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thinking about Ramon, thinking about how good Ramon is. How kind, how bright. how he said he doesn't care about stuff, how he cuddled the sniffer plushie for hours after it was given. how hes grown up so fast, how hes said time and time again he'd happily give up his life for Fit to stay on the island, not even to live, to stay. thinking about Ramon who set up Fit and Pac so his father wouldn't be alone when he's gone, not if, when.
thinking about a Fit who returns from the bloodied cavern, but different, changed. A Fit whos back to square one, whos been forced back into the mold of the wasteland where roses are trampled underfoot in advances, where there is no soft white cloth for which you bury yourself in after a hot bath. A Fit that looks at Ramon and sees only the pain that echos in his missing arm, forever separated and left to rot in hell. A Fit who turns his back and leaves
Thinking about a Ramon whos dad is here to stay but not for him, who realizes his fathers still don't want him after all this time, and so lets him leave.