Spiritual Possession - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Common Kurtosy

Request for @lurkinlizards

Lucas spent his whole life in love with Johnny—his next-door neighbor and best friend. Throughout his life, he spent his time slowly pining for the handsome boy now man during middle school, high school, and now university. Was it due to how similar they were? Or maybe it was the small differences that fascinated Lucas so? Either way, he knew that he could never deny his feelings.

Although Lucas spent his high school days and the first year of college experimenting and with little dates with girls and boys alike, the feelings remained true. And like that love, the silence endured. Lucas kept his feelings deep in his heart until the day came that Johnny revealed his own secret.

“Your dad’s a real catch,” Johnny said as Lucas’ father, Kurt, walked back to his bedroom to retire for the night. “A real-deal DILF, y’know. Mine’s just a string-bean.” Then, remaining completely casual, Johnny returned to playing games.

Perhaps it was the nonchalant nature of the confession, or maybe the fact that it was Lucas’ father that had unintentionally stolen Johnny’s heart, but a deep resentment festered in Lucas’ heart. Weeks passed, but the love and hate remained unspoken and unbending until a spell landed in Lucas’ possession.

“Take it away from me,” said a handsome, middle-aged man one; his eyes tinted with regret. He handed Lucas an occult book filled with spells and rituals. “Maybe you’ll use it better than I did. But I need that damn thing away from me and my… my son.”

Somehow, Lucas knew that the book was the real deal. Just the way each page seemed to quiver with some form of power as his fingers thumbed through was enough to convince him. There was something special in his possession and he could not wait to use it.

The target would naturally be his father, and the spell would be that to take over his body, permanently. The spell warned that it was irreversible, as it would swiftly kill the caster's body. However, Lucas had no intention of going back. While his life was aimless as he tried out what exactly engaged him during his first two years of university, his father continued to draw as a successful artist. And despite the years Lucas spent practicing, styling, and perfecting his own drawing methods, he couldn't hold a candle to his father.

So he would steal his talent, his life, and his best friend’s heart. While Lucas’ father slept, he conducted the ritual. His soul shed the complete burden that was his body and life. He stretched his essence as it rose into the air. It was as though he could finally spread his wings after being trapped in a cage.

However, Lucas didn’t dawdle for long. He flew through the walls of his home until he arrived at his father’s room—floating just a few inches above. Clad in just a pair of underwear in these hot summer months, Lucas stared down at his father’s body. His plump chest had a fine layer of hair and his strong jaw was accented by the stylized and thick beard. His face, always complimented with a kind smile, was always welcome wherever he went. All of these features only served to bolster Lucas’ envy and resolve.

Still, he dove onto this man, phasing through Kurt’s impressive chest, as the man shot up in shock. “Wh-Whu?!” he cried out, unconsciously planting his feet on the bed, legs spread, as control over himself swiftly dwindled. "Th-The fuck's happening to—ahh AAHHHH!" Kurt's consciousness quickly faded as Lucas stretched his soul throughout his father's body. It was as if putting on an old yet comfortable cloak that he had misplaced long ago. As the muscles warmed under Lucas’ control as his father, leaking drool and pre-cum, disappeared beneath the depths of his mind.

Lucas awoke and smiled. Somehow, wearing Kurt's smile was more comfortable than his own. He arose from his bed, astonished as to how simple and easy it was. Though Lucas was never ashamed of his own body, the ease of movement and vitality from Kurt's were intoxicating. "Oh, oh my god," he said. The sound of his new baritone sent erotic shivers down his spine. Finally, Lucas was in full control of his father and his fate. “Sorry dad,” he said, chuckling the whole time, “but look at it this way. I’m taking what is rightfully mine, is all.”

For most of the morning, Lucas walked up and down the halls of his home with a ridiculous, masculine strut. Each movement and pop of Kurt’s hot and hairy form was like a drink of ambrosia for Lucas. “Ahhhh…!” he exclaimed as he performed stretches that his old body would have balked at. “God, you feel so good, daddy!” Lucas laughed as he flexed his arms, licking the baseball-sized biceps. Then, he took each of his pectoral and began to massage them, flicking a nipple from time to time. With just that, he was already sporting a hard-on. “Your chest feels so good, dad. Holy crap, you’re so—ngggh—sensitive!”

