Start Our Restart Au - Tumblr Posts
/start our restart/
(you, our fishy (Sebastian) and p.AI.nter get a restart to life)
You and Sebastian had been planning to escape the hadal for a while, and with help from p.AI.nter, you got the chance and used it.
Urban shade crumbled from their experiments and framing you and Sebastian solace of crimes to you didn’t commit being exposed to the world in front your eyes (and screen) and you were sent with the mission of bringing Sebastian home (and p.AI.nter joined with)
the drive home was….. strange…. You… hadn’t been changed with experiments, and your family? They knew about Sebastian, the whole world did. Sebastian was crammed in the back of the van you were driving, Staring out the window, you both holding back tears (p.AI.nter would be too, if he wasn’t a computer) he hadn’t seen the sky in 11 YEARS! You hadn’t been in the site nearly as long, but still missed your family, and the world.
Sebastian watched the clouds, like he always did when he was human. He could point out every kind of cloud in the sky, he had a soft smile, he couldn’t even think of a snarky comment.
“I never… I never thought I would have a second chance….… but here we are… and honestly? I’m ready… I’m so SO ready…”
You smiled, p.AI.nter was sketching the clouds he could remember. You were driving to your family home near the sea, you could FEEL that your family was excited to see you again, after being framed, put on death row taken and into the hadal by urbanshade. But now? You were free, urban shade is almost definitely never coming back, and a HUGE, HUGE bonus? Sebastian and p.AI.nter were safe… that’s all that mattered really, thats all that mattered to you….
“Second chances are hard to come by, but here we are… let’s go
start our restart”
THIS IS GOING TO BECOME A SERIES! I HAVE BEEN PREPPING FOR THIS MAN (this isn’t the au I was talking about in my very first post, but this is one)
[fishy dish!]
Start our restart au!
(You, Sebastian, and p.AI.nter finally get to your family on the beach, but, Sebastian is scared, but finally gets to eat normal food again!)
tw: swears, but its me swearing in the authors interjections and time skips because hell yeah
THIS SHOULD BE READ AFTER READING /start our restart/!!!
Sebastian had fallen asleep in the back of the van, you could hear his snoring. The back of the van was rather cramped (for Sebastian at least) so you were surprised he fell asleep, p.AI.nter moved on from sketching the clouds, and started sketching you (authors interjections: silly guy :})
soon enough, you saw your family home, and the sparkling sea next to it. It’s all just…… so much, the fact you were free, the fact Sebastian and p.AI.nter were with you, and the whole world knew your stories…..
(authors interjections: with the family home thing, don’t live near the sea? To bad! You do now 😈 /j, it’s for story purposes TRUST 🛐)
you spotted the family that could get there on the standing on the drive way (authors interjections: idk how to write this because…like… what if one of you readers don’t like the family thing?? ughhhh I’m just kduiansgemsk jelp me idk what to dooooo)
you parked, Sebastian could feel the stop in movement and raised his head and yawned,
“mmmmphhh where are….we..??”
You looked back at him, and spoke
you step out the car door and were rushed by your family, in a rib crushing group hug (author interjections: you had been framed, so you aren’t a criminal, if your wondering why they aren’t concerned or scared)
a tiny time skip
Sebastian was still in the car, watching you from the window, he was a social person when he was human, but now? He was a monster… what if your family is scared of him? What if they hate him? To many possibilities….you had taken p.AI.nter out of the car already, you knew Sebastian was scared, p.AI.nter really didn’t care, plus? He was a robot/Ai… kinda hard to be scared of a thing with no limbs
Your littler cousins and siblings talked to p.AInter, questioning him. You walked over to the car, and opened the door to the back of the van, and spoke to a scared Sebastian.
“what if their scared of me…?”
“they’ll LOVE you…. You’re funny and witty and…… you! That’s all that matters…”
“……….……I’m trusting you {name}”
you took Sebastian’s big hands and led him out of the car, he looked around suspiciously, your family looked shocked at his appearance,
“I told you…..!”
