Sodor Ironworks - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Traintober: Day 4 "Devious"

"The Ironworks, you know it, I know it, shit always goes horribly wrong."

Traintober: Day 4 "Devious"

[Killdane Ironworks & Smelting Company, East Sodor]

The lineside was littered with scrap and debris, rusted out hulks lay sad and disgraced all in a row. Damien had never been to an ironworks, much less a scrap yard and believed it would be a walk in the park for himself. He is rather dense. A grimy and worn western tank engine, stopped just ahead of the shunter. Their brass and various other parts coated in a fine rust, that had built up amongst their workings.

Their gaze bored into Damien, and they spoke with a low measured tone, "So, you're the new shunter?". "Naturally, afterall I'm a new, modern-" Damien replied in a smug self satisfied spirit, but was quickly interrupted.

"You are another engine like the rest of us, now get to the far side of the yard, there's a train of slag that need's shunting." The tank engine hissed.

Damien was taken aback, "Now hang on a minute-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, I have work to do, we are especially busy this time of year, and unless you intend on making yourself useful, I strongly suggest you leave and free up some space." The tank engine wheezed its way into motion and glided past a stunned, Damien.

But the tank engine wasn't quite done yet, "If you thought I'd be anywhere near as much a pushover as that traction engine, you've got another thing coming." The Western Engine sauntered off, into the bowels of the yard with a set of flatbeds in tow.

Damien watched them go, quite bewildered. How on earth did they know about. . . .well it is a small island, word travels fast and all that. He wasn't quite sure, but one thing was set in stone.

"Devious" Damien was going to hate it here.


Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, Amelheronemus, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]

Happy Traintober!

Before anyone asks, yes I took the HIT bibles "two diesel's" theory too seriously.

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1 year ago

Traintober: Day 5 "Its Only Me"

"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away.”

Traintober: Day 5 "Its Only Me"

[Killdane Ironworks & Smelting Company, East Sodor, 10:PM]

It was getting late by the time Damien's work was nearly finished. His last assignment for the day was to move some flatbeds into some sidings in the large smelting shed, alongside the blast furnaces.

He rolled past the rotting engines and wagons as he made his way through the large shed. They had now taken on something of an uncanny feeling.

Damien could hear noises all around, but he was never sure where exactly some of them were coming from. Normally this would be little cause for worry, he was in an ironworks, loud noises came with the territory, but not all of those noises sounded as if they came from snorting machines.

It was only himself now in the building, so where were they coming from?


Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, Amelheronemus, Crimson Caden, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]

Happy Traintober!

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1 year ago

Traintober: Day 10 "Happiest"

"Nobody's ever happy being around Killdane."

Traintober: Day 10 "Happiest"

[Killdane Iron & Smelting Co, East Sodor]

Derek trundled into the yard with a long train of scrap from The Mainland in tow. He glanced about the yards watching the workers going about their work. Truth be told he wasn't at his happiest here, for good reason, naturally. He himself had been in danger of being scrapped not long ago, still work had to get done, and he had a job to do.

As he approached the smelting sheds, he noticed something odd. The Ironworks was. . .staffed with different engines. Drake, a small great western shunter stopped ahead of Derek. "Good work, if you need the fuel pumps they're on the siding nearest the sheds.", Derek looked the engine over, and against better judgement asked, "Are you new to the ironworks?" The engine, stared at Derek, grumbled something indiscernible, before bluntly stating "No, I've been here for quite a while."

Derek thought for a moment, and asked.

"Weren't there two diesel shunters who ran this yard?".

Drake stared, a difficult to determine expression with hints of tiredness fell upon their face. "No." they said quite plainly. "Are you quite sure?" Derek ventured again, Drake pondered for a moment. "Over there." they said, Derek looked over and watched an unfamiliar diesel shunter, grumble past with a train of slag wagons and what appeared to be a rusty tender in front.

Derek didn't quite know what to say.


Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, CJ The Creator, Amelheronemus, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]

Happy Traintober!

Sorry for the absence, college is a lot of work.

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