Qsmp Pac - Tumblr Posts
If I was a stronger person than I would post that qsmp fic au that’s been bouncing around my google drive of q!Mike getting pulled into insanity by q!Pac through their mind link during the happy pills arc
thinking about Ramon, thinking about how good Ramon is. How kind, how bright. how he said he doesn't care about stuff, how he cuddled the sniffer plushie for hours after it was given. how hes grown up so fast, how hes said time and time again he'd happily give up his life for Fit to stay on the island, not even to live, to stay. thinking about Ramon who set up Fit and Pac so his father wouldn't be alone when he's gone, not if, when.
thinking about a Fit who returns from the bloodied cavern, but different, changed. A Fit whos back to square one, whos been forced back into the mold of the wasteland where roses are trampled underfoot in advances, where there is no soft white cloth for which you bury yourself in after a hot bath. A Fit that looks at Ramon and sees only the pain that echos in his missing arm, forever separated and left to rot in hell. A Fit who turns his back and leaves
Thinking about a Ramon whos dad is here to stay but not for him, who realizes his fathers still don't want him after all this time, and so lets him leave.
whatever this elections intermission arc is even called i need more of it,,

anyway more doodles i wasnt satisfied with the color on so i gave up únù

i cant stop laughing
cucurucho asked if pac’s name is pac
then pac said “its Tarik” which IS his real life name
and cucurucho just goes “no :)”
and richarlyson says “DID HE JUST DENY YOUR NAME????”
I can’t remember if someone’s actually/already done this or not but can someone draw this with Cellbit & Pac please😭


Morning Crew!
watching jaiden's pov. she crashed. switches to roier's. he also crashes. switches to cellbit, he also crashes.
swtiched to other s ans notixed that eEVERYBODY HAD CRASHED
i saw a clip on youtube of tazercraft entering the nether with their own train, taking pictures of everything, and and
They are amazing and insane!! too bad that the admins took away the photos. The moment q!pac noticed that they're gone, i had to rewind. there you can see the exact moment when the photos leave his inventory. deleted by the admins! Tazercraft are too strong for the server!
(I’m neither Portuguese speaker nor Brazilian)
i also noticed how clever the Brazilians are. Imagine timelines where any one of the chosen Brazilians declined. Imagined a different brazilian / Portuguese speaker accepted.
How would the story be affected??
We know that nobody accepted knowing what will happen. They dont know the story or lore or anything. Unless they know a little bit but roleplaying that they are blank slates, but the Brazilians have changed the story drastically and dramatically.
Did Quackity knew Cellbit likes puzzles and enigmas? Did he knew that choosing him would affect the ARG? Did he knew that Tazercraft would take advantage of all the mods and find loopholes in the maps? What about the admins?? Did they knew?? Think about that!!!
Quackity REALLY has an good eye to pick people like im SCARED
ok so we all know he has a good eye on picking people to be part of his projects bc all streamers seen to really get along and see each other as great people and everything and they all seen really happy
the thing is: cellbit just said on stream that when he agreed to take part of the QSMP… he didnt know who were the other brazilians
which means the other brazilians didnt know as well
cellbit, tazercraft and felps have known each other for at least 10 years
felps is cellbit’s best friend, and tazercraft and cellbit even shared an apartment for 2 years
Quackity BY ACCIDENT picked 4 people who have been best friends for A DECADE
and then there is FOREVER
Forever knew mike bc they did rpg together before, but this rpg was NEVER posted online and people only found out recently bc one of the members of said rpg posted a small recording in which shows forever and mike playing their characters. but he didnt know any of the others (felps, pac and cellbit)
Richarlyson himself asked “WHERE DID HE [Quackity] FIND FOREVER? I have been following him [Forever] for YEARS but its a completly different style [from the rest of them]”
(richarlyson mentioned before he remembers forever on his youtube channel celebrating 500k subscribers, and right now forever has 3 million)
and then cellbit starts a whole speech about how its been so long since he has felt conected to a person like he feels with forever and that they have known each other for a few months and now they chat EVERYDAY and share a fucking lore
i am once again reminded of the theory someone made that when cc! mike has to leave to move to canada, the admins will make lore for the absence.

so uhhhh how about some tazercraft lore huh?
Foolish betrayed them???? idk??? but the tazercraft both got kidnapped and imprisoned!!!! THE FUCKING SMILEY FACE, THEN TELEPORT TO PRISON!!???
I quickly switch to Foolish's POV and got the dinner. lagged so bad that i had to wait a few minutes to catch up.
But now he looks very very sus.
Tazercraft has morse code! GET IT!!
Everybody on Tumblr was panicking about the eventual Tazercraft kidnapping or whatever. but holy shit.
i looked away for 1 sec and heard the Tazercraft screaming Walter Bob's name. checked back in to see some mysterious figure dragging walter bob and them disappearing. last sec. 3 sec scene.