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6 months ago

I recently discovered an old AU someone made of the SDV characters being inverted, I know there’s a google doc but I couldn’t find it anywhere however it did give me the idea to invert the twins because I’m a sucker for AU stuff.

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6 months ago

Harvey: Your laugh is contagious 😄



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6 months ago

Personal Harvey Headcannons

I’m totally not stalling my Maya and Maria stuff

Harvey Davis (idk it just felt right as a last name)

6’2 tall but not too tall. (Still towers over Maya’s short self though)

36 years old (I know some make him older some make him younger but for me it’s a perfect middle ground)

I made a poll recently about this but I have been convinced of the idea of his eyes being Hazel instead of just green or just brown.

Grandfather was a pilot and that’s where his dream of becoming one came from.

Loves to make medical puns

I think he can flirt for sure he just gets completely nervous and overthinks it afterwards

Definitely gained his addiction to coffee in college

SHE trio of course, I see them as like drinking buddies (makes me cry to see on the wiki he just has no relationships give my boy some friends 😭)

I feel like he’s definitely the kind of guy that won’t shut up about his spouse

I’m gonna say it, I think he has a good singing voice. Humming along to his jazz music or singing in the shower (if he isn’t exhausted from work)

Apologizes too much, once apologized to the door when bumping into it.

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6 months ago

Please could you tell us about your farmer? 😊

AAAAAAAAAAA— *ahem* Yes of course, I need to go in more depth on Maya and her sister.

Anything I don’t bring up can also be found here. (Of course there may be some conflicting information because I am changing some stuff)

Maya and her sister were both born just before Spirit’s eve on a full moon, as a result they were…different. They’re witches, twin witches I based them on my favorite childhood Disney movie Twitches because why not.

Now for this ask I’m gonna focus on Maya specifically. Growing up Maya tried her best to learn how to control her abilities(mostly based on mods that I have like for example better foraging being telekinesis and being able to sense certain things in the valley, fast travel being teleportation etc.) however she wouldn’t use it in public because her mother put into her head that people wouldn’t see her as normal.

She spent her summers in the Valley with her grandfather, when she wasn’t in the city at school she sure did enjoy helping her grandfather on the farm. She thrived in the valley, feeling pretty much at home there. Her grandfather would show her around the town and they would attend the Luau and of course her favorite the Moonlight Jellies. When she wasn’t working however she found a few secrets of her own, little apple shaped creatures popping up every now and then but disappearing when someone else shows up, swearing she saw a fairy in the garden sprinkling dust over some crops. Strange things happen all the time in the valley and Maya wanted to explore it all, however all good things came to an end when her grandfather passed from an illness in her pre-teens.

After her grandfather’s passing Maya no longer had a reason to visit the valley, she became a shut in for her teen years up till college. By then she didn’t really know what to do with her life, she dropped her dream job and she spent too much time moping around. She decided to move out to community college just barely getting by money-wise before working for Joja.

Post-college she worked full time at Joja while staying in her apartment with Maria. Maria didn’t exactly live there but she may as well have, she would mainly crash there and maybe on a good day do some chores. Over time she had enough and discovered her gift from her grandfather, the farm, the place she felt at home at was hers now. And of course Maria followed, Maya didn’t exactly want Maria there but she felt that maybe she could use the company, as long as she did something.

(Bare with me I’m almost done yapping)

When taking over the farm Maya was almost a completely different person, no longer a miserable shut in because she wanted to continue her grandmother’s legacy. Poor girl hardly socialized during Spring, people would see her around during festivals and when making purchases from Pierre’s or leaving the Clinic because she would get injured from working on the farm or in the mines or passing out from exhaustion overworking herself. People would get whatever they were requested sent to them. If you really wanted to interact with her you’d be lucky to find her fishing somewhere. As for her magic she tries not to use it too much when working, she may slightly convenience herself by using telekinesis or when no one is looking teleport to another location.

I think I will leave it at that for now since I did plan on dropping prologue soon.

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6 months ago

Fuck it we ball

Stardew Valley Ask Game!

How did you get into Stardew Valley?

What's your favorite farm to play on?

What's your favorite pet?

What's your favorite farm animal?

Which of your stats usually maxes out the quickest?

