Emergency Preparedness - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
It Wasnt The Most Ridiculous Thing Out There. Far From It.

“It wasn’t the most ridiculous thing out there. Far from it.”

Brad then reminded Becky so far, the plan for human survival was a cave full of seeds in Iceland and some bunkers in New Zealand built by paranoid rich people with guns. He then restruck the pose.

“Now, what exactly did Becky have to say about the ‘outfit’ again? You know what, it doesn’t matter as no one needs to compete with zero coordination.”

Brad then turned to face Becky directly. “People go to jail for not having an emergency plan. What’s really messed up is nothing exists at the top level for all of us. Why was the human species as a whole so whacked anyway?”

Becky offered to get the next round of margaritas and motioned for Brad to rejoin his place in the cabana. Chris piped in to make them doubles then asked everyone where they should take that conversation. It was a pool day, the snarky could be tabled.

Brad thought it should go to Boise. Chris thought to shuffle it off to Buffalo citing his own disappointment in it’s obviousness. Becky didn’t know where to put it but thought enough to store it in Namibia. It was dry and sparsely populated so would preserve well.

She then guessed a doomsay plan could pass through countless generations unnoticed and undisturbed like Ring Around the Rosie. The coding on that was a bit whacked as the message did not make the impact it could have given it’s significance and pertinence to current global epidemics.

“It was from the Middle Ages so certainly credit could be given there. Did we need to attach trauma to children? It is safe to say there were no guns pointed at anyone.”

Becky went on to state the plague and assumed apocalypse remained daunting. To clear the way for the rest of their pool day while the larger whole got it’s act together, she suggested a temporary placeholder in lieu of a true master plan for the survival of the human species.

“It would need to be super simple and as close to universal as possible. Maybe a song is a good idea. Could we at least say, ‘Don’t panic.’ or ‘Florida is underwater. Think Nepal, not Naples.’

Becky took a sip of a now nearly toasted margarita.

“Of course, people would freak anyway, especially after discovering there was no master plan. It may though give us a moment of clarity before the madness where one out of 8 billion of us might just come up with a resolution.”

Becky further dove in the point explaining the problem even with her suggestions around all this lies exactly where it does in general, surfacing the best idea.

“The car alarm, censor/chat bots, a war on drugs, phone trees, microbeads in soap, beef hamburgers and the electric chair were lauded as genius at one juncture. The fact is the list is infinite, and we know better now. The more hoopla made over something, the more it felt like there was reason to question it.”

Becky then mentioned all the gimmicks around AI. “We really do not know what we are stepping into or better said, already have. For some time, no regulation existed around any of it. AI also did not automatically keep records in the same capacity as with previous technological advances. This was scary.”

All three were already well aware Brad and Chris’ issues with Tumblr stemmed out of bots and a culture difficult to interpret other than hellbent on efficiency and profit ironically at any cost to its own customers.

In an unrealized interruption, Brad interjected his shock, “I so did not associate the censorship with AI until now. That’s…. OMG. I mean… Look at the damage being done to the gay community alone. I didn’t place it. That hardly makes it any less real or hard hitting.”

Becky assured Brad in his reaction and offered some perspective as to what Brad and Chris faced. “There is not sufficient law, social construct, personal protection or compensation around AI. Overall, corporations and those of resource thus far have chosen censorship, ignorance, and to look out for themselves.”

She paused to readjust her composure into a near stand on her knees.

“That IS fear culture. Process exceeds person across the board here, and in the grand scheme everyone loses. You are literally taking the brunt here with your blog bradandchris.com.”

Seeing things materialize for the two, Becky switched gears quickly. “I say keep going. The Oregon Trail didn’t pop up out of nowhere. If you look around, you are not the only gays on the block either. Start your own thing or grind away just as the bots do to you. Eventually people pick up mirroring which is why we all do it where conversations can’t or do not happen for whatever reason.”

Becky scanned the pool looking for their server before returning her attention to Brad and Chris.

“To mirrors, why don’t you start Twittering? Musk is also weary of AI. You might find a home there. It would not hurt to try.”

Brad and Chris appreciated options and the former nodded in affirmation. The each knew they were not helpless, but not unaware any move required significant resources or losses.

