Stalker Romance - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

OMG IT'S SEPTEMBER 7 but my dumbass didn't know because everyday day seems like the same endless pit of despair...


OMG IT'S SEPTEMBER 7 But My Dumbass Didn't Know Because Everyday Day Seems Like The Same Endless Pit
OMG IT'S SEPTEMBER 7 But My Dumbass Didn't Know Because Everyday Day Seems Like The Same Endless Pit

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8 months ago

Gay stalker story part 1 I'm walking home from school, and I'm feeling a bit on edge as of late. For several months, I've had the feeling that someone's watching and following me even though I turn around and it's clear no one's there. I'm almost at my house. I cross the road, and when I look back and forth, something, someone catches my eyes. There he is across the street near the park, which is that weird kid from my school. He's skinny and frail like he hasn't eaten in months. He wears a black baggy oversized shirt with Messy black fluffy hair and a crazy look in his eyes. It's always doing weird things at school, like I can tell how he nudges his desk closer to me and how he turns completely in his seat just to stare at me. I remember when I left my reusable mask in the classroom, and then when I wanted to look for it, it was missing. The scary part was that he was the last person in the classroom. When I turn to see him, he wigs out, shaking and looking back and forth like he's pretending he didn't see me. He quickly turns around and scampers off, I notice he drops something, though. My curiosity gets the better of me, so I run towards the park and see a little piece of paper. As I unfold it, I freeze in shock. It's a picture of me with Messy handwriting spelling out, "You are so special." My eyes widen, and my lips quiver. Oh my God, my suspicions were right! It wasn't just my imagination. He has been the one following me! oh god oh fuck! As soon as soon as I get home I run straight up to my room, not even leaving anytime for my family to say hello to me. Just waiting for tomorrow. The next day when I get to school I see the weird kid and he's constantly hovering around me yet far away still. Standing near Corners anxiously like he's wanting to approach me. He asks the teacher to go to the bathroom and a couple hours later he comes out at recess looking like he's in worse condition than he already is.

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8 months ago

Gay stalker story part 2

He goes up to me and timidly hands me a paper, stealing a squeeze of my hand as he passes it. It reads how he's sorry if he scared me at all when I saw him yesterday and talks about how he understands my thoughts and knows what I deal with and how I'm so special and he just wants to help with my struggles. The note basically walks around how he is stalking me. No, you've been stalking me for months, leaving me anxious! I don't forgive you! Just then, he goes completely silent, I know he wasn't talking to begin with, but now I can't even hear him breathe. His eyes freeze, and his pupils dilate. I can sense his whole body vibrating violently. It's not even like he's going to freak out, but he's eerily calm with a frozen expression on his face. He slowly walks away. For the rest of the day, he doesn't even open his mouth to breathe he just sits there staring into space. The next day, when I go to school, I notice bandages running up from his wrists to his shoulders. As the day goes by, some bandages fall off, revealing red slashes still with dried blood all over them. I really hope that isn't because of me, I think to myself, but I think it is. After school, I'm in my room and thinking about what I saw today. I feel kind of bad, so the next day at school, I go up to him and apologize for my reaction. He smiles. "Don't worry, I deserved it. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time I've done it for you." I'm taking back by this. "Here, I made this for you yesterday to show you how sorry I am." From his backpack, he pulls out a box of chocolates and a cupcake. Th- thank you? "Make sure to eat it when you get home." He also hands you a card with his address and phone number. "So we can call and maybe send things to each other." Don't you need my address then? I ask. He gives me an awkward smile. Well, I kind of already know hehe… I'm walking home, thinking about the interaction I just had. I'm now on a first name basis with the creepy little weasel. I have to admit I kind of have a crush on him. I always thought I was straight. I mean, I am straight, but he definitely makes me feel a certain way, that's for sure. And in all honesty, he's kind of cute.

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8 months ago

Gay stalker story part 3 When I get home, I try the cupcake first. It tastes a little too salty and I start to feel sick afterwards (little does are protagonist now but the weird kid cummed in the batter because he wanted to "put his love in.") Even though I feel a little sick I still feel bad so I try one of the chocolates as I bite into it the horror sets in as I realize that there's blood leaking out of the chocolate. The chocolates are full of his blood! I- I don't know what to do… but honestly knowing that he went through the work of filling the chocolates with his own blood just to apologize to me makes me feel, well special. The next day I head out of the house to go to school and he's standing right outside of my house with a bundle of roses. His eyes are watery and around them it's raw red with scratches on his face. I asked worriedly what happened, and he says that he was crying all night just because he missed me so much. And when I bring up the scratches he says the euphoria of me apologizing to him was just too much for his body to handle. He talks about how he spent all night crying and throwing up and violently shaking. I'm in shock but I feel like I shouldn't make a big deal out of it because I don't want to upset him. After school that day I let him walk home with me and he finally admits how he stalked me everyday hoping that I would talk to him. We say our goodbyes at the door and when I come inside, my mom says "well you're late." I shrug. "Hey take me seriously! You didn't call or anything, something bad could have happened to you!" Sorry… (she sighs) that night I'm laying in bed getting ready to sleep when the window opens and the weird kid is hanging outside my house. He jumps into my room. "I- I'm so sorry… I just couldn't take another night without you!" I can't believe he just broke into my house. It's ok. He gets in bed right beside me. He asks me about my day, who did I talk to, what did I do, what books do I like, what's my favorite food. He says he wants to know more about me. He wants to know everything about me. I tell him about my family, my mom, dad and younger siblings. I asked him about his family and tells me he doesn't really have a good home life. He has an abusive family and his parents don't really make any money so he is starving most of the time. I finally asked him why me? Why am I so special? "I don't know. I just saw you on the first day of school and something clicked in my brain. My head chose you as my obsession. And now I need you, you were chosen as my new obsession." He then asks if we can cuddle. Of course I say yes. He grabs me tight and inhales all of my scent. He rests his head on my chest like a pillow and squeezes me. I stroke his hair and he holds me and he feels my warmth infused with his body. He melts into me and for a moment it feels like time itself is standing still as we stay like this. We talk for hours until we slowly fall asleep together like this.