Who's your favorite bachelorette?

Who's your favorite bachelor?

Who's your favorite non-marriable?

Who's your least favorite character?

What's the most aesthetically pleasing thing in game?

What animal would you like to see added to the game?

Who's the most overrated character?

Who's the most underrated character?

Who's your favorite ungiftable character?

If you ship characters, what's your favorite ship?

What's your least favorite ship?

What's your favorite friendship?

What's your favorite cutscene?

Least favorite cutscene?

What goal do you try to achieve first in game?

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6 months ago

2, 7, 12 and 20 pls 🙏

2. What’s your favorite farm to play on?

Honestly the newest one, Meadows if I remember correctly. I mean you get to start with a coop and 2 chickens which means eggs early on for money and the community center.

I don’t think this counts but I did download DaisyNiko’s Solo Four Corners map which is pretty good for separating the farm for different sections which is also pretty good.

7. Who’s your favorite bachelor?

Take a wild guess.

Jokes aside when I started playing this game all the way back in middle school I was all over Sebastian, but when I started playing again just about when this month started I wanted to try someone new and I fell for the doctor immediately. Honestly my top boys are Harvey, Sebastian, and Sam.

12. Who’s the most overrated character?

Honestly I don’t think I feel any are overrated, I mean the characters I dislike are universally disliked (Clint, Demetrius, Lewis etc.) so I don’t really I have a proper answer to this one.

20. What goal did you try to achieve first in game?

I normally don’t really go for anything specific but usually the first achievement I hit is the first money related one. I always sell stuff when harvested(which bites me in the ass when someone requests it after I already sold it but I’m working on that) and if I have something to make it more valuable (preserves jar, keg, mayo machine etc.) I use it then sell it. I always sell gems if it’s not needed for something else and once I get a crystalarium I would put a diamond in there for money. The only other achievements I actively try to get are usually way after I’ve gotten Greenhorn is the one where you make the governor really happy and the blue ribbon.

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6 months ago

I got a super meal out of the trash but I don’t have the heart to give it to Harvey 😭

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6 months ago


Me: *Vibing playing stardew valley:3*

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6 months ago

Hello all!

I just wanted to drop a sneak peek at what I have been writing for my Maya x Harvey thing, it is a WIP but I just wanted to share this to see what people think of it. This is a paragraph from the prologue.

Maya moped around her room looking at old photos of her and her grandfather. She began to yearn for the valley again, the fresh air, the scenery, the mystical atmosphere, the— “Huh?” Maya’s thoughts were interrupted when started to feel a presence of some kind, it felt like… her grandfather? She followed the sense to her bedside table, pulled open the drawer and there it was, the letter, the one her grandfather gave her all those years ago. Maya grabs the envelope and takes some time to read what’s inside. “AHA! THIS IS IT! THIS IS WHAT I NEED!” Maya’s shouting caught the attention of Maria, she shot up from the couch and ran to the bedroom door. “Maya! It’s 12am! You can’t be shoutin’ like that!” Maria whispered, “Sorry…” Maya lowered her voice and awkwardly cleared her throat, “I have made a spontaneous decision.” “What?” Maria questioned “Starting tomorrow, I’m getting out of this place. Away from this shitty apartment, away from this tiring job, away from this overwhelming city!” Maya started “And this is my ticket out of here!” Maya holds up the envelope from her grandfather. “The letter from gramps? What does that have to do with this?” Maria looked at her confused and slightly tired “I have been given ownership of the farm! And I’m moving there as soon as possible!” It was like a fire thought to be long gone was lit up within Maya, Maria hadn't seen her this excited in years. “That old place? Is it even still there?” Maya waves her hand causing a piece of paper and pen to appear before her. “Only one way to find out!”

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5 months ago

Me: *Literally just trying to focus on writing*

My brain: Make an AU where Maya and Maria are deities of the valley…


Me: *Literally Just Trying To Focus On Writing*

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5 months ago

I wonder how Harvey would react to how we react when he doesn’t have his mustache, like one day he shaves it or something(yeah right) and then his partner is like “WHERE IS IT? WHERE’S YOUR MUSTACHE?? YOUR BEAUTY IS DESTROYED!”

