Sowwy - Tumblr Posts
Hello everyone! I’ve been a little preoccupied as of late with the starting of a new side-blog for a Villain!Izuku AU I came up with: askwhiterabbit !!! If you’re interested please give it a little look, I’m really proud of how it’s turning out so far and I’ve been getting some really amazing questions!
Hmm... idk if i am the one who's asking to many questions at @rainb0we, if i'm being rude or its her that hates me or its me that is jelous of everyone else getting responded or *starts ranting about something stupid* ok, i'm dumb... sorry...
I DIDN'T MEAN U :(((☹️☹️☹️

you're disgusting
i'm telling your friends about this
Jokes on you I have no friends

some of you are so sweet for answering every ask you get bc i’m literally a pro at ignoring people even if it’s unintentional 😭😭😭
sorry no art guys im working on something i promise!!!!
am i stupid or ben is not a fucking 12 years old?

my friend called me obsessed after i showed her loads of shrek pinocchio screenshots and told some facts about original pinocchio