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8 months ago

BloodSun au

Ch.1 Blood

Sunny’s view 

Moon had made Lunar a new body, we had just gotten rid of Eclipse, and everything was great!

I was in my room resting, when I got this… craving.

It just came out of nowhere, a craving for blood… oil. I get out of bed, and I feel like I can hear a distant voice in my head.. maybe it’s side effects from getting rid of Eclipse? I’ll have to ask Moon.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear meowing. Looking down, I can see my cats, Midnight and Comet, rubbing against me.

“Are you hungry?” I ask the cats as I pick them up, “I’ll get you some cat food while I’m in the kitchen.” I place them on my bed as I leave my room.

Heading to the kitchen, I continue to hear the voices in my head, I mumble to myself, “Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Just ignore-“

“You ok Sun?”

I immediately snap out of it as I stare at Moon, who was looking back at me, slightly concerned and confused, with a bowl of nuts and bolts in his hand.

“Uhh… ya! I’m completely fine!” I lie as I look anywhere but him.

He could tell something was wrong, but said nothing. I walk over to a cabinet with the oil, grabbing some as I walk to a different cabinet with the cat food inside.

“Cat food?” Moon asks.

Shit, I forgot Moon has never met my cats. 

“Uh.. Lunar wanted… cat food… to try?” I poorly lie, again.

Moon sighs, then chuckles, “If you have a cat, that’s fine with me.”

“I have two!” I blurt out, then when I realize what I did, I rush out of the kitchen.

Moon just chuckles again, as he continues to eat.

Back in my room, I feed my cats, then chug down the oil. The craving was still there…

I suddenly feel tired, I look at my battery, full charge… well, maybe I could rest for a little bit…

Getting onto the bed, I feel my cats jump onto me and curl up, and like that, I fall asleep.

Waking up, I feel worse than before, but the voices were gone. My cats were in the corner, staring at me.

I look down at myself, and I see I’m covered in oil… is that red I see? Probably from my outfit. The oil… I probably spilled some while I was asleep. I look to my table and see the can was spilled.

Grabbing the can I throw it into the trashcan in my room. Then, I take my sheets and blanket, into the laundry room, as I grab a clean towel from a laundry basket. Cleaning myself from the oil, I get all the oil off. Putting the towel in with the sheets and blankets, I let the washing machine do its magic. After awhile, I take the sheets, blanket, and towel out and take a laundry basket.

I go into the castle above the ball pit in the daycare, sit on the couch and fold the laundry.

Moon comes in, gives me a weird look, then walks into his room.

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