Moonbiscuitsims - Tumblr Posts
More Stardew NPC sims: (mouse hat vendor, travelling merchant, the witch, bookseller)
The witch:

The travelling merchant:

The mouse hat vendor:

The bookseller (new patch):

Here are the in-game references:

I gave some of them names, the witch is called Dominique, Travelling merchant is called Charlotte , Mouse vendor is still just "mouse hat vendor" haven't decided yet, Bookseller is Jude. So my witch sim is gonna be mischievous and evil (though nothing too bad), mainly cause that's how I perceive her but also cause I wanted the save to have someone I could be "bad" with. I might make the henchman later but not really sure if I want to rn. The bookseller is actually one of my favourites he's this weird kooky hippie old man with a kind of playful spirit who sells books and has a hot air balloon I mean how could I not make him? He gives me Doc Emmet Brown vibes but maybe less crazy. Though he is the type that eats raw garlic and does yoga in the rain so maybe he is also a little eccentric. The mouse is so cute I love how they turned out, and I'm happy with the travelling merchant too. Honestly I thought I'd enjoy making these kinds of characters less, and I left them till last, as they're barely even interactable/in-depth and don't have portraits but it was actually way more freeing to make them in fact, I wanted and do my take on them and I'm really looking forward to building their lots too. About the cc: I don't know if I'll do any lookbook/cc lists for my stardew characters for this save, it's mostly just a personal project for now but I'll consider it if anyone really wants. Also WCIF friendly 100%, let me know if there's a cc thing you would like for your game. Some of the content is just from sims packs. I swear to Yoba I'll try to upload some of the main characters/bachelors/bachelorettes too💜it's just that I took a lot of those off the gallery and have seen so many people do them and mine aren't that much better lol and also didn't really remember how much I've changed them.
🍄You can see all my other Stardew stuff (sims and builds) here🍄
🍄Simdew valley pixel art CC set 🍄
Chloe Curious (Singles) in Night City

Chloe was tired of sharing with her sister and two other roomates Erin and Kristen "in the middle of bumfuck nowhere" as Johnny would put it... so she ditched Strangetown in the badlands to be a merc in night city, making her money and just having fun vibing. She loves a good party night with her chooms from the Mox. She is also relieved to be away from that idiot neighbour Buzz Grunt who has it out for aliens and kept trying to get approval for them to be locked up in Division 47. Her green skin barely goes noticed in Night City, most simply think it's some cool dermal implant cyberware and same goes for her "kiroshi" eyes so Chloe can finally just chill and be herself. Sure Night City smells a bit nasty but she's better off here. She misses her sister so she tries to convince her to come along and get a job out here instead, one of those fancy corpo jobs. She also spoke to her long lost half brothers and sister about coming out here. She figured her nerdy brothers would be interested in the tech here but figured Jenny wouldn't wanna leave her family to come along. Lazlo Vidcund and Pascal all told her they'd consider it after they "deal with some side-effects of stargazing" whatever gonk that means...
This is an ongoing fanart xover personal project where I recreate Sims 2 premade characters I like in the Cyberpunk 2077 character creator. I just do this for fun. For Chloe I used mods and cc:
👽💋Equiment Ex (to layer the outfits in more ways),👽💋 EE Unlock all outfits , 👽💋Photomode Unlocked (as well as tons of custom poses, some are listed there in that mod)
Custom Content:
👽💋Goth Dress (chloes red leotard)👽💋Alt Cunningham Bustier top 👽💋Cyberskin (I think I chose the green glossy)
🤩All Cosplays from this project series so far (all vanilla game unless stated): 🛸 Vidcund Curious 👾Lazlo Curious 🖤Lilith Pleasant 🌸Angela Pleasant 💅🏻Brandi Broke/Newbie 💀Olive Specter (TW olive pics are bit more violence) 😍Ophelia ⚡Nervous Subject 👽Bella Goth and More Bella Goth 💔Cassandra Goth (with mods) 🤑Dina Caliente 💜Nina Caliente 🤍Also made a Cyber Nina and Dina lookbook for TS4 (cc list)
Nervous Subject escapes to Night City