Before his self-worship could continue, the doorbell suddenly rang. Lucas hadn’t realized that it was already 2pm. Johnny was here.

First, Lucas rushed to his father’s room to get dressed, but he was only just pulling his underwear up his legs before he paused, deep in thought. Why bother putting on so many layers when he’s gonna rip them off once Johnny was in his grasp? Grinning, lowered the underwear as much as he could before making his way towards the door.

Common Kurtosy

As expected, Johnny was on the other side. The effect was immediate. His eyes bugged out and his mouth hung open in a perfect O as he stared at Kurt—now Lucas’—half-naked body. Lucas in particular noticed how Johnny’s gaze seemed particularly glued to his chest. “M-M-Mr. Miles! Hello! Uh, i-is Lucas home?” said Johnny.

Smirking inside, Lucas glanced over his shoulder, leaning against the doorway. "Hmm, might still be asleep. He'll probably be up later."

“O-Oh, is that so? Then, maybe I should just be going...” Johnny began to back away, Lucas placed a firm hand on his shoulder. “Now now, no reason to turn tail and go. Lucas’ll be up soon. In the meantime...” Lucas’ pecs bounced to Johnny’s amazement. “Why don’t you keep me company, Johnny-boy?”

As if hypnotized, Johnny absentmindedly nodded and allowed Lucas to lead him inside. The two walked past Lucas’ original room, but Johnny did not protest. Instead, they made their way into Kurt’s room. The bed was made, the sheets were clean, and the room was ready for staining.

“Caught you lookin’ at me a certain way, Johnny-boy,” said Lucas, savoring the way he said his best friend’s name. “Thought I wouldn’t notice?”

“N-Not at all, sir,” said Johnny as several beads of nervous—or perhaps excited—sweat cascading down his brow. “B-But I did stare from time to time. I-I’m not gonna deny that.” He trembled, but the lustful smile did not lie.

“Well, what kinda fantasizes were you having about me?” Leaning in close, teasing Johnny was a small lick, Lucas whispered, “I’m curious.”

“I wanna worship ya! And then I want you to wreck my ass with that big-ass cock of yours!” Johnny’s voice lacked any shame or reservation. His eyes glistened with pure lust.

“Well then,” Lucas said, gently taking Johnny’s arm before pulling the two of them back. They fell back onto the bed, Johnny’s face landing on Lucas’ new chest. “Go right ahead. Show me what you’ve got.”

Johnny eagerly complied. He worked hard as he licked the pecs, not minding the carpet of hair on Lucas’ chest while massing and twerking the nipples. “You’re like a newborn on his mom’s breasts,” Lucas chuckled. “There ain’t no milk there.”

“I don’t care,” Johnny breathed. “Give me more,” he said, unbuttoning his jeans and slowly pulling them off while grinding up against Lucas’ torso. Each part of his body seemed to scream for more and more of Lucas. Not a single crease remained untouched.

Lucas moaned as Johnny continued to tease him. His father’s nipples were so sensitive, and just a graze from Johnny’s tongue sent him pre-cumming in his underwear. “God, you’re so cute worshippin’ my body like that.”

Johnny smiled as he sucked on Lucas’ chest.

“But, you ready for the real course?” The eagerness in Johnny’s eyes made Lucas laugh. “You’re so cute sometimes, y’know.”

Johnny responded by kneeling on the bed and removing his shirt and briefs while Lucas drank in the sight. He had often seen his best friend shirtless during the times they went running or swimming, but this was something else entirely. Now, Johnny was completely naked and aroused. At him--at Lucas. The way his lips seemed to quiver and his body trembled with both want and fear of what would come next only cemented Lucas' thoughts.

I made the right choice, he thought. No, I made the choice that was right for me. I deserve this.

Years of fruitless pining all disappeared with a single spell—and though more hardships would follow, Lucas embraced this moment of bliss with all his heart.

“Let’s make love,” he told Johnny.