“Sebby… it’s ok… it’s not everyday you see someone like you, but that doesn’t mean their scared”
Your turned back to your family group and spoke,
“this is the….person…. Everyone has been raving about, he’s completely safe I swear, he’s just….different“ “yeah… different”
one of your little cousins spoke, they were young so they didn’t really know how to regulate their words
“he looks weird………but cool!”
you looked over at Sebastian, who was clearly still nervous, which was funny being that he was a 10ft tall eel/whale/mantis shrimp/angler fish, {REDATCTED}, etc, mixed mutant
time skip because I’m not writing an entire fucking scene of just that lmaooooo, I’m lazy ok? 😭
you had entered the house, that since you hadn’t seen it in a while, was basically a mansion, but smaller and not as.. rich-y. Sebastian looked around, he had to duck to get in the door, fidgeting with his hands…. His third arm by his side, your younger relatives stared at him, not even trying to hide it. You told them to knock it off, the house was big, but Sebastian REALLLY didn’t want to accidentally crush a small child so he had to be careful (authors interjections: nah, fuck them kids)
You tried to reassure him while walked around your childhood home, finally having your freedom back, p.AI.nter was interacting with the kids, and the adults looked at him with confusion. Your family had set up a room for Sebastian to conform to his….. big…. Size (authors interjections: IM NOT BODY SHAMING I SWEAR TO GOD. HES JUST 10ft LONG-)
Another time skip because I’m FUCKING LAZY.
you walked into Sebastian’s new room, he was slithering around in it, trying to make sense of the fact he was free, you spoke,
“we have food…. If you wanna eat… it’s a lot I know…. It’s probably wayyy more confusing cus you where in that god forsaken place for 11 years… you can…. come down when you want”
“…….. thank you…. For this….”
“No need to thank me sebs….”
(Author interjections: I want to kiss that fish so bad but he doesn’t exist ☹️ no fictional crush has had me wilding like this until Sebastian came into my life istg)
You walked back down the stairs and joined for family for your first meal back… it’s was… nostalgic… but welcomed… soon enough, Sebastian struggle-slithered down the stairs, he made it though. You told your family he might get a little emotional, or at least would be really nervous. And he was, poor sebby was almost shaking, where was p.AI.nter? God knows, He doesn’t have to eat but he’s easy to find soooo. Sebastian sat on his tail like he did when he was at the hadal, it was muscle memory at this point, (authors interjections: OOOOOOO IMAGINE THE CRAMPS OH MY GODDDD POOR FISHY)
He stayed silent, for someone who was always chatty. It was surprising to hear him not talking your ear off, (authors interjections: I DESPISE describing people eating, why? I DON’T FUCKIN KNOW 😭😭 IT JUST MAKES ME EWWWWAJUAKANSSJJEID, so I’m just gonna avoid it 😜)
Sebastian hadn’t had a PROPER meal in… 11 years. 11 YEARS! (Authors interjections: 11 years is gonna come up a lot get used to it LMAOO) he tried to hide the fact his tail was slightly wagging because he did not handle embarrassment good at ALLLL, and he hid his smile, you could tell though….
Your family seemed confused by him, made sense. Made a lot of sense. Tears slightly welled up in Sebastian’s three glowing eyes, you spoke,
“you good sebs?”
“I-I’m- don’t call me that!- I’m fine. I-I’m perfectly fine…”
“Im taking your word for ittttt.”
One of your relatives asked about the hadal, and what it was like in there
“……………bad… it was-“
“Hell…. It was basically hell… you weren’t safe anywhere…it’s why I’m like this…!!! Sorry-… t-to much detail-…”
Sebastian spoke, then apologized, he wasn’t wrong though….. your relatives realized they hit a sensitive topic and stopped digging about it
Sebastian finished eating, (authors interjections: that HURT to write, it’s three words but I had a VISCERAL REACTION TO THEM 😭) and struggle-slithered back up the stairs to his now room. He set up a little “nest” in the corner of the bed, putting all the pillows and blankets on the bed corner farthest from the door, being defensive was a habit hard to break…
but life was gonna be better
so. SO much better….
and Sebastian? Was ready for it
for the most part at least
KEKEKEKEKKEKEKE ITS DONEEEEE!!! I know there’s not a lot about him eating but fishy dish is such a good title I can’t change it- 😭😭
also, don’t be afraid to comment! Criticism, praise (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE-) things you found cute or funny? Anything! (Be nice please I’m sensitive -☹️ (/j))