Paranormal - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Person A: Yeah, so ever since I moved to this old house many strange things happened. Sounds at night, weird fluids on the walls. But I'm no idiot to believe in ghosts. Maybe there are some mushrooms in there or wild animals live in the foundation. Anyway, are you enjoying your tea?

Person B watching as dishes float around the room: I don't think it's mushrooms.....

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7 years ago

Hey guys! Exciting news! A few months ago I self published my first book called Until the End! It is a short story about the dead and their intentions for the living. If any one is interested it can be found here –>

I hope that some one finds a little tad of enjoyment out of it! Thanks!

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9 months ago

So, the place I work at changed owners, hence my sudden rise in positions.

But in the beginning, the new owner had me fill out an eleven page packet, front to back, on getting to know me.

I looked at my coworkers and confidently said, “I’m gonna write about Bigfoot.”

And I was dead ass serious.

I wrote about Bigfoot, Ufology, paranormal investigating, conspiracy theories as well as other pseudosciences and my passion for writing. I also wrote about my enjoyment to become an actor, director, and create other projects. I wrote all of this partly because it’s all true and I hold dear but also because I half assed it. Thinking they would think it was ridiculous.

They approached me days later after I filled that thing front to back and told me how much they appreciated my authenticity.

So, long story short and the message of this story is to always write about Bigfoot.✨

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4 months ago
Happy Birthday To Our Special Little Demon.

Happy Birthday to our special little demon.

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5 years ago

Dinosaurs on the Brain

I have dinosaurs on the brain. That’s a bit silly, isn’t it? But I swear: I’ve dinosaurs on the brain. I can feel their breath, their movement when they pass by. I can hear their rumbling and chirping and crying and howling, feel their knightly armor or exotic feathery-tuft. I can sense their passage; swift and quick or slow and graceful.

At the library, on the way home, at the park, at the restaurant: I have dinosaurs on the brain. I can feel things like the unseen breeze. I watch them amble down packed highways, or stride along crowded beaches. Softball games dont phase them, cookouts neither. Graduations are just another boring shindig for the dinosaurs on their way. Hooting movie theaters dont scare them away either, not one bit.

So here I sit on my front porch under the summer night sky, beneath stars the dinosaurs wouldn’t recognize, in a neighborhood crowded with houses and metal stumps we funnily call cars. The dinosaurs don’t mind. Not at all. Their never-ending August goes on, gorgeous and unreachable, primeval paradise in all its savage, strange, stinging reality.

I’ve dinosaurs on the brain. Really, it’s true.

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5 years ago

What came before?

Do you ever wonder if strange things existed before humanity did?

Did dinosaurs look up into the sky and see UFOs; bizarre constellations of soundless, moving lights glinting, pulsing, throbbing? Did a lone Triceratops huffing and puffing it’s way through tangled, mossy Cretaceous undergrowth ever happen upon a sunny woodland clearing in the humid afternoon, and see through quiet, calm eyes a strange silvery creature on mechanical tripod legs? Did it’s snorting, three-horned and colorfully frilled face startle the small pilots who arrived on this foreign vessel?

Did cursed or haunted places exist? Did prehistoric life sense some places were touched by rot, by negative feelings which could turn the air dark, oppressive? Phantasmic possibilities and harmful predatory shadows that would dance and stalk angry twilights like the poltergeists and phantoms of today?

Were there ever any mysterious leviathans and behemoths, vast creatures with impossibly rare numbers, living in their hidden lairs, old as time?

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4 years ago

——/ malfunction

Q: specify

A: unauthorized symmetry firing/perimeters unsafe

/////— {X} Signature detected



{X} Signature overloading theomatrix substrate/containment procedure failing, ONYX-SECURITY SOLUTION: online

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4 years ago

Her eyes shine like predatory gaze, caught in the unflinching light. Terrifying. Beautiful.

Blood down her lips. Fresh, with the heat of life still so present it makes the winter air steam in small and frail ribbons. Frailer than the pumping, slowing heartbeat in the chest of her prey. Red-black splashed down her face, throat, breasts. Smeared elegantly.

Flexing fingers curled. Taloned. Dexterous in intimacy, fatal in killing: one united art from. She will not be conquered, or tamed. No mastery here in the wild, in the frightful dark under uncaring stars.

The eyes stare back. Cunning moons set in dark skin. Alien. Infinite.

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15 years ago

El Plan Q y el concepto de 'Conspiración'

Vía @mediotiempo me encontré con un artículo muy interesante (bueh, tomen en cuenta que tengo la manía de leer hasta la parte de abajo de las cajas de cereal) acerca del Plan Q, un proyecto deportivo que EEUU lleva gestando desde 1998 para ganar la Copa del Mundo FIFA.

Mientras leía la parte en la cual hablaban de los antecedentes, uno de esos pensamientos estúpidos de cada día vinieron a mi mente: ¿Qué tanto se necesita para que el Plan Q (o cualquier otro plan público de este tipo) sea llamado una conspiración en el sentido popular de la palabra?

Suena idiota, si, pero la Real Academia de la Lengua Española esta de mi lado. La definición de 'conspirar' de la RAE incluye las ambiguas interpretaciones "Concurrir a un mismo fin" y "Convocar, llamar alguien en su favor". Ambas se apegan a lo del Plan Q y a miles de cosas mas que se han hecho a la luz del día sin que nadie grite Iluminati o Gente Reptil al oirlas.

Sobra decir que a nivel mundial la palabra 'Conspiración' está entonces mas gastada que la palabra 'Rebelde' en México. No se trata de que no haya grupos que quieran obtener el poder, sino que existen mas conspiraciones fallidas de las que la definición popular de 'conspiración' nos hace creer. El mejor ejemplo de conspiración fallida que me viene a la cabeza es el Plan Q, obviamente ;)

También sobra decir que SI creo en las conspiraciones tanto al estilo RAE como al estilo popular. Y de todas las conspiraciones en las que creo, esta es la más convincente.

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