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8 months ago

Slom social things presentation

Hey, so I made a thang for presentation night on Discord about slomen that you can read. No commentary but still wordful.

Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation

It's not exactly professional, I'm sure there are mistakes and weirdness but hey, stay silly.

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8 months ago

Because two people asked at once and I failed the reply text limit here I write. (@secretlyawizard @total-convergence)

The difference between full and half-romantic bonds isn't always clear but there is a difference (some are exaggerated in social cultural settings). Half-bond is just lower on the love spectrum.

A sloman is likely to have only a few full romantic bonds as they take a lot longer to develop and get broken harder. Men who are in permanent family relationships will have more full-bonded partners (the lady and other men, or maybe just the lady, depends) while men who leave a family after a year (temporary men) are more likely to just develop half-bonds. You could sorta compare half-bonds to crushes, they can come and go. But it's still a type of love that takes some time to develop. It's not normal to have either of these feelings (half or full) from one meeting.

I guess in their brain it's like a safety lock so that they can move on easier if they only stay for a shorter time but still need to like their stay. It's true these differences aren't considered as big in women. Not that they don't exist tho. Lot of things are stereotypes in the end.

Slom social things presentation

Hey, so I made a thang for presentation night on Discord about slomen that you can read. No commentary but still wordful.

Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation
Slom Social Things Presentation

It's not exactly professional, I'm sure there are mistakes and weirdness but hey, stay silly.

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6 months ago
"Don't You Want To Be Careful About What You Wish Away?"

"Don't you want to be careful about what you wish away?"

Burning of the silmai is an annual tradition found in some western slomen groups. While not all these groups burn the same symbolic beings or do it for the same reasons, the tradition is very recognizable.

In some places, it's simply burning cloth/dry plant figures and singing, others have it more interactive. One variety dedicates this event to a yearly "regret cleansing".

Tokens are made as a preparation for the event. Slomen either make their own or get community-made ones to symbolize a deed or aspect of themselves they want to burn away for the new year. This variety often uses edible materials to build its "simlais" (demon sin suckers, possessors of witches) like hard wet roots covered in heat-resistant coating).

When the fire is over or the fire masters decide, the simlais are taken down and brave men try eating it to show resistance and their ability to carry the burdens of the community (they only eat it if there's anything left).

Thank you for reading my little creaturing from last month.

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4 months ago

Hi, I have a question regarding slomen reproduction: so you said that "The dedicated organs are in their short necks with transfer happening in their mouth" does that mean slomen reproductive organs are inside their mouths/throats? Do masc slomen become pregnant through orally ingesting the fem gametes?

I would love to know how snomen mating works.

Yea, I don't really have much to add to that. I don't really wanna go into the details of the act. One to avoid possible yuck but I'm also not too confident in actually describing all that.

I did a quick sketch to maybe clear some things from earlier.

Hi, I Have A Question Regarding Slomen Reproduction: So You Said That "The Dedicated Organs Are In Their

The reproductive organs are in the side of the neck (normally on the right). This is where the "creature gamates" are made. Calling them creatures because in many species the haploids are almost self-sufficient (mostly the meggs). In slomen and *most* other pseudo-pregnancy-having animals, they don't develop unless fertilized and so the megg just dies and falls out or is at times reabsorbed.

If the megg is fertilized, it starts developing the features it needs to survive as it's not connected to the parent's blood flow after a while of development and needs its own oxygen, only getting food from the parent. This means even the megg actually has basic lungs and stomach before the embryo does.

The mouth of a sloman simply has the tools for insertion but if one could inject the drop into the megg externally, none of the mouth parts would be needed for the "pregnancy".

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4 months ago

I have a question about the Slomen Do they come in different colours/fur length or are they all brown-ish with short fur?

Here a quickie

I Have A Question About The SlomenDo They Come In Different Colours/fur Length Or Are They All Brown-ish

Slomen have feathers! Or the closest thing to feathers.

Unless counting seasonal changes, their coat length is constant. This does mean short head-feather people can't just grow them out, the next molt will be the same. While ones with long head feathers will often shorten them for fashion.

Ethnicities native to colder regions are more likely to have longer feathers overall and their coat changes more visibly during seasons (I have yet to draw that).