Johnny bit his lip while Lucas soft muttered and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll be slow. I won’t hurt you. Nggh! Holy shit.” Lucas knew that Johnny was experienced, but somehow that hole wasn’t loose at all. He was tight and quite experienced, moving his hips in sync with Lucas’ thrusts.

"F-Fuck me, daddy, holy shit!" Johnny cried out, embracing Lucas with both arms and pushing himself more onto Lucas' chest. "Ah! C-C'mon! Fuck me harder."

“God, you love to beg!” Lucas yelled, trying to push more and more of himself into Johnny as if he was trying to possess him. “Scream harder for me, Johnny-boy. I want to hear how much you love my body. NGGH! How much you love me.”

Johnny let out another cry as Lucas thrust hard into his prostate. His pre-cum ran like a bubbling volcano. “I’m g-gonna cum! Kurt, d-daddy, I’m gonna—AHHH! I’m gonna cum!” Before Lucas could even react, Johnny wrapped his legs around his torso and pulled him in as much as he could. With another roar of ecstasy, Johnny screamed, “I’M CUMMING!”

Lucas grinned as he saw Johnny's sweat-matted face, almost convulsing as he sprayed his load between them. Just his voice and his eyes shining with ecstasy and pleasure were enough to push Lucas over the edge. With a manly roar, Lucas shouted, "Take on daddy's load, Johnny-boy!" he said, pushing Johnny's face onto his chest as he shot load after load into Johnny's waiting asshole.

The two of them lied back on the bed in each other’s embrace. Lucas knew that eventually this peace would end and he would have to suffer through the consequences of his spell, but for now, he could be in post-coitus alongside the love of his life. “Love ya, Johnny-boy,” he said, drunk in the moment.

“I love you too, Kurt,” Johnny said, smiling and cuddling close to him.

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2 years ago

Daddy’s Punishment

Ryan cocked his eyebrow as he glanced up at his son’s shut room. Once again, the sounds of giggling and teasing pierced through the house’s walls and rang in Ryan’s ears. His son, Michael, was spending another day of his Spring Break with his girlfriend, Veronica. Ever since their senior year of high school, the two had been inseparable. Now, in their final year college after searching for programs that would suit them both, the two discussed their plans for the future with a youthful and carefree vigor.

Daddys Punishment

Frankly, Ryan felt disgusted. His heart burned with jealousy for those days that had passed him by with little excitement or joy. A few years of blissful marriage with the love of his wife before she passed, leaving behind a young boy that would rather spend the day as far away from Ryan as possible. The two lived in the same home, but rarely shared the same menu that day or remained in the same room without a tense air flooding the space between them.

It wasn’t animosity, at least, Ryan didn’t think it was. However, the thought of spending the whole day with Michael made his skin crawl. It would be better for the two to simply lead their own lives and not get in the other’s way.

Then Veronica arrived. Michael spent much more time at home playing House with her while Ryan remained some awkward third-wheel in his own abode. There was no animosity, but Ryan didn’t miss the way Michael’s brow furrowed when he saw his father or the way Veronica’s smile grew just the tiniest bit more tense when Ryan said “Hello,” or just passed by the hallway.

It was maddening. The young couple flaunted their happiness as if Ryan didn’t exist without rest. It was picturesque relationship that served as a painful reminder of what Ryan could never have. A gnawing hunger for a youthful renaissance or a second chance ate at Ryan’s soul, and he eventually snapped.

Not long after, an old family member, in his deathbed, passed along a grimoire.

“The ability to change and reshape reality to suit your whims,” the relative, a man that Ryan scarcely knew and hardly thought about, said with his final breaths. “You’ve always been so kind and considerate, dropping every once and while to check up on me,” he continued, unaware that Ryan spent the last few days trying to remember the relative’s name or even their relationship. “Use this power to make you and Michael’s life better. It’ll bring me great joy in the afterlife to know that you’re both okay and that my book helped.” With a tearful smile, he said, “Wouldn’t that be great? It’ll be like I’m watching over you.”

Ryan nodded and whispered, “Good night. We’ll miss you.” There was no reason to break the old man’s heart with the truth. It was an adult lesson Ryan learned long ago.

