Sorcererspeaks - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

(Not including Change God because I have a feeling they would sweep LOL)

Also I'd really like to know when exactly you'd have the character swear it'll be funny as hell

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6 months ago

*looks at America* Hmmmmmmmmmmmm

consultantsorcerer - consultantSorcerer

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6 months ago

That's just what we want you to think

consultantsorcerer - consultantSorcerer
consultantsorcerer - consultantSorcerer

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6 months ago

Thank you, my dude, I will try and play during the weekend, plus thanks for the code


Local Gay Wizard Seer

idk who needs to hear this but wizard101 is having a free membership weekend. and also you can use the code SWEET16 on their website for a shitton of free gear and boosts and shit. hey now. youre a wizard. get ur game on. go play

Idk Who Needs To Hear This But Wizard101 Is Having A Free Membership Weekend. And Also You Can Use The

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6 months ago

Me when my OCs fight back (I am causing them to fight back)

You know when

You Know When

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6 months ago

Loop's finally had enough of Sif's bullshit

siffrin flaps their hands looking a bit manic as they say "loop! loop! I've finally figured it out!"
loop is sitting on the root of the favor tree, they have their head resting one one of their hands and the respond to siffrin with a irritated expression "have you now..." above them is text with an arrow pointing at them saying "The seventh time they've heard this"
siffrin has stretched out their arms on the side of them and says "I scale the house!"
loop now has their head in both their hands covering their eyes but their eyebrows are still exposed, they do not say anything "..."
loops brow furrows with their head still in their hands, they respond sharply to siffrin "What."
siffrin squints and slouches a bit with a smug little grin still on his face, he says "think about it! the king will never see it coming..."
sifffrin open his eyes wide again and straightens his posture "I'll be able to defeat him before he even realizes I'm there!"
loop now has there face resting on there hands but is now longer covering their eyes, they silently stare at siffrin with a slight hint of sympathy on there face
loop finally responds with one eyebrow now raised and asks "have you ever thought about telling your friends about the timeloop?"
siffrin closes their eye and waves loop off and says" pff- don't be silly loop! I can't do that!" loop squints their eyes and responds with a more exasperated expression and states firmly "I'm going to hit you"

@catflowerqueen’s siffrin scales a wall au

Idk if this is an actual au but I think it’s really funny

I imagine loop doesn’t take it well

I’m referring to this post specifically btw

If Siffrin could climb all the way up to the top of the Favor Tree for that Loop hangout, I fully believe they could also scale the House fr

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6 months ago

Consequences of a spell gone chaotic

Why are you lgbtq+? wrong answers only GO

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6 months ago

Goddamn, got his shit absolutely rocked



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6 months ago

Husk: Where are Charlie and Vaggie going

Angel: They're gonna test the strength of their room's floor

A Chaggie Moment During Reconstruction Of The Hotel
A Chaggie Moment During Reconstruction Of The Hotel
A Chaggie Moment During Reconstruction Of The Hotel
A Chaggie Moment During Reconstruction Of The Hotel

A Chaggie moment during reconstruction of the hotel 🏨🎀🌈💞

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6 months ago

Every discussion ends with "Fuck it, we ball"

Davepeta's Internal Council

davepeta's internal council

(submission i drew for dailydavepeta on twitter)

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6 months ago

Just doing the lord's work

consultantsorcerer - consultantSorcerer

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6 months ago

I mean, given that you just came out with a Amongussona, there certainly are more cringe things you could've done


Is it cringe to make dramatic artprompts about your trollsona as an adult on the year 2024?


That was a trick question.

CRINGE IS DEAD and art makes me ✨HAPPY✨



i'm attacking a very big tomato in this.

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6 months ago

Kinda similar to Tim Walz, who, on the surface, looks like the stereotypical old racist republican white guy, when really, he's actually a genuinely cool guy who cares for his family and community

Say what you will about Taylor Swift but being a blonde-haired southern country singer who looks like she popped out of a "tradwife" Instagram account while at the same time denouncing racist misogynistic right-wingers to her millions of fan is a power move.

Say What You Will About Taylor Swift But Being A Blonde-haired Southern Country Singer Who Looks Like

Reminds me of how Steve Roger was the physical ideal of the "ubermench" (buff, blue eyed, white, and blonde) but he punched Nazis in the face.

Say What You Will About Taylor Swift But Being A Blonde-haired Southern Country Singer Who Looks Like

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6 months ago

I think the best way I can describe this is 'liminal brand'

theres a popular brand in canada called no name brand and it manufactures everything you can imagine in a grocery store and it kind of makes me feel like im in a world no one bothered to do much world building for

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6 months ago

Stan: "Ford, Ford! What did we talk about? You can't change people's minds on the internet."


Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well
Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well

don't show him modern technology; it won't end well

bonus under the cut:

Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well
Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well
Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well
Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well
Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well
Don't Show Him Modern Technology; It Won't End Well

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6 months ago

Ahh yes, the Rhett and Link effect, Odile is around 6', but Euphrasie is somewhere around 7'6"

disregard my previous odasie art I realized that Euphrasie is like 10x taller than Odile im such a fake fan

Disregard My Previous Odasie Art I Realized That Euphrasie Is Like 10x Taller Than Odile Im Such A Fake
Disregard My Previous Odasie Art I Realized That Euphrasie Is Like 10x Taller Than Odile Im Such A Fake

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6 months ago

What's your favourite DnD Spellcaster class? (Only counting full spellcasters)


A Gay Wizard

a wizard??????? isnt that obvious???????

What's Your Favourite DnD Spellcaster Class? (Only Counting Full Spellcasters)

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6 months ago

And now, Alex is free, he's put there somewhere making old men yaoi and old woman yuri to his heart's content

Never forget that Alex Hirsch wanted to put grandma yuri in Gravity Falls and Disney forced him to take it out

Never Forget That Alex Hirsch Wanted To Put Grandma Yuri In Gravity Falls And Disney Forced Him To Take

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6 months ago

Damn, now I'm sad (in a good way)

consultantsorcerer - consultantSorcerer

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