Sims 2 premades in Cyberpunk 2077 series:
This is an ongoing fanart xover personal project where I recreate Sims 2 premade characters in the Cyberpunk 2077 character creator. I just do this for fun.
CP mods: ⚡Equiment Ex (to layer the outfits in more ways),⚡ EE Unlock all outfits , ⚡Photomode Unlocked (as well as tons of custom poses, some are listed there in that mod) I used vanilla clothing for Nervous. Other premades from the series: 👾Lazlo Curious🛸 Vidcund Curious🖤Lilith Pleasant 🌸Angela Pleasant 💀Olive Specter (TW olive pics are bit more violence) 😍Ophelia 💋Chloe Curious 👽Bella Goth and More Bella Goth 💔Cassandra Goth (with mods) 🤑Dina Caliente 💜Nina Caliente 💅🏻Brandi Broke/Newbie (TW ptsd, self-harm, sad and dark themes)
Nervous doesn't remember much about his childhood other than traumatic memories. Hell he doesn't even remember his real name anymore... it's all blurred with nothing but physical pain, electrocution, strange drugs with bad side effects, torture, isolation... He vaguely recalls when they came to take him away from Olive... then he found them. As if the Strangetown Orphanage he'd escaped from wasn't enough, those two ....monsters took him in. He was alone one night in the park, starving hungry, the locals wouldn't give him any food, he heard the whispers, dark whispers about his mother. He had even tried to go back to her but a young girl named Ophelia opened the door and warned him to stay away, stating the rumours were true and to get out while he still could. He didn't believe the girl, who was apparently his cousin until she showed him proof, aside from the gravestones: Olive's diary, where she confessed that Nervous's father was in fact the Grim Reaper himself. Ophelia quickly hid her journal back in its spot and he agreed to find help elsewhere. He felt like a freak. He was ostracised and ignored and slept on the park benches until two strangers approached him, offering him not only a place to stay but a job. Nervous remembers feeling hopeful, happy even, as the couple who "adopted" him brought him to what seemed like a Castle. He was so excited, then they told him he'd be helping them do important research. They told him he'd be a scientist with them, and he believed that. He thought someone finally wanted him, Olive certainly hadn't fought for him and as the rumours stated his mother was really a killer. All those new graves in their "garden" that Ophelia had shown him had proven that. The first night in the castle was ok, though Nervous hated his room. It was a hole in the ground of a lab. After that he was subjected to certain tests. It was like the monsters knew something he didn't, like they were looking for something in him, waiting for him to do something but he didn't know what. Maybe they knew he was the spawn of the Reaper or that something was wrong with him...Over the years the experiments got more painful but Circe and Loki, those were the monsters names, kept telling him it was necessary for science, for knowledge and discovery, for the greater good. But it hurt, more and more, they had him brainwashed, had him believing he had nowhere else to go, no one to turn to, he needed their "care" and "protection" and they stopped paying him long ago. They were a lot nicer (as much as they could be) when he complied as opposed to when he didn't. Loki was a scientist and inventor at Arasaka and Circe was a medic and biologist for Biotecnica. They constantly used him for their experiments that they didn't have company approval for or wanted to keep on the down low, but sometimes it was for their own sick entertainment. He'd sometimes sneak out to the Curious household when they had to go to their HQ's in the city. Honestly they didn't even think to lock him up, they genuinely had him so brainwashed they thought he wouldn't try to leave. He ended up making friends with Pascal, who repeatedly told him to get out when he learned he wasn't happy, saw the bruises and scars; but he felt trapped and couldn't bring himself to admit to Pascal just what they were actually doing to him. Until one day he told him. He had to, he was in such bad shape, all bandaged up and bloody, Pascal forced him to sit down and confess. Pascal was horrified and offered for him to move in, but Nervous couldn't stand the thought of them finding him again. Nervous also knew he struggled controlling his outbursts, he often lashed out and panicked and couldn't behave like a normal person, he wasn't stable and Pascal had a kid to take care of. Pascal thought of the next best thing, helping him get out of town, start a new life in the City. He gave him simoleons and a vehicle and wished him luck, hoping he'd finally be able to start a life he could at least tolerate.
Nervous arrived in Night City, rented an apartment with Pascals simoleons now changed up into eddies and suffered the effects of PTSD for a long time, he heard voices as usual but it got worse over time. He'd hear the voices at night and pound his head into the window to stop them, shatter his mirror to shut it up or stop looking at that god awful barcode they put on him. At first he thought his bruises weren't healing but then he realised he was inflicting them on himself at this point. He spent a good chunk of his time in Night City just trying to get by, he didn't find any work other than small merc jobs, and seeing as he was desperate he got into it. In fact it was perfect, somehow it seemed Nervous had a lot of pent up energy, he never got tired no matter how little he slept, took gig after gig and they progressively got more challenging. He sucked at stealth, always charging in like an angry violent animal, but he always got it done. After what the Beakers put him through he was done with the bullshit, nothing would faze him. But the more time went by the more his fear and anxiety festered, he started to process, he held a grudge, he started to feel the anger, the years worth of anger he'd stuffed down and not been allowed to feel so he wouldn't be "ungrateful" or threatened by the beakers into even worse experiments, or made to shove his feelings aside at the promise of a reward like a shitty stereo instead of more electric shock therapy. No he was mad now... he didn't want to run away anymore, he didn't want to walk another day knowing those two were still out there, living their lives after what they did to him. Nervous started to get stronger out of sheer will, he didn't have much else to fight for in a place like Night City. He got new cyberware, tons of experience under his belt and it was easy enough. The violence was easy once he lost his fear, once he realised he was all he could count on right now. He never had time for friends, not like he was very likeable anyway with how broken he was. Part of him had wished to take Pascal up on his offer but he needed to heal. And to heal he needed to slay his demons, real and metaphorical. He didn't have time to play games. He was going back to Strangetown to settle his score.
Sai Yamanaka Modern lookbook + Beast Scroll tattoos (TS4 CC Download below)

