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“Why does aging have to be so painful? I wish I didn’t have to deal with the aches and pains of being an old woman anymore.”
Margaret should’ve been more careful.
The next thing she realizes, is that she is aging, quickly, in reverse.
“Wha- what’s going on?” she exclaims in a panicked euphoria. “I feel almost like I did sixty years ago!”
A searing pain takes over her body. She begins to scream in agony. Her body cracks, as her bones grow and adjust into a new frame. The pain reduces to a numb, cramping feeling.
“Why do I feel so tall?” she asks in a confused state. “Wait. I am taller.”
Just then, the cramping feeling begins to intensify in her calves. She watches with fascination.
“Oh… these are… these are niiiiiiiice.”
The cramping begins to travel upwards, into her thighs, before they begin to bulge out, creating an aesthetic similar to tree trunks. She was beginning to enjoy the feeling of the transformation.
“Well, these definitely don’t look like a lady’s legs!” she chuckles as she watches the transformation. “I guess I get to be a guy this time around!” She feels her ass begin to grow and become shapely. “This is way nicer than any caboose I’ve ever seen on a woman…” -as she begins smiling.
Her stomach begins to distend, and bulge out from her currently narrow torso. It twists itself as it gradually rearranges itself into a beautiful set of washboard abs. “I always wished Gerald (her late husband) these. Now I have my own!”
She’s still feeling up her new abs as the muscles begin to ripple and grow along her spine.
Before she knows it, her breasts that had returned to her younger state when she was reverse aging, start to rearrange themselves and grow as they turn into a nice sexy pair of pecs. “I wasn’t worried about missing my boobs, but I guess I don’t have to!”
Her shoulders begin to grow, and rearrange into boulder-like shapes, and her biceps and triceps become veiny and bulky. The forearms rearrange themselves to match the proportions of the rest of her arms, and her now large hands. “Guys back in my day weren’t anywhere near this muscular!” she says as she flexes her cannonball arms. “I guess I can be a traveling gun show now!” *chuckles*
Margaret’s neck begins to thicken, with her traps beginning to tie it in nicely with her shoulders. Then she begins to feel her face rearrange itself as it becomes sharp and masculine. Her hair begins to rearrange itself into a shorter and more masculine haircut.
She begins to feel a twisting, knotting, and painful feeling between her legs. Her screams of agony slowly turn into moans of pleasure as her new anatomy begins to take shape. The testosterone filling her body makes the sensation more euphoric. Margaret’s moans of pleasure begin to deepen as a gigantic adam’s apple begins to bulge out of the front of her neck.
Any pain Margaret had felt begins to fade away, other than a needle-like itching sensation all over her body.
By the time Margaret makes it to the mirror, light brown-almost auburn-hair dusts her entire body nicely, and she has a short beard.
Margaret has no words as she looks over her new, 6′3″ 220lb body in the mirror.
She begins to feel up her new muscles. If it weren’t for her raging libido, she would’ve almost forgotten about her massive cock. The hormones begin to take over her body as she begins to understand what it feels like to have a dick.
“Fuck yeah.” she moans. “I’m young, I’m handsome, and I’m thick… in many ways.” Margaret begins to pump her cock faster, the euphoria of being a male taking control. As she sprays her new seed all over the mirror, knowledge of sports, cars, women, and many other manly activities begin to fill her mind.
Margaret proceeds to the shower before finding some leftover clothes from her late husband. They fit very snug, but it’s all she needed so that she could go out and buy her new wardrobe. She pulls a huge wad of cash out of the floorboards. “This oughta be enough.”
Just then, Margaret realizes she’s going to have to come up with a new identity. “I guess I’ll go by Martin now. Martin, the huge, alpha, jock. My former children and grandchildren are going to be devastated when they find out that their ‘Dear old Margaret’ has disappeared. Now that I think about it… one of my granddaughters is about my new age… and she’s single… maybe I’ll have to pay her a visit.” she chuckles as she pats her new bulge.
Hey everyone! This is my first, original post, so please be gentle! However, feedback is welcome!