Soundrod - Tumblr Posts
Hope you’re doing alright
Soundrod with a velcro bitty but its during the days of the wall being up.
Roddy has a velcro bitty that refuses to be put down and to make matters worse he’s sparked again.
He’s tired, sore and aching while helping rebuild their home and his bitty won’t give him a moments peace save for when Soundwave is able to take them.
He’s in the meeting with a bitty that slobbers on him and makes noises with a terrifying aura about him. He doesn’t feel the least bit odd since many of the other cons have their bitties with them too
His bitty clings to him as he works refusing to be put down. He'd been like this ever since he emerged only letting his parents hold him.
Since Soundwave was on the other side of the wall he couldn't give him their sparkling, which means he was stuck taking care of him.
Normally he wouldn't mind. He loved his bitty and wanted to spend all his time with him but today he had important work to do. They were going over some of the peace treaty which would lead Cybertron closer to reunification.
One day the wall would be down and when that happened he would find an apartment with Soundwave and the two of them would move in together. Their sparklings would have both their parents around instead of being passed back and forth.
He missed the Decepticon so much even if he was going to see him later. Ever since getting sparked again he'd been clingy. Which was embarrassing even if Soundwave didn't mind.
He didn't even know how he'd gotten sparked again. Between the treaty and his sparkling never wanting to be put down he didn't know how he found the time.
He knew when it happened of course he'd never forget that night. Soundwave had snuck over the wall to come see him and their bitty. The two of them had cuddled together like a family and their sparkling ended up falling asleep.
They'd carefully placed him in his crib and then went back to his room where they made love for the first time in a long time. It was something they'd both desperately needed but now he was sparked again.
His feet throbbed painfully at the reminder and he'd have Soundwave rub his feet later since they were always sore and swollen.
His sparkling shifted in his arms and he opened his chest recognizing the first signs of hunger.
He kept working while his bitty fed until he heard a knock on the door. Grabbing a blanket he covered his chest and called out.
"The doors open."
Soundwave walked inside and he smiled while their sparkling made a small noise of excitement at seeing his sire.
"It's just me you don't have to cover up."
"You just like looking at my pouches."
Even as he said that he took the blanket off.
"If you mean I enjoy watching you feed our sparkling and knowing that I have a wonderful carrier you would be correct."
He blushed and Soundwave kissed his cheek.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'll give you a massage later. Right now we have a meeting."
He nodded letting his bitty finish up before closing his chest plates.
"Okay I'm ready."
Their sparkling clung to him as he walked into the meeting room where other Autobots and Decepticons were holding their sparklings as well.
Soundwave sat next to him and kept a hand on his lower back as they started the meeting.
Hope you are better
You could continue the au where Roddy is a mer that his owners want him to have babies but they don't want it to be with a couple so Roddy stays beautiful and they can show him off.
It could be something like Roddy in the absence of his mate and the depression that caused him to start losing his colors because he got sick from loneliness and his owners first try to get him healed, but when he doesn't get better they throw him away. He should be rescued by an aquarium that has a sanctuary of mers that were in captivity. He may find friends there to help him, but whoever saved him (perhaps Ratchet or Perceptor) may look for his mate because he could inevitably die if he remains separated from Soundwave.
I love the drama and You have de touch to write it <3
His owners banged on the glass and he moaned feeling a headache form. His whole body hurt as he laid there wrapping his tail around himself.
He was exhausted and couldn't do anything except sleep. Outside his tank he could hear his master's talking obviously unhappy.
They couldn't shock him because they didn't want to risk the pups he was carrying. The thought made him unbearably sad and he felt like crying because he didn't have a mate.
He was all alone and he didn't want to be alone anymore he wanted his mate. He sobbed uncontrollably calling out for someone who couldn't answer.
Pharma ended up being called and roughly looked him over. Even though he was carrying pups he'd lost weight from not eating. His once vibrant colors were slowly turning gray as he refused to take care of himself. Unable to live without his mate.
Mers swam in pods because they were social creatures. When they mated with someone it was for life and if something happens to their mate they oftentimes don't survive.
Pharma looked irritated as he checked him over and then told his mater's the news. Neither of them looked happy and he found himself listening in.
The facility that was keeping his mate had been seized. The mers had been taken and Pharma couldn't get him.
When he heard this he sobbed and refused to do anything just wanting to die. He didn't care anymore and was tired of living. All he wanted was his mate and now he'd never get him.
His master's were angry by this change and no amount of banging on the glass or threatening could make him do anything.
They were disgusted by how he looked. Instead of the pretty multicolored mer they used to have. They now had a scraggly looking mess who was an ugly gray color.
Whenever they saw him they sneered obviously unhappy with his appearance and wanting Pharma to do something.
The doctor of course informed them there was nothing he could do. Without his mate he was going to die and they might as well get rid of him.
His master's decided to do exactly that and ended up dumping him somewhere. It was a shady facility where the water was always dirty and the mers were starved. None of them said anything too exhausted and sick all of them looking about ready to die with their dull colors.
Then one day police came and the mers were transported to different facilities. He didn't care and just laid there not doing anything as he was loaded up. He was so exhausted and he just wanted to die.
He was introduced to a man named Ratchet who looked him over. Unlike with Pharma his checkup didn't hurt.
When Ratchet realized he was sparked he looked worried and decided to closely monitor him. The facility he was inside was a lot nicer and he had more freedom. The people who worked there treated all of them with respect and no one ever hurt him.
Even though life was better he continued to lay on the floor refusing to move. He barely ate only eating when Ratchet made him as he waited to die. He wanted his mate so badly and he continued crying out for him.
Ratchet and some of the others tried asking questions. All of them thought his mate was dead until he informed them that they'd never even met. He didn't even know his mates name and the only thing he had to remember him by was his pups and his smell.
Even after everything he was determined to remember that much. Just in case they ever had the chance to meet. Even though he knew it was unlikely.
The workers at the facility though seemed determined to help him find his mate something that gave him hope and made him try to live. Which made Ratchet happy.
He didn't know how long they'd been trying to find his mate but he knew his pups would be coming soon. His instincts were telling him to prepare even if it felt wrong not having his mate with him.
He should be helping him set up his nest and get everything ready for their pups. Instead he was having to do it alone and it filled him with sadness.
The staff who worked at the facility couldn't help him because they were busy getting ready for a transfer.
He was a dangerous mer who's last chance at survival was this facility, otherwise he would have to be put down. He couldn't return to the ocean after what's been done to him but he was too violent to keep at a facility. He had hurt numerous people and mers who'd gotten too close and after severely injuring someone at the last facility he was transferred here.
Finishing with his nest he found himself watching as a truck pulled up. He wasn't really paying attention and was just listening to the staff talk amongst each other in the hopes of helping him feel less alone.
The door opened and there was a shout of alarm as a mer crawled out. He looked pissed and his fangs snapped at anyone who came too close.
He watched as the mer looked around the facility and the two of them made optic contact. He froze unable to move as the two stared at each other.
His optics widened when he recognized the smell and he found himself crying out for his mate. The mer must have also realized something because he dragged himself over. Both of them were calling to each other and if it wasn't for his belly getting in the way. He would have jumped out of the tank he was inside.