☯So I was inspired by this fanart of Sai by @seoz-gets-artsy and wanted to make tattoos for my modern/cyberpunk au version of him. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
☯Made a version for Upper right arm, Upper left arm, Left leg and Right leg tattoo categories and all are base game compatible. You can have all of them installed for if you need a tattoo category for something else, or choose the one you want.
☯I struggled to get the opacity the way I wanted so included 8 swatches with slight differences (I made a gif but they look much better in game):
-Normal black and white
-Black and white, lower opacity
-Normal only black with transparent instead of white (you can see this much better on darker skin)
-Same as former, lower opacity
☯All four of these also added the same swatches using a different composition method which means it blends with the sims skin colour a bit more for example on Sai's pale skin it becomes a little bit sepia.
☯ I tested on a dark brown skin and you can see the different between the white and non white ones a lot better but the composition method thing is less noticeable:

☯Designed with male frame in mind; but I didn't restrict the frame, the seams might not align properly though on female body frame because I used the male template.
☯I used EA tattoo textures for the background, all the beast scroll images were found on google, and either fixed in photoshop by me or upscaled with AI, taken from the anime, the manga, the videogames and possibly fanart but it's hard to tell...
☯I did my best to clean up all the seams but sorry if there is still any you can see, I have checked it so many times and redone it. Also if you see strange lines on his wrists or body in the pics that is just Sai's cyberware accessory.
☯I'm sorry I haven't been making a lot of cc and I know this is only one item but editing all the animal pictures and making the tattoo actually took me a similar amount of time as my bigger sets.
☯Please respect my TOU
CC Terms Of Use :
-I don't mind conversions to ts2 or ts3 but please tag me :) If you use it in screenshots please tag me I'd love to see 🖤
IMPORTANT: don't unmerge the file, some of the versions rely on the first version I made cause they're cloned.
☯Credits to the creators of the CC:
@pralinesims @cryptiam @magic-bot @helsoseira @natalia-auditore @trillyke @the-crypt-o-club @mooo-oood @belaloallure3 @simsontherope @darte77 @plushxsims @luumia @madlensims @ashwwa S4AnimeCas for the Weapons and Sai stuff

