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When the Power Goes Out: How to Stay Calm and Prepared

Shaina Tranquilino

November 21, 2023

When The Power Goes Out: How To Stay Calm And Prepared

I was on the way home from attending a birthday dinner and all of a sudden, the streets went dark, all the street lamps were off, and it was pitch black outside. Thankfully, I was close to home and I had my phone on me to use as a flashlight. We don't have many power outages where I live, so I am lucky. However, since I am now at home sitting in the dark, I figured, what a perfect time to write! I wrote this blog on what to do when the power goes out, as I believe it can help some people calm down and be prepared in case this happens to them!

So, Imagine you're in the middle of a regular day, going about your daily routine when suddenly, darkness engulfs your surroundings. The power has gone out! Whether it's due to inclement weather, an electrical issue, or any other unforeseen circumstance, losing power can be quite inconvenient. However, instead of panicking or feeling helpless, there are several steps you can take to ensure safety and make the most of this unexpected downtime. In this blog post, we will discuss some practical tips on what to do when the power goes out.

1. Assess the situation: The first thing to do is calmly assess whether it's just your home experiencing a power outage or if it's more widespread. Check if your neighbours' houses are also without electricity. If they are affected too, it's likely a larger-scale issue that requires contacting the utility company for updates.

2. Gather essential supplies: Having an emergency kit handy is always beneficial during a power outage. Ensure you have items such as flashlights with extra batteries, candles, matches or lighters (safely stored away from children), portable phone chargers or power banks, a battery-operated radio for news updates, and enough drinking water and non-perishable food for at least 72 hours.

3. Preserve perishables: If the power outage lasts longer than a couple of hours, consider opening refrigerators and freezers only when necessary to maintain cool temperatures inside. This will help prevent spoilage of food items and extend their shelf life until normalcy is restored.

4. Secure alternative lighting: Use flashlights or battery-powered lanterns rather than relying solely on candles during extended periods without electricity; they offer safer illumination while reducing fire risks. Keep these lights strategically placed throughout your house to provide adequate visibility in all essential areas.

5. Unplug electronic devices: Before the power comes back on, it's wise to unplug electronic devices and appliances to protect them from potential power surges. This step safeguards your valuable equipment from damage when electricity is restored.

6. Stay entertained: Since you won't have access to television or internet during a power outage, have alternate sources of entertainment ready. Board games, card games, books, or puzzles can provide hours of fun for both kids and adults alike. Engage in meaningful conversations with family members or neighbours and make the most out of this uninterrupted quality time.

7. Keep cool (or warm): Depending on the weather conditions and the duration of the power outage, maintaining a comfortable temperature indoors may become important. If it's hot outside, try opening windows to create cross-ventilation; if it's cold, layer up with warm clothing and blankets. Avoid using gas stoves or charcoal grills for heating purposes as they pose serious risks of carbon monoxide poisoning.

8. Check on vulnerable individuals: If you live alone or have senior citizens, young children, or pets in your household, ensure their safety during a power outage by checking on them regularly. Make sure they are comfortable and provide necessary assistance if needed.

Experiencing a sudden power outage can be disruptive but staying calm and prepared will help you navigate through this temporary inconvenience smoothly. By assessing the situation, gathering essential supplies, preserving perishables wisely, securing alternative lighting sources, unplugging electronics, finding alternative entertainment options, regulating indoor temperatures appropriately, and checking on vulnerable individuals around you - you will be well-prepared for unexpected moments of darkness. Remember that being proactive before an emergency occurs ensures you're ready to face any challenges that arise while keeping yourself and those around you safe!

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