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8 months ago

The   fraternity   being   on   probation   meant   they   couldn't   throw   any   parties.   Usually   that   wouldn't   stop   them,   they've   thrown   a   probation   rager   before   as   a   fuck   you   to   the   faculty,   but   this   time   they   were   being   cautious   since   they   were   warned   that   any   infractions   during   probation   meant   they   would   lose   the   house   and   get   expelled.   This   time   the   stakes   were   high,   which   is   why   Mason   turned   to   drinking   at   a   bar   in   the   city   rather   than   risking   things   back   on   campus.   He   was   out   to   enjoy   himself,   to   get   drunk   and   have   a   good   time,   so   obviously   that   meant   he   was   going   to   flirt   with   the   best   looking   man   he   could   find--   and   boy   did   he   land   a   good   one.   From   the   moment   the   man   had   walked   in,   there   was   something   about   him   that   had   Mason   hooked.   He   was   masculine,   mature,   commanding--   everything   about   him   was   the   boy's   type,   and   weakness.

Mason   didn't   even   bother   telling   his   friends   he   was   leaving   he   was   so   eager   to   follow   the   other   man   out   back;   and   it   didn't   take   long   for   the   boy   to   wind   up   on   his   knees.   Wrapping   his   plump,   pink   lips   around   the   man's   massive   shaft   Mason   slowly   bobbed   his   head   back   and   forth;   taking   time   to   suck   on   and   worship   the   man's   thick,   heavy   cock   as   if   were   his   true   calling;   his   only   purpose.   Moaning   loudly   around   the   man's   length   at   the   slurs   being   thrown   his   way,   Mason   even   blushed   a   bit   as   he   was   called   a   faggot   and   was   told   this   was   his   place,   the   boy   began   moving   his   head   with   more   fervor;   taking   more   of   the   man's   cock   into   his   throat   as   if   he   wanted   to   continue   earning   this   praise,   if   you   could   even   call   it   that.

The   boy   knew   he   was   being   used,   he   felt   like   a   common   street   whore,   but   he   didn't   realize   just   how   powerless   he   was   in   the   moment   until   the   other's   hands   gripped   tightly   in   his   hair   to   keep   him   from   pulling   away   as   the   man   began   ramming   into   him.   Hard,   raw,   and   rough;   carving   out   Mason's   throat   without   any   restraint   as   the   boy   began   to   struggle   and   gag   around   the   onslaught;   tears   in   his   eyes   as   he   knelt   there   and   was   made   to   take   it,   his   own   cock   rock   hard.

The Fraternity Being On Probation Meant They Couldn't Throw Any Parties. Usually That Wouldn't Stop Them,


Kinks for this thread:  Humiliation and slurs, degradation, feminization, watersports, etc.


The great Spider-Man needed to relax after a shitty day. He went to a bar to have a couple of drinks and smoke a good joint, while drinking his beer a guy approached him, the little fucker was pretty, pink plump lips, perfect for sucking cock and a much better ass than many of the old bitches that were in that place. After a few drinks and talking with this guy, Peter invited the guy to follow him.

Now he was in the alley behind that bar, leaning against that brick wall, shirtless, while he forced his massive thick cock in his throat, feeling those plump pink lips pressed around his shaft as he moaned. “FUCK, THAT’S IT. YOU REALLY LIKE THAT BIG FAT COCK, DON’T YOU? PATHETIC FUCKING FAGGOT!!! THAT WHAT YOU ARE. FAGS LIKE YOU ARE ONLY GOOD FOR GIVING PLEASURE TO REAL MEN LIKE ME.” 

Peter said between loud grunts and moans, reducing this man to being treated like a cheap street whore. “IF YOU WANT DADDY’S CUM, YOU’LL HAVE TO WORK FOR IT” Peter grabbed the boy’s head by the hair with both hands, ramming raw and rough against that bitch’s throat, without care of whether he was choking or not.


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8 months ago

In   a   shocking   twist   of   events,   Taylor   actually   went   to   his   classes   today.   It   had   nothing   to   do   with   actually   wanting   to   attend   and,   more   so,   with   doing   whatever   he   had   too   in   order   to   convince   his   professors   not   to   fail   him.   Most   of   them   were   an   easy   buy   out--   all   it   took   was   either   giving   them   an   invite   to   the   next   party,   which   was   a   bit   sad   when   you   thought   about   it,   or   texting   Hammond   to   send   them   a   couple   thousand   dollars.   Andy   was   different.   At   least,   Taylor   had   a   different   plan   for   him.