Soundwave rushed forward ignoring the facilities staff as he climbed into the tank with him. He could hear people frantically talking but he didn't care.
The two of them wrapped their arms and tails around each other and he cried in his arms. The mer touched a gentle hand on his belly looking shocked and happy when he realized he was sparked.
He cuddled against him never wanting to separate from him again.
"My names Hot Rod."
His mate pulled him closer and bit down on his neck to claim him. He shivered from the pain and then moaned when warmth flooded his body.
Soundwave's spike came out and he pressed it into his leaking slit causing him to gasp. He felt him slide all the way inside and it felt like coming home.
The two of them fragged for hours and only stopped when Soundwave ended up inducing labor.
Catformers where Roddi and Soundwave have to go home with Optimus after the trip to see Brainstorm. Perceptor is so sad when they have to leave, wanting to spend more time with his kitten, but is surprised when Brainstorm moves one day, needing to travel for his work. Percy is delighted to learn they're now neighbours with Hot Rod and Soundwave as they move in the same neighbourhood as the two. Percy and Hot Rod have a happy reunion and he's happy to see his grandkittens.
He meowed sadly already missing Hot Rod who'd just left that morning. He was grateful he got to see him again. Since he never thought that was possible and for a long time he didn't think he'd ever see him again. But he was also sad his kitten had to leave.
He'd grown so much since he'd last seen him and it felt like Hot Rod had grown up without him. He didn't want to miss his adult life as well.
He was sad for the next few weeks missing his kitten and wondering when he would visit again. Brainstorm had set up a video call so the two of them could see each other but it wasn't the same.
They talked all the time much to the amusement of Brainstorm who would sometimes watch. It was annoying and he'd sometimes swipe at him if he didn't leave.
Occasionally Soundwave would pop into frame and groom Hot Rod or snuggle against him. Occasionally he'd do it because he knew he couldn't stop him. He still didn't see what Hot Rod saw in Soundwave. He was rude and seemed like he belonged for the streets.
Hot Rod always reassured him that Soundwave was nice and that you just needed to get to know him. It was hard to believe him when he was in the background terrorizing Optimus by sticking his paw into his drink or jumping at him and scaring the man.
He tried not to get too involved in his relationship even if he did worry. From what he could tell Soundwave at least loved his kitten a lot and took care of him.
Although maybe he loved him a little too much considering Hot Rod was now sparked. When he first heard the news he thought he'd pass out he'd been so shocked. He'd just reunited with his kitten and now he was sparked.
Hot Rod seemed overjoyed even if he was sad he couldn't be there for him. He was also sad but surprised when Soundwave told him that he'd look after Hot Rod.
Even though he was happy and excited to be a grand carrier he was also upset that he couldn't be there for his kitten. Even though he didn't want to he was now missing out on more of his milestones and he wished they could visit him soon.
He'd been sad for a while wishing he could see his kitten when Brainstorm surprised him with some exciting news. He'd gotten a job in the same city that Hot Rod lived and they were moving.
He'd also bought the apartment next to Optimus which means he could see his kitten all the time and take care of him while he was sparked. He could also help him with his grandkittens and spoil the little one's.
When he told Hot Rod the news he'd been overjoyed. While Soundwave seemed less enthused about him living next door. He promised not to get too involved in their relationship.
Even though he didn't like it his kitten was an adult and could make his own choices.
After that the next few weeks seemed to blur together as they got ready to move. The entire time he was counting down the days and ignoring Brainstorm who was constantly complaining about how hard it was to move.
He couldn't wait to see his kitten and after what felt like forever they'd finally arrived. The moment Optimus opened the door he ran inside and went to greet his kitten who was happy to see him.
A Soundrod Royalty AU
Rodimus is a prince and Soundwave is a knight and his personal body guard.
At first Soundwave and Rodimus where just amical, they met before mostly just passing each other in the many hallways but never really speaking until now. They spend each moment each other just simply spending hours in the garden enjoying the crystal flower or spending a slow evening in the library reading their favourite books and scrolls. Soon Soundwave finds himself falling for the young prince and he wants nothing more than to be by Rodimus side and protect him.
However one day the Lord of the palace and Rodimus's sire asks for his son and they enter a small study. There Rodimus's sire is standing speaking with a unfamiliar mech who looks well kept but their EM field oozes with a snobbish, spoiled and pompous personality one that makes Soundwave tighten his grip on his seethed sword. With a wide smile the Lord introduces the mech to Rodimus and tells him that this is the mech he will be bonded and conjunxed too Rodimus meanwhile gives a fake smile while his conjunx to be grabs his servo only to place a kiss on top of it, it makes Soundwave's spark swell with jealousy.
Later that night Rodimus is quietly sitting on the edge of his berth with his arms tightly wrapped around his frame. He doesn't want to be bonded to someone he doesn't love but he has no choice as long as he is a prince and stays in this palace. Just then Soundwave knocks on the door before stepping inside before slowly walking over to the prince before kneeling. Confused Rodimus asks what Soundwave is doing only to gasp in shock when the knight gently grabs his servo only to place a soft kiss on-top, before confessing everything to Rodimus and how he loves him and wishes that he was the one being conjunxed to the prince not that snobbish fool. Stunned and feeling his face grow warm Rodimus flicks his spoiler before leaping into the knight's arms while he gives his own confession through tears all the while they both hold each other tightly not wanting to let each other go. Soundwave has a plan where they can go somewhere safe all he needs is time and a favour from an old friend.
Constantly dealing with the weight of his sires pressure and the expectation that have been placed on his shoulders since birth. He didn't have a lot of time to socialize with those around him.
Then one day that all changed. It was late and he was studying because his sire would be quizzing him tomorrow and he could not fail.
He'd been exhausted and wanted nothing more than to sleep. Suddenly the window near his bed was broken as someone climbed inside.
He stood up in surprise and rushed to the door only to be grabbed painfully by the spoiler. He struggled and his captor squeezed causing him to wince.
His spark was racing as he tried to figure out how he was going to get away. When one of his guards rushed inside.
His captor held a knife to his throat threatening to kill him if the guard came any closer. However the guard was smart and found a way to free him from his captors grip.
"Get behind me."
The guard attacked his captor and he watched as the two fought with the guard quickly winning.
"Are you okay?"
He stared at the guard in shock because that was the first time anyone had ever asked him that. He nodded and the guard looked around his room which was now a mess.
"You'll stay with me tonight so I can watch over you in case anyone else attacks."
He grabbed a few things including his books worried his sire would be mad if he didn't grab them and followed the guard to his room.
It was a small room with barely anything inside and the guard took a seat in the only chair.
"Get some rest."
He set his belongings down on the desk and decided to comply. He was exhausted and a little nervous as well. The guard who saved him earlier watched over him as he slept and in the morning he explained what happened to his sire. Who seemed more annoyed than upset.
To his surprise the guard continued checking up on him and making sure he was okay and he gave him a thank you gift in return for saving him.
After that the two became close friends and for the first time in his life he had someone to talk to.
They'd spend hours in the gardens walking around and admiring the lush crystal gardens.