I may or may not have taken my playtest of Marnie's ranch build a bit too far, sorry Shane 😭🍺
What do you use to make sims not have that cartoonish grin that the game seems to give them?
I find making sims based on serious characters to hard, because they’re almost always smiling for no reason.
Hi! thanks for the question. It is very valid indeed, I hate cartoonish grins except when required. Do you mean in CAS or in Live mode? I'll give you some links to mods I use for both (that I recall) For live mode and the little thumbnails of the sims (as well as other things) I use this mod Basically it overrides the exagerrated facial expressions and some other things. Be aware it does remove certain effects though, so I had some CC items that were meant to give off sparkling or bubbles effects not work because of the no effects part so i removed it. You can keep just the parts you want
For CAS I use stand still in CAS mod so that even without poses sims just stay like that in cas without changing. They only move with the traits. Don't know if it affected occults or everything. it says occult version so i guess it does
Then I use Trait pose packs in Cas (lots of different ones) so that when you click on the trait sims do poses, this is for the pics where my sims are posed, and depending on the pose sims will have whatever face the pose has. You sometimes have to be quick taking pics if the pose pack has lots of poses. If you start using these i recommend making one folder just for Cas poses so that when you go to use or download pose packs you can quickly look which traits you have already put a pose pack (can't have two per trait i think) and quickly look which ones have poses if you have too many traits and can't remember; most creators include it in the file name but add it if they didn't i.e. Cas pose pack supermodel for materialistic trait . I don't think you need andrews pose player for this. I also directly use custom and vanilla sliders in CAS to achieve certain permanent facial expressions for certain characters (which of course will change in live mode with their feelings but less with the other mod). So I make their mouth look more neutral or more cartoony permanent smiles with open teeth etc depending on the character and what i want them to do. I use this Magic Bot mouth slider and make the sim look to the side outside detailed view and on their right corner do the up/down and left/right edits you see to affect if they smile less or more as well as the tipical slider in detail mode for mouth corners, these three:

Eyebrows too really change expressions, straight for neutral, pointed up at outer corners for anger or stern or striking or mischievous if its with smiles, rounded or outer corners down for surprise or sad or kinder looks, sometimes eyelids height too if you want bored/tired looks or wide awake looks.

Sorry I haven't been making cc or posting anything other than reblogs for a while, having personal issues and experiencing burnout, just taking some time to sort out my head and what i wanna do for the blog next I'm not gone! just having a little break 💛🖤💛🖤💛🖤
Cybercund 2077

Don't worry, I'd be confused as well.

Other premades from my sims 2/CP xover series: 👾Lazlo Curious🛸 Vidcund Curious⚡Nervous subject 💅🏻Brandi Broke/Newbie🖤Lilith Pleasant 🌸Angela Pleasant 💀Olive Specter (TW olive pics are bit more violence) 😍Ophelia 💋Chloe Curious 👽Bella Goth and More Bella Goth 💔Cassandra Goth (with mods) 🤑Dina Caliente 💜Nina Caliente
Ino Shika Cho Team 10 (TS4) Lookbook + CC download.