"It's   no   secret   you're   my   favorite   teacher,"   Taylor   smiled,   his   arms   crossing   over   his   chest   as   he   spoke   just   so   he   could   purposefully   flex   his   biceps   as   he   looked   down   at   the   older,   seated   man.   "--and   it's   obvious   I'm   one   of   your   favorites   with   the   way   you're   always   looking   at   me,"   he   teased,   "so   I'm   hoping   you   can   help   me   out?   I   need   you   to   change   my   grade.   I   need,   at   minimum,   a   B."   He   was   not   surprised   when   Andy   told   him   he   couldn't   just   change   his   grade,   that   it   wouldn't   be   fair.   The   student   expected   this.

Reaching   up,   the   boy   yawned   and   stretched   his   arms   out   causing   his   tank-top   to   slip   up   and   reveal   some   of   his   midsection   before   he   let   his   arms   fall   to   settle   at   his   side   again.   Smoothing   out   the   front   of   his   shirt   to   make   himself   look   decent   again,   Taylor   then   nonchalantly   gripped   his   bulge   with   his   right   hand   and   gave   it   an   obvious   squeeze.   "How   about   I   earn   that   new   grade   with   some   extra   credit?   It   could   be   a   win   win   for   both   of   us.   I've   seen   how   you   look   at   me...   you   give   me   the   grade   I   want,   and   I'll   give   you   what   you   want.   My   cock."

Moving   around   the   man's   desk   so   they   were   on   the   same   side,   Taylor   stepped   closer   so   he   was   standing   beside   Andy   as   he   gave   his   bulge   another   squeeze   and   shook   it   lightly;   looking   down   on   his   teacher   with   a   devious   smile.   "Come   on,   teach.   I'm   not   even   hard   yet   and   you   already   look   like   you're   about   to   start   drooling.   All   you   have   to   do   is   change   my   grade,"   his   voice   lowered   as   he   reached   down   to   grab   one   of   Andy's   hands   to   lift   it,   making   his   teacher   cup   his   bulge   himself.   "--and   all   this   is   yours.   I   know   you   want   it…"

In A Shocking Twist Of Events, Taylor Actually Went To His Classes Today. It Had Nothing To Do With Actually


(Froy, Vince Mattis, J. bassett, K. Connor, etc. Young fc) Give me Dom top douche fratboys in general lol.

Kinks for this thread: Large age gap, Young Dom/Old Sub, humiliation, degradation, etc.


Andy finished his biology class as soon as the bell rang; luckily, his class was the last of the day. So his students were free to leave while he remained seated at his desk to receive and review their work. In a few minutes, the room was almost empty, with the exception of a single student, who approached when everyone left, and soon, he had him in front of his desk.

“What can I do for you, my dear boy?” Andy asked as he looked at his student. Andy wasn't going to lie; he had watched this boy many times with lustful eyes, the way he always wore tank tops to show off his big biceps and his armpits. The boy had a good body, or so it showed under his tank tops. And his bulge, many times he had caught his student's gaze on his ass, even if the man didn't turn around.

Many times he had felt that penetrating gaze on his thick fat ass or his prominent chest. Andy's muscular, hairy body made his shirts look like a second skin, bringing out his huge, round, meaty pecs coming to look like a nice pair of tits. Hearing what his student said, Andy sighed softly. “I'm afraid that's not possible. I can't change your grade. It wouldn't be fair to your classmates who did make an eff..”

However, Andy was caught mid-sentence as he watched the boy begin to touch his bulge in front of him and heard him utter an unseemly proposition. “Boy, what... What you're saying... It's not right, ok? I'm... I'm your professor and you...” Andy was trying to resist, but it was as if his eyes couldn't take his eyes off that huge bulge.


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8 months ago

Christian   hadn't   planned   to   go   to   the   convention   but   when   one   of   his   fraternity   brother's   mentioned   having   an   extra   ticket,   he   decided   to   tag   along   and   check   things   out.   The   small   town   boy   thought   it   was   just   going   to   be   a   small   gathering   where   people   could   talk   about   their   favorite   heroes.   He   had   no   idea   how   big   it   was--   oh,   and   that   indifference   he   felt   about   going   was   completely   abandoned   the   second   he   realized   he   could   actually   meet   some   of   the   heroes.   Without   caring   that   it   was   going   to   cost   him   just   about   everything   he   had,   he   didn't   come   from   money   like   some   of   his   brothers,   he   paid   for   the   full   experience   to   not   only   talk   to   his   idol,   Soldier   Boy,   but   to   also   get   a   picture   with   him   and   a   signed   autograph.   He   looked   a   bit   out   of   place   not   being   in   costume   but   when   he   finally   got   to   the   front   of   the   line,   Soldier   Boy   didn't   seem   to   care.

