Notes - Tumblr Posts

Ooi gente! Como estão nessa tarde chuvosa? Está chovendo onde vocês moram? Trouxe hoje (era pra ter sido ontem, porém eu esqueci) esse macete basicão e bem conhecido, mas muito interessante e útil! #qotd Vocês preferem dias de sol ou de chuva? Me: dias de chuva ❤ . . . . . . . #study #studies #studyblr #studygram #studygrambr #studystuff #studytime #studynotes #studymode #studymood #studyblrsquad #notes #motivation #studiesmotivation #notebook #lettering #letteringbr #letteringbrasil #papelaria #estudos #estude #foconosestudos #anotações #enem #enem2020 #ocadernointeligente #macetes #macetesdematematica #matematica

Oiee! Boa tarde galeris ✨ O post de hoje é um mapa mental que eu fiz já faz um tempo, sobre o feudalismo! Espero que gostem :) . . . . . . . . . . . . #study #studies #studyblr #studygram #studygrambr #studystuff #studytime #studynotes #studymode #studymood #studyblrsquad #notes #motivation #studiesmotivation #notebook #lettering #letteringbr #letteringbrasil #papelaria #estudos #estude #foconosestudos #anotações #enem #enem2020 #ocadernointeligente #history #história #feudalismo

Boa tarde galeris!! ✨ Fotinha do título que eu fiz sobre globalização! Deixei o vídeo mostrando o processo lá nos stories e nos destaques! O que acharam??? . . . . . . . . . . . . #study #studies #studyblr #studygram #studygrambr #studystuff #studytime #studynotes #studymode #studymood #studyblrsquad #notes #motivation #studiesmotivation #notebook #lettering #letteringbr #letteringbrasil #papelaria #estudos #estude #foconosestudos #anotações #enem #enem2020 #globalização #mapamental #mapaconceitual #geografia #geography

Oie ✨ Como vcs estão galeris?? Sei que estou sumidinha, e minha desculpa é que estou me organizando pra começar uma nova "rodada" de estudos, já que comecei a assinar o Descomplica e as aulas começam do ZERO dia 13/07. Então a partir desse dia vai ter muito conteúdo por aqui! E o post de hoje é um resuminho sobre Urbanização Brasileira! Espero que gostem :) 📌 Fontes: @geobrasil e @descomplica . . . . . . . . . . #study #studies #studyblr #studygram #studygrambr #studystuff #studytime #studynotes #studymode #studymood #studyblrsquad #notes #motivation #studiesmotivation #notebook #lettering #letteringbr #letteringbrasil #papelaria #estudos #estude #foconosestudos #anotações #enem #enem2020 #ocadernointeligente #geografia #urbanização

Boa tardeee!! ☉ Gente, o post de hoje é um mapa mental do Sistema Nervoso (que vcs tanto pedem foto do resuminho) mas como eu perdi ele, resolvi trazer esse mapa! E, agora o feed vai ficar de carinha nova pq vem muitas edições diferentes por ai, estou testando vários estilos pra achar oq eu me encaixar melhor! Espero que gostem :) #qotd: você consegue estudar por mapas mentais? . . . . . . . . . #study #studies #studyblr #studygram #studygrambr #studystuff #studytime #studynotes #studymode #studymood #studyblrsquad #notes #motivation #studiesmotivation #notebook #lettering #letteringbr #letteringbrasil #papelaria #estudos #estude #foconosestudos #anotações #enem #ocadernointeligente #sistemanervoso #biologia #vestibular #mapamental

