Station 11 - Tumblr Posts

I have to stop reading dystopian literature and watching dystopian stories (I won't) because here's a list of things that I've done reading Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel) and watching the HBO/Max series adaptation.

cried. so many gods be damned times

wanted to throw the book against the wall (and resisted)

wanted to cuss out the author

...cussed out the author

snapped the book shut and swore


made two playlists to fit the vibes


read fix-it fics because i was mad about a very clever narrative choice

dedicated nine songs to the universe

literally been so wrapped up in the universe i spilt milk down my shirt

screamed into a pillow

read it four times in three weeks

wanted to punch several characters

planned a new tattoo

had several flashbacks and moments of panic

related to the villain

related to the main characters

questioned my life in great detail

panicked over whether the Georgia Flu could ever happen

researched spread of viruses (again)

got distracted and tried to replicate the Georgia Flu in

regretted ever reading the book

wished i could read it again for the first time

cried some more.

whispered 'im never going to finish this series' before binging another six episodes while drawing and crying because they changed the story for the better.

...anyway, thanks. Emily. You did a good job.

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