In   retrospect,   following   the   heroes   instructions   and   meeting   him   back   at   his   hotel   room   should   have   made   it   clear   to   Christian   what   was   intended   for   him   but   the   boy   was   naive.   

Christian Hadn't Planned To Go To The Convention But When One Of His Fraternity Brother's Mentioned Having

He   thought   they   were   just   going   to   talk   but   as   soon   as   the   door   was   locked   and   Soldier   Boy's   hands   were   on   him,   he   realized   he   was   wrong.   In   sick   way,   they   were   still   getting   to   know   each   other.   "Wait,   Soldier   Boy,   please   sir,   wait."   Christian   began   begging   quickly,   his   voice   already   breaking   with   fear   as   he   felt   the   man   climb   onto   the   bed   behind   him   andrip   his   jeans   open   with   ease.   Grabbing   onto   the   sheets,   the   boy   tried   to   crawl   out   from   under   him   but   the   hero   moved   faster;   and   was   stronger.   In   one   cruel   push,   he   breached   the   boy's   tight   and   unprepped   hole;   burying   himself   deep,   and   dry,   as   Christian   cried   out   and   writhed   beneath   him.

"Please   Soldier   Boy--   stop.   It   hurts.   Please.   I   didn't--   I   wasn't--   This   isn't--"   he   couldn't   finish   his   protests,   his   words   lost   behind   hiccups   and   sobs   as   an   overwhelming   wave   of   pain   crashed   over   him   as   the   hero   proved   to   be   more   of   a   villain;   continuing   to   take   the   boy   against   his   will,   despite   his   begging.   Christian   was   desperate   and   didn't   know   what   else   to   do   so   he   started   crying   out   and   yelling   for   help.   Maybe   someone   was   around,   in   one   of   the   other   rooms,   to   help.

His   body   refused   to   adjust,   or   maybe   it   simply   couldn't.   Soldier   boy   was   the   biggest   cock   he'd   ever   taken,   in   it's   beer   can   thick   girth   and   length.   Christian   wasn't   a   virgin,   but   it   sure   as   hell   felt   like   he   was   in   the   way   his   body   clenched   tight   around   Soldier   Boy   with   a   stubborn,   vice   like   grip.   With   his   cries   and   grunts   of   pain   muffled   against   Soldier   Boy's   hand,   all   he   could   do   was   squirm   and   sob   in   silence   beneath   his   hero   as   he   was   used;   further   humiliating   himself   as   his   cock   began   to   leak,   dampening   the   front   of   his   jeans   as   he   was   absolutely   wrecked   and   used.



Scenario: Based on this GIF.


This was stupid, but not too far removed from all the publicity he produced for Vought back in the day. Besides, at these conventions there used to be a lot of very pretty little bitches, dressing up like real sluts, and that was partly a real turn-on. So there he was. The great Soldier Boy, in front of that table, signing pictures of himself and taking selfies with them, but no one really stood out. Until a boy approached and really caught his attention. Plump pink lips, a sweet innocent face, a big fat nice ass, Ben listened to him talk about how much he admired and loved him, but the most relevant information was to hear that this pretty little boy was 18 years old.

So he gave him a picture with his autograph and behind this picture, his room number of the hotel where he was staying, whispering to him to wait for him there, and they could continue getting to know each other. When the whole event was over, Soldier Boy arrived at his room and saw his biggest fan standing in front of the door, waiting. Ben invited him in, once inside, he locked the door and the rest was history. Ben was completely naked, he had the boy pinned against the bed, he hadn’t even bothered to take off the clothes of the boy, he had just ripped his jeans and thrown him against the bed against his will, penetrating him dry and in one thrust, forcing his cock until it was balls deep.

“C'mon. This is what you wanted, right? You said you love me, that I’m your fucking idol, and you would do whatever for me. You were practically eye fucking me at the convention” He commented as he looked at the camera in front of them. There was something exciting about doing that in front of the camera, after all, the video would be for his eyes only. Ben was getting more and more turned on watching the helpless small boy clench his fists and struggle, as if he had any chance at all of escaping.

And even though Ben was enjoying listening to his pleas and squeals of pain, he covered his mouth with one hand so that no one would hear his cries of pain and cries for help while he squeezed his neck with the other. “SHUT UP, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT! No one is coming to help you! So stop crying and take it!!!” Ben growled, smiling between his moans as he raped the boy. That hole was so fucking tight, squeezing his big fat cock so freaking good.