I Wonder How Harvey Would React To How We React When He Doesnt Have His Mustache, Like One Day He Shaves

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5 months ago

Legit got into a silly little argument with my bf over this post because a while back I showed him this and then he skimmed through reading the post not really paying attention and then just now I started yapping about Harvey to him and he goes “The guy who woke something up and it pooped on the bed?” And I had to figure out what in the actual fuck he was talking about only to find out he was referring to this post and mistook Pierre for Harvey. His excuse was “They live close together.” 😭

Stole your daughter's guinea pig. If you ever want to see David again you gotta fork over 10,000g

Oh, no…. that’s just awful. Really, it’s terrible…

Stole Your Daughter's Guinea Pig. If You Ever Want To See David Again You Gotta Fork Over 10,000g

…I just spent my last 10,000G on seeds for the shop. Now we’ll never get him back, and I’ll never wake up in the middle of the night because he got out of his cage and started pooping on the bed ever again. What a shame!

Stole Your Daughter's Guinea Pig. If You Ever Want To See David Again You Gotta Fork Over 10,000g

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5 months ago
Eh?! There's Another Farmer?..

Eh?! There's another farmer?..

Eh?! There's Another Farmer?..

Yes, it is another farmer! Hi there, Maya. I'm V! I don't think we have met before... it's a pleasure to meet you.

— @ur-farming-weirdo

Eh?! There's Another Farmer?..

Hello V, it’s nice to meet you as well! I’m still pretty new around here so there’s still plenty of fellow farmers I haven’t met yet.

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5 months ago

So I was thinking about the SDV ask game I reposted so people could ask me questions and I thought about the first one. To be completely honest I don’t think I have an answer to that one. I didn’t experience the fandom until after a few years of playing the game, I genuinely think I just one day saw the game and went “yeah sure why not” because I don’t remember seeing anything beforehand about the game. 😭

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5 months ago

Ok so before the hurricane hit I had an idea

Ok So Before The Hurricane Hit I Had An Idea
Ok So Before The Hurricane Hit I Had An Idea

After halfway through drawing it I realized that I hate drawing wet hair and put the drawing down. Don’t worry I am still working on this, just know that what I’m cooking won’t come out as intended and that will eat at my soul every day. 😭

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5 months ago

One of these days I may livestream stardew on a new save in the future i just need time and a setup

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5 months ago

I thought yall were exaggerating about how some shirts in Stardew just gives you boobs till I found one in the dirt and put it on 😭

So anyway gonna start wearing it when I visit Harv—

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5 months ago
Couldnt Sleep So I Made Portraits Of Maya And Harveys Kids, Because I Will Do Anything Except Work On
Couldnt Sleep So I Made Portraits Of Maya And Harveys Kids, Because I Will Do Anything Except Work On

Couldn’t sleep so I made portraits of Maya and Harvey’s kids, because I will do anything except work on the stuff I’m supposed to

Azalea- Older sister by a year and fully embraced the mystical side of the valley like her mother and wants to help in the medical field like her father. With the approval of both parents and help from the Wizard she makes potions and remedies from whatever she finds in the forest (basically stuff like Life potions, oil of garlic, etc.), taking on the witch aesthetic (yes she wears the witch costume everywhere) because her mother is one as she puts it. Due to influence from her aunt she’s more extroverted and isn’t afraid to say hello to a new face.

Desmond- Much quieter of the two, he can talk he just usually responds with gestures. Joins his father in making plane models which led to him eventually tinkering with various objects. Nearly gave Harvey a heart attack a few times whenever he messed with something potentially dangerous but eventually he got a more safe environment to mess around in. He goes down a more engineering path helping his mom make things easier on the farm, sprinkler system for the greenhouse, even sturdier fences for the animals, etc. because of this he gained a bond with the family in the carpenter shop.

Whether or not the kids have inherited magic is an idk for me dawg I literally just made all this up when I should be sleeping…

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5 months ago

“Fishing is so easy!”😄

I say having not only having the fishing assistant mod (don’t judge me) but also the advanced iridium pole, plenty of challenge bait and the efficient enchantment so it doesn’t take too much energy 😔

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5 months ago



Had to look like a badass getting not only getting the last legendary fish but also the last fish in the whole collection. (This is cannon now.)

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