As to her suggestion as to where to temporarily store the conversation of a need for master plan for a global emergency, Becky affirmed her choice in Africa. Humanity began on the very same soil, and the entire continent was bothering enough to take time for introspection.

She lived in South Africa for several years as a medical refugee from the United States Her insurance didn’t cover her condition and she needed to go somewhere cheap as well multicultural that came in English with a beach. It was that or Belize.

Chris who’d been quietly sunning at the edge of the cabana suddenly came to life. “Is that where ‘Please Belize’ came from? I’ve heard you say that and caught myself saying it. It’s mad addicting. I’ve tried to keep it to myself as I didn’t know what it meant. I forget to ask every time you are around. The last thing I need to do is offend more people out of the blue.”

Chris sat up to allow for his hands and arms to go full on Price is Right showcase. “I look really good in blue. Just look at my tiny swimmers.”

Becky nodded in affirmation took the last slip of the margarita in hand and motioned for the pool server that came into view to head their way. Satisfied they made contact and on their way over, she called Mars a ‘hellhole’ and reframed Twitter as a definite ‘maybe.’

She then mentioned she got her job assisting for Ralph Lauren after meeting him at the beach in Cape Town. That’s why she came back to the States. Her her stint abroad may also explain some oddities about her.

To bring everything full circle before the server arrived, Becky indicated her regret for using the Oregon Trail as an example. It wasn’t what she intended to say though she could not remember what that was. She pointed out while understandable as a selection, Boise left out half the population inclusive of herself, and that she didn’t know what a ‘shuffle’ was. It did not ring as something particularly evolutionary or bring much to her in terms of inspiration. It did remind her of apples for unknown reasons.

At the end of the day and to rest her case, it was fun to say Namibia.


Becky was so on her game.

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11 months ago

The evacuation prep poster is done! This poster is designed primarily with wildfires in mind, but the tips can apply to preparing for any much any disaster.

If you share this image outside of tumblr, please link back to my website: www.Katy-L-Wood.com

[[Image ID: A poster including a layered graphic showing what items to have ready to prepare for evacuating your home based on how much warning you have that you need to evacuate. The inner, red, level is labeled “No Warning.” The next, orange, level is labeled “Less Than an Hour.” The next, yellow, level is labeled “More Than an Hour.” The final, green, level is labeled “General Preparedness.” The items associated with each level and the text are included below. /end ID.]]


Evacuation Prep:

As the world changes, it is important to be prepared to safely and efficiently evacuate your home, potentially with little or no warning. Preparing ahead of time can help to reduce stress and anxiety, and help you evacuate safely if the time comes.

Red Level (No Warning): People | Pets | Keys. Human life matters most. If you can’t rescue your pets, let them out to give them their best chance. If evacuating by car, don’t forget your keys.

Orange Level (Less Than an Hour): Crucial Meds | Important Papers | Money | Paper Map | Pet Vaccination Records. Crucial meds and medical equipment. Papers including passports, birth certificates, medical records, etc.. Multiple forms of payment. Paper map with marked evac routes in case of signal loss. Phone. Most evac centers require vaccine records for pets to be allowed in.

Yellow Level (More Than an Hour): Photos | Hard Drives | Computers | Chargers | Irreplaceable Items | OTC Meds | Pet Supplies | Pet Food | Clothes | Weather Gear. Family photos. Hard drives and computers. Make digital backups ahead of time. Charging cords. Irreplaceable items such as collectibles and mementos. Over the counter medical supplies such as Aspirin and tampons. Pet supplies such as bowls, crates, toys, and litter. Pet food and treats. Clothes. If you are running out of time grab your laundry basket. Weather gear if needed.

Green Level (General Preparedness): Food | Water | Radio | N95 Masks | Multitool | Power Pack | Gas | Stove + Fuel | Flashlight | Toiletries | Emergency Contact Info | Bedding | First Aid | Can Opener. Easy prep, shelf-stable food. Water. Battery powered/rechargeable NOAA weather radio. N95 masks for smoke. A multitool. Rechargeable power pack for phones. Keep your car at least partially fueled at all times. Portable stove and fuel for cooking food without power. Flashlight and spare batteries. Toiletries including hair products, toothbrush and paste, etc.. Emergency contact info for friends and loved ones. Spare pillows and blankets. Dedicated first aid kit. Can opener.