“I’ll miss Uncle Miles,” said Michael as they drove home together. Ah, that was his name. Always slipped my mind, thought Ryan as he glanced over at his son. It was one of the rare times Veronica wasn’t hanging off his arm. It felt like it was the first time he had seen in his son in years. So much taller and broad-shouldered—it brought forth another wave of envy inside of Ryan. His grip on the steering wheel tightened until his son spoke again. “What did he say to you?”

Caught off-guard, he gruffly responded, “J-Just gave me his little book,” with a small sneer. “He was born delusional and died delusional,” he lied—a habit that brought him far too much comfort. “Least we were able to say goodbye. Gotta be grateful for that.”

“Right…” said Michael with barely hidden disdain. The rest of the ride back was silent as Ryan’s mind returned to Miles’ spellbook. In his youth, he had seen Miles be able to use that book for specific hexes and curses, but he had little talent for such things.

“It’s all in the ritual,” Miles had told him once. “You just have to be more careful with the spell and the materials you make. A strong will and determination also help, Ryan.” At first, Ryan didn’t really care for Miles’ advice and let those memories stew in the back of his mind. Now, at the height of his envy, Ryan ran towards his room with thundering steps and opened the page to his destined future.

Bodysnatching. Taking over another’s body. The stolen youth and missed opportunities wouldn’t matter to Ryan anymore. He would take them all back. He would invade his own son’s body and restart his life—a true renaissance. The thought of that caused shivers to travel down his spine and towards his crotch. His own flesh and blood convulsing as he took back what he rightfully deserved. First, he would break up with Veronica, enjoy the way her soft features so accustomed to smiling twisted into a tearful grimace, and then indulge in youth once more. Perhaps sleep around some and enjoy what fading bits of youthful freedom his son was wasting. Michael seemed like he was in such a hurry to grow up. It honestly depressed Ryan as much as it enraged him.

His thoughts were cut off as someone knocked on his door. Waiting for his erection to calm, he answered, “Comin’.”

On the other side was Veronica, smiling as she usually did. “Hello, Mr. Mitchell,” she greeted with a practiced tilt of her head. “I just wanted to thank you so much for letting me stay with Michael so often. Sometimes it feels like I’m monopolizing his time with you,” she said, tittering. Feeling awkward, Ryan joined in until she stopped.

“You don’t have to worry about that, Veronica,” said Ryan. “It’s not like Michael and I are particularly excited to spend whole days together.” It was a dialogue that wasn’t unfamiliar to Ryan, but he found it more difficult than ever to put even the barest effort into it. When he was so close to finally breaking free, this girl felt the need to drag it out even longer. Her fake smile only enraged him further. “’sides, it’s not like you two are gonna be together for very long anyway. High school and college sweethearts break up all the time.” Ryan couldn’t help but grin as those words escape his lips.

Veronica’s lips tightened, and her smile became even more forced. “I see,” she said, dragging out the last syllable. “Well, please be conscientious enough to have your little mid-life crisis like a normal person would and keep it far away from us. Okay?” She shut the door on him, not waiting for Ryan’s response.

All her actions did was just push Ryan forward. He waited until it was late at night, filling his time by practicing magic circles on his floor. Every time he felt discouraged, he remembered Veronica’s smile and grew inspired. To break that damn girl—that alone would be worth the effort. At around midnight, when the lights to Michael’s room shut off, Ryan got to work. Whispering the enchantment under his breath, his half-naked body groaned and trembled as his soul emerged from the flesh. Little more than a ball of blue flame, Ryan shot through the air towards his son’s room. His spirit phased through the wall with no resistance.


It's mine, all mine, he thought in a twisted excitement as he emerged into Michael’s room. His son lied on his bed, one leg arched and his mouth open as he snored peacefully. Come to daddy, Michael, thought Ryan as he zoomed towards his defenseless son.

Then, he felt something pinch him from behind and drag him away from Michael. “…?!” The only sound he could matter was a shocked cry as Veronica held him back.