Later in the evening the two of them could be found tucked away in a hidden area Rodimus had found when he was young. The two of them would be cuddled together as they talked making sure to keep their voices down.
Sometimes the two would read to each other and Rodimus always found himself falling asleep in Soundwave's arms listening as he read his favorite books to him.
As the two became closer feelings began to develop. Neither said anything in fear of what the other would think but both knew that as long as the other was by their side it didn't matter.
After Rodimus had fallen asleep against him he carefully took the prince back to his room. Laying him on his bed he admired the beautiful prince and promised to always protect him. Wanting to be by his side forever.
The two had been walking in the crystal gardens escaping his tutors when he'd been found. He thought they'd make him get back to work only to be surprised when his sire called for him.
He gave Soundwave a nervous look and the guard followed behind him keeping watch in order to make sure he was okay. The two of them walked into his sire's study where he was shaking hands with an unfamiliar mech.
He frowned wondering who he was and already Disliking the man. Although he was well kept and took a lot of time to groom himself. He had a snobbish air to him that set him on edge and he hated the way he looked at Rodimus, as though he was something to be owned.
When the man came closer he barely resisted stepping in front of Rodimus to block his path. The spoiled man seemed to be ignorant of the tension his presence brought.
Rodimus was looking at his sire curious and wanting to know why he was there. He placed his hands on his weapons ready to dispose of the man at any moment. The entire time he was on edge wanting him far away from Rodimus.
Rodimus sire didn't seem to notice as he pushed Rodimus closer, announcing that this spoiled idiot was going to be his new bond mate. Immediately he tensed and Rodimus looked at his sire in horror. While the man started bragging about how lucky he was.
Looking at Rodimus he didn't look very lucky and instead looked about ready to cry as his future was planned out before him and he wasn't given any say.
Not wanting to anger his sire Rodimus gave the man a fake smile as he kept bragging about how great he was.
The man grabbed Rodimus hand who jerked back slightly as he kissed it. He felt a possessive rage fill him and fantasized about all the ways he was going to kill the man.
He watched filled with jealousy as the man continued holding Rodimus hand and talking about their bonding ceremony. Something he'd always wanted to do with Rodimus even though he knew it would never be possible.
Later that night he goes to Rodimus room and finds him sitting on his bed staring blankly at the wall. While his arms were wrapped around himself in a hug.
He kneels in front of him and takes his hand kissing them both and causing Rodimus to gasp as he finally looks down at him.
Unable to take it anymore he confesses telling Rodimus that he loves him and wants to be with him forever.
"I wish it was me conjunxing you and not that snobbish fool."
Rodimus looks at him in shock and he can see a faint blue blush dust his cheeks as he looks down at him. His spoiler flaps behind him and that's the only warning he gets before Rodimus jumps into his lap.
The two clung to each other and Rodimus cries as he confesses as well. Telling him how much he loved him and that he wanted to be with him.
He pressed their foreheads together promising to get him out. He had a plan and would take them both somewhere safe but first he needed to get in contact with an old friend.
part 3 of hidden frame au? rodimus and perceptor leave behind the lost light and travel through the stars, trying to find a safe place to stay. during their journey they come across soundwave, out on a personal vacation from earth and sanctuary, and he offers to help them out.
soundwave is outraged over how rodimus has been treated for simply carrying life, which he finds beautiful, and he does what he can to help them find a new place to call home. over time rodimus and soundwave fall in love, with soundwave offering to be the sire so the bitty has a complete family.
They didn't realize at the time both of them relieved they'd managed to escape. But now warnings were popping up all over the place.
"What's happening?"
The ship shuddered making a loud screeching sound and Perceptor turned to him.
"Go to the stasis chambers!"
"What about you?"
"I'll be fine I'm going to try and land our ship."
"Then I'm staying."
He went to sit next to Perceptor, almost falling when the ship jerked again.
"No. You're sparked. If we crash you'll be safer in a stasis chamber then out here."
"Then you should come with me."
"Someone needs to land the ship."
"Then I'm staying."
"Rodimus you are sparked which means you need to think about the sparkling. Just like how I'm thinking about you."
He felt tears in his optics knowing he was right. With a hand on his belly he forced himself towards the stasis pods.
Climbing inside he felt it activate just as they entered atmosphere.
Soundwave who'd been in the area enjoying his desperately needed vacation noticed something strange. He watched as a ship fell from the sky and crashed into a nearby field.
He ran over when he realized it was Cybertronian in design. The door was jammed shut and he had to force it open. Once inside he went to the pilots seat where he found a familiar Autobot.
Perceptor laid across the console and was unconscious but mostly okay. He went to pull him out of the wreck when he smelled something that made him tense.
His head snapped over and he found himself following the scent. His spark beat rapidly in his chest because someone on the ship was sparked and he could only hope they were okay.
He followed the smell to a room that had stasis pods inside. Looking around he found Rodimus inside one and unconscious. His optics widened in shock when he realized he was a tank carrier because he thought they'd been exterminated a long time ago. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen one and when he did they were being executed.
He tried to open the stasis pod and found that it was jammed. Unable to open automatically he had to force it open.
Rodimus fell forward and he easily caught him and checked for damages. Relieved when he was mostly unharmed except for a few dents and scraped paint. He searched the rest of the ship and didn't find anyone else.
Realizing there was no sire onboard he felt angry when he realized they'd likely abandoned him. He thought it was disgusting that someone could abandon their mate and sparkling.
He took Rodimus and Perceptor to his ship. Deciding to end his vacation early and go back home, so the two could get proper medical attention.
Noticing Perceptor waking up. He turned towards the scientist who glared at him while trying to protect Rodimus.
"I'm not going to hurt either of you."
He reassured.
"Where are we?"
"You two crash landed nearby. I found you and I'm bringing you somewhere where you can get proper medical care."
"We're fine."
Perceptor tried to grab Rodimus and he stopped him.
"No you're not and Rodimus is sparked. He and the sparkling need to be looked at."
Perceptor tensed looking nervous and he had a sinking suspicion on why their ship crashed.
"I won't hurt him I promise."
Perceptor gave him a skeptical look but so far he hasn't done anything to hurt them.
"You'll be safe at the compound."
"We're Autobots and your compound is full of Decepticons."
"Autobots have joined us. You are not the only ones who have been dissatisfied on Cybertron."
He could see the Autobot give him a surprised look before he quickly tried to hide it.
"Fine but I'll be watching you and the moment something goes wrong we're out of there."
"Of course."
Perceptor got up and went to check on Rodimus while he took the ship back to the compound he led. When they got there some of his high command gave him curious looks.
"Back from your vacation already?"
"You're supposed to be gone longer."
One of them accused.
"You need a break Soundwave you know what the medic said."
"There was an emergency. I found a crashed ship with two Autobots one of them is sparked."
Immediately everyone snapped into action and a medic was called. They took Rodimus and Perceptor to the medbay where they were both looked over.
Rodimus was fine. His body was still unconscious from the stasis pod. Which had knocked him deeper unconscious when the ship crashed to protect him.
Perceptor was fine besides his arm being injured and hovered around Rodimus, waiting for him to wake up and wearily watching the people around him.
It was obvious to everyone what happened and they gave the two of them space.