Save yourself time and stress by preparing an evacuation bag ahead of time and keep it in an easy to access place. At the end of every season rotate out the perishable items within such as food, water, and medications. The more you can keep in the bag, the more time you’ll have to grab everything else. Remember, it is okay if you can’t do everything. Some preparation is better than no preparation.

If you are in the U.S.A. and experiencing disaster related anxiety call the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 for support and resources.


If you share this image outside of tumblr, please link back to my website: www.Katy-L-Wood.comf

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1 year ago

When the Power Goes Out: How to Stay Calm and Prepared

Shaina Tranquilino

November 21, 2023

When The Power Goes Out: How To Stay Calm And Prepared

I was on the way home from attending a birthday dinner and all of a sudden, the streets went dark, all the street lamps were off, and it was pitch black outside. Thankfully, I was close to home and I had my phone on me to use as a flashlight. We don't have many power outages where I live, so I am lucky. However, since I am now at home sitting in the dark, I figured, what a perfect time to write! I wrote this blog on what to do when the power goes out, as I believe it can help some people calm down and be prepared in case this happens to them!

So, Imagine you're in the middle of a regular day, going about your daily routine when suddenly, darkness engulfs your surroundings. The power has gone out! Whether it's due to inclement weather, an electrical issue, or any other unforeseen circumstance, losing power can be quite inconvenient. However, instead of panicking or feeling helpless, there are several steps you can take to ensure safety and make the most of this unexpected downtime. In this blog post, we will discuss some practical tips on what to do when the power goes out.

1. Assess the situation: The first thing to do is calmly assess whether it's just your home experiencing a power outage or if it's more widespread. Check if your neighbours' houses are also without electricity. If they are affected too, it's likely a larger-scale issue that requires contacting the utility company for updates.

2. Gather essential supplies: Having an emergency kit handy is always beneficial during a power outage. Ensure you have items such as flashlights with extra batteries, candles, matches or lighters (safely stored away from children), portable phone chargers or power banks, a battery-operated radio for news updates, and enough drinking water and non-perishable food for at least 72 hours.

3. Preserve perishables: If the power outage lasts longer than a couple of hours, consider opening refrigerators and freezers only when necessary to maintain cool temperatures inside. This will help prevent spoilage of food items and extend their shelf life until normalcy is restored.

4. Secure alternative lighting: Use flashlights or battery-powered lanterns rather than relying solely on candles during extended periods without electricity; they offer safer illumination while reducing fire risks. Keep these lights strategically placed throughout your house to provide adequate visibility in all essential areas.

5. Unplug electronic devices: Before the power comes back on, it's wise to unplug electronic devices and appliances to protect them from potential power surges. This step safeguards your valuable equipment from damage when electricity is restored.

6. Stay entertained: Since you won't have access to television or internet during a power outage, have alternate sources of entertainment ready. Board games, card games, books, or puzzles can provide hours of fun for both kids and adults alike. Engage in meaningful conversations with family members or neighbours and make the most out of this uninterrupted quality time.

7. Keep cool (or warm): Depending on the weather conditions and the duration of the power outage, maintaining a comfortable temperature indoors may become important. If it's hot outside, try opening windows to create cross-ventilation; if it's cold, layer up with warm clothing and blankets. Avoid using gas stoves or charcoal grills for heating purposes as they pose serious risks of carbon monoxide poisoning.

8. Check on vulnerable individuals: If you live alone or have senior citizens, young children, or pets in your household, ensure their safety during a power outage by checking on them regularly. Make sure they are comfortable and provide necessary assistance if needed.

Experiencing a sudden power outage can be disruptive but staying calm and prepared will help you navigate through this temporary inconvenience smoothly. By assessing the situation, gathering essential supplies, preserving perishables wisely, securing alternative lighting sources, unplugging electronics, finding alternative entertainment options, regulating indoor temperatures appropriately, and checking on vulnerable individuals around you - you will be well-prepared for unexpected moments of darkness. Remember that being proactive before an emergency occurs ensures you're ready to face any challenges that arise while keeping yourself and those around you safe!

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