Sovieshu - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I totally agree, in fact I would have liked the author to portray Rashta as someone who, due to his circumstances plus his personal flaws, makes bad decisions, and that the role of villain was Sovieshu, he has all the traits of an abusive husband. Here are traits of abusive partners from an article I read.

1. He often brags about his conquests in front of you or your friends. According to Sendra, “in addition to being disrespectful, he realizes his need to show that he can be with anyone. He will have no qualms about leering or making sexual advances at others.

2. Does not invest time, money or spaces in you. They show little willingness to share their spaces or include their partners in their daily lives. "It is not that they should do everything together, but this person shows little interest in being known by his environment," argues the author.

3. He has a disrespectful behavior. “He usually asks for favors in an authoritative way, regardless of his time or space. And he doesn't bother to say thank you. If they have an appointment, she puts him on hold without apologizing”, says the pedagogue.

4. He wants to be the protagonist. He often gets upset if you or others don't give him special treatment. He interrupts the talks, chooses the topics of conversation and ignores the talks that are not of interest to him. “He prioritizes his friends, his family, his activities and his wishes over his own or those of others,” explains Sendra.

5. The emotions of others do not matter. They usually say things like "Are you on your days?", just because you get angry about something or you don't agree with their position. They will always have an argument to minimize or make invisible the affective world of the other, attributing it to "pure sensitivity".

6. Controlling and possessive. Be careful who tells you how to dress, be attentive to your social networks and who you write to, check your cell phone and your computer, make judgments about your friends showing discomfort when they are not to your liking. He threatens to break up if you get fat. If you give him space, he will ask suspicious questions like "What will you do now?", "Who will you see?".

7. Tends to blame the other for not understanding him, for provoking his anger or for making him make mistakes.

8. You often compare yourself to others in terms of income, class, education, intelligence, and aesthetics, and you are no exception. Assume a position of superiority. It can be disqualifying when you feel in a position of power.

9. Use mockery, sarcasm and irony. Although he does not attack him directly, he tells anecdotes, allusions or jokes that mislead his partner, believing that it is just humor, when they hide mockery and sarcasm. He often uses a limitation or defect of his partner to ridicule him. Before the claim she will respond evasively: "Everything I say bothers you", "you can't stand anything".

10. Prioritizes your satisfaction and sexuality. Shows little interest in discovering the other's erotic desires and needs. If you are the one who is desirous, you will feel threatened, jealous. You can pressure with blackmail and manipulation to experience practices that you do not want.

11. He is a liar. His weakening strategy is to leave out certain details. Use silence and innuendo to create a misunderstanding that will later be used to your advantage. It seeks to destabilize and have control.

12. Deny the conflict. When you complain or want to explain some discomfort, he rejects direct communication and denies the claim and the existence of the conflict. It will make you feel like an exaggerated or irritable.

13. Will seek to separate you from your important links to become your whole life or generate intrigue to promote enmity and confrontation between you and yours.

14. Catches with the way you talk. He says one thing, but his way of acting indicates the opposite. He will tell you that he likes his friends, but when he is with them he will not speak to him and will make a face at them.

Sovieshu meets almost everything🤨.

Unpopular opinion:

I’m finding it a bit hard to see Rashta as “trash” when the woman was literally enslaved for all of her life because her father sold her to get rid of his gambling debt. Who in that position wouldn’t do anything and everything to make sure that they and their offspring wouldn’t face that same trauma.

Yes, she played part in the destruction of a (hollow) marriage but again when opportunities to rise in social society pop up most people take it. Not an excuse but it explains a lot.

Like her or not she is a victim of human trafficking who is trying to navigate a world that views her as lesser than. Would it be good to see her think of others who were/are in the same position and want to advocate for the ending of such a practice? Yes but again I see why she’s so #1.

What’s more: The author paints her in such an unsympathetic light I really wonder why they didn’t just make her dirt poor without the slavery background. Especially since they don’t really acknowledge it much in the world building anyways.

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4 years ago

ik we’re supposed to dislike rashta, but honestly i kind of respect her in a weird way?? she’s literally a runway slave who’s been emotionally abused by her masters, so why would i judge her for doing everything she can to secure her position as the emperor’s mistress? in a kingdom that allows slavery, why would i draw the line at an ex-slave using manipulation and cunning to get ahead in life??

rashta is a literally just a product of her circumstances, so even though we’re supposed to hate her for ‘stealing’ sovieshu from navier, my heart isn’t fully in it.

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3 years ago

maybe i’m thinking too much into this, but the social ramifications of the emperor marrying a slave?? seem huge???

we know they’re going to get married, and assuming that news abt rashta being an ex-slave spreads - what does this mean for the social hierarchy?? bc in a society that looks like it has very rigid class boundaries, a slave managing to become the emperor’s wife sends the message that class doesn’t really mean anything and if anything wouldn’t the slaves see rashta as a symbol of hope that one day they can be free too? and why wait until they’ve paid off their debts?? why not free themselves now??

i’m not saying rashta becoming queen will lead to a slave revolt, but considering sovieshu’s power is weakening as the number of mages decreases, it’s not entirely impossible that the lowest class in this society try and start a revolution.

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