Patterns and colors can be complicated. Sloms can vary a lot in one ethnicity and often have mutations making their coat irregular or patchy. The different ethnicities also very commonly procreate tho it's culturally complicated. But simply, patterns and colors mix, and while things such as 'eye ring with the inner being lightest color' are almost always there, the look of the brows/ring can get silly.

But yes they are pretty brown/yellowy/orangey. Melanism is rarer than leucism but they happen.

Look at the cool oc of @factorybought here!

I Have A Question About The SlomenDo They Come In Different Colours/fur Length Or Are They All Brown-ish
I Have A Question About The SlomenDo They Come In Different Colours/fur Length Or Are They All Brown-ish

Other ocs. Even the silly patterns of the kid can appear on adults, just less fuzzy and darker. It's rarer but hey, sloms can be silly. I could try to do some interesting mutations and such sometime.

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4 months ago

I've got a question on how the slomen hands work because it looks like they have 2 thumbs and for some reason my brain cant comprehend that properly (especially when it comes to drawing them, its been a struggle :sob:,,)

I've Got A Question On How The Slomen Hands Work Because It Looks Like They Have 2 Thumbs And For Some

Oh, they are silly but not that different. While their thumbs are not on the same level as the middle fingers they are close. A sloman just won't have their palm completely flat (comfortably) but it's not that visible.

I think it's easiest to just draw two thumbs on a human hand heh.

More notable is the short segment under their palm. It gives them a little extra movement in the parts. But at max, it allows 90° angle towards the forearm. Together with the forearm and hand hones it allows the palm to rotate close to 200° I would say.

Anyway, this section is also the home of the smelling organ of slomen. Well not just slomen. In most sloman-related vertebrates, the front arms have the primary olfactory organs with only some having a well-developed smelling "nose". Sloms have both palm-nose and breathing nose with both serving slightly different roles. The palm nose looks kinda like an inflating tongue when it's outside the pocket. (You see, most vertebrates in the slomen animal kingdom have their head behind the first limb pair and use those limbs both for sensory functions and hunting.)

Thank you for asking! Hope it's helpful even if less detailed

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4 months ago

What about uniima/Fueem’s religion causes them to see Neal as a sloman?

This ask is probably a reaction to this post where I share some of Fueems thoughts if anyone wants to read it.

Here's a post about small aspect of the wider ueemic religion here.

But shrimply! Fueem's regional variant of this faith is pretty close to the one considered the "base" ueemic type. They are a follower of the heads and their rules and are knowledgeable in the ways of soul right.

In more recent years (like 30) the Eye has declared a soul right for every alien (any sophont found in the world so far) with some distinct rules for each but still similar to how uniima souls work.

Because this addition to the base religion is pretty recent, there are many versions of how this works for different people-species but nothing is fully agreed on. There's also the problem of most uniima never seeing a live sloman or knowing their biology/reproduction. So lot of the existing interpretations are based on accounts of a few ueema. Now if those guys weren't good drawers, someone else had to visually interpret their interpretation and welp. The farther from the Heads (the religion central) the weirder looking and weirder working other aliens are in art and literature.

What About Uniima/Fueems Religion Causes Them To See Neal As A Sloman?

So a recap. When a uniima dies (according to ueema belief) they release a soul. This soul in some way (depending on subculture etc.) gets attached to a person who was close to the dead person. At a point, the soul will jump to a baby at the right point in its development. This baby can be the new child of the soul wearer or just close to them. Usually, the wearer has to meet the "body" at least once. There are a lot more rules and stuff but this is long enough!

What About Uniima/Fueems Religion Causes Them To See Neal As A Sloman?

So anyway, this is probably what Fueem imagines happened to Neal spiritually.

Making Neal have the soul of once-sloman and thus being one too.

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3 months ago


Is there a stripe limit for how many patterns there can be on a slomen?


I wouldn't say there's a clear limit. Their stripes tend to be thicker and on specific places but possible mutations could spear them around more.

But I don't think it's likely a sloman would have hundreds thin lines over them. Sounds like some skin doubling condition, no good.

It's just a theory (I made it up), but their more direct ancestors likely had more stripes as well as be generally smaller.

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3 months ago


do the sloms like Mac n cheese,,,

-‍ from the #1 slomen fan



not too sure if they can process it safely tho

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