S/o Afraid Of Thunderstorms - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Thunderstorms aren't no fun at all, but even having Vladcard and Alucard the same time to be there to protect you from ❤️

i don't know if you've answered this type of scenario, i couldn't find anything with search so here goes. how would our lovely men take care of their s/o that gets easily spooked by those scary thunder and lightning storms? they find them buried underneath a blanket and pillow nest during a really bad one. i grew up out in the plains and those really strong, but amazing to watch, storms rolling across would get super scary, especially when tornado season comes around. best wishes for your dad and your shoulder and your family (´。・v・。`)

Rolling Thunder

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

📍Thank you for being supportive. I just can't say it enough, my readers, followers and askers are so wonderful and understanding.🥰

Sorry this has taken so long!

So adding some tornado information as I was a dumb..dumb American and had no idea how much tornadoes occur in other parts of the world. Well at least I'm trainable..maybe?

📍In my case, my fear of thunder and lightning is from nearly getting struck as a teenager trying to get horses in the barn. You know standing under the tallest tree out in the open..with horseshoes…adds up to yikes.

I believe it comes down to how some process and instead of the "fight" this is cool, goes to "flight" or even more "freeze". Your body answers with hiding and generally right on the spot.

Anyrate, a map of the major regions where tornadoes occur globally.

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

💡Alas do I hear a loud and hearty bellow from…Vlad(card)? Oh yes indeed I believe I do!

🗡•Vlad alive

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

•At first, being the one ever eager to attack the enemy sees the thunderstorms and the sight of a tornado is a heaven sent sign to attack. Everyone else thinks this a death omen but they lack faith.

Vlad thinks..

•He chuckles at your antics with thunderstorms. Because he's romantically connected to you, it's cute as you bury your head under the pillows and flinch when the thunder is coming closer.

•This is his chance to poke a little loving fun out of you. Vlad of course stands up straight and marches over to your blanket/pillow nest. The big, bad Voivode is going to protect you now.

•(going with the bed) He slides across the bed and then captures you in his bare arms. Vlad wraps the blankets around both of you and places your head on his warm bare chest.

"Puișorul mamii Domi in leganuț Puișor draguț Luna și cu stealli Să-ți păzească viselii Să-ți mângâie genialii Genialii sprâncenele Haida și iar dormi Până-n zori de zi.." he sings softly.

[Mother's baby,Domi in the leganut,Cute little baby,The Moon and Stealli, Guard your dreams, To comfort your geniuses, Brilliant eyebrows,Go back and sleep again. Until dawn]~Hmm🤔 lost in translation even for reverso translation. Site listed below..

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

🍷Alucard in London

•Sir Hellsing raises an eyebrow or two when the sky gets dark and forms thunderclouds. Is it really all nature created? Or is Alucard secretly fucking around with the England weather?

•Alucard could ramp up the storm, though extremely painful ftom the Hellsing sigils, as he did coming to England on the Demeter but he actually use his weather control to not do that..

He helps calm it without altering the regional weather pattern..

•The basement ceiling and walls have no window glass to rattle from the thunder and it eases your fear as the lightning can't reach you underground so deep.

•His arms around you, one hand has his long fingers stroking your head and running them through your hair.

"Regele vampir te va ține în siguranță, draga mea…" [The Vampire King will keep you safe my dear]

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

⛩️•Aizawa Shouta Aizawa

•As long as the storm is not generated by a villain, he will be on his way to help you cope. Shouta keeps an attentive "eye" and weather information at hand so unless a sudden change of the weather, Aizawa finds you.

•If he can't make it soon enough, sometimes Hizashi or Nemuri can help too.

•He would text you comforting messages as he gets to your location (his place, yours etc)

•He will playfully scold you for not being in his resident yellow sleeping bag. You both snuggle in, your head to his chest.

"Go to sleep kitten/little one," he whispers to you."I'm going nowhere, for you.."

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

⚜️Sacred Ancestor's Son

•Ahh, thunderstorms are generally extremely dangerous 10,090 years in the future. It means a noble's weather control system is malfunctioning.

I Don't Know If You've Answered This Type Of Scenario, I Couldn't Find Anything With Search So Here Goes.

•This would be one of rare times a noble's ruined castle would be safe. Of course D knows it's safe and due to his necklace, security is stopped from possibly still working.

•Your fear becomes grave when he actually gets struck by lightning. He should be dead right?

No, not as Sacred Ancestor's only success..

•His fingernails comb your hair as you are wrapped up in his traveler's cloak/jacket ( some stories it's a traveler coat but other times called a cloak)

"Rest my love.." he whispers. "The weather can not keep me from you."

⚡️Notes: For example, coastal regions of southern England experienced more lightning flashes from May to July, while inland parts of southeast England had the most lightning activity from April to August.Oct 2, 2022

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