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Children Of The Prophecy - pt. 1

Okay, so at the beginning I wanted to note that English is not my first language, so sorry for any misspellings or grammar. Also, I'm still figuring Tumblr out.

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Tw: TWs: death of a parent mention, fear of loved ones being taken away, kinda disturbing descriptions, negative headspace and thoughts, burning, threats, murder/injuring attempt

While the snowstorm was subsiding, it did not in fact make Jesse’s day better. 

She was curled up on the couch, bundled up in blankets and her partner, Vi’s, lap, trying and failing to not let the recent events get to her.

Being the one who found Élaine, she had to touch her mother’s corpse, call 112, give her statement to the police and notify her siblings. And all in the short interval of the last four days. 

And now, since her mother didn’t have any living relatives, and Jesse was legally an adult , she had to attend a court meeting to get her siblings’ custody rights transferred onto her.

Summarizing, the day was awful in every single of its many aspects.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” asked Vi, putting her hand on Jesse’s shoulder in a reassuring manner “This must be a lot”

Vivien Ember Duvau, to most known as just Vi, was a nineteen year old, icy-blue-eyed trans girl, and Jesse’s queerplatonic partner. She usually had her ashy blonde hair in a fishtail braid, with a bay leaf shaped hairpin holding half of her bangs from her face.

Jesse was quiet for a few seconds “yeah, it’s just..” her breath hitched “I have no idea what to do, y’know” she said, her voice shaky “everything just kinda collapsed. My mother’s dead, the twins are god knows where and might get taken away”

She leaned her head against Vi’s shoulder, cueing the latter to put her arms around her, which she did.

That was a month ago. Truly a disaster, if you ask me.

Well, at least one good thing came of that, and that is; Jesse V. Blackwood managed to win custody of her siblings

Which also meant that—unfortunately—she had to prepare lunch.

And truth be told she couldn’t cook, even if her life depended on it, which I suppose it did.

So after destroying two pans and almost burning the house down, trying to heat up some half dead omelet that Vi made, she had to admit defeat.

And thus she decided to order pizza. She bought two, one with salami and one hawaiian. She hated pineapple, especially on pizza, but oh well, the twins loved it. 

While the pizza was still not here she went to the living room, definitely not looking at the charred spot that was haphazardly covered with a rug. And absolutely not having her mother’s dead eyes staring at her very soul flash before her. She flinched, repeating a string of ‘shut up brain’s and keeping her eyes shut.

When she finally managed to collect herself she flopped down onto the couch, and reached for the TV remote, but it turned on by itself.

“What the hell…” she whispered, staring at the screen in confusion

It showed a soap opera, or, more accurately, a single scene replaying over and over.

She didn’t however get the chance to figure out what that meant, because the kitchen radio suddenly turned on, making her jump. 

The volume gradually increased and she felt herself start to shake. The radio would only be able to pick up on polish stations, and yet it spoke in english. It was a snippet of an interview with someone.

Jesse could feel the temperature drop, which was now at somewhere close to 10℃. Her breaths soon turned opaque, as she slowly descended into the bottomless pit of panic.

She grabbed the triquetra shaped necklace she always wore and clutched it desperately. She’d gotten it from her father, Antoni, back when he still loved her was there. 

“Whenever you feel scared,” he’d said back then, with a soft smile “just hold it and think of me”

Then, she saw a woman materialize in front of her. She had really pale skin, almost like a (pun intended) ghost, with raven black hair. She had very prominent bags under her pitch black eyes and was dressed in a simple white nightgown.

Along with her arrival, the main light started flickering.

Jesse wanted to sc— well, at this point her to-do list was horribly long and thus she did nothing, just staying frozen, staring in horror. 

The woman stared at her, before saying:

“It is really you” her voice was eerie, somewhat robotic and generally unsettling “She, of whom They speak”

Despite all that was currently happening, every ounce of fear Jesse had, seemed to disappear, leaving her to dumbfoundedness. 

“Wha..what are you doing in my house??” she asked, her mouth somehow not making any sound

Still, it didn’t bother the woman the least. She paid Jesse no mind and just kept talking

“I truly cannot fathom you exist” she said, her body still “The Daughter of A’graeth” a sinister smile ghosted on her thin, pale lips “As luck would have it, you’re all by yourself, dear. All the wardings are down…”

Jesse just stared

“Oh, and would you look at that” she teased “It seems that you have just lost your mother” 

“Get out of my head” whispered Jesse, her tone dripping with spite

She knew she should’ve been scared, there was a ghost in her living room for hell’s sake. 

And yet she couldn’t

Huh, that’s strange

“Oooh She speaks!” the ghost beamed, taking a step forward “Well, why don’t you tell me your name, dearie?”

Jesse slowly stood up and took a shaky step in the direction of the exit. “Why should I? You’re a ghost; it’s not like you can hurt me” right??

The ghostly woman just laughed. It was an awful sound, demonic almost. It made Jesse think of the way a serial killer might laugh while murdering their victim. Loud. Disturbing.

“Oh, sweety,” she didn’t stop laughing. “You poor child. You see, that would’ve been true, if you weren’t wrong about something else” Jesse paled significantly “Because I, my child, am not a ghost”

There was not enough time to react. Jesse bolted to the exit, but the woman was too fast. She lunged at her, pinning the girl to the wall.


Jesse tried to wiggle herself free, but the woman's grip was made of steel. There were small trails of smoke coming from where the woman’s claws fingers were touching Jesse’s black hoodie.

The woman raised her hand, her awfully long claws ready to lacerate the girl’s whatever vital point she had chosen, when she suddenly stilled, her hand frozen mid strike.

Jesse dared to look at the woman and, seeing her lips locked in a silent scream, slid to the ground. 

And luckily she did, because the next second the woman was engulfed in flames. 

They were so bright she was actually afraid they might permanently damage her eyes, and so she shut them, not looking at the horrible sight in front of her. She couldn’t move, as if her limbs were made of lead, and glued to the ground.

And at the exact moment, the front door opened.


Alright, so this is the first part of my Fic. Lemme know if there are any misspellings or stuff like that because splish splash my autocorrect is trash.

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