He stayed as well watching over the two of them and making sure they were safe. He knew no one would hurt them but he just wanted to make sure.
Inside he was fuming with rage and if he ever met the sires he'd punch them in the face and then attack the rest of the Lost Light. He knew Megatron had fallen but he didn't realize how far.
Staying hidden in the shadows he continued watching the two mechs waiting for Rodimus to wake up. Watching him sleep he decided to help Rodimus anyway he could.
Rodimus and his sparkling would be safe there. He would do everything in his power to make sure they felt safe and welcomed. He didn't deserve to go through this and he never wanted him to experience the pain his crew and the sires of his sparkling put him through ever again.
Soundwave noticing Rodimus yawns more and recharges more often. He has less energy and sleeps in longer.
Soundwave is the first to notice and soon Drift is asking Rodimus whats wrong when he shows up to their hab after Rodimus is late to their amica bonding time.
Soundwave pieces it together when Rodimus rubs his tanks that’ve grown quite a bit
"Are you feeling alright?"
Rodimus looked up giving his mate a confused look.
"I feel fine. Why are you asking?"
"You seem tired lately."
He shrugged leaning against Soundwave as he looked over a datapad.
"After you finish this why don't you get some rest?"
Roddy nodded yawning as he finished the report he was working on and went to bed without complaint.
Soundwave thought that was the end of it. Except Rodimus looked as though he barely slept. Even though He'd just taken a nap. He was still tired and kept yawning as he moved around the kitchen.
He watched confused when Rodimus didn't pick his usual blend and instead chose his energon instead. Which Rodimus had told him in the past tasted terrible.
He was about to question him about it when Rodimus looked at the time. His optics widened as he panicked a little.
"I overslept and now I'm late."
He dashed out of their room barely able to say goodbye as he went to see his Amica for their usual movie night.
He tried dismissing the thought that something was wrong. He was being paranoid and Rodimus was fine. He probably had trouble sleeping or something.
Even as he thought that. He sent a quick message to Drift asking him to keep an optic out for his Conjunx.
He decided to clean up their apartment while he waited for Rodimus wondering if he was stressed and that's why he was so tired.
He thought about having them take a much needed vacation and began looking at a time when they could take a week off.
He was distracted by Drift sending him a message asking why Rodimus was so tired. He told him that he's been unusually tired for a while now and that he took a nap earlier that day.
Now that Drift was noticing it as well. He was sure something was wrong and thought about having Rodimus see Ratchet.
Rodimus ended up coming home a lot earlier than usual and looked drained. He'd immediately climbed into bed and fallen asleep.
He tried sleeping as well but he couldn't. Every time he tried he'd have nightmares about something being wrong with Rodimus.
He laid in bed watching Rodimus sleep and trying to reassure himself that he was mostly fine.
He wrapped his arms around Rodimus and pulled him closer. His hands brushed against his middle section and that's when he felt it. He froze looking at Rodimus in shock when he realized what was happening.
He kissed the back of his head and pulled him closer. Even though he was excited and wanted to ask Rodimus about it he didn't want to wake him especially when he needed the rest.
He forced himself to fall asleep planning on asking Rodimus about it first thing in the morning.
Okay, sue me
Please give us a third part to hot rod being ratbats caregiver and he’s taken by autobots while sparked
The Autobots forced them off the transport and led them inside where they were placed inside a prison cell.
Around him people cried for their loved ones who'd been killed and their freedom which had been taken from them. No one knew what was going to happen next, if the Autobots were going to execute them for their perceived betrayal or if they'd be forced to join.
The entire time he barely resisted putting a hand on his belly wanting to reassure himself that his little one was safe. He should have never left Soundwave and the Decepticons. Even if they were in the middle of a war, he would have been safe with them.
He didn't know how long they sat there until the Autobots came back.
"We will forget your treasonous actions if you join us."
"And if we don't?"
Someone dared to ask and one of the Autobots shot them.
"You'll be executed as punishment."
He shivered wrapping his arms around himself as though he could protect his sparkling. Those who remained were split up into groups and assigned jobs.
His job was working in the boiler room and was very labor intensive. He worked long hours and only got to sleep for a few hours before they were forced back to work. Rations were very small and he found himself constantly worried that he was going to lose his sparkling because of the stress he was under.
He found himself feeling sick all the time but he was still forced to work. Since he wasn't eating much his belly didn't show, which was a good thing because he didn't want them to know he was sparked.
Although the labor he was doing now was hard. What they'd force him to do if they knew he was sparked would be much worse.
He tried coming up with a few plans to escape knowing he was on borrowed time. It wouldn't be long before he started to show and the Autobots realized he was sparked.
He wished there was some kind of way he could send Soundwave a message. Although he doubted Soundwave would want to hear from him after he left him.
Soundwave had been looking all over for Hot Rod and had been a mess ever since he left him. He'd reread the letter repeatedly always wondering what he did wrong. Not understanding why Hot Rod had to leave. Everyone had been walking on eggshells around him worried he'd snap at any moment.
He'd been staring blankly at one of his reports when Ravage had walked in with urgent news.
"I found Hot Rod."
He found himself sitting up before he even realized it.
"He's been captured by the Autobots."
Ravage showed him the footage and he watched as Hot Rod was forced to work in the boiler room. His feet were chained to the ground in order to stop him from escaping. He looked tired and his paint beautiful was now dull and chipped.
Nearby an Autobot barked orders at him and he flinched away. He watched angrily as the Autobots were working him to his death.
"How did this happen?"
"Hot Rod was about to leave Cybertron when the Autobots had stopped everyone from leaving. They'd accused them of treason and taken them back to their base."
"Typical Autobots acting as though they owned all of Cybertron."
He continued looking at the footage giving Hot Rod a worried look. Even though he'd left him he still loved him and he wouldn't let him remain in Autobot custody any longer.
Hopefully after he'd rescued him Hot Rod would give him an explanation on why he left and maybe they could even work things out.
"We need to rescue him."
"We're ready to go."
He looked at Ravage in surprise and he shrugged.
"We already knew what you were going to say."
He followed Ravage out of his office and to the hanger where others were waiting. Megatron had gathered them in order to attack the Autobot base.
"Good luck getting Hot Rod back."
He nodded and together the Decepticons marched towards the Autobots base. All of them filled with anger at the idea of Autobots kidnapping civilians and forcing them to work for them.
He stormed the base in a rage desperately searching for Hot Rod. Ravage led him to the prisons where he was sitting on the floor. He barely noticed him when he walked in and it wasn't until he said something that Hot Rod looked up.
"Are you real?"
He nodded and hacked open the door. Stepping inside he walked to Hot Rod who stood on shakey legs looking about ready to collapse.
"I'm so sorry Soundwave I should have never left."
Hot Rod gave him a sad look as he wrapped his arms around himself and he desperately wanted to take him back to the Decepticon base and keep him by his side forever.
"I was so worried about our sparkling growing up in this war and I thought leaving would have been the best option."
He looked at Hot Rod in surprise just as he collapsed from exhaustion. He easily caught him giving him a worried look.
Ravage and the others freed the other prisoners while he took Hot Rod to the medbay. He sat by his side while the medics worked the entire time trying to process the fact Hot Rod was sparked.