Ben wouldn’t let this boy go until he emptied his balls about two or three times, hell, maybe he’d use him all night. His hips moved in powerful, hard thrusts that showed no mercy whatsoever, forcing his way between those tight walls, seeking to drive his massive cock, as thick as a beer can, deeper and deeper as pleasure-filled moans came from Soldier Boy’s mouth.


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8 months ago

Mark   was   a   good   friend,   and   an   even   better   cock   sucker.   Anthony   came   over   to   hang   out   with   him   and   catch   up,   maybe   get   a   load   off   or   two,   maybe   even   smoke   something   and   just   relax   seeing   as   it   had   been   a   while   since   the   two   had   gotten   together.   His   plans   were,   for   the   most   part,   fairly   innocent   but   that   was   all   completely   abandoned   when   Mark's   father,   Nolan,   answered   the   door   in   nothing   but   a   towel   on.   So   being   a   whore   runs   in   the   family.

It   was   short   work   getting   Nolan   out   of   that   towel   and   on   all   fours   for   him.   Devouring   the   man's   hole,   Anthony's   fingers   gripped   so   tightly   into   the   meat   of   his   ass   that   he   was   likely   going   to   leave   bruises   behind,   he   fucked   the   man's   tight,   pink   hole   with   his   tongue;   enjoying   how   easily   the   grown   man   was   reduced   to   a   moaning,   begging   mess   a   bit   too   much.

Mark Was A Good Friend, And An Even Better Cock Sucker. Anthony Came Over To Hang Out With Him And Catch

"You're   fucking   pathetic."   Anthony   laughed   as   he   pulled   his   head   back.   "Mark   and   I   were   friends   for   a   couple   months,   at   least,   before   he   started   begging   for   me   to   fuck   him--   it   only   took   you   a   couple   of   minutes."   He   taunted,   spitting   onto   the   man's   hole   before   leaning   back   in   to   push   it   into   him   with   his   tongue.   "You're   more   of   a   cock-fag   than   he   is."   Lifting   himself   up   onto   his   knees,   Anthony   undid   his   pants   and   pulled   out   his   massive,   thick   erection   without   bothering   to   get   undressed.   Leaning   over   Nolan's   back,   he   grabbed   a   fistful   of   the   man's   hair   and   pulled   his   head   back   as   he   let   the   weight   of   his   cock   rest   in   the   valley   between   the   man's   cheeks.   "A   whore   like   you   doesn't   need   any   more   prep,   do   you?   Admit   it.   You   want   my   stud   cock   to   split   you   open,   make   you   nice   and   loose   to   match   how   fucking   easy   you   are,   don't   you?"

OPEN TO YOUNGER TOPS! (Froy, Vince Mattis, J. champion, J. bassett, etc. those kind of young fc)

Kinks for this thread: Large age gap, Young Dom/Old Sub, humiliation, degradation, etc.

Nolan Grayson was on all fours on his bed with one of Mark's friends who had come to visit, but instead, they were greeted by the boy's hot dad, with only a towel around his waist. Nolan wasn't going to lie, the boy was hot, quite the young stud and it didn't take long for the older man to fall for the other's flirtation. Nolan had to admit that the boy knew what he was doing.

Feeling that expert, skilled tongue in his tight hole, working its way between his tight walls, feeling the wet muscle forcing itself deep inside his hole until he felt the boy's face buried between his huge round fat buttocks, made him moan loudly.

“THAT'S IT, STUD. FUCK! YOU'RE FUCKING AWESOME! DON'T STOP. FUCK ME WITH YOUR FUCKING TONGUE! I WANT YOU TO PREP ME WELL AND MAKE ME YOUR FUCKING WHORE!” Nolan exclaimed as he thrust his hips against the young man's face, moaning like the needy fucking whore he was as he smothered him between his thick cheeks.

OPEN TO YOUNGER TOPS!(Froy, Vince Mattis, J. Champion, J. Bassett, Etc. Those Kind Of Young Fc)

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8 months ago

Barry   always   found   a   way   to   turn   everything   into   a   bet,   even   going   out   and   drinking   at   a   bar   with   some   of   his   friends.   He   would   also   hardly   consider   this   a   loss.   His   friends   had   bet   him   that   he   couldn't   get   the   bartender's   number   and,   since   he   lost,   his   punishment   was   he   had   to   approach   the   most   attractive   person   at   the   bar   and   shamelessly   offer   himself   up   to   them   like   some   easy   slut   since   flirting   and   using   his   usual   lines   hadn't   worked.   Yeah.   He   was   definitely   losing   out   here.   Barry   didn't   know   much   about   the   man   that   he   approached,   aside   from   the   fact   he   was   quite   literally   the   most   attractive   person   he   had   ever   seen   in   his   life,   and--   as   per   the   rules   of   the   bet--   while   they   made   some   idle   chat,   in   front   of   the   man's   friends,   Barry   bluntly   offered,   before   even   bothering   to   ask   for   his   name,   to   get   the   man   off   back   in   his   motel   room.

