Soft Sculpture - Tumblr Posts

7 years ago
Megan Altieri. Untitled (SUV Series). Thread, Fabric, Acrylic Medium Mounted On Canvas Armband. Flex

Megan Altieri. Untitled (SUV series). Thread, fabric, acrylic medium mounted on canvas armband. Flex Gallery. Locations various. 2017.

Megan is the fifth artist for this season of Flex Gallery and her band is one of my favorites. Interview to follow over on @viseducation

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8 years ago
Timaeus 1: Tetrahedron Prototype.
Timaeus 1: Tetrahedron Prototype.
Timaeus 1: Tetrahedron Prototype.
Timaeus 1: Tetrahedron Prototype.
Timaeus 1: Tetrahedron Prototype.

Timaeus 1: tetrahedron prototype.

I’m the kind of person who’s too impatient to wait for there to be good daylight and make sure there’s no crap in the background for me to take photos and post them, so here are some photos taken at night, under artificial light, with some bags in the background (my office is my studio is my lounge. Mess is inevitable).

Anyway, somewhat delightfully ironic to call this a prototype, since prototype can mean both the first thing you make which you then go on to perfect, or the thing from which all future models are derived: almost like a platonic form. The form which is to be perfected in future models and the perfect form from which all later (imperfect) models will be derived are represented by the same word.

Why is that ironic? Because a tetrahedron is one of five Platonic solids (tetrahedron, hexahedron [more commonly known as a cube], octohedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron): it's a platonic form. It's the prototype for all tetrahedrons. Except I'm hoping that the next ones I make will be more perfect that this. My prototype/Platonic form is imperfect and rough. But it is still the first manifestation of the basic concept from which all the others will be built.

I will (hopefully) explain more about the Timaeus (A Platonic dialogue where these solids are mentioned) as I make more and expand/explore/refine.

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10 years ago
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr
MountRoyalMint On Tumblr

MountRoyalMint on Tumblr


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2 years ago
Reposting The Black Rabbit Of Inle, Since The Witch Hare Were Bringing To MFF Is Inspired By Hazel.

Reposting the black rabbit of Inle, since the witch hare we’re bringing to MFF is inspired by Hazel.

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1 year ago

HAve an awkwardly filmed showcase of my worn's glowy bits

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2 years ago
Little Soft Sculpture. Floss, Wire, Wool Felt, Real Moss, Terracotta Pot, Filling Material.
Little Soft Sculpture. Floss, Wire, Wool Felt, Real Moss, Terracotta Pot, Filling Material.
Little Soft Sculpture. Floss, Wire, Wool Felt, Real Moss, Terracotta Pot, Filling Material.
Little Soft Sculpture. Floss, Wire, Wool Felt, Real Moss, Terracotta Pot, Filling Material.

Little soft sculpture. Floss, wire, wool felt, real moss, terracotta pot, filling material.

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7 months ago


i wanted to make something way out of my comfort zone to celebrate the 40th anniversary, so i went with puppets! i definitely learned a lot, got frustrated a lot, but overall had a ton of fun. as shown by the photo though, i only got miles done on time, but madeline and edgar will be made! it’ll just take some time from now. the edgar used for this picture is the one i made for when i cosplay miles!

on july 20th, 1984, electric dreams was released to theaters. due to sudden executive concerns, the movie had to be pulled out of theaters only 2 weeks after its first run, but the movie still managed to survive through reairings, rentals, and cult followings (so if any EDheads wondered why it did so bad at the box office, that’s why, it got yoinked)

this movie… very funnily enough isn’t even my number 1 favorite movie (it’s in the top 3 though) but it IS the number 1 inspiration i have for a lot of what i create and do, its a really charming movie, and 80s as all hell. here’s to many more years of celebrating this piece of art :]

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