Rodimus who often uses sign to communicate to his little brother bee who is mute and his own Carrier ( Optimus is Bee’s carrier ) Perceptor who is partially deaf.
He signs so often he forgets to talk and thats why Soundwave didn’t know Rodimus could talk
With the war going on their numbers had gotten worryingly low to the point Megatron and Optimus decided to end the war. If they didn't stop their species would go extinct.
With the peace treaty signed people were being encouraged to sign up for the matchmaker. It was a lot like human dating sights. Where you'd match people and if you were interested in them you'd start talking to them.
He'd just started the sign in process wanting to do his part. When he heard a group of Autobots and Decepticons near him talking loudly about the matchmaker.
They'd already signed up for it and were now swiping on different people. One of them had come across Rodimus and immediately showed the others making disparaging comments about him.
Since most injuries and sicknesses could be healed. People looked down on those who couldn't be healed. They were oftentimes seen as damaged and some people think they should die because they were considered useless.
It wasn't true at all and Rodimus was far from useless. But that didn't stop them from making noises of disgust.
"Imagine having to constantly sign for him."
"I know. It would be so annoying having to constantly deal with him all because he can't speak. It's so pathetic."
"I don't know why they're allowing him to sign up. Cyberton doesn't need anymore broken bots. Those with disabilities shouldn't be allowed to have sparklings."
His engine reved and he glared at the people who were talking about Rodimus. They all jumped out of their seats and quickly ran away in fear.
He vowed to punish them later as he finished signing in. Part of him had been hoping Rodimus would sign up for the matchmaker.
If he was going to mate with anyone he wanted it to be Rodimus. His resilience and bravery had always attracted his attention ever since they first met. When Rodimus had been forced to destroy his home. It had been tragic but Rodimus had inspired him to work harder in the hopes that no one had to suffer what he did.
Even though Rodimus had lost everything that day he never gave up and continued fighting for what he believed in.
He'd learn Cybertronian sign language just for Rodimus wanting to have conversations with him. Throughout the war he'd watched him in secret sometimes stopping Decepticons from offlining him.
Even though they were on different sides he respected Rodimus a lot and after he saved one of his cassetticons, he'd found himself falling in love with him.
Even though he knew sign language he never had the chance to speak with him. Sometimes because he was too nervous or other times because something else came up.
After scrolling through the matchmaker for a little while he found Rodimus account and sent him a message.
It wasn't long before he got a response and the two began talking all the time. Even though they knew who it was. Talking behind a screen felt so much easier and he was learning so much. Rodimus was so much more than he could have imagined and he found himself looking forward to seeing him in person.
They ended up meeting up at Maccadams and he was about to sign hello when Rodimus spoke. He stared at him in surprise and wondered if something was wrong with his audials when Rodimus spoke again.
"Are you okay?"
He nodded trying not to stare at him in shock.
"I didn't know you could speak "
Rodimus blushed when he realized what he was talking about.
"Oh... I'm so used to signing sometimes I forget to speak."
"You have a wonderful voice."
Rodimus then gave him a confused look.
"If you thought I couldn't speak. Why did you agree to this date?"
This time it was his turn to look embarrassed as he sheepishly admitted to learning sign language so he could speak to him.
Rodimus looked at him in shock and looked about ready to cry. Panicking he tried to reassure him not sure what he was supposed to say.
"That is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I can't believe you learned sign language because you thought I couldn't speak."
He shrugged feeling embarrassed.
"Well you're pretty special and I wanted to get to know you."
Rodimus beamed and the two of them went inside where they continued their date which was a big success. The two of them continued going on dates for a while until they were ready to make it official and it wasn't long before the two of them were bonded with a sparkling on the way.
Your writing is so lovely, ahhhh.
Can you imagine a scenario where Ratbat gets attached to Hot Rod after he's saved by him one day? He actively looks for Hot Rod during battle and Hot Rod panics when he sees a sparkling out on the battlefield so he does what he can to protect Ratbat.
Soundwave sees this and takes Hot Rod back to Decepticon base, thinking this is the best way to keep Ratbat from slipping out but whoops! Soundwave fell in love with how doting and kind Hot Rod is to his cassette, despite being the enemy.
Bombs dropped around him and he dove for cover. Curling into a ball he hid inside one of the many abandoned buildings waiting for the bombers to leave.
He didn't know how long it had been but he'd just stood up when he heard a sparkling cry. At first he thought he was hearing things until he heard it again.
He looked around in shock wondering what a sparkling was doing in a place like that.
He frantically looked around calling for the little one and following his cries. He frantically dug through the rubble and pulled out a little sparkling that looked like a bat.
He cradled the little one in his arms and looked around for some kind of creator. When he didn't find one he decided to take the little one with him, refusing to leave him there any longer. It wasn't safe for a sparkling and he'd never survive on his own.
He didn't even make it out of the city before Soundwave grabbed him. He struggled against him doing his best to protect the sparkling as he fought the Decepticons third in command. The entire time his spark was racing wondering what he was doing all the way out there.
The sparkling cried out for his sire and he gave him a confused look when Soundwave snatched him away with a growl.
He turned around ready to attack the Decepticon and protect the sparkling with his life when he saw the sparkling cuddled against Soundwave chirping warmly.
Soundwave glared at him pulling the sparkling closer and he glared back.
"Why did you leave this sparkling in the middle of a war zone he could have been killed?"
He hissed and Soundwave growled clenching his hand into a fist.
"Don't you dare act all high and mighty Autobot. Not when you kidnapped my sparkling and put him there."
"I didn't do anything. I'm the one who found him abandoned in those ruins which your people were dropping bombs on."
Soundwave seemed annoyed and Ratbat chirped cutely drawing both their attention. The little sparkling managed to slip out of Soundwave's hold and fly over to him. He pet the sparkling and carefully held him while Soundwave watched.
"Ratbat return we must leave immediately."
Ratbat hugged him and then flew back to Soundwave who turned away from him.
"Since you rescued my sparkling and I know you didn't take him I'll let you go this once."
With that Soundwave transformed and took off leaving him alone. He sighed and walked back to Autobot base the entire time thinking about Ratbat. Even though he'd only known him for a short while he already missed him. He was also thinking about the Autobots who took Ratbat and if Soundwave was telling the truth he was going to get to the bottom of it.
It wasn't until months later that he saw Ratbat again. They were in the middle of a battle when he heard a familiar sound.
He looks over and found Ratbat flying towards him. Someone tried to shoot the little sparkling and he stopped them without thinking.
Rushing to the sparkling he pulled him into his arms. His spark was racing as the little sparkling looked up at him with big trusting optics. Around him the war raged on and he held Ratbat close so he could protect him.
It was too dangerous for a sparkling to be in the middle of a battlefield and he looked around searching for Soundwave wondering where he was.
Ratbat clung to him as he looked for his sire trying to return the missing sparkling worried he'd get hurt.
He ended up running into Soundwave who nearly sound blasted him in a rage, until he noticed Ratbat. He looked at the sparkling in shock who snuggled against him looking happy despite the circumstances.
"Lost something?"
"Where did you find him?"
Soundwave snapped and he glared.