Obviously   the   man   agreed.   Who   wouldn't?   Once   they   were   in   the   motel   room,   and   after   Barry   had   hung   the   do   not   disturb   placard   on   the   door,   he   turned   around   and   began   undressing   himself.   There   was   no   need   for   foreplay   in   the   set   up   he'd   offered,   this   wasn't   romance   after   all   it   was   just   fucking.  

Barry Always Found A Way To Turn Everything Into A Bet, Even Going Out And Drinking At A Bar With Some

"Fuck,"   Barry   audibly   gasped   as   he   looked   up   at   the   sight   of   the   man   laid   out   on   the   bed.   His   body   was   incredible.   Thick,   bulging   biceps   that   flexed   as   he   propped   his   head   up   with   his   arms;   hairy,   sweaty   pits   that   looked   like   they   were   made   for   him   to   bury   his   face   in;   mountanous,   pillowy,   muscular   pecs   and   abs   that   looked   carved.   The   man   was   mesmerizing   but   what   earned   the   reaction   from   Barry   was   the   man's   massive,   looming   cock.   Longer   than   anyone   he'd   ever   been   with,   and   thicker   than   a   beer   can   with   heavy,   full   balls   and   a   full   bush   of   hair   at   the   base,   it   was   mouthwatering.   "You're   huge."

He   was   impressed,   not   discouraged.   Climbing   onto   the   bed,   he   immediately   got   to   work   between   the   man's   legs.   Licking   and   covering   the   man's   cock   with   his   spit   just   to   give   it   a   bit   of   lube   so   it   would   fit   in   his   mouth   easier.   His   pretty,   pink   lips   were   struggling   around   the   man's   girth   and   while   he   might   have   been   the   biggest   the   boy   had   ever   taken--   he   was   still   proving   that   this   was   a   talent   of   his   as   his   throat   accommodated   the   gargantuan   length.   Slurping   around   the   man's   cock   as   he   bobbed   his   head,   his   lips   tight   and   his   cheeks   concaved   around   him,   Barry   moaned   under   his   breath   at   the   taste   in   his   mouth   as   the   man's   pre   began   to   coat   his   tongue;   as   he   worshipped   that   man's   cock   as   if   it   were   his   sole   purpose   in   life.


Kinks that will be used in this thread: Humiliation and slurs, degradation, feminization, watersports, etc.


After a mission, Chris Redfield and his team always went to a nearby bar in the area to relax and have a few drinks. The captain was in luck that night, as there was a little slut who wouldn’t take they eyes off him. So he went over to chat a bit, they offered him a good time and well… Chris had been out of action for weeks or even months. His balls needed to be drained.

So he went with the little bitch to a motel room and as soon as the door closed, clothes flew everywhere. The captain was now naked, lying on the wide bed, both arms behind his head, showing off his muscular biceps, his hairy sweaty armpits, his firm and huge round pecs, his firm abs and his whole big muscular body that glistened softly against the layer of sweat that covered him. “Fuck yeah. That’s it. Suck that cock”

The little fag knew how to handle a cock like his, given that Chris wasn’t small. His cock was huge, thick as a beer can, a thick clump of pubic hair surrounded the base and a pair of heavy balls. The captain moaned and grunted as he enjoyed having his musky sweaty cock worshipped. It was throbbing and an almost exaggerated amount of precum was dripping from the head. “Yeah, suck it. Suck it FUCKING FAGGOT!!!” Chris exclaimed smiling and not taking his eyes off of it.


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8 months ago

He   was   annoyed   that   the   other   student   turned   him   down   and   wandered   off   but   Taylor   wasn't   surprised.   So   many   people   were   afraid   of   getting   in   trouble,   and   it   was   no   secret   that   their   fraternity   was   being   heavily   scrutinized   at   the   moment.   Apparently   some   people   actually   cared   about   graduating   and   wanted   to   do   well   in   school   rather   than   waste   all   their   time   on   parties   and   debauchery.

