Sometimes I Wonder If My Life Is A Comedy - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Update! My legs are still sore, but I was able to walk and I didn't fall!!

However, many other things did go wrong:

1- I was almost given the wrong colour of scarf/hood thing compared to the rest of my class. Instead of grey, I was about to get bright yellow because they read the list wrong (being at the bottom of the register sucks)

2- My parents arrived far later than I did and I almost wasn't able to give them their tickets to get into the ceremony (they were not as stressed about this as I was)

3- Because of the numbering system, my seat was in a completely different row to the rest of my class, so I had to sit at the end of a row by myself beside a stranger (once again, end of the register sucks)

4- When they were bringing people up row by row, my class all got up to go on stage, but my row wasn't allowed to. I thought I wasn't going to go at the same time as my class :'( Thankfully they looked at me and went "oh that's your class" and told me to go

5- They pronounced my name wrong :'(. There are arguments about how to pronounce my actual name and it's become a joke in class now because one of my teachers kept calling me the wrong thing and then it happened again today ahaha

6- I didn't fall on the stage, but I may have sped walked across lol. My parents said it almost looked like I didn't shake the person's hand I was walking that fast (I don't see this as a problem though lol)

7- I almost fell asleep during the ceremony ahaha. It was so long and warm in the room and there was no one to talk to so I almost dozed of lol

Despite all of that it was nice. I can now say that I have a ✨Bachelor's degree with honours!!✨

So I'm graduating tomorrow and I'm starting to think that going to circuits tonight was not the best idea ahaha

I may not be able to walk tomorrow \(•⌓•)/

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