"I found him wandering around the middle of a battlefield all alone. Why is he out here it's no place for a sparkling?"
"He's been escaping recently."
"He's been looking for something which has been you apparently."
An explosion went off nearby and Soundwave pulled him closer shielding the both of them. Ratbat made a sound of alarm and he quietly soothed the sparkling.
He heard Megatron call retreat and he went to return Ratbat when Soundwave grabbed him.
"What are you doing?"
He looked at him in surprise.
"Ratbat seems to like you and you obviously like him."
He struggled in his arms trying to get away.
"Doesn't mean I want you to kidnap me."
"Ratbat will keep escaping in order to find you and this time we got lucky but next time we might not. If this is the best way to keep him out of harm then so be it."
Soundwave knocked him out before he could argue against kidnapping him and he was taken to the Decepticons base.
can we get part two of soundwave kidnapping Hotrod to make ratbat happy?
When he woke up he found himself chained to a bed with Soundwave nearby. He glared at the Decepticon demanding he release him.
"No. Ratbat wants to keep you and I can't have you wandering around the Decepticons base."
He glared and struggled to get out of his hand cuffs.
"I'm an Autobot and shouldn't be here."
"You're Ratbats caretaker now."
Soundwave opened his chest plating and Ratbat flew out. The sparkling chirped happily and cuddled against his chest for warmth.
He glared at Soundwave who was watching the two of them.
"I'm not staying."
"Yes you are. Now be a good little carrier and let your coding activate."
He looked at him in surprise because no one was supposed to know that. He then noticed a warning telling him that his coding was starting to activate. Panicking he gave Soundwave an accusing look.
"You did this to me."
"I didn't do anything. Your body has already decided that it's Ratbats caretaker."
The sparkling nuzzled against him and he could feel his coding desperately trying to activate. It was embarrassing because he didn't want anyone to know and because his chest plates were trying to open.
He glared at Soundwave refusing to back down.
"I'm not going to join your cause."
"You don't have to. All you have to do is take care of my cassettes."
"Why? Because you can't take care of them yourself. Especially Ratbat who you let wander around the middle of battlefields almost getting hurt."
Soundwave glared and his engine growled clearly unhappy with his words. He would have been pleased if Ratbat hadn't interrupted them.
He'd been nuzzling at his chest plates this entire time but now he was chirping hungrily.
He glanced down at the little cassette and then back at Soundwave.
"I can't feed him like this. Do you have a bottle or something?"
Soundwave immediately gave Ratbat a guilty look.
"We're out of sparkling energon."
"We've been trying to ration it as we look for more but there isn't more. Sparkling energon isn't a priority and the ones we have found have been poisoned."
He stared at Soundwave in shock having no idea. Now that he was really looking at him he could see how exhausted he was. He'd been desperately searching for sparkling energon while having to watch his bitty constantly worried he wouldn't be able to feed him.
Soundwave almost looked ready to cry as Ratbat kept chirping hungrily. He shifted in discomfort having no idea what to say or do.
He had no idea sparkling energon was in short supply or that people were poisoning it. He didn't even know what kind of a monster would do that.
Ratbat made a strange noise that made Soundwave tense worried for his sparkling. He looked down in confusion feeling his chest plates suddenly open much to his shock.
Looking down his once empty pouches were now filled with energon and he stared at them while Ratbat eagerly latched on.
He glanced back at Soundwave feeling embarrassed as his pouches were suddenly exposed. He had tears in his optics and Soundwave sensing his distress covered him with a blanket.
He then crouched down surprising him even more when he pleaded with him to help.
"Please Hot Rod we need you. Ratbat will die if he doesn't eat."
He looked down at the sparkling who was hidden by the blanket and then back at Soundwave. He felt horribly conflicted because he wasn't a Decepticon and didn't want to stay there for who knows how long chained to his bed but he also couldn't let an innocent sparkling suffer.
"Fine I'll stay."
"Thank you."
Soundwave sighed in relief giving him a grateful look.
"Let me get you some energon so you can refill as well."
Soundwave left the room and he watched him go. Surprised by how expressive Soundwave could be and that he didn't know the Decepticon at all. Just like his teammates they all saw him a certain way and now he's realizing how wrong they've been.
Late happy birthday greetings, Ocean! Hope you had a good celebration and got to enjoy yourself. Wanted to share this Soundrod scenario with you as my gift:
Nyon's insurgency against Sentinel Prime's government is an open secret at this point and it makes sense to the Decepticons to recruit some of their members to their cause. The insurgents are already trained in urban warfare and combat, making them valuable additions to their cause.
Soundwave is assigned a scouting + vetting mission to look for the insurgents’ best and brightest, and that’s how he comes across Hot Rod, a beloved scout for the insurgency and one of the most beautiful mechs Soundwave has ever seen. It isn’t long before he’s trying to recruit Hot Rod to the Decepticon Cause and during their long discussions, they end up falling into berth and having amazing interface with each other.
Sadly, the next day Soundwave is suddenly recalled from Nyon to help Megatron in an attack against Autobots so he has to leave, not even having enough time to tell Hot Rod what’s happening or leave his .comm to his dismay. Hot Rod is never far from Soundwave’s mind and when he hears Nyon has burned to the ground? He mourns Hot Rod, almost like he’s his Conjunx.
Time passes and Soundwave gets the shock of his life when he’s in a neutral city and bumps into Hot Rod — Who is carrying a bitlet who takes after him in appearance, basically a little mini version of him if not for the blue optics the bitty inherited from Hot Rod. Turns out, Hot Rod was sparked up by Soundwave and is now raising the bitty all by his lonesome, beliving he was ditched by Soundwave so he’s relunctant to trust Soundwave’s apologies even if Soundwave promises to look after the two of them and make things right.
He paused. Glancing at his leader who walked over handing him a datapad.
"I have a mission for you."
He looked at the datapad reading about Nyonian rebels stopping Sentinels mechs from destroying a hospital, that helped mechs from all stations.
"I want you to go there and recruit some of those rebels. They would be a valuable asset to the Decepticons."
He nodded watching a video of them fight. They were already trained in urban warfare and combat which let them sneak through the city with ease.
While the Decepticons had a lot of heavy hitters they didn't have the skill or gracefulness to sneak through a city.
"I want you to bring me their best and brightest. Not only will they fight for us but they will also teach my army how to fight like them. Which will give us an advantage in city's."
He nodded understanding how important this mission was. He left immediately and went to the city of Nyon where he surveyed the city waiting for rebel activity.
It was late at night when he saw a group of rebels stealing food and medicine from sentinels army. Wanting to get on their good side he decided to help out showing off his own impressive skills.
The rebels were surprised and also grateful because he allowed them to steal more food.
Once they were safe from Sentinels mechs he was surprised when they began distributing the fuel to Nyons citizens. He'd assumed they'd taken it for themselves.
Although Kaon was in better shape than Nyon no one would have ever done something like that. In his city it was everyone for themselves and people would rather steal from each other than the government officials who've taken all the fuel.
In Nyon it was different with everyone helping each other no matter how bad it got.
One of the rebels pulled him aside after the others left and thanked him for helping. He'd shrugged saying that he wanted to help fight back against the injustice that's taking place.