"It's   my   free   period,"   he   lied,   easily,   as   he   looked   up   to   smile   at   the   professor.   Charlie   was   one   of   his   favorites   but   not   because   he   liked   the   man's   class   or   his   teaching   style.   Charlie   was   one   of   Taylor's   favorites   because   the   fantasy   alone   of   getting   that   man   naked,   and   hearing   him   beg   for   the   young   stud   to   fill   him   with   his   load   and   treat   him   like   a   whore,   was   enough   to   make   the   boy   shoot   what   felt   like   gallons   worth   of   cum   whenever   he   masturbated   to   the   thought   of   it--   and   who   could   blame   him?   Charlie   was   grade   A,   prime   beef.   Muscles   staked   on   muscles,   covered   in   thick   fur,   that   jawline,   and   a   stature   that   made   the   man   the   epitome   of   masculinity.   How   could   he   not   fantasize   about   fucking   him   stupid.   He'd   be   a   king   on   campus   if   he   had   a   man   like   Charlie   begging   for   his   cock.

"Oh,   you   heard   that?"   Taylor   questioned,   his   smirk   only   widening   as   he   looked   Charlie   over.   The   man   might   have   been   taller   than   Taylor,   and   bigger   in   build   and   stature,   but   it   was   clear   from   the   boys   attitude   as   he   stared   up   at   his   professor   that   Taylor   considered   himself   the   bigger   of   the   two.

He Was Annoyed That The Other Student Turned Him Down And Wandered Off But Taylor Wasn't Surprised. So

"Damn,   after   all   this   time   that's   all   it   took?"   He   questioned,   laughing   a   bit   under   his   breath   as   Charlie   reached   forward   and   groped   his   bulge.   "I   make   one   lousy   joke   to   a   fellow   student   and   all   of   a   sudden   you're   making   me   an   offer   like   that   and   openly   touching   me   in   the   halls? don't tell me you're jealous?"   Taylor   challenged.   He   shouldn't   have   just   accepted   the   man's   terms,   he   was   going   to   get   what   he   wanted   regardless,   but   the   boy   was   already   on   a   bit   of   a   high   horse   so   he   couldn't   help   from   trying   to   see   how   far   he   could   take   things.   "Kiss   my   bicep,"   he   demanded   as   he   lifted   his   right   arm   and   flexed,   causing   the   muscle   to   bulge,   as   he   kept   his   eyes   locked   on   Charlie   while   a   few   students   moved   around   them.   "I've   seen   the   way   you   watch   me   in   class,   you   want   this   even   more   than   I   do,   so   kiss   my   bicep   and   then   we   have   a   deal."

Professor Charlie Was Walking Through The Halls Of The School, Looking Over A Couple Of Papers, When

Professor Charlie was walking through the halls of the school, looking over a couple of papers, when suddenly he overheard the whole conversation. The man might as well reprimand the boy or... He could have some fun; he hadn't gotten a good lay in a while, and well, Taylor may not have been any good at all in his class, but he couldn't help but watch the guy from head to toe every time the boy decided to attend his class. Those sexy biceps, those hairy bushy armpits, the strong, masculine musky scent that must have been there.

There and on his cock. So he turned the corner to appear in front of the two boys who were in that empty hallway, since the rest were in their classes, as they should be. Before Charlie could say anything, the guy Taylor was trying to join his fraternity left, trying to avoid trouble, he guessed. He let him go, though, so he was left alone with the young stud. “Mr. Taylor. Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?”

Charlie commented as he examined the boy from head to toe, biting his lower lip at the sight of that sexy pose, arms crossed, that damn cheeky grin and the professor had clearly heard that last thing he offered the fleeing student. “But I'm going to propose you something. I won't send you to the principal, and I'll say absolutely nothing about what I heard, in return..."

Charlie looked both ways, making sure there wasn't a soul around. So he reached over and ran his hand over the boy's bulge, stroking it a couple of times. “...You give me the best fucks of my life. I bet that boy couldn't have taken half of it. You need a real hungry expert cock slut” The professor winked at him, because behind that image of a respectable and polished professor and even though the man was full of huge muscles and a hairy masculine body, Charlie's true nature was one of a fucking insatiable cock-hungry pig slut, a man who enjoyed being submissive and being dominated by young studs like Taylor. “Do we have a deal?”

