So What Happened???? - Tumblr Posts
@minniemochicutie @wordbinge @matzahstein @yessmoking @ncvnica umm, what happened? I thought we were cool? Do y'all wanna talk about it & give me some kind of closure, at least???
not that it really matters, but i’ve definitely noticed over the years that the more active and personable i am on here, the more followers/mutuals i lose 😌
Maybe this is too early to ask and if that is the case pls ignore this but I was just wondering about who is in charge because Jin seems to have inherited everything which is why Namjoon is mad right? But then Jin and the OC are talking about how Namjoon's word is law and they do whatever he says?
very very very very good observation! this gets explained later :)
jin did inherit the company - that scene was a flashback, but in present day you are right! namjoon does appear to be the bossman
all to be revealed soon <3