So Everyone Around Me Either Has The Most Southern Accent To Ever Southern Or There's Like .001% South In Their Voice - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Poor Southern!Mc

Lucifer: *swats a mosquito on his arm*

Mc: *return of the accent* “Fuckin’ skeeters.”

Lucifer: “What?”

Mammon: *doesn’t understand tornadoes as they don’t have that in the Devildom* “what the heck are those?”

Solomon: “I often forget about those”

Mc: “Ya see that’s a Ternader”

Solomon: *laughs because he has the same problem with old English words and shares Mc’s struggle*

Mammon: “A 'ternader'?”

Beelzebub: *is raiding the pantry*

Mc: “Beel no, don’t go all actin’ like yain’t just finished your dinner.”

Beelzebub: “What does 'yain’t' mean?”

Belphegor who had just entered: *shrugs*

Mephistopheles: *goes on a rant about horses*

Mc: “Listen here prissy prettyboy. I ain’t gonna listen to some uptown prude talk about riding horses when he hasn’t even been to a damn rodeo.”

Asmodeus: “Well if you’re such a cowboy then maybe you could tide me?”

Mc: “Dagnabbit Asmo, we talked about this. Not everything has to be sexual.”

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