Aaliyah // inactive here so see ya... well that was a fuckin lie
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Istantoomanypeeps - Tumblr Blog
societal expectations are fucking weird bc they’ve shaped me from a super young age to think being fat = being sad and alone forever, which seems like an over exaggeration but it’s really not.
in reality tho, i’m literally the heaviest i’ve ever been but also the most confident. months ago i could barely start a conversation with ppl and know i’m actually DOING it and ppl are flirting BACK which goes against anything i thought could happen and i’m so proud of myself for growing and making personal progress. fuck what others think i’m planning on having a hot girl summer and it’s gonna be fucking great, i’m not gonna wait around anymore to be a specific weight before i think i’m worth anything anymore
always remember when ppl say “what about the kids?!1!” in response to any minority group receiving protections or even just rights - they specifically mean straight white boys who aren’t being harmed in any way
yes i make fun of my cousin for liking justin bieber and yes i think it’s a perfectly valid hobby for me to have
when i was a kid i was listening to i write sins not tragedies followed straight by black beatles without batting an eye bc baby i’ve always had range
i think one of the most important things i’ve learned this last year is how labels are supposed to accommodate and describe us rather than act as strict parameters for who we allow ourselves to be (this applies to pretty much every type of label but i’m more specifically talking abt sexuality here).
for me, the term bisexual best describes my sexuality so it’s what i use. if in the future i realise it’s not a good fit anymore i can just stop using it and either be label-less or find a different one. changing labels doesn’t invalidate the feelings and experiences i’ve had, it just shows i’ve learnt more about myself as a person. it doesn’t mean i lied abt being bi either, just that i’ve figured out it’s not quite who i am.
realising this has made me so much more comfortable about calling myself bi, bc for a long time when i was questioning i was so scared that i was lying bc i didn’t feel i had enough ‘proof’ that this was a term i could use. but it’s not me that has to squeeze myself into the box i think i need to be in, but instead just living and trying new things and if i feel like i’ve found a place for myself i can stay for as long as it feels right - whether that be for good or not.
The narrative neurotypicals give about the mentally ill is so warped like how many times have you heard “If Van Gogh took medication, we wouldn’t have Starry Night,” and he literally painted that one on meds in a mental ward.
i can’t stop thinking abt that brooklyn 99 episode when jake is SO sure that a suspect killed the victim that he arrests them without any proof.
in the end obviously he’s right but what if he hadn’t been? would he have made up evidence bc he was so sure of his hunch? would he have continues to harass this man until he was sued? would he have done everything in his power to make this man’s life harder bc he’s so sure he’s the perpetrator he’s looking for?
it kind of horrifies me that jake is clearly the hero in this story and it’s supposed to be funny that he abused his power as a police officer to ‘get the job done’ and we as the audience are supposed to accept that
@thegirlthatsdancingintherain for u <3
If he’s not married to the music, dump him
i wish there was an app for bilingual ppl who wanted to relearn the native tongue cos like i understand french pretty well and can read it fine but i have no idea how grammar works or how to write and my speaking skills are atrocious now and it makes me sad
called my tall friend a slenderman kinnie and told him everyone on this god forsaken app would fuck him bc of that
i’m a good friend
hfgvg i finish school on friday and i think i might cry
like i’ve spent six years in this place and u expect me not to come back next september?? i’m just supposed to go to uni and probably never see these ppl again?
as a rule of thumb i never listen to men who call women females
you can click on this button once daily to help palestine and support other causes in the middle east for free. it takes literally 5 seconds and could help save lives so please take the time to click and share this link.
duckwrth is probably the only man w a beard i’m in love with
How would you feel if your neighbour just marched up to your door and said “get out”
or you found your neighbour in your backyard and you ask him what he’s doing and he says “well if i dont take it someone else will. this house is mine now”
and while this was happening to you, someone deletes your social media accounts, making it difficult for you to reach out to the world for help…
Well. Its actually happening. This very moment.
look up Sheikh Jarrah, Palestine.
past me to future me: homo?
future me to past me: homo :)
ik shaming ppl for having sex is bad but i can’t stop myself from calling boris johnson a slut 😔
anyways i’ve decided to go as an ancient egyptian cos dramatic eye makeup is my THING
um so every year the upper sixth get dressed up for their last day before leaving and noone knew if it was happening this year bc of covid but they JUST confirmed it's happening next friday and i have no ideas, so if u have any costume ideas pls lmk!!
keir starmer after visiting the church that does gay exorcisms
um so every year the upper sixth get dressed up for their last day before leaving and noone knew if it was happening this year bc of covid but they JUST confirmed it's happening next friday and i have no ideas, so if u have any costume ideas pls lmk!!
hdjsjs so he messaged back saying he only sees me as a friend and on the one hand i’m really sad bc being rejected sucks but i’m also really proud of myself for telling him?? bc this was he first time i’ve told someone directly that i have feelings for them, so it’s still a win??
just messaged my crush and told him i liked him and now my adrenaline has peaked and im using it to get thru my revision slump haha
just messaged my crush and told him i liked him and now my adrenaline has peaked and im using it to get thru my revision slump haha