The rebel had invited him to their next meeting the following evening Before taking off with the others leaving him alone to think it over.
Although he didn't get the rebels name he'd shown some impressive skills and he knew Megatron would be intrigued. He decided to keep a close optic on that one.
When he went to the rebels meeting he noticed the same mech from before. He decided to stand next to him as assignments were passed out.
He ended up getting an assignment with the same mech. Where they worked together to gain vital information on Sentinel's troops movements.
At one point they ran into a guard on accident who almost shot the rebel until he stopped them.
After they'd competed their mission the mech finally introduced himself.
"My name is Hot Rod."
It was a beautiful name which was fitting because after following the rebel, he watched as he took off his disguise and revealed a beautiful mech underneath.
After that the two of them became closer as they were assigned more missions together. He also talked with some of the other rebels learning which ones were the most skilled.
They were sitting in Hot Rods apartment watching a movie or so he thought.
"Why'd you help us that night?"
"You were doing something most people won't. You were fighting against Sentinel and that's something I want to do. I want a better Cybertron."
"That's not the only reason."
He sighed because Hot Rod was smarter than he liked to act.
"I was sent here to recruit Nyonian rebels for the Decepticon cause."
Hot Rod looked at him in surprise and then shrugged.
"Fine, I'll hear you out. Although I don't know how many people will join. Most of us don't want to leave our home."
He could tell Hot Rod was one of them and he worked on trying to convince him. The two often had debates and it was during one of tho times that they ended up sleeping together.
Hot Rod had invited him to his apartment and the two of them had been deep in debate. There had been an electric tension in the air as the two of them got closer. He didn't know who kissed first but suddenly they were kissing.
He remembered scooping Hot Rod into his arms and taking him to bed where the two interfaced until they were both too exhausted to continue.
They cuddled together afterwards just talking about random things. His arms were wrapped around Hot Rod who was laying on his chest. Both of them fell asleep together and remained that way for the next few hours.
Thay was until Megatron urgently called him. He picked up still half asleep until Megatron told him the Decepticons were under attack and they desperately needed him. He looked down at Hot Rod who was still asleep.
He didn't have time to wake him before he had to leave and he was already out of the city before he realized he didn't leave a note.
He cursed his luck and promised that he'd go back to Nyon soon and make it up to him. He never wanted to leave him like that, but the Decepticons needed him.
After stopping the Autobots attack he wanted to return to Nyon. But there was so much that needed to be done and Megatron needed him there.
Hot Rod was always on his mind and he found his mind wandering always thinking about the Nyonian and wondering how he was doing.
He always planned on going back to him until the worst day of his life. He found out Nyon had been destroyed and after hearing the news he ended up collapsing from shock. His mind racing with all sorts of possibilities and he blamed himself for his death. He should have never left him behind. He should have gone back for him and he should have made Hot Rod come with him. Now he would never see him again and all he could do was live in regret, wondering if there was more he could have done.
Losing Hot Rod destroyed him and after learning about the Autobots complacency in the matter he was determined to destroy them and threw himself into his work.
Time passed and a few years later he found himself in a neutral city investigating the corrupt leaders of that city, who were making deals with Autobots.
He was walking along a busy street corner when he noticed a sparkling crying. He looked around wondering where his creators were and went to check on the sparkling and make sure he was okay.
He crouched down in front of the sparkling and asked.
"Are you lost? Where are your creators?"
The sparkling nodded giving him a sad look.
"I'll help you look for them."
The sparkling took his hand and they walked along the street when the sparkling suddenly shouted.
He watched as the sparkling ran to Hot Rod who looked like he was in distress over his missing sparkling.
He watched as the two hugged each other and that's when he noticed for the first time. He'd been so distracted trying to help him he didn't even realize the sparkling looked exactly like him. Except for his big blue optics that looked so much like his carriers.
When Hot Rod noticed him it was like time froze and then he was walking away from him. Having a million questions he chased after him not wanting Hot Rod to get away again. Especially after he thought the Nyonian was dead.
Hot Rod led him back to his home and had his sparkling go inside and play. He then turned to him with a hurt look and he flinched knowing he deserved it for leaving him.
He knew Hot Rod didn't trust him but he begged the Nyonian to let him be in his sparklings life. He knew what he did was wrong and he promised to spend every day of his life making it up to him.
Hot Rod still didn't trust him but he also didn't want to deny his sparkling a sire.
"Fine but if you do anything to hurt him I want you gone and I don't want you to come back."
He nodded and Hot Rod finally introduced him to their sparkling.
Someone drugs Hot Rod's drink one evening in Maccadam's and Soundwave intervenes, rescuing Hot Rod from a handsy mech who is trying to force Hot Rod to come home with them.
He'd just gotten off work and decided to hangout at Maccadams and have some engex while watching cube. When he'd gotten there it had been crowded with other people watching the game as well.
He managed to find a seat at the bar and after ordering his drink he watched the screen in front of him. He cheered when his team scored a goal so distracted he didn't notice someone sit next to him until they spoke.
"Are you a fan of the game?"
He nodded and glanced at the mech who leaned towards him.
"What's a pretty thing like you doing here alone?"
He gave him a flustered look.
"I just got off work and wanted to watch the game."
"That's fair. I'm here for the same reason."
The mech held out his hand and introduced himself.
"Hot Rod."
"A pretty name for a pretty mech."
He found himself blushing as the mech gestured for the bartender.
"Let me buy you a glass."
"You don't have to. I'm already drinking this one."
"It's nothing besides you've already finished that one."
He glanced at his empty glass wondering when he finished it. Only to be distracted by Wieldwheel ordering for the both of them.
He gave him a surprised look when he got his order right and the mech shrugged.
"I heard you earlier when I was coming over to talk to you."
His team scored another goal and Wieldwheel cheered.
"Looks like they'll be winning the game."
"Then it's off to championships."
The bartender brought their glasses back and he took a sip of his. Wieldwheel talked about the game and he'd occasionally look at the screen.
He finished his drink and Wieldwheel ordered him another one which he couldn't refuse. Not when Wieldwheel was insisting he take it. The two of them kept talking until he felt dizzy and his processor felt heavy.
The mech he'd been talking to called his name and when he gave him a confused look he asked if he was okay and how much he had to drink. He tried to tell him he didn't have that much, but his words slurred and the mech helped him out of his seat and towards the exit.
He weakly struggled against him because Wieldwheel was practically a stranger and he didn't want to go with him.
There was something inside of him telling him not to go and he found himself shaking his head and trying to call one of his friends.
Wieldwheel grabbed his phone and took it away from him while carrying him outside since his legs wouldn't work.
He frantically looked around trying to ask for help and struggling. Wieldwheel refused to let him go and began touching him all over. He shivered in disgust barely able to speak as black spots entered his vision.
Wieldwheels hands were suddenly removed by force with Soundwave glaring down at him. The mech looked up in fear a Soundwave attacked him angry that he tried to hurt him.
Struggling to stand in his own he leaned against Soundwave for comfort and support. His boyfriend wrapped an arm around him and helped him leave Maccadams.
He clung to him the entire way and Soundwave ended up carrying him because he was having trouble walking.
