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no place for promises
chapter 31: a vengeful heart
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information)
You can read it on AO3
“What are we looking for again?” Jordan asks, one hand around his third coffee, the other propping up his head. They’re sitting in his dad’s hospital room for a good two hours already. They didn’t start their research immediately. Instead, his dad wanted to know absolutely everything that had happened in Eichen House. When Stiles tells him that he wants to set Peter free, it took his dad a long time to answer. Obviously, he was not happy with the idea. Neither was Jordan. However, in the end, they both accepted his decision - after Stiles told him about all the encounters he had with Peter, including the time he offered him the bite and accepted his decision not to take it.
It’s hard to tell what went through his father’s head the moment he learned about it, but it seemed to be the critical detail that swayed his dad’s decision.
Stiles raises his phone and looks at Theo’s text message again. “A human chimera. Everything’s possible from microchimerism due to pregnancy, to a transplant, and Vanishing Twin Syndrome.” Stiles frowns, biting down on the inside of his cheek for a second, hating the thought that anybody could be a victim, even a pregnant woman, because that means the list just got a lot longer. “Mostly, they choose high-risk victims.” Probably to leave less of a trail to follow, even though Hayden doesn’t quite fit the bill. She is the sister of a police deputy. Then again, Valerie was angry, but not noticeably surprised about Hayden vanishing for a few days. Maybe it didn’t happen the first time. Maybe he misjudged her, and she used to run away from home. “They usually take teenagers or young adults because they have a better risk of survival. But they might take an adult if they think they’re worth their time.” With a sigh, Stiles drops his phone in his lap, wishing Theo could be here right now. Maybe he would notice things they are overlooking. But he doesn’t want to push Theo onto Jordan and his dad, and it’s probably better if they spend time apart, especially considering they’ll be together for the rest of the weekend.
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no place for promises
chapter 33: a little love
Warnings: / (heed tags for further information)
You can read it on AO3
When Stiles opens his eyes, it takes him a moment to find his bearings. Rain slams against the windows and he can hear thunder grumble in the distance. It’s cold in bed, and he’s alone. Something he’s aware of before he rolls onto his side just to make sure. Swallowing heavily, Stiles tugs the second pillow closer. Nothing seems like someone else was in his bed. No dent in the bed. No warmth. Theo must’ve left a while ago. Maybe shortly after he fell asleep. Although he’s aware he fell asleep in Theo’s arms, part of him needs to reassure himself that he’s really been here.
He pulls the pillow closer and presses his face into it. The scent of Theo’s cologne still lingers there. Natural. Woody. A hint of summer. Stiles bites his bottom lip, smiling into the pillow. He closes his eyes again, hugging the pillow a little closer to him, trying to catch as much of his scent as possible. When he moves his head, his nose bumps into a piece of paper. Drawing his eyebrows together, Stiles rolls around to switch on the light, then he studies the paper closely.
Theo’s handwriting is a disaster. It takes him a couple of seconds to try and figure out what he scrawled on the paper he tore out of Stiles’ notebook.
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Thanks @sunel0 for the aesthetic! 💖
So, 89 years later, I finally managed to finish the story. Sorry, it took me ages, nonnie. I hope you’re still around, and you’ll enjoy what I came up with.
The prompt was: “We’re in an abandoned lodge in the middle of nowhere. Sure, you’re totally right, nothing bad could ever happen here.”
As per usual, you can find my story on AO3 as well!
the final game
“A little heads-up,” Theo says, slamming the driver’s door shut, “if we get killed, I’ll break up with you.”
Stiles rolls his eyes. “We both know that’s a big fat fucking lie.” Slinging his backpack over his shoulders, he turns to the cabin he’s planning to inhabit for the weekend. “Being the possessive little shithead that you are, you’re probably already scheming how to lock me down for all eternity.” It looks smaller than it did on the website. It’s also in desperate need of a renovation. Or eight. Hopefully, the owner didn’t forget to put the key under the doormat. Because the other option was leaving the door unlocked for them, and although Stiles is ready to deal with a demon, he’s not ready to find himself face to face with a knife-wielding maniac at the back of beyond in the middle of the night. Theo might be supernatural but he’s a heavy sleeper. A couple of weeks ago, Stiles had to kick him five times until he finally got a response. Come to think of it, maybe he ignored him.
The car beeps, and Theo pushes his keys into the pocket of his jacket. “Not if you keep dragging me into bullshit like this for the rest of our lives.” As if he doesn’t enjoy their little trips. They both know Theo wouldn’t be here if he really didn’t want to. Sure, Stiles can be convincing, doesn’t mean Theo lets him get away with everything. He’s playing favourites, but he does draw a line.
A twig snaps underneath his right foot when Stiles marches towards the building. “Oh, come on. It looks charming.” He doesn’t know what’s worse - the door that’s not even going to keep the wind outside if that forecasted storm does come around or the amount of money he paid for the sad excuse of a cabin that’s probably held together by whatever supernatural entity has nothing better to do than terrorise humans.
“It’s haunted,” Theo announces, scowling down at the step creaking under his foot.
Stiles grins and makes an all-encompassing gesture towards the front door. “Nothing bad is going to happen.”
“We’re in an abandoned lodge in the middle of nowhere. Sure, you’re totally right, nothing bad could ever happen here.” Theo grabs his arm before Stiles gets even close to the door. What does he think is going to happen? He won’t be cursed just because he touches the fucking doorknob.
“You are the crown prince of theatrics.”
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