Studied for my Inorganic test, it will be a long week, so maybe I will uptade more, maybe not but hOPE. Kai sat on my notes and didn't wanted to get of, but I love him so...
as i paint over the artwork i once dedicated to you, the white emptiness scrapes away at the remains of mine which were once yours, i couldn’t scrub the paint off, memories of us act as glue, forcing me to cover it with the present, leaving your memory locked behind paint
Thinking about self hatred and how it's such a plague in Blue Lock. Thinking about how Rin can't look in the mirror because of how much he reminds himself of Sae, but how he tells Isagi to look at him. How even characters who think of themselves as filth get angry, how Kenyu has bursts of it, how Kaiser chokes himself. How deep down every single character in Blue Lock is begging to be loved and understood. The light in their eyes when someone believes in them and the deep pit of depression they fall into when no one does.
How Reo and Ness are hated by parts of the fandom probably BECAUSE their self hatred is so viceral and so obvious you can fucking feel it. Yet characters like Barou and Kunigami are seen as edgy because they hide their self hatred behind an equally destructive facade, a mask of controlled apathy for those around them. The way the coaches have to cradle the fragile, fragile souls of these boys while still pushing them to be better. Begging them to believe they are capable and picking them up after they pass out, stopping them from falling into the same imposter syndrome they've witnessed again and again (that even they are not immune to).
Thinking about how even Ego Jinpachi doesn't take care of himself.

hey 👋😄, this is the first thing I posted that I tried drawing online, I surprisingly only used the sketch option in Google keep notes if you wanna try that platform, nothing fancy just a doodle, enjoy 😁
Me yapping about plans warning:
Next comic update is 3 pages instead of the usual 2. I do not like where it 'cuts' otherwise. Irl stuff stopped me from drawing for a few days, so bear with me.
After said update, I'm gonna take a lil extra time to finish up a commission and the Tear sketch I shared already. I will also be doing 1-2 drawn ask replies before continuing. They have started to stack a little bit and I don't want to make you guys sad by ignoring them (even though I can't catch up with them all as of now).
If all works out the way I planned… I will also give full Tear info sheet at mid/end July (>‿◠)
I wanted to do 1-2 drawn asks like I promised, but it wasn't coming out how I wanted it to. I got a lil bit frustrated and continued working on the comic instead. It will have to wait for now. But eyyyy comic update today/tomorrow woop woop
Random thoughts moment…thinking about how Tear wouldn't be noticed by anyone if they don't want to be, since they can go invisible and their steps leave no sound. Just gotta keep quiet. Probably only Dream and Nightmare would be able to sense them via emotions, giving him the jumpscare of his life. They have no cannon interactions tho EDIT: To add to this thought... their magic is very much visible. Meaning their tears are too, as it's their magic. No crying for them if they wanna be hidden
Unfortunately, this month I won't give the planned update on Tear's info sheet. Got busy irl, had few artblocks and didn't do nearly as enough work as I assumed I would. I'm withholding the update due to comic spoilers. I'll try to have everything done in August and I hope it will be exciting to you guys.
I have also been considering selling a print of my latest drawing if there is enough interest. Tear is super new to me and I don't wanna get ahead of myself. Hence, I'm doing this pool to see if it would be something you would like. View the drawing HERE.

Don't be shy to vote for either, it won't hurt me. I will likely put this as a preorder if few of you want it.
I think I'm making Tear's bday be 8th of June. So far I have only mentioned it as a day I uploaded the page where we see Tear get their plush body. Making it be connected seemed fun. I could also make it be the day I actually designed them (May 24th), but I liked this idea more. It's at least a day I publicly shared with all of you, considering I still wasn't posting the first few pages and the ref sheet on the exact creation day.
Tear is loved by cats. Cats will happily jump onto Tear and refuse to get up till they wish to. His body is like a cushion bed for them.
Tear doesn't know how to shoo them off. He will attempt to nudge them or straight up beg them to get up, as if they would even understand him. If Tear wants to run from an undesired encounter while 'cat trapped', he has to result to phasing through the cat to get out of there.
In general, Tear phases quite a lot as a means of avoiding things. Be it to escape or go invisible
Thinking about how people draw gaster blasters having their own personality. Now I'm just imagining a room of Sanses interacting with them and talking to others like proud owners... and then there is Tear in the corner, trying to fake their blaster being sentient. It totally isn't something they just cry out and shape every time

The next comic update will take me way longer to post and there might be a period of art silence from me.
WHY? > likelihood of more pages in one or more updates that I wish to post close to one another, doing final edits of Tear's info sheet for full version release, extra art to promote the info sheet update (as it's an edit of an old post/not new post), writing additional story facts and potential of more art for explanation purposes. I plan to post all these daily (probably within 2-3 days) once I draw everything.
Big things ahead