“Well, well,” she said, smirking at the ball in her hand. She dropped Ryan onto her other hand, holding him like a baseball bat. “Another piece of shit that wants their dirty soul in my boyfriend.” Grip tightening, she raised Ryan up so that they were face-to-face. “Do you know how many irritating magicians, witches, warlocks, and everything in between try to possess my precious Mikey?” Ryan couldn’t response. All he could do was watch as Veronica’s sweet façade melted into a chilling glare.

Michael blissfully snoozed away.

“The answer is too many, Mr. Mitchell. And you just added yourself onto that list.” Though Ryan couldn’t emote, his soul still shivered at the weight of Veronica’s words. “Don’t worry, I’m above killing. Pathetic people like you aren’t going to learn any lessons in the afterlife. I’ve got a very special punishment for your kind.”

It happened in an instant. Veronica’s body burst into pink flames, still with a tight grip on Ryan’s soul. The flames flew through the house in a speed that Ryan could never hope to match until both spirits dived into Ryan’s body. He fell backwards onto the floor, toes curling and hips thrusting into the air as Veronica forced him back into his flesh and forcibly ripped control from him. With surgical precision, each of Ryan’s limbs fell under her control until she was admiring her form in front of Ryan’s full-view mirror.

“The age really hits you,” said Veronica as she ran her stole hands down her torso. “And all the good muscles gooooone,” she said, pouting in the mirror before giggling to herself. “Y’know DILFs are still in fashion, Mr. Mitchell? You could probably find yourself a nice, thirsty thot to bring home. Maybe even someone willing to settle down.” Hands resting on the back of her bald head, armpits exposed, she sauntered throughout the room. She also, perhaps to humiliate him further in this parade, swung his hips seductively. “But I guess some people just can’t get enough of just living and appreciating what they have, huh? They just have to try and take from others.”

Please, Ryan begged from the recesses of his mind. Just lemme go. I promise I learned my lesson. Lemme go!

“No way,” said Veronica, twirling her finger. All sorts of sex toys, vibrators, and hemp rope appeared on Ryan’s bed. “You won’t learn this lesson until its engraved into your body. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure your flesh won’t ever forget.” Cackling to herself, Veronica picked up a vibrator and eagerly sighed as it began to buzz with a fearsome intensity. “It’s PUNISHMENT TIIIIIIME!”

From anal beads to vibrators to surugadoi, Ryan’s mind and body learned the true extent of a witch’s wrath. His bed, sheets, and even walls became coated in semen which Veronica happily scooped up. “Mustn’t waste a single drop,” she taunted him, shaking his ass as she roced him to crawl on all fours. “If you do, we might have to start allll over again.” He screamed and moan in his prison, unable to deny the enjoyment he felt.

Meanwhile, Michael slept peacefully as his father’s roars of intense pain and pleasure filled the house. Veronica always enjoyed putting a Slumber charm on her boyfriend to make sure he always had a necessary eight hours. It was also convenient when she went galivanting and dolling out punishments to people.

The following morning, Ryan hummed to himself as he fixed up pancakes for the happy couple. Veronica smiled and cuddled close to a happy yet confused Michael. “What’s the occasion?” he asked Ryan.

“N-Nothing, son,” said Ryan as he set down a plate. He rubbed his hand over his face as he spoke. “Just… feel like I really learned something about myself last night, thinking about Miles’ words.” He smiled at Michael. “Any plans for you crazy kids?”

“We’re going to swim at the lake to relax before we got back to school,” said Veronica as she drowned her plate with syrup. “Once hell week is up, we’re thinking of going to a friend’s beach house for the summer. Isn’t that grand?”

“Sounds amazing,” said Ryan while Michael happily accepted the new laid-back atmosphere. Ryan stood and smiled the whole time. Perhaps he could get accustomed to something like this like his son.

“Dad? Aren’t you going to sit down and have breakfast with us?”

A quick glance at Veronica was all that Ryan needed to formulate an answer. “Oh, no, no. I’ve got some work to get done. I’ll have breakfast later.” He left the kitchen, relieved his son didn’t insist that Ryan ate with them. There was no way Ryan would be able to sit down for at least a week.

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