The world I'm playing in is a custom world called Los Aniegos.
See some of my older Los Aniegos pics here