When they got back to their apartment Soundwave led him to their bedroom. He sat him on the bed and looked him over.
"Are you okay?"
He nodded giving him a grateful look.
"I am now that you rescued me."
"Get some rest Roddy."
He nodded suddenly exhausted from the ordeal and laid down quickly falling asleep knowing Soundwave would watch over him.
Day 1: filming/photography
Merformers in the storyline of Roddy and Soundwave having finally met each other and became mates after Roddy was forced to carry his clutch alone.
Roddy finally has the clutch and Soundwave is very protective of his pups, growling and hissing at anyone who comes close. Only Ratchet is allowed around them to ensure they're healthy but he still gets a hiss or two, because Soundwave is a good mate who will do anything for his tired mate and their beautiful litter.
When Soundwave induced labor it had been quite a shock and he'd looked at the other mer frantically feeling unprepared.
The people who worked at the facility were also freaking out and trying to find a way to help him. However Soundwave kept hissing and snapping at them getting more aggressive every time he cried out in pain.
The mer was obviously worried they were going to hurt his mate and take him away.
He found himself clinging to Soundwave who brought him to his nest. It wasn't perfect and even in pain he felt ashamed thinking it wasn't good enough for his family.
His mate reassured him that it was perfect. Both of them distracted when he cried out in pain feeling the pup leave his gestation chamber.
He felt tears in his optics as he struggled. Birthing fluids flooded the area and he whined.
Soundwave tried to reassure him the entire time glaring and warning the workers to stay away. He wasn't leaving Hot Rod's side ever again.
His slit spasmed and he knew it wouldn't be long before his pups were born.
Ratchet having enough of the chaos came over and threatened to sedate Soundwave which would cause him to miss his pups being born.
Soundwave had stubbornly held him and even hissed at Ratchet but let him do his work.
Ratchet was careful as he swam inside their tank. He knew at any moment Soundwave could snap and try to kill him for hurting his mate.
He checked him over and knew the pups were ready to come out. Hot Rod screamed and began to push causing the pups head to poke out. He directed him where he could but at this point it was all instinct that helped Hot Rod push.
He ended up having five pups who were greedily drinking his milk as he laid there exhausted. Soundwave held his mate close and glared at him to leave now that the pups were out. Not wanting to stick around he climbed out and documented what happened.
Hot Rod lay barely awake with Soundwave cleaning him and scooting their pups closer making sure they were warm and cozy.
He pressed against his mate breathing in his scent and happy he was there to help him because he didn't know what he'd do without him.
The two mers cuddled together with Soundwave protectively watching over his family while Hot Rod fell asleep with their pups.
Day 2: Kinktober frame modifications
Day 3: gagging
Day 4: roleplay
Sparked rodimus who is struggling to move around because he’s got such a heavy tank and he’s still so early into carrying.
He doesn’t have to worry too much though.
His secret conjunx tfp Soundwave finally comes back to take care of his conjunx and their awaiting sparklings.
The crew is entirely shocked
So much has happened in the past few years it was hard to keep track of.
The war was finally over. Something he still couldn't believe after fighting for so long he never thought it would end. When he learned that it was over. He felt a mix of emotions. He'd been shocked and happy but also scared for his secret Conjunx.
Before the war they had been together and after Soundwave had a close call in the arena they decided to bond their sparks together.
No one knew about their relationship which had become strained over time. He still loved Soundwave even if he was hurt he'd chosen to be a Decepticon.
Even though they were on different sides they still loved each other and still found ways to meet in secret.
Then Cybertron went dark and everyone was leaving. He'd tried finding Soundwave but was kidnapped by rogue Decepticons and taken off world.
He managed to get away and crashed on a nearby planet. He'd been unconscious for a long time until he'd accidentally been woken up.
He lived on the planet for a while keeping his head down and thwarting any Decepticon activity that might harm the locals.
He'd always known Soundwave was alive and that was the only thing keeping him going after losing everything.
Even now he could still feel him even if it was worryingly faint. After recieving the Autobots message he went back to Cybertron. Desperately needing to know what happened to Soundwave and planning on pleading his case to Optimus.
When he got there however Optimus was gone and things were different.
He asked Bumblebee about the final battle wanting to know more and that's when he learned Soundwave was trapped in the shadow realm.
He'd discreetly asked if they were going to take him out and had been distraught when he learned they didn't plan to.
He'd been terrified for his Conjunx knowing he'd die if he didn't do anything.
Desperate he went to the only person he knew could help.
Ratchet had been shocked as he begged him to save his Conjunx. He'd promised they'd leave and never come back again. He'd promised to watch over him and Ratchet taking pity on him had secretly freed Soundwave.
He'd been overjoyed and hugged his mate. Soundwave had been surprised to see him and that he'd been let out.
Wanting to make up for lost time the two of them began fragging the moment they were alone. They touched each other everywhere getting reacquainted.
He told him they could finally start over. Find a nice planet to settle down on and maybe have a few sparklings like they always talked about.
Soundwave told him he wanted that as well but there were something he needed to do first. He hadn't liked it at the time and the two argued. He thought Soundwave was abandoning him again after he'd just him gotten back.
Soundwave promised he'd be back soon and that he just needed closure. Even though he wasn't happy about it he let him go.
He didn't know how it happened but suddenly he was boarding the Lost Light. They were a group of people just like him who were lost and looking for something.
He quickly began making friends and even though he missed Soundwave a lot it helped lesson the ache in his spark.
That was until he started feeling sick in the morning and noticed he'd suddenly gained weight along with other symptoms.
He'd gone to Ratchet again who'd joined the Lost Light to be with Drift. Who he later learned was Deadlock which explained why Ratchet helped.
The medic informed him that he was sparked much to his shock. At first he'd panicked before deciding to call Soundwave.
His mate immediately picked up and he told him the news looking nervous. Soundwave didn't even have to think about it. He was already on his way.
Waiting for Soundwave felt like the longest time in his life and he couldn't wait for him to get there. With his belly growing rapidly even though he wasn't that far along he needed Soundwave's help.
During their next stop Soundwave was waiting for him and he hugged his mate spoilers fluttering behind him.
"Are you okay?"
He nodded although he did give Soundwave an angry look.
"I'm still mad that you left me."
"I know and you have every right to be. I just needed to see him... I needed to know it was over..."
He wrapped his arms around Soundwave who gently held him.
"It's over. We don't have to fight anymore."
"I know."
While they were talking the List Light crew was freaking out. Although Hot Rod had tried to hide his bump it had quickly become apparent he was sparked. No one had asked him about the sire not wanting to stress Hot Rod out. Now they were watching in shock as the two gently held each other. All of them wondering how Hot Rod had fallen in love with Soundwave of all people.
It was very shocking and Hot Rod pleaded Soundwave's case asking that he be let onboard. Otherwise he would leave not wanting to separate from his mate any longer.
Soundwave had looked shocked because he knew how much Hot Rod adored the Lost Light. The crew decided to allow Soundwave to stay because he hasn't done anything since the war ended. They also didn't want to lose Hot Rod who'd they all come to like.
Feeling exhausted afterwards he took Soundwave home and the two cuddled together finally reunited and about to start a family.
Day 5: wet and messy