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8 months ago

Gay stalker story part 4 I wake up half asleep and notice how he's grabbing on to me so tight that he's accidentally punctured holes through my shirt with his fingertips touching my chest. His frail body that's usually shaking and trembling looks somewhat at peace for the first time I've seen. He noticeably has a boner which is a little uncomfortable, so I move him to the side, but his grip strengthens even though he's asleep. So I decided to drift back off to sleep. When I wake up, I see him standing up wearing my clothes.”i- I am so sorry, your scent was just so good I needed to wear it.” It's okay, I say, but we have to get you out of here before my mom sees you. I open up the window. “but- but we'll walk to school together, right?” Okay, just wait outside my house. “No, but I wanted to make you breakfast!” I'm sorry, but no, my mom will see you and wonder what you're doing in the house. she doesn't even know you. “oh ok…” he climbs out my window and plops down into the backyard. I go downstairs, grab some breakfast for me and him, and run outside. here. “Oh my God, thank you! You didn't have to. I'm so sorry.” Don't apologize, it's okay. eat, I don't want you to starve. “you don't? Sorry, it's just people who said I looked better like this than before I was starving. my parents barely ever get food, but even when they do, I don't want to eat, to be honest. I don't want to ruin those people's perception of me if they like me this way instead.” Oh god, no. Of course, I don't want you to starve. I'm so sorry people have said that to you. He hugs me tighter. “I'm so happy my brain chose someone that's kind-hearted. Unlike last time, when my brain chose someone who didn't treat me nearly as nice as you do.” All I did was give you breakfast. “But I don't deserve anything. In fact, I deserve to be punished. Like severely.” his shirt sags down, revealing marks on his back. How mean was your past obsession? “Oh I wouldn't call them mean. They were just doing what's right, what I deserve. I would never blame them.” his eyes start to get watery. Well, I don't know. If they weren't treating you right, they don't sound very nice to me. “Thank you for being so wonderful.” Hey, it's okay, you don't need to thank me. I'm just doing what I feel is right.

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8 months ago

Gay stalker story part 5

We head to school, and later that day at recess, I see him in the corner looking like he wants to walk up to me but is nervous to do so. I grab his hand and pull him towards me. it's okay. You're allowed to hang out with me. but my classmates pulled me aside. “Hey dude, what are you doing? the kid’s kind of creepy, especially to you. you shouldn't endorse that kind of behaviour. if you let him get away with it, he'll know he can do more.” I don't know what to say. I mean, they're probably right, but he seems harmless enough at the moment, but I understand it should be something to take into consideration if things get out of hand. For the rest of the day, he stuck with me but looked shy and wary of other people. After school, we walked home together, of course. I told him he could come into my room again tonight and his face lit up. It's kind of cute, to be honest, seeing them this happy. Later that night, he comes up to me excitedly and says. “Hey there's something I’ve been really wanting to show you, and since you've been so nice to me, I think it was a good time.” Okay, I say. He takes my hand and leads me out the window and on top of the roof. “Okay now just follow me” he steps back and runs across the roof, jumping onto another one, barely making it yet still graceful in doing so. “don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall.” I gather up my courage, step back and run, jumping, and I slip grabbing onto the edge of the roof. He grabs me, looking intensely into my eyes. his eyes glistening in the Moonlight. he surprisingly is able to pull me up, and I fall on top of him. He's looking euphoric as ever staring at me. He gets up, and for the first time, he looks almost confident like a leader of some sort. He grabs my hand and tells me to jump when he says so. We run across the rooftops "jump," and we make it. We're running and jumping all across the neighbourhood secret shortcuts, and we even come across some wooden ramps put in place for easy access. When Crossing along a log placed in between two houses, he starts talking. "You know this is how I would stalk you if you wanted to know. It started with a quick run up to a roof to avoid you seeing me, and then I started doing it more. Eventually, I put up these wooden planks and logs to make the places I would see you the most easier to head to. I never meant to stalk you… I'm sorry. originally, I just wanted to go up to talk to you, but I got so nervous. The thought of a bad impression happening hurt me so much. The stress was causing so much pain that the doctor said it was burning a hole in my stomach. I didn't even know that was a thing that could happen. Eventually, I started making up scenarios with you in my head. My mind filled out your imperfections with my default likes. I made you the perfect person for me. it's like when you're in an online game, it's easier to make friends because everyone is anonymous, so you don't have your biases you usually would in real life. your brain just fills in the gaps with what you would want that person to look like… Oh, we're here!" We climb up a rather large roof, and then I see it because we're in a rather dark part of town. You can see a whole Starry Sky with the closest view to the Moon you can get. it looks beautiful, the giant moon in complete darkness surrounded by tiny glistening glittery dots. We stare at each other in front of it, and we inch closer. I hold his hand, and he hugs me. We sit on the ledge of the roof and stare at the beautiful view together. “I hope you like it"

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