💜💚❤It's been a while!💜💚❤
Just a little Team Asuma Modern/Urban AU lookbook <3 some outfits are basically the same, but most is just made up. A lot is stuff from the game or packs. I didn't include any skin eyebrows makeup cc etc. I did include a few lost cc items which i'll remove if anyone sends me a link to it.
Send me a WCIF for anything that you can't see included.
I did a couple of recolours:
Shikamaru Eco Lifestyle outfit recolour plus Nara clan symbol (requires EL)
Choji shirt with Akimichi clan symbol (BGC)
They're included in my folder.

Please read my terms of use :
💜💚❤ Enjoy 💜💚❤

Brandi Newbie (Broke) in Night City 💅🏻🍷

Brandis life if she never had to be a widowed single mother of 3 with no eddies. The merc life is certainly more glam than the trailer in pleasantview Other premades from my sims 2/CP xover series: 👾Lazlo Curious🛸 Vidcund Curious ⚡Nervous subject 🖤Lilith Pleasant 🌸Angela Pleasant 💀Olive Specter (TW olive pics are bit more violence) 😍Ophelia 💋Chloe Curious 👽Bella Goth and More Bella Goth 💔Cassandra Goth (with mods) 🤑Dina Caliente 💜Nina Caliente
Lazlo Curious Cyberpunk 2077 Polaroids

I think Lazlo Curious is now one of my favourites of the series... His glasses, sandals tshirt and jeans are all CC from Nexus mods I know that polaroids do not have these proportions obv it was just the vibe i felt like. The hippie van is Ozob Bozo's and is actually found in game like this I feel like Lazlo would definitely be friends with Misty. Other sims 2 premades in cosplayed in CP 2077
🛸 Vidcund Curious ⚡Nervous subject 🖤Lilith Pleasant 🌸Angela Pleasant 💀Olive Specter (TW olive pics are bit more violence) 😍Ophelia 💋Chloe Curious 👽Bella Goth and More Bella Goth 💔Cassandra Goth (with mods) 🤑Dina Caliente 💜Nina Caliente 💅🏻Brandi Broke/Newbie

It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
I know i don't post as much sims stuff as before but thanks to anyone who liked, reblogged, followed, said something nice, or downloaded my stuff <3 it means a lot to me
🌵🌴🥥Stardew Valley Set Calico Desert Addon (TS4) Download

🌵🌴🥥This is a small build addon I made for my Calico Desert lot in my Stardew Valley save. I mostly made it for me but thought it would be nice to share. Its a pretty basic recolour set but none of the items in game were PINK enough 😂 Everything is base game compatible (I think) 🌵🌴🥥Includes: Pink wall Oasis sign as a decal (wall deco) Door Blue glass roof (slight transparency) Pink half wall trim Pink fence/divider The palm tree decal is from my Simdew Valley set
🌵🌴🥥This is an addon to my Simdew Valley Decal/Walls/Floors set

🌵🌴🥥PLEASE READ AND RESPECT MY TOU AND DO NOT ❌❌❌: - ❌ Reupload - ❌ Include in sim downloads - ❌ Put behind paywall of any kind no matter what. - ❌ Claim as yours. If you wanna use the texture files to make other different original content that is fine as long as it is different from mine and NO PAYWALLS and no reuploading my stuff. 🌵🌴🥥There is a merged file or you can pick and choose
Calico Desert build wip

🌵🥥🌴Calico Desert Simdew Valley Addon🌴🥥🌵
🍄👩🏿🌾🐷🐴🐄🧙🏿♂️🌻🌽Simdew Valley Decal/Walls/Floors set
SDV Calico Desert Build Spam (Idc bc I love it) Part 1

This is not a build download, sorry My CC used in this build: 🌵🥥🌴Calico Desert Simdew Valley Addon🌴🥥🌵 🍄👩🏿🌾🐷🐴🐄🧙🏿♂️🌻🌽Simdew Valley Pixel Art Decal/Walls/Floors set 🌴🌵🥥You can watch this build (slow building) here and here on my Twitch (I did the beginning and the end details off stream) 🌴🌵🥥Part 2 pics (Sandy's apartment + Oasis store + Pool 🌴🌵🥥Part 3 pics (Mr Qi's apartment + Casino) 🌴🌵🥥Part 4 pics (desert traders home and garden)
🌴🌵🥥Stardew Valley Posts 🌴🌵🥥Calico desert npc characters sims 🌴🌵🥥SDV Lots layout plan for TS4

SDV Calico Desert Part 2: Sandy's apartment, Oasis store, swimming pool

This is not a build download, sorry My CC used in this build: 🌵🥥🌴Calico Desert Simdew Valley Addon🌴🥥🌵 🍄👩🏿🌾🐷🐴🐄🧙🏿♂️🌻🌽Simdew Valley Pixel Art Decal/Walls/Floors set 🌴🌵🥥You can watch this build (slow building) here and here on my Twitch (I did the beginning and the end details off stream) 🌴🌵🥥Part 1 Pics (Desert exterior) 🌴🌵🥥Part 3 pics (Mr Qi's apartment + Casino) 🌴🌵🥥Part 4 pics (desert traders home and garden)
🌴🌵🥥Stardew Valley Posts 🌴🌵🥥Calico desert npc characters sims 🌴🌵🥥SDV Lots layout plan for TS4

Stardew Valley Calico Desert Part 3: Mr Qi's apartment + Casino

This is not a build download, sorry My CC used in this build: 🌵🥥🌴Calico Desert Simdew Valley Addon🌴🥥🌵 🍄👩🏿🌾🐷🐴🐄🧙🏿♂️🌻🌽Simdew Valley Pixel Art Decal/Walls/Floors set 🌴🌵🥥You can watch this build (slow building) here and here on my Twitch (I did the beginning and the end details off stream) 🌴🌵🥥Part 1 Pics (Desert Exterior) 🌴🌵🥥Part 2 pics (Sandy's apartment, Oasis store, Pool) 🌴🌵🥥Part 4 pics (desert traders home and garden)
🌴🌵🥥Stardew Valley Posts 🌴🌵🥥Calico desert npc characters sims 🌴🌵🥥SDV Lots layout plan for TS4

Stardew Valley Calico Desert Part 4 (Desert trader)

This is not a build download, sorry My CC used in this build: 🌵🥥🌴Calico Desert Simdew Valley Addon🌴🥥🌵 🍄👩🏿🌾🐷🐴🐄🧙🏿♂️🌻🌽Simdew Valley Pixel Art Decal/Walls/Floors set 🌴🌵🥥You can watch this build (slow building) here and here on my Twitch (I did the beginning and the end details off stream) 🌴🌵🥥Part 1 Pics (Desert exterior) 🌴🌵🥥Part 2 pics (Sandy's apartment + Oasis store + Pool 🌴🌵🥥Part 3 pics (Mr Qi's apartment + Casino) 🌴🌵🥥Stardew Valley Posts 🌴🌵🥥Calico desert npc characters sims 🌴🌵🥥SDV Lots layout plan for TS4

Goblin Destroyers Live in Pelican Town <3

Tell me they're not adorable I built Sam's room (and house) today on twitch (quality is low in beginning but gets better after)

I made a catgirl zoi on Inzoi 😻

I'm actually very impressed with this character creator. Especially the asymmetry, how easy it is to just drag and reposition your zoi for photos or just to see them where you need, being able to use any texture image immediately (thought would be cool if pngs worked as transparency on a base colour, it doesn't though), the ai option is cool on paper but it didn't make any nice textures for me. I love how easy it is to take nice photos of them, on sims I need tons of custom cas poses, to try to make sure the sim is always in the same position, custom cas backgrounds, custom cas lights, etc, with this i only entered photoshop to edit the contrast and sharpness a little and was done. The clothes aren't really my style but cc in this game will be so cool. The level of detail of the skin, make up, hair etc is amazing. The body isn't super editable and you can't slide it very much so I hope they make that more customisable but it might be to avoid clothing from clipping due to their layering system.