Simurgh - Tumblr Posts
I made the OG Endbringers in Heroforge!

Don Simurgh's SQ is making me feel like a whore because he bullies you into sitting on his lap while calling you a good kid and makes it weird by not letting you flee when the Fire Mobster comes in. "Sorry for disturbing you" or whatever the fuck he said. NO. YOU DISTURBED NOTHING. COME BACK HERE. DON'T MAKE THIS WEIRD. I WASN'T BEING A THOT IN THAT EXACT MOMENT.


Okaaaay so. This was a Process. I wanted to draw the Simurgh (and it's ?kinda partner? the Chamrosh) so I did. I believe it's from Persian mythology (though that was like 2 seconds on google so please correct me if I'm wrong) and is a mix of a dog and a peafowl with lion claws.
That first image is of an Indian peafowl x Sarabi dog Simurgh.
But I wasn't happy with it so I redesigned it as a Saluki dog x Indian peafowl.
THEN I realised I wanted to redesign it again with a Green Peafowl x Saluki dog because I wanted it to be two species actually native to Persia where the Simurgh is from.
So- behold the end result!