Professor Charlie Was Walking Through The Halls Of The School, Looking Over A Couple Of Papers, When

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8 months ago

Mason   had   seen   Chad   and   Luke   around,   people   were   always   talking   about   the   jocks,   but   this   was   his   first   time   running   into   them   in   the   locker   rooms;   and   now   he   really   understood   why   people   were   always   talking   about   them.   The   men   were   built   like   gods.   Rippling   muscles   staked   on   muscle,   bodies   carved   from   marble   and   glistening   with   a   heavy   layer   of   sweat,   as   if   they   were   the   genuine   definition   of   perfection,   he   was   already   flustered   and   he   hadn't   even   noticed   their   cocks   yet.

Gasping   and   blinking   rapidly   as   he   looked   back   and   forth   between   the   two,   it   was   clear   he   had   finally   noticed   their   massive   cocks.   Were   they   getting   hard?

"Yeah?"   He   questioned   with   a   weak,   forced   laugh.   "That   would   be   awesome,   actually.   I   can't   remember   the   last   time   I   actually   enjoyed   a   shower   on   campus.   I'm   tight   as   fuck   because   of   it,"   Mason   explained,   looking   moreso   at   their   cocks   than   their   actual   faces,   as   the   other   two   began   to   move   towards   him.   Within   a   matter   of   seconds   both   of   the   beautiful   black   men   were   on   either   side   of   him,   making   him   feel   a   bit   cornered;   a   bit   small   despite   his   own   powerful   physique.

Mason Had Seen Chad And Luke Around, People Were Always Talking About The Jocks, But This Was His First

"I   already   showered,"   Mason   started   to   make   an   excuse   for   himself,   there   was   no   point   in   getting   back   into   the   cold   spray,   but   he   was   quickly   distracted   by   the   sharp,   but   playful,   spank.   Gasping,   again,   he   liked   his   lip   as   a   bit   of   color   crested   over   his   cheeks.   "--but   if   you   two   really   think   you   can   show   me   how   it   works,   I'm   game.   Like   I   said,   it's   been   a   while   since   I've   been   able   to   relax   so   I'll   take   whatever   I   can   get."

Chad And Luke Arrived At The Locker Room After The Arduous Training That The Coach Had Put Them Through.

Chad and Luke arrived at the locker room after the arduous training that the coach had put them through. Both boys were drenched in sweat, and as they were undressing, you could see how their big, muscular bodies glistened under the light of the lamps of the place before the layer of sweat that covered them. It was a locker room, and they were all men, so they didn't really bother to put a towel around their waists afterwards, the place was practically empty.

So their massive black cocks were in the air, they were chatting. When they saw Mason walking over to where they were, both guys' cocks reacted instantly, as Mason really had a phenomenal body. Especially those huge round pecs that looked like beautiful tits, those thick thighs, and fuck, that ass—the way the towel hugged all over that huge round fat thick ass. Just looking at the guy, both jocks were already starting to get semi-hard, both possessing a 10-inch cock and thick as beer cans.

Chad And Luke Arrived At The Locker Room After The Arduous Training That The Coach Had Put Them Through.

"Well... It's your lucky day. Chad and I can help you relax and warm up" Luke commented, smiling as he stood in front of the boy, brazenly and uncaring of his nudity, leaning back against the lockers. Chad did the same, perching himself behind Mason. Both black studs surround the beautiful white boy. "We were going to take a shower, actually. You can join us, and we can show you how to use the shower..." Chad spanked his ass hard. "...We can taught you that and more," he murmured in his ear.

Chad And Luke Arrived At The Locker Room After The Arduous Training That The Coach Had Put Them Through.

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11 months ago

@sinfulnesxx 15A from here

Heath's hand curved to the back of Diego's ass as his roommate pounded into the guy they'd picked up at the bar. They'd said something about an afters but all that really meant was the two of them wanted the older man bent over some lawn furniture so they could fuck him until he couldn't see straight.

"Check this guy out." Heath jokingly praised as his hand pushed up and down at the small, bristly hairs at the back of this guy's head. What the fuck was his name again? Heath couldn't really remember. While he presented as sweet, and all american, the truth was he liked to get as rowdy as he could, whenever he could. Maintaining a perfect GPA kept his parents off his back, made it easy for him to get away with shit like this. This guy's pretty mouth on his cock, Heath's crown pressed firmly at the man's throat: perfect nightcap. "I think my guy has done this a few times."

@sinfulnesxx15A From Here

"Fucking whore." Dean. This guy's ass had been like a loosened vice when they started but now he felt like an open hallway. Diego wasn't small, Heath might complain later but Diego was always the first in and then the last in too. There was something completely feral and unkempt about taking a guy to Paris with your best friend, where Heath had the good guy thing down, the hard smack from Diego's palm across Dean's ass painted him as anything but.

His hips bucked forward as his thighs hit the back of Dean's legs, his balls slapping against the round curve of the older man's pale ass. "Suck my boy's fucking cock." He grinned behind Dean as he curled his hand around the man's waist while the other pushed aggressively at the back of the other's head.

@sinfulnesxx15A From Here

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5 months ago
The Barbers Weren't An Strict Family, With Hunter's Grandfather Being An Open-minded Man And Andy Himself

the barbers weren't an strict family, with hunter's grandfather being an open-minded man and andy himself passing that down into his parental style with hunter — but one thing he didn't accept was lack of care for his health, also taught by his father. so hitting the gym nearly everyday was a must for them, and sometimes it happened that they'd meet each other there without scheduling it; they just passed so much time there, it happened every once in a while. that afternoon, andy invited his older brother, luke, to join him, and they spent some good ol' brotherly bonding time, marking each other's time and praising each other's physique. once they entered the shower room, though, a surprise: a third barber. a younger and just as fit... but much more well-endowed. eyes closed as he stroke it, almost as if mocking andy and luke, he invites them to come closer and help him, likely not even knowing who they were.

they exchange a single look, wondering if they're thinking the same thing, and approach the younger male. andy's on his knees and hands already, mouth slowly taking in each inch of his son's length, as luke places a hand on his nephew's bicep. “getting too big for my taste, hunter. gonna pass your uncle any day.” the younger man was under half his age, but with a real man's body already. his hand makes its way down those mouth-watering abs, grabbing the cock and pulling it out of his brother's mouth, only to slap it, heavy and thick and loud, on his tongue. “think you got enough cum for two hungry fags?”

The Barbers Weren't An Strict Family, With Hunter's Grandfather Being An Open-minded Man And Andy Himself

Open to: Bottoms ( Prefer older like: J.manganiello, H.Cavill, C.Evans, C.Hemsworth, Alan Ritchson, etc.) but open to anyone. Kinks for this thread: Dom/Sub, humiliation, degradation, etc.

Hunter came out of a tough gym workout that day, so once his routine was over, he needed to relax a bit. So he went to the locker room, stripped naked, and went to the showers. He turned on the water taps and regulated it until a warm stream ran through his muscular body, washed his hair and began to wash the rest of his body. After a few minutes under the stream of water, he grabbed his massive fat cock, closed his eyes and began to jerk off, letting out moans as he enjoyed himself, however, soon he felt someone’s gaze on him.

"Are you going to come help me or are you just keep going to watch? I could use a mouth and a ass" The young stallion commented still jerking off with a smile as the hot water ran all over his firm pecs, his eight-pack, and his whole big and muscular ripped body.

Open To: Bottoms ( Prefer Older Like: J.manganiello, H.Cavill, C.Evans, C.Hemsworth, Alan Ritchson, Etc.)

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5 months ago

closed starter for @sinfulnesxx !

after being done with showing a house to new potential clients, cal decided to go home. that was a great thing about being his own boss, making up his hours. he just wanted a shower and maybe some greasy food (he never skips the gym, he deserves it!), and no more clients were scheduled for the rest of the day, so home sweet home it was. but, right when he stepped through his front door, he heard something that startled him. moans so slutty he knew it could only be from porn; dirty, almost disturbing, shameful porn. then he heard himself say, in a low-quality audio, that's right, cry on my cock, and his heart jumped a beat.

he made his way up the stairs with his heart pounding, dreading the moment he'd open the door to his office and have to face the consequences of that terrible invasion of privacy. he could already hear his wife's screaming at him the dirtiest possible insults when he peaked through the ajar door, and his heartbeat changed for the second time in two minutes. it wasn't marsha in there; his youngest son was watching his homemade porno videos. and jacking off to them.

nate was fully naked on his office chair, hand going up and down on his dick, eyes transfixed in the recording of cal hammering his cock in and out of some pretty boy. he doesn't remember the boy's name; only only calls him slut and faggot on the video, so maybe he didn't even know it then. he can't help it, as a man — his cock slowly stiffens in his work pants, and he swallows thick as his eyes begin to notice each curve of his son's body. he tries to focus on the video, tells himself that's why he's hardening, but can't: he's drinking in the sight of nate, unaware and naked and full of lust. dying to be made into daddy's pretty boy. pretty girl, even.

Closed Starter For @sinfulnesxx !

he grabs at his crotch, stimulating his cock to harden and stiff more, and slowly opens the door, stepping into his office. the kid's so transfixed on the striking pounding video cal is doing he doesn't notice the real thing, bulge in his pants, behind him, until - “what